Becoming Tylers

By Jasper Jones

Published on Jul 26, 2023


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Next installment will be done early next week.

We walked outside the Starbucks into the warm evening air. I was really self conscious and felt like everyone could see my dick through my shorts and was staring, but that was probably just me being paranoid. Campus was a few blocks away so I figured I just had to make it there and then there wasn't much chance I'd run into anyone I knew.

About half a block from the coffee shop Tyler stopped.

"Joe, you have no idea how sexy you are right now" he said in his low sexy voice. For some reason, even though I just met him a few hours ago, Tyler's praise made me swell up with pride. "Your body is amazing. I love watching your bubble ass when you walk in those tight shorts. I love how tall and handsome you are." I was eating it up. "But I want to see more, Joe. Take off your tank and put it in your gym bag."

I froze. It was pretty clear it wasn't a request. I was also freaked out because all that praise and the fabric of my shorts rubbing against my dick had me semi-hard in my shorts. Taking off my tank was going to leave me totally exposed and on the streets.

Tyler could obviously see it in my face. "I know what you're thinking, Joe, but you just came from the gym. It'll look like you went for a run after. And it turns me on so much to see that big broad chest of yours. Take off your tank."

I was still frozen. I mean, that made sense. Guys jog around here shirtless all the time. But it still felt weird to me. I mean, I liked to show off in the locker room and I'd had a few hot encounters in steam rooms, but this was out in the open. Anyone could see me. What if I ran into someone from the office? I don't know how long I was lost in my head, but when I looked at Tyler the disappointment was written all over his face. That sealed it for me. I stripped off my tank and put it in my gym bag.

Tyler beamed and I just melted with his approval. "Good boy, Joe. You look so hot right now. You body is turning me on so much I could fuck you right here in the middle of the street." Tyler laughed a little when he saw the slightly panicked look on my face. "Don't worry, Joe, there's plenty of time for that later." I couldn't tell if he was serious.

We walked the rest of the way to campus and apart from a few looks I got (or maybe I just imagined them) it wasn't too terrible. I was very self-conscious but Tyler would tell me how hot or sexy I was every so often and I couldn't get enough of his praise. Not sure what it was about this kid, but I was falling in deep.

The campus was old, dating from the 1800s, with majestic buildings and plenty of green space. There were tons of tree lined paths and it was a nice contrast to the urban concrete jungle we'd just left.

We were just walking and talking when Tyler said "Let's take a break for a minute" and motioned for me to sit on a nice bench under a tree. Tyler sat really close to me with our bare legs touching. He reached out and put a hand on my thigh which made me nervously look around. "Relax, Joe, there's nobody here." Tyler looked up at me and moved up to kiss me softly. I started to move away but Tyler grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss. At first it was gentle, but I could feel his tongue probing against my lips, pushing its way into my mouth. Tyler's tongue was insistent and eventually I relented and let him inside. He was an amazing kisser and we made out for a long time on that bench with him clearly in charge. Every time someone walked by and I would try to pull back, Tyler would pull me in deeper. His hand also rode up my thigh and I could feel the side of his hand pushing up against my balls. I was rock hard.

"That was really nice, Joe. You're a great kisser and I love seeing your sexy body on display." Why couldn't I get enough of his compliments? "But I want to see more. Take your sneakers and socks off and put them in the gym bag." At this point I was riding so high from the make-out session that I just did what he asked.

"You're such a good boy, Joe. See how much easier it is when you don't fight it?" I just nodded my head - what the fuck was happening to me. "Let me take you on a tour of the campus.

What a sight we must have been. 5'7" Tyler, slim, in board shorts and a tee looking like he could be in high school. Me, 6'3", a 32 year-old muscle jock in tight gym shorts, my cock outline visible through them since just being with Tyler made me semi-hard all the time. Shirtless and barefoot. I was definitely getting looks from college boys and girls alike but I just walked with my head looking to the ground while Tyler took me all over the campus. Every once in a while, a buddy of his would say hello and smile a little when they saw my big practically naked jock body in tow. It was humiliating for me, but Tyler kept smiling at me and it made it all worthwhile.

Tyler's tour ended at the humanities building where he spent most of his time. It was probably around 8 PM by now and the building was mostly empty. Tyler pulled me into a deep kiss and started tweaking my nipples, which made my cock rock hard and dripping pre-cum. He led me into a basement bathroom, which was a row of urinals, 3 stalls and three sinks.

"Take off your shorts, Joe." I panicked. "Please, Tyler, what if someone comes in?"

"Oh, Joe, you were doing so well. Say it for me, Joe. Tell me what's mine. NOW Joe."

I turned deep red. "My jock throat is yours, my jock pussy is yours, my jock body is yours."

"Again and louder."

"My jock throat is yours, my jock pussy is yours, my jock body is yours."


"My jock throat is yours, my jock pussy is yours, my jock body is yours."

"Take off your shorts, Joe."

I slowly slid off my shorts and stood there naked in front of this college Twink. Tyler walked over to me and started feeling my body, running his hands over my pecs and arms, paying special attention to my nipples and finally holding my 7" rock hard dick in his hands and fondling my balls. It felt like it lasted forever and he kept edging me close to cumming but never putting me over. He cupped my glutei and moved his hands all over my muscle ass and into my crack. I didn't want it to stop.

Tyler put his hands on my shoulders and slowly lowered me to my knees. Holding my head in his hands, he rubbed my face back and forth on his board shorts. I could feel the heat of his cock through his shorts.

"Take it out, Joe." I reached up to untie the drawstring of his shorts and he pushed my hand away. "No hands, Joe. Use your mouth. Put your hands behind your back." I did what he said and reached up and pulled on the drawstring with my teeth. It was a lot of work, but I was able to pull down the velcro fly and used my mouth on the hem of the shorts to slowly pull them down. Tyler was moaning appreciatively which only made me work harder.

Finally I was rewarded with a slapping sound as his cock sprang from his shorts. I was mesmerized. It was the most beautiful cock I'd ever seen. 9 inches long, straight and thick around. I reached my mouth forward to suck on it when Tyler said "Not so fast, Joe, start with my balls. Sniff them, lick them, worship them."

I sniffed his balls like a dog in heat, savoring the musky 19-year old smell. I lapped at them getting them nice and wet and tasting the saltiness from a day's sweat. Finally taking them into my mouth one at a time. They were too big to get both in at once. Tyler was moaning appreciatively. "Lick the shaft now, Joe." It was rock hard and I licked up and down the shaft, slobbering on it and getting it wet.

Tyler pulled back suddenly. "What the fuck are you doing, Joe?" he yelled at me. He was clearly really angry and I started to panic wondering what I'd done wrong. "Joe, who told you you could play with yourself? Maybe we should just forget this." Tyler reached down and started pulling up his shorts.

It was like I was punched in the gut. I don't even know what came over me I just started begging him to forgive me, begging for a second chance, practically blubbering as I told him how sorry I was and how I wouldn't be so selfish again. How I would never touch my jock body, no HIS jock body without his permission. I was on the verge of tears.

Tyler started stroking my hair and my face, "Shhh shhh baby. I know you want to do better. It's ok. shhhhh. I'm going to have to punish you, but later. "

I thanked him over and over again for giving me another chance and I promised to do better, although I was a little worried about what punishment was to follow. Tyler told me to get started on his cock again. Licking the shaft, getting it wet and finally directing my mouth to take the head in. It was a big mouthful but he let me go at my own pace to start. Slowly Tyler started taking control. "What a good cocksucker you are, Joe. Not many guys can handle this much of my meat on the first try." I felt so proud. He grabbed the back of my head and started pushing his cock deeper until the head was at the entrance to my throat. "I'm going to push it in, Joe. I know you're going to gag at first. It's ok. I actually like the sound of a cocksucker gagging on my cock. Try to open up for me." He pushed in and I started to gag and sputter on his cock. I thought I was going to choke to death on it but Tyler just kept pushing in. And then he'd pull out a little and I'd gasp for breath before he continued his relentless assault on my throat.

"Oh fuck, Joe. Your jock throat feel so good wrapped around my cock. I'm almost all the way in. Oh fuck yeah, baby boy, feel my balls slapping up against your chin." He continued his assault on my throat while I gagged, chocked and sputtered. I lost track of time, I was lost in the moment and my entire body just a throat for Tyler to use to get off. He called me his faggot, his cocksucker jock and I ate it up.

Finally his pace quickened and he pulled out and plastered four ropes of cum on my hair and face and then stuck his cock back into my mouth and shot volley after volley into my mouth and throat swallowing every drop he deposited.

He pulled me to my feet and kissed me deeply, tasting whatever cum was left in my mouth. We made out for a while and it just felt so good.

"Fuck, Joe, that was one of the best blow jobs I've had in a long time. I can't believe you were able to take me balls deep on your first try. You're such an amazing cocksucker." I was overcome with gratitude for his praise and thanked him over and over again for using my jock throat.

I tried to wipe them cum off my face, but Tyler moved my hand away.

"No, Joe. I like the way my cum looks on your face and in your hair. And there's still the matter of your punishment for touching your cock without permission." That tone was back in his voice. Strong and in charge.

He went over to my gym bag and threw me my shorts. "Put these on." I did and my cock strained obscenely at the shorts.

He rooted around in my bag and handed me my keys, my wallet and my phone.

He put my bag over his shoulder. "That was really fun, Joe. I'm going to go back to my dorm. I'll text you later."

Terror washed over me. "Wait, Tyler, can I get my gym bag?"

Tyler just smiled at me. "No Joe. You have everything you need. You're going to walk back through campus barefoot in just shorts with my cum plastered over your hair and face. And then you're going to walk the three blocks through town to get to your car. When you get in your car, you're going to send me a picture of my cum still in your hair and face so I know you obeyed me. Is that clear?"

I started to sputter, to protest, but Tyler just repeated "Is that clear, Joe."

I was bright red in shame with my head hung low. "Yes, Tyler."

He walked out. How had I sunk so low in the space of 4 hours? And yet I knew I would do exactly what Tyler told me. The walk through campus was humiliating and I attracted some attention and some snickers from college students. One girl even slapped me on the ass and laughed as I walked by. That wasn't as bad though as the city streets where everyone openly stared at me. Thankfully it was starting to get dark and I don't think anyone I knew saw me.

I got into my car, took out my phone, snapped a pic of my cum streaked face and sent it to Tyler.

Tyler texted back: "Good boy, Joe. You took your punishment like a man. You can touch your dick now, but you have to cum in your car in the parking garage."

It took only 30 seconds for me to cum one of the biggest loads in my shorts that I think I've ever shot. As I came off the high, waves of shame washed over me and I just started crying, tears streaming down my face. I drove home swearing I would stop seeing Tyler. But I knew I was lying to myself.

That's it for Part II. Thanks for reading and don't forget to support Nifty.

Next: Chapter 3

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