Becoming Toms Boy

By David McFerrin

Published on Nov 22, 2021


Inspired by the stories that I've read at Nifty, I decided to share my coming-of-age story that happened many years ago (1984-ish) when I was a college student. Tom, a wonderful man who was 20+ years older than me, helped me, a closeted and repressed young gay guy, explore my sexuality. The times we spent together were so hot, I still get off thinking about them. Hopefully, my adventures gets you off too.

Over 35 years ago, it was certainly a much different time to younger gays. AIDS was happening, society was in a completely different place, and there just wasn't any real outlets, other than gay bars, to explore life as a young gay man. As I reflect on the past, I can't believe just how naïve I was. I was around 20 years old and in college. While I had a so-called boyfriend, I was very closeted and in denial of my sexuality. Sex with the boyfriend was very vanilla and was predominately oral and mutual masturbation. I tried bottoming a few times but found it to painful, now knowing because neither of us really knew what we were doing. Enough about that, I'll tell you about Tom, the man who really taught me the pleasures of gay sex.

As with many college kids, I was involved in some extracurricular activities with a local non-profit. One of the requirements of the organization was to have two volunteers from the organization on the board of directors. Of course, at 20, I didn't even know what the board was, but I was asked to be one of the volunteer reps. I thought it would be a good resume builder, so I said yes. Little did I know how much I'd actually learn from the experience.

I had gone to the meetings for several months and it's what you'd expect from a non-profit board. There was the obligatory lawyer, accountant, and banker. The board was heavy with university types as this was in a college town. There were at least two professors and one dean, along with several other community leader types. The community members of the board were friendly, but let's face it, I was there to satisfy a by-laws requirement, not to provide any meaningful guidance. However, there was one man, Tom, who seemed to be friendlier than most, and seemed to want to engage in conversation with me, both before and after the meetings. Tom was a very attractive man in his mid 40's. He was around 5'10", clean shaven and weighed around 200lbs. He wasn't fat, but thick, in a very good way. He was married and worked as a healthcare lobbyist. Definitely the suit and tie kind of guy. Other than that, I didn't really know to much about him, other than he seemed like a nice guy.

After being on the board for about 6 months or so, a conversation came up during the monthly meeting. The organization was going to be the recipient of an award to be presented at a conference in South Florida. Several of the board members and the executive director mentioned that they planned to attend. Tom was one of those who said he was going to attend. I didn't think anything of it and really didn't feel like the conversation pertained to me. As the meeting wrapped up, as usual, the only person who really took any interest was Tom. He came over and asked if I was interested in going to the conference. Since I wasn't expecting that, I sort of stumbled through some half ass reason as to why I couldn't attend. He said that it would be a really good experience. He also brought up that he understood that as a college student, an unexpected expense could be an issue, so he said he'd talk with the director of the organization to see what could be arranged. He referenced that we could share a hotel room, so that there wouldn't be any significant expense. He was kind of insistent, and I said I'd think about it. He said he would call in a couple of days to follow up.

The very next day, when I got back to my place, I had an answering machine message (keep in mind, this was pre-cell phone days) from Tom asking that I call as soon as possible. When I called, he shared that he had spoken to the director and that it would be no problem for me to attend, but they would need an answer right away. Back in those days, airfares were typically cheaper when purchased 21 days in advance and the conference was just over 3 weeks away. He was very persuasive, so I agreed to go. Still to this day, I have no idea if Tom purchased my plane ticket, or if it was funded by the organization. Reflecting back on the trip, I'm assuming it was Tom.

The three weeks passed, and it was time for the conference. Tom had called a few times. Once to offer suggestions on attire and make sure I had a tie. Once to offer to drive me to the airport. He felt that was best as he would have the plane ticket. (Yes, paper tickets were the norm then) Everything seemed perfectly normal, so I thought of this as only a conference weekend. On the departure date, Tom came by my off-campus apartment, and I headed off to my first conference. It did sort of feel like one of my first adult type event.... And it included lots of adult activities.

The flight from the Florida panhandle to Miami was quick, even though we were on a prop plan. Several of the members had driven, but there was a total of 5 of us on the flight. We took a cab ride to what I believe was a Sofitel Hotel near the Miami airport. The young adult in me was impressed. Here I was with a group of community leader types staying at a fancy hotel and it wasn't costing me anything. Once we checked in, we headed to our floor Of course, Tom was being his friendly self the entire time. Once we got to the room, we walked in and there was a moment of panic for me. There was only one king bed in the room. Keep in mind, I was a very closeted naïve 20 year old. I didn't even know what to say or do. I didn't in anyway feel threatened by Tom, but I was still dealing with so much internalized homophobia, I was freaking because what if Tom figured out I was gay? What if I looked at him the wrong way? Are they bringing in a roll-a-way? All these questions going through my head, but the most basic question, "shouldn't we have two beds?" was never asked. Tom didn't seem phased at all by the bed situation, and I honestly didn't have a clue what I should do or say, so I did nothing.

We didn't stay in the room for very long. We unpacked the dress clothes, checked out the room, and then headed down to the conference area. We met up with other board members and walked around a trade show and then headed to the hotel restaurant for dinner. I can't even recall what the drinking age was at that time, I just know that I didn't have anything alcohol with dinner. After dinner, everyone went their own way, and Tom suggested we head up to the room. Of course, my heart was beating wildly as I was still freaked out about the bed situation, but still unsure if I should bring up the subject.

Once we got back to the room, Tom asked if I wanted anything to drink. While there was a mini-bar, he decided to run back down to the hotel bar. I think I ordered a CC&7 (Canadian Club and 7 Up) as that's what I drank back then. (Not now!) He came back to the room, drinks in hand, and we just started chatting about life. How was school, what was my major, was I enjoying the board, all of the usual things that people who aren't really close talk about. He thanked me for coming to the conference and felt like it would be a good experience for someone like me. He also shared a little about himself. He was married. They didn't have any children. Had lived in the Tallahassee area for about 10 years. Again, the usual banter. I had finished my drink and Tom went back down to the bar for round two. We continued to chat as we watched TV in the background. Nothing about having only one king bed was ever mentioned.

After a little while, Tom said he was going to get ready for bed. The bed situation anxiety really kicked up a notch, but I thought I'd just go with the flow. He got up and headed into the bathroom. I took advantage of this time to change into what I was going to wear to bed. I quickly put on a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt, and I left my underwear on. I was trying to devise my strategy for not getting sexually excited being in the bed with another man, especially since he was obviously a married straight man. And while I was still completely closeted and dealing with lots of denial, I knew that it was men that got my juices flowing. After a few minutes, Tom comes out of the bathroom wearing only a pair of grey boxer briefs, and what a site is what to see. Nonchalantly, he simply asked if I had a preference on the side of the bed, which I didn't, but randomly chose the left side. He just sat down on the bed, in just the briefs, and that's when I really noticed what a hot handsome man he was. He had the best-looking thick legs of any man I had seen. He was in great physical shape for someone in their 40's. His lack of modesty was driving me crazy. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I brushed my teeth and all that stuff. There was a part of me that felt like I should jerk off, but I was afraid he would hear and know what I was doing. Keep in mind, I'm still thinking this is a straight married guy with no intentions of anything. My sole goal at that point was to not let him know that I was gay, as that was something I was still struggling with. And yes, I really was that naïve. I didn't even think of a married guy being interested in sex with guys.

When I came out of the room, Tom was still sitting on the bed in just those boxer briefs. What caught my attention this time was his hot furry chest. I just knew tonight was going to be tough as he had me so turned on, but I didn't have a clue as to what I should do. After a few minutes, he said he's ready for bed, but offers for me to keep the TV on. I said I was fine to turn it off. Tom stands up from the right side of the bed, turns away from me, and takes his underwear off without saying anything. I quickly looked at his very hot ass and I was enamored by his hot masculinity but my naïve mind was still wondering why any straight married man would get naked while sharing a bed with practically a stranger. He turns around, my eye quickly dart away to avoid being caught staring at the beautiful man, and he pulls the covers down and get in bed. I could see his cock in my peripheral vision, but didn't get a really close look. The up close look would come a little later on. I took his lead and started to get in bed. I remained practically fully clothed and my heart was practically beating out of my chest. I laid on my back with my eyes looking at the ceiling as we both turned off the laps on each side of the bed. Not knowing what else to do, I figured I'd just try to go to sleep.

After laying the bed for probably about three or four minutes, with my mind still going full speed, Tom politely said, "David, may I ask you a question". While I was nervous, his calming manner caused me to reply "sure". I thought he'd ask something about the conference, but in his calm and kind voice, he went directly to a question I certainly wasn't expecting. "Would you like to suck my cock David". I fuckin' freaked. I instantly replied "No, no! I'm not gay" but was in full on panic mode. He was such a hot confident masculine man, and I was so turned on. Even though he seemed like someone I could trust, the last thing I wanted was for him to know I was gay. He went on to say something like "David, sexuality is something special. It doesn't matter if your straight or gay, you should take advantages of opportunities like this". I remember him saying something else like "it's not often that two good looking men get an opportunity like this". He went on to say something like he hoped he had not offended me, but that he really needed to take care of his cock. With that, he turned on the table side lamp and pulled the covers off exposing his fully hard cock. Of course, I was fully hard too. He stroked it a few times and then said "if this makes you uncomfortable, I can go in the bathroom". I have no idea where it came from, but I just said "it's okay if you stay here". He stroked for about a minute longer, and then he said "Are you sure you don't want to suck it David". Even though I was dying for that hot hard cock, I replied "no thanks".

The next comment caught me completely off guard. He said "since your uncomfortable with sucking, why don't you just sniff it and see if you like how it smells". Even though I had not even got into man scents at any point, the electricity of the sexual drive took charge. I leaned over and got probably 5" away. He encouraged me to get closer so I could "smell what a man really smells like". Of course, I'm fully boned already and this is just driving me even crazier. He encourages me to "sniff all around" and tells me check out his balls too. I put my nose about 3" away from his balls and he says "get closer David"... I do. He then asks, which do you prefer, the scent of my balls or my cock?". Without hesitation, I say "your balls". He then instructs me to climb between his legs and to get really close to his balls. He tells me not to lick them or suck them, just to sniff them. Like a dog in heat, I climb between his legs. My nose races to the target. It's the first time I actually got off on man scents. After a few minutes of his continued encouragement, I finally got super close to his cock. I was just inhaling his hot masculine scent and my tongue just came out and I took a lick at his hard cock. He stops me and says," I just want you to smell me, Boy". Just the statement and the calling me boy, almost made me cum. For the next 10 minutes or so, following his detailed instructions, I smelled his cock, his balls, his taint, his ass, and I was going wild. I was so horny for his cock at this point, but every couple of minutes he was very specific that I didn't lick or suck it.

The man scent-a-thon went on a little while longer when he finally said, "David, take your clothes off so you'll be more comfortable". I quickly stepped out of bed and undressed. I figured if I'd spent all this time with my nose and face literally between his legs, he probably knew my secret. As I stripped, he was very complimentary towards me. He pulled me towards him, and our naked bodies briefly touched. I was on the verge of cumming just from that. He began to rub me a little and then said "David, I don't want to pressure you, but you really seemed to enjoy being between my legs. ". He went on to say he could tell "that I needed more". He talked about how I shouldn't be ashamed and that I should take advantage of this opportunity. After about a minute of silence, he said, "whenever you're ready, take my hard cock in your mouth." He had built the trust that I needed, and I could no longer deny that I needed to suck his cock. I crawled between his legs once again. I touched his cock with my hand. It felt like electricity ran through my body. By this time, Tom had a crazed cocksucker in bed with him. I just dove for that piece of manly meat. Almost as soon as my mouth was full of his thick hard cock, just the intensity of the night caused me to shoot my load all over the sheets. Even though I had shot my load, I was still eager to suck him off. I sucked his cock for at least 5-7 minutes. He was very good at providing encouragement and telling what a good job I was doing. His calm words of encouragement were driving me wild. After a short while, he asked if I wanted him to cum in my mouth. Regretfully, I said no. It wasn't but just a little bit until Tom was ready to shoot. He said "I'm cumming" and I pulled off of that hot hard cock and he sprayed my face with an intense amount of cum.

We both just laid still for a few minutes. He was coming down from his intense orgasm and I was relishing the fact that I had sucked a real man off and my face was marked all over by his seed. Tom asked me if I needed to get off and I shared that I already had. I got up and went to the bathroom to grab a towel. When I saw myself in the mirror marked with cum, I knew for sure that coming to this conference was the right decision.

I also wondered what else might just happen, since we had another night at the hotel.

If you guys want to hear about the rest of the conference let me know at I will share that Tom and I remained very close for about two more years. And yes, he provided me with many more lessons and very hot times.

I hope you enjoyed my first submission of this actual encounter that occurred when I was a much younger, and definitely more naïve, man.

Next: Chapter 2

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