Becoming Their Girl

By Alex Cortin

Published on May 31, 2024



Hope you enjoy! Feel free to message me with any thoughts if you enjoyed it, and don't forget to donate to Nifty at!

I was nervous. Refilling my glass with a bit more wine, I realized just how nervous I was. I took a sip, got up from the sofa, and walked over to the hall again, where the big mirror was.

The heels felt comfortable on my feet now. Having not worn any until I was 30, I'd say with the limited practice I was doing quite well. Of course, these were not massive heels, but they were enough that the first time I tried to walk in them was a bit complicated, to put it kindly.

But here I was, almost a year later. Having discovered my joy for women's clothes fairly late in life, I had enjoyed the thrill of wearing panties, skirts, cute blouses, stockings, and heels for almost a year now. I was never a very manly man of course. My slender body didn't really collect any muscle tone at any point in life, something that brought some insecurity in my teens and later on too, as I watched my peers bulk up, build impressive chests and attract all kinds of attention from women.

Me on the other hand, not so much. I was fairly tall at almost 6 feet, and I felt somewhat cute in appearance, but never muscular or fit. I had slender arms, and a fairly flat chest and stomach. No visible abs, but I eventually grew to like the slim look.

Eventually, others liked the look too. I was quite shy for many years, but I met some men on a few trips and travels who seemed to take a liking to me. Honestly, I think my personality was more attractive than my body, but I think that is probably better than the other way around. In any case, I was never particularly promiscuous or sexually active. Now, as I had just turned 31, I felt like I was awakening somehow. I had never been this horny and turned on by almost anything before. Maybe I was finding my sexual center or something like that.

That is at least, what Todd suggested.

I met Todd at a hiking meetup. I didn't love exercise of any kind, perhaps explaining my less than muscular physique, but hiking I enjoyed. I especially liked it with people, as you could make new friends sometimes while looking over the natural landscapes and taking in the fresh air. If there were no interesting people, at least the views were usually good.

Todd was older than me, but he was much fitter and had a really youthful energy about him. He said he worked in sales, and I thought that fit well, since he clearly had a way with people and we connected right away.

Todd was maybe an inch taller than me, with a full head of brown hair and a beautiful set of blue eyes. He was originally from Chicago, and I occasionally thought I heard a hint of an accent, although he had now settled on the west coast here in Seattle for a long time, and had adopted all the local lingo.

"Do you do a lot of these meetups?", he asked as we had just met, climbing up the first hill of the 6 mile hike in store today.

"I've done a few", I replied. "Not all the time, but it's a nice way to see the area and meet people", I said.

Todd agreed and we got to talking. It felt very natural and we got along super well. I wasn't sure if he was interested in me in a romantic way, or if he was just friendly - he had the salesman charm that could've meant anything.

In any case, I sure felt pretty good about him. When we got up to the top of the first hill after a pretty challenging 25 minute climb, we were all a bit sweaty. Todd lifted his t-shirt up to his brow to dry some sweat, and in doing so gave me an eyeful of his well trained abs. His stomach was impressively flat and I thought I caught some sign of a four-pack at least. He had mentioned that he'd just turned 45, so I was certainly impressed by his fitness. As he raised his water bottle to his mouth, I couldn't help but look at his bicep which bulged from the motion, and I felt a big jolt of attraction.

I looked down to avoid embarrassing myself, but I think he must have caught me looking because he gave me an encouraging smile as we all kept going.

He mentioned that he had been married before but was single now, so I was again a bit confused about his sexuality and if I was just imagining it when I felt he was checking me out. But on the way back, he touched my arm quite suggestively while looking at me, which clued me in finally into that he was definitely interested. We exchanged numbers, and he mentioned he had a poker game with some of his friends that I would be welcome to the next weekend.

I wasn't a big gambler, but I remembered having some good nights in college playing card games, and in any case it was a good opportunity to get to know him a bit better in a low pressure environment, since others would be there too. I said yes and we said our goodbyes at the foot of the mountain. As I was climbing back in to my car and putting my things in the backseat, I heard footsteps behind me and saw Todd approaching me again.

"What's up", I asked, wondering if he forgot something.

He came right up to me, looked me in the eyes, and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips, while putting one hand on my hip. I was taken aback slightly, but finally adjusted my thoughts and kissed him back right there in the parking lot. He pulled away, and smiled.

"I just wanted to make sure you knew I was interested", he said.

"Message received", I replied awkwardly laughing, and got into my car as he said his goodbyes again.

I sat there for a little bit, almost shaken. I couldn't help but smile and thought how nice it was to feel like someone so attractive and seemingly successful was interested in me. I hadn't felt so good about another person in years.

I had only slept with three people before Todd, having been quite a late bloomer, so I wanted to approach him a bit cautiously too. That sort of shyness was just part of how I acted with people, even though in my private fantasies I was sometimes wildly adventurous. But fantasies are safe and private by definition, it's different to throw yourself in the hands of another person. Still, that night I fantasized about Todd, kissing me, exploring my body with his hands, and surrendering myself to him. I wondered what his cock looked like and came really quickly, much quicker than usual when I masturbated.

I laughed to myself quietly, hoping that wouldn't happen when and if I hooked up with him for real.

On that saturday, I was feeling excited about my new friendship. I decided to dress up pretty safely in jeans and a t-shirt, but something whispered in my brain to convince me to wear panties underneath. It felt exciting to put on a soft, beautiful bright red g-string I had recently bought. I checked the mirror after pulling my jeans on and was satisfied you couldn't notice it from under my jeans. I felt a tingle of excitement as I walked out the door, knowing my exciting little secret underneath.

I arrived at Todd's house for his game night. He said it would be a pretty small gathering as there were two guys that canceled at the last minute.

"At this age lots of guys have families and that can mean last minute changes", he explained, and that made sense to me.

I looked around Todd's house, a small bungalow in a pretty nice suburb. He had decorated sparingly but pretty tastefully. I noticed a picture of him with an attractive skinny woman on a shelf. Todd appeared behind me and saw me looking.

"My ex-wife", he stated, as if answering a question I hadn't yet asked.

"We had a great time, but in the end we wanted different things. If you know what i mean", he said, squeezing my ass playfully.

I laughed and jumped slightly, not expecting the forward physical contact. But it had felt good and natural to feel his hand on my butt. I didn't mind. I didn't mind at all.

My butt had always been a special "zone" for me - I loved feeling someone's hands on it, I loved having it squeezed and grabbed and played with during sex or at any time. But usually it took some time before I felt comfortable enough for that kind of contact. I surprised myself with how nice it had felt to have Todd's hands on me. I smiled and was about to say something when the doorbell rang.

It was another of Todd's friends at the door. He seemed about the same age, maybe a little older than Todd was. He was a bit shorter than us both, wore glasses and had a more nerdy look. But he had a nice slender frame, and I could tell through his t-shirt that he was in pretty good shape too. Not big and muscular like Todd but pretty good looking for sure.

"This is our new friend Andy", he said, introducing me to Connor.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Connor", he said with a flirty smile.

"You too", I said, shaking his hand. He made very direct eye contact, but it was a very friendly and approachable look on his face, so it felt quite positive.

"I've heard a lot about you already", Connor said. "Really looking forward to getting to know you".

I replied "All nice things I hope - I'm always happy to make new friends, harder to do that when you get older isn't it."

They both agreed and then we decided to sit and have some beers while we waited for the final guest. After a while, the last player arrived, a younger Japanese guy named Yoichi. Yoichi was almost as tall as me and had a great smile. He definitely worked out, as I could see the definition in his arms and forearms, but he was not bulky like Todd, but more slim and toned. He sat next to me and talked to me for a while and I found out he'd been here originally for a master's program and stayed after to work as an engineer at a small software company. He was 30 so just a bit younger than me.

We all got along great as we played and we kept having some beers. Todd paid a lot of attention to me the whole night, which made me feel great, but I also felt like the other guys were quite interested in me. It was like I was there on display for them, but it didn't feel weird or creepy like that. They were very nice and made me feel super comfortable the whole time.

At some point, Connor had to leave as he had an early commitment the next day. We said our goodbyes, and he gave me a really close hug as he left. It was a bit unexpected, but felt very nice and natural. The other guys shared a look with each other as they saw me come out of the hug with a big smile, and I caught the look as I came back into the room.

"One more drink then?", asked Todd as I sat back down and we decided to end the game. It had been fun but it felt like the game was pretty much over and Todd had cleaned up all the chips for himself, like the alpha of the game night.

"Sure", I said, feeling a high from the great interaction with the guys.

"Let's move over to the lounge then", he said.

He grabbed a few more drinks from the fridge and handed them to us. We all got up to walk over to the living room. Yoichi sat on the sofa, and Todd walked right behind me. As we entered the room, he quickly grabbed me by the hip and I stopped in my tracks. He whispered in my ear :

"I like what you have on under there", and smiled flirtily at me.

I was a bit shocked, not thinking anyone could see the red panties I had on. But I remembered the moment earlier when I had bent slightly to examine the picture on his shelf. He must have seen the outline sticking out of the top of my trousers then.

"Don't worry", he reassured me. "I really like it on you." He winked and then moved on over to the armchair, signaling me to join Yoichi on the sofa.

We sat on the couch as Todd eyed us happily and started telling stories from other game nights. It was good fun and we shared a few laughs. At first, I had been nervous and a little shocked that my secret about my underwear was outed so easily to him, but his reaction made me excited, and I eventually settled into a happy buzz on the couch.

Todd sat on the comfortable looking arm chair next to the sofa, and leaned back looking very happy. Yoichi had placed a hand on my leg and was rubbing it gently up and down, which made me want to squeeze in closer to him on the couch to make it easier for us to cuddle up.

"You guys seem to be getting along well, eh?", Todd said, and looked at us approvingly.

"I guess so", I said, and smiled at Yoichi.

Yoichi looked me in the eyes, smiling gently at me. He then reached out and caressed my hair, and I felt myself melting in his hands. He leaned over and kissed me gently, and I felt a tingle of excitement all over my body from the pleasure of the kiss. He continued to touch my leg and I felt my small cock spring to attention in my jeans. We kissed for a good while and then separated again. I looked at Todd, worried that he wanted attention for himself, but he had been enjoying watching us, and looked at me approvingly.

Todd then got up and joined us on the sofa. He sat next to me so that I was right in between himself and Yoichi. He reached his arm around my shoulders, and I still felt Yoichi's hand caressing my leg. I felt really comfortable with their attention, and the way they were being so soft and patient with me. I was overcoming my shyness but still felt a bit nervous about my new girly side.

Todd kissed me softly on the lips, exploring my mouth with his tongue carefully, not sticking it in my throat like some horny guys would, but just softly flicking it against mine. I felt my dick get hard against the panties again and adjusted my position on the sofa to feel more comfortable.

I felt Yoichi's hand on my face as he turned me gently to face him, and I kissed him again. I couldn't believe what was happening, being wanted by these two very different, but very attractive guys. I was just a normal guy I thought, only now in women's underwear. Had that somehow changed my behavior or appearance enough to get me in this position?

We kissed a while longer, and I felt Yoichi's hand on my chest, caressing my nipples and breast. I was getting very aroused, and I looked over to Todd, who had kept his hands on my back, and gently rubbing my shoulders. He looked so kind and happy when I looked in his eyes that I felt really comfortable.

"Can we have a look at it?", he asked.

I gave a quizzical look, not quite sure what he meant. But I knew there was only one thing he could have meant.

"What you have on down there?", he continued.

I swallowed nervously, then looked over to Yoichi, who had a look of curiosity on his face. He hadn't noticed, I realized.

I felt shy, but in a second, I overcame any objections I might have had thanks to the arousal I had built up from the way the guys looked at me.

"OK, just a quick look", I laughed nervously. I got up from the sofa, and realized my movements were becoming more and more feminine as the evening wore on. I hopped on to the balls on my feet and sort of curtsied up to them. I turned around so my back was to the sofa, and then pulled my belt off. I felt so many butterflies in my stomach, but it was the most exciting thing I had ever felt.

I dropped my trousers to the ground and stepped out of them carefully. I looked back over my shoulder, and saw Yoichi and Todd both had their eyes firmly on my ass, barely covered by the red g-string. Any self-consciousness I had disappeared as I saw the look on their faces, a look of pure interest and desire. I confidently poked my butt out a little more so it would be even more emphasized in their vision.

"Wow, your ass looks amazing", Todd said.

"Amazing", Yoichi agreed. "Those suit you so well", he added.

I blushed, and like some kind of showgirl, I bent down forward to my ankles, giving them a full view of my behind.

"Come a little closer", Yoichi said.

I nervously turned around, taking in their lustful expressions. I took a few steps forward, wearing just my panties and my t-shirt now. My cock was rock hard, pressing up against the waistband of the panties, and must have been obvious I really enjoyed being seen like this.

Todd looked up at me from the couch and gently reached out to touch my stomach. I reacted by pulling up my shirt so he could reach under there better. Yoichi got up and kissed me, and then pulled the shirt off of me, so I was just there in my slim frame, wearing nothing but my panties. He grabbed me ass as he kissed me, squeezing and holding on to my butt, making me feel heavenly.

Todd started rubbing the bulge in my panties and I felt like I was going to explode, just as I had in my fantasy the night before. He slowly and slightly pulled down the waistband, leaving the panties on but revealing the tip of my small dick from under there. He smiled and immediately took the head into his mouth and with assured, small but deliberate movements of his tongue, started to suck my cock. Yoichi held on to me from the side as he watched.

Within ten seconds, I knew I was gone. I moaned out loud and warned him, "oh my god I'm going to come".

Sure enough, I immediately unleashed a geyser of cum into his mouth, and Todd kept sucking gently until it was all in his throat. Yoichi kissed my neck, still holding on to my body, and when I looked over at him in ecstasy, he kissed me gently on the mouth, as I felt the last energy sapping from my body.

"Oh my god", was all I could say. I looked down and saw my hairless skinny frame, my red panties pulled to the side, and my now semi-hard 4" cock starting to retreat after an incredible orgasm. The attention these guys had given me was going to feed my fantasies for years.

Todd got up and cleaned off any cum that had spilled from me, then kissed me on the lips.

"We have to do this again soon", he said, and smiled happily and gave me a peck on the mouth, as I pulled my panties back up to cover up my parts.

"It would be nice to have a girl in our group", Yoichi whispered. That word made me almost dizzy. Could i be a like a girl for these guys? These regular, hot guys who did guy things like poker games and sports. Maybe I could be girl enough to make them happy.

"Um, maybe it's time I head home. But let's definitely do this again some time", I said, feeling like I didn't quite know how to leave.

"It is geting late. Let me get you a cab home", Todd said.

A few minutes later, I stepped into the cab, feeling like a real slut. And I felt so excited about it I couldn't believe it.


The next week, I got a message from Yoichi.

"Was so very nice to meet you at Todd's. Would you like to meet me for a walk and maybe some coffee this week?"

I felt a bit of butterflies building up in my stomach again, and had to fight off my nerves before responding. But then I came to think, he's seen as much of me as there is to see and he wants to see me again, so I must not have anything to worry about. And of course, I liked him. He had a quiet charm, a gentleness about him. He also signaled a kind of confidence and strength that I liked, and of course, last but not least - he was hot.

So I suggested we meet up on Wednesday night after my workday and go for a stroll near the Olympic Park. He agreed and we set a time to meet at 7. The weather was set to be clear, if not hugely warm, in other words, great time for a walk.

After work I quickly went home, had a light dinner and showered and cleaned up. Remembering Yoichi's reaction from the last time we met, i put on another set of panties - this one a black lace set that caressed my parts just right and felt incredible on my skin. I smiled in the mirror, thinking this could be a good date.

I arrived at the meetup spot right on time, and Yoichi was already there. He was wearing a UW hoodie and some slacks, a very casual look that in any case suited him very well. I for some reason focused on his neck muscles, which were very defined, something I hadn't noted the first time we met. We hugged hello, and after some warm up chit chat, headed off to our walk.

"I'm really glad you decided to come out today", he said.

"Me too", I smiled back at him. "I was excited to get to know you a bit one on one", I said.

"Yeah, it's always easier than in a group setting for sure", he replied.

We kept walking, commenting on what we were seeing along the way. Here and there I felt his hand graze mine, and I couldn't help but smile and feel that electricity from a touch from someone you really like.

"Sorry if it's a stupid question, but your English is really good, didn't you grow up in Japan?", I asked.

"No worries, I do get it a lot. My dad is Canadian so English was really another first language at my house. So I did grow up there but it's not really my second language, so coming here was pretty easy".

"Wow that's interesting.", I said, feeling stupid not to have a better response.

We walked on a bit and I reached my hand out towards him, and he grabbed it! So we walked holding hands a little ways. His hand felt warm and protective on mine, gripping it firmly but not too tightly.

"So...did you wear anything special today too"?, he asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

I smiled sheepishly.

"Yes, in fact I did. Something maybe you'd like", I replied, squeezing his hand.

He stopped and looked around. There was no one else in sight.

"Could I have a look now"?, he asked with an excited tone. He couldn't wait to see.

I looked around nervously, confirming no one was in sight. I moved over to the side of the path a bit to preserve my modesty in case someone did come by. I unzipped my pants, and pulled them down just enough so he could see the black panties I had on, hugging my buttocks and just showing some of the form of by butt underneath.

He looked at me seriously, and licked his lips. He then reached out a hand and gently ran his fingers across my right buttcheek, feeling the material of the panties as well as my butt. Finally he gave it a good squeeze and let go, and I quickly pulled my pants back up. I laughed as if we had just done some crazy thing, but I was incredibly excited by the attention he had given to my girlishly covered butt. I wanted more.

We walked on and a few old ladies came walking the other way. I blushed thinking of them having come up a few moments earlier, but luckily they hadn't.

"Do you ever put on more than that?" He asked after the strangers had passed.

"I have some outfits I do like, yeah." I replied.

His attention had given me confidence and I was honestly dying to show him more of myself as a girl. I really hoped that's what he wanted.

"I would love to see that...miss Andie", he said. He winked at the end of it and I felt a rush of blood to the head hearing him address me as a miss. It was a bit cheeky and cheesy maybe, but it worked.

We came up to a little cafe that we had discussed maybe ending our walk at, and stepped inside to have some drinks. I could always drink coffee even later in the day without affecting my sleep, but Yoichi opted for an herbal tea, being less of a caffeine drinker.

We sat and talked about our lives and interests and histories. He occasionally held my hand on the table, and I spotted from the corner of my eye a girl in another table smiling subtly at our displays of affection.

I learned that Yoichi was a rock climber, which explained the strong defined forearms and toned body. He tended to sit all day at work, he said, and as such liked to do physical hobbies here and there to keep fit. I wish I could have said the same, but I mostly did the easy kinds of cardio, like hiking or taking walks. He told me lots of girls did rock climbing too and he could teach me if I wanted to learn. It sounded like a difficult thing to learn, but I think I would have agreed to anything with him at that time, so I said sure, I would go with him.

We finished our drinks and I realized it was past 10 o'clock. We had been out and talking for over three hours and it felt like barely any time had passed. I thought I was really falling for this guy, and so quickly. It was unlike me.

Outside, we prepared to say our goodbyes, and he pulled me in a for a long kiss. It was a loving, tasty, extended kiss, and I never wanted to let go. At the end of it, he squeezed my butt again and finally pulled away.

"You know I love that more than anything", I said to him.

"I got that feeling", he laughed and pulled in for one more quick kiss.

"Are you busy tomorrow night?", he asked me.

I told him I should be able to make time for him, flirtily touching his arm.

"Maybe I could see you in one of your special outfits then?", he asked carefully, biting his lip.

I hesitated a moment, but knew I really wanted that more than anything. So we agreed to meet the following night at my apartment where I would be comfortable, and he would for the first time meet the girly me.


So here we were, me having spent an eternity getting ready, debating which skirt to wear and which kind of panties made my butt look best. I ended up wearing my sexy black panties that I thought really emphasized my butt and also felt crazy soft on my skin. I wore my black lace bra with it, and wore my thigh-high white stockings. I put on my favorite miniskirt, a little blue pleated thing that I always thought looked cute on me. It was a really short skirt, so that the skin of my legs was exposed just between the bottom of the skirt and top of the stockings. As I looked at my pale legs like that in the mirror, I felt really sexy. I hoped Yoichi would too.

I debated for ages which kind of blouse to wear, and decided on a cute shoulderless white top that was just a little bit small, so it left a bit of my belly showing between the bottom of the top and the top of my skirt. The top had really cute ruffles on the top of the arms, and I liked how my small shoulders looked sticking out of the top of it. I looked in the mirror, and felt happy with how I looked - I had changed from a normal looking guy, to a kind of a cute girl, just like that.

I added a little mascara to help my eyes pop but didn't want to overdo the make-up, since if it went wrong it would just make me look worse, and I honestly wasn't very good with the makeup yet. So I left my face mostly natural. I washed my hair after taking a long relaxing bath earlier, so I left my hair as it was, reaching almost down to my shoulders, looking freshly washed and smelling like the citrus conditioner I had just started using. I looked in the mirror again to think about if I should go with different shoes when the doorbell rang.

I practically sprinted to the door, and was happy to see Yoichi there. He was dressed in tight fitting skinny jeans and a tight plain white t-shirt. His arm muscles seemed to be bulging out from under the shirt, and I felt a tingle of excitement as he raised his eyes from the floor to look at me. I noticed he was holding a single red rose, seeing which almost made me faint with how cute a gesture it was.

I quickly moved in to give him a hug and welcome him into the house. He looked at me up and down and smiled a broad smile.

"Wow. Wow. You look beautiful", he said, handing me the rose.

I blushed and felt the redness filling up my face. I kind of curtsied awkwardly and did a little pirouette so he could take in my whole outfit. He stood there, and I loved how his eyes were taking me in. I was now a whole new girl here for him.

"Care for a drink?", I asked, just to get us out of the doorframe and into the apartment. He said he would love one, so I showed him to the living room to sit on my L-shaped sofa, while I poured us some wine. I joined him on the couch, sitting right next to him. We clinked glasses, drinking to new friends.

For a moment, we just sat and stared at one another. I loved his shining eyes, the way his look would involuntarily dart down to my chest or to my legs, which were showing some skin poking out from under my skirt. I couldn't help but do the same to him, admiring his strong forearms and his tight body, imagining what would be revealed from under that t-shirt.

I moved in for a kiss, and he lay his right hand on my left leg, gently digging his fingers into my thigh. We kissed for a moment, gently and lovingly. I couldn't believe just a few days ago I had been completely nude in front of him, being coaxed to orgasm by two men at my feet. Today felt completely different. We had a connection one on one, and Yoichi was being a perfect gentleman, roses and all.

After the kiss, we shared a coy smile and went back to our wine. We talked for a long while about our days. Yoichi had been rockclimbing earlier, which must have been why his muscles seemed particularly taut now. We settled into a natural pattern, talking like close friends, and all my nerves had vanished. Here and there I still got those jolts of excitement when I caught him checking me out. Once, I went back to the kitchen to fill our glasses, and as I got up I'm sure I caught him looking up my skirt to get a view before I instinctively pulled the edge of the skirt back down. I felt his eyes on my backside as I walked over to the other room, and looked back over my shoulder seductively at him, causing him to blush a bit and look down at this hands. I thought that was really cute.

After another glass of wine, we were feeling free and laughing together on the couch. We were both getting more touchy as the night wore on. I would laugh at something he said, and reach out and touch his bicep. He would hold my hand on occasion or reach out and pet my leg for a time.

"Do you think I could get a tour of the rest of the apartment?", he finally asked. I smiled coyly. There was only one more room he hadn't yet seen - the bedroom. I enthusiastically agreed and led him there behind me, holding his hand as I walked there, swinging my hips on my small heels, hoping he was eyeing me up as I did so.

"Here it is!", I proclaimed, raising my arms to show him the small bedroom. It contained just my queen size bed, a small bedside table, a small bookcase, and some plants in the window sill. It wasn't much, but it was plenty for today.

He nodded approvingly, but did not look around the room - he was only looking into my eyes. I swallowed involuntarily, with a hopefully inaudible gulp.

He reached out his hand and ran his fingers through my hair and my left cheek, touching my face gently. He held his gaze on my eyes and I was almost quivering with anticipation. Finally, he leaned over and kissed me gently on the lips, still holding my head with his other hand. I put my hands on his hips to steady myself, and gave into the kiss, pushing my tongue in to meet his.

He continued to kiss me, running his left hand down my back, sliding it under my top to caress my skin on the back up and down. I moaned softly as I felt his hand come up my shirt and he smiled mid-kiss at my reaction.

His lips separated from mine and he started to kiss my neck, gently and wetly lavishing me with attention. I reached out under his t-shirt and started to pull it up over his head. He quickly raised his arms and let me pull his shirt off. I gasped as I saw his beautiful upper body in front of me, and started to run my fingers down from his pecs down to his stomach.

As I had noted, he was a bit shorter than me, and wasn't much wider. But he was 100% more fit than I was. It seemed like every muscle in his body was perfectly toned. He wasn't a bodybuilder, but he was tight and toned, and his abs were almost hard to the touch as he tensed them when I ran my fingers over them.

I leaned down to kiss his chest, giving attention to his nipples and the middle of the chest. He took the opportunity to use his hands further down my back, running both hands on my back and squeezing me closer into him.

He then turned me around and pushed me down onto the bed, so I was now suddenly on my back facing him as he stood over me. He reached down and removed one of my heels, then the other. He threw them to the side and began to caress my legs under my tights. He ran his hands slowly up and down the calves and then the thighs. His right hand vanished under my skirt, and I felt him softly touching my inner leg.

My cock was now at full attention in my panties. I felt it press up against the panty, and finally spring loose to point directly up at me, relieving the pressure.

Yoichi slowly came up my body, continuing to give attention to each and every part of me. He buried his face into my midriff, gently kissing me all over. He then gently lifted up the top and pushed it up over my bra. He unclasped the bra and looked at me for permission to pull it down, which i granted with a nod. He smiled at me, and I took his head in my hands as he again pushed his head down to start kissing my boyish breasts. He reached his hands under the bra to work on my nipples, and I kept massaging his head as he kissed my chest all over.

I pulled Yoichi up to kiss me again and as as he moved up I felt his hard penis rubbing against my legs. Feeling it press against me made me moan, and I pulled him in to my lips to kiss him passionately. He ran his hands all over me, running his fingers up my skirt again, grabbing my butt cheek under me as he continued to kiss me. He squeezed my cheek and I felt pleasure all over my body.

It was almost like a dream, as I opened my eyes and saw this beautiful man pressing against me, kissing my neck. His shirtless body was a beautiful sight on top of my girly body.

"Turn over", I told him, and he popped off me and onto his back. I climbed atop him, and started to kiss his body again, starting with his hard pecs. I could feel his heart beating through his chest as I pressed my lips against it. I licked his stomach and shuffled back so that I was finally face to face with his crotch.

I pulled off his jeans, struggling to get them off his muscular calves, finally tossing them into the corner of the room with a laugh. I settled back down and pressed my hand against his hard cock in his boxer briefs. I caressed and took in his muscled legs, kissing up the inside of his legs as I kept massaging his dick. Finally, I released the cock from under the boxers, pulling the underwear down and off him.

His cock sprang up, fully erect. He was uncut and rock hard. I held his cock in my hand, admiring its beauty and slowly running the foreskin up and down off the head. He grunted in pleasure, and leaned his head back, reaching with his arms to caress my head. His cock was above average, probably 6" in length, not hugely thick but definitely thicker than mine. I admired it for what felt like an age, it looked so impressive in my hands. I wanted his cock more than I had ever wanted anything in my life.

I placed my lips on the head, pulling the foreskin back, and started slowly licking the head with my tongue. I held his balls gently in my left hand, and slowly stroked the base of his dick with my other hand. I then took as much of the cock in my mouth as I could at first, locking my lips around the head. He moaned in pleasure and grabbed my head with his hands, massaging my scalp as I started to suck his pulsing member.

I sucked him up and down, applying more and less pressure in turn. I licked the head with my tongue as I kept him in my mouth, and nothing made me happier than making him feel so good. I made eye contact with him, and he looked at me with pure pleasure and lust. He looked so manly from this low angle, and in this moment I thought how lucky I was. He was the man and I was his girl, giving him as much pleasure as I could.

He called to me to turn around, so that we could be in the sixty nine position. I smiled and allowed him to lift me by the legs and pull my crotch toward him. We turned to our sides, facing each other, and he flipped my skirt up so he could access underneath. Yoichi pulled my panties down, releasing my cock under the skirt and he then buried his face under my taint. I felt the ecstatic pleasure of his tongue on my hole as he started to rim me. I let out a girly moan and squeezed his cock hard in my hand.

He continued to lick my asshole and squeeze my buttocks with both his hands while I buried his cock in my face again. He then came out for air and smacked my ass with his hand, sending pleasure shivering through my spine. I saw his masculine hand reaching for the bottle of lube on the bedside table, and I felt the tingle of excitement at the prospect of what was to come next.

My cock was rock hard as he grabbed it with his other hand, and inserted a lubed finger in my butt. I moaned and shivered with pleasure as he slowly worked his strong rock-climber's finger in and out of my butt. He then massaged my cheek with one hand while continuing to finger me and I moaned with pleasure each time he went in deeper. He kept going for a good while, kissing my butt around the hole while working a second finger in. After a bit, I couldn't wait anymore and needed him inside me.

I rose up and climbed on top of him, so my skirt fell back down over my cock, covering my front. He grabbed my ass with passion, and I looked over my shoulder as I lubed up his cock with wet lustful strokes of my hand. Finally, I sat back and guided the head of his hard cock into my ass, and I moaned all the way as he pressed his cock up slowly into me.

I took the head of the cock in and settled for a moment, making a face of pleasure as I looked into his delighted eyes. After a time, I sat all the way back down on his cock, my balls pressing up against his stomach. He grabbed my breasts with his hands, massaging my nipples, and I felt like it would be how he would handle a girl riding him. Today, I was the cowgirl, and I held in place while allowing my butt to get used to his hard cock.

I started to slowly ride him up and down, taking in the view of him lying under me in pleasure, his hands guiding my hips up and down. I felt pleasure as he started to pump up into me in rhythm with my downward thrusts. I leaned down to kiss him, and he grabbed my ass with both of his hands and started thrusting his cock into me up and down, accelerating a little bit at a time until he was pounding up into me with uncontained passion. I kissed his neck and moaned louder and louder as he fucked me.

Finally, he slowed down and pulled out of me. He instructed me to get down on my side on the bed, and I did as he asked.

"Good girl", he said as I positioned myself as he asked.

My cock almost jumped out of my body as he said that, feeling uncontrollable pleasure.

He came up behind me, and rubbed his cock against my ass again. He didn't wait long, needing to feel my ass again, and he inserted his cock into my ass from behind me again, causing me to again moan with pleasure. He reached his arm around me from the side, placing his fingers in my mouth, and I gratefully licked his fingers as he kept fucking me.

I could feel his heavy breathing on my neck as he fucked me from behind and kissed my neck and face. The rhythmic sounds of flesh pounding as he banged into me had me in rapturous joy, with all my senses firing at once. I turned my head back and kissed him on the mouth, and as I did so he immediately accelerated his thrusts again, fucking me harder and deeper. I was so grateful for his cock and felt on top of the world.

He then grabbed my hips and lifted me up from the bed, and I felt like a weighless girl as this strong man pulled me into the air. He deposited me down on my hands and knees, my ass up in the air, my skirt lifted up over my ass onto my lower back. I looked back over my shoulder, seeing my crumpled top still clinging to the top of my chest, my skirt tossed over my back, and most importantly, a lustful Yoichi positioning himself behind me yet again.

I looked back in amazement as his hard cock bounced around as he got into position, his small ballsack attractively hanging underneath. I grabbed the sheets with both hands as he once more inserted his cock into my gaping ass. He pushed once more all the way in and I felt his balls against my ass. I pressed my head down to the pillow, looking down under my body, seeing my own cock and balls under me under my skirt, and his muscular legs pressing against me, his balls smacking against my ass.

He kept pounding me, holding my hips with both hands, guiding me back and forth as he fucked me with perfect, long strokes. He accelerated once more and I felt his breathing increase in speed. Then I felt the unmistakable signs of an explosion building up in my loins, and as Yoichi pushed again and again into my ass, I came all over the sheets with an explosive pleasure. I moaned and moaned in pleasure as he kept pumping into me.

As I came, all the muscles in my body contracted and I felt my ass squeeze against his cock. He accelerated once more and now fucked me hard and fast, squeezing my waist hard with his hands and pulling me against him. I moaned into the pillow in pleasure, thankful for every thrust, when he lost control of his body and pumped cum all up in my ass. I felt shot after shot of cum filling me up as he collapsed on top of me, and I too fell off my hands and knees and crashed on to the bed. Yoichi fell on top of me, his cock still inside me, as he breathed heavily on my neck.

We stayed there a while, getting our wits back, our breathing steadying slowly. He pulled out of me, a stream of cum flowing out with his cock. He rested on his side, spooning me with his hand, his exhausted cock resting against the side of my body. He rolled over to kiss me.

"That's a very good girl", he again whispered to me, and I melted in his hands. I lay there, exhausted, ravaged, and delighted for a long time.

As Yoichi fell asleep with his arm around me, I felt completely safe in his arms, loved by his words and kisses, in love with his body. Waking up next to this man would be the perfect way to greet a new day.

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