Becoming Their Bitch

Published on Nov 18, 2013



With one arm around his bare chest pulling him against another bare chest, hands grappling at his belt and other hands yanking on the bottom of his shorts, there was no other assumption other then that afternoon, Sydney would be loosing his virginity.

He had invited them, perhaps fantasizing the same occurrences as he had many times alone in his bed in the darkness.

Syd struggled. He knew that was what he should do; otherwise they would know what only he had known for a couple of years.

There were others who knew. But they were anonymous. And perhaps the clerk who chased him out the back door of the adult video store he had snuck into. The door was usually ajar adjacent to the alley. And he peeked into one of the rooms where he heard the sounds. They were the same he had heard in his ear plugs leading from his laptop under his blanket late at night.

He had stepped into the room and watched. When the man moved in behind him, he didn't move. The man chuckled as he closed the door. "Ever see that before?" he asked. Sydney just shook his head "no" though that was a lie of course.

The man's hand on his shoulder made him jump at first but then relax. They were warm, comforting and exploring at first, unbuttoning afterwards. He felt then fingers on his bare skin, down his back bone and between his buttocks. Then they moved around and held his erection, the first hands other then his own that gripped him and moved until he gasped, pleaded and felt a level of ecstasy he had never been able to give himself, though Sydney had tried many many times.

That wasn't the last time. He returned, waited and usually left without another experience like the first. Lips had surrounded him, fingers had probed him and he had even knelt to try his own abilities to satisfy his own hunger.

He was hardly a virgin, but he struggled to excite them.

Tony pulled his nipples, already erect. Sydney wondered if his classmate noticed. He whined at the pain and gloried at the pleasure.

Free of cloth, his legs, testicles, penis were available now. Carlson explored, squeezed and yanked. Each assault made Sydney genuinely writhe and his throat emit curses, pleas and other sounds that probably revealed his real reaction.

"He loves it" Tony said into his hear "Don't you pig?" Sydney didn't answer. He hoped they wouldn't stop, that they would do more, harder, harsher and eventually take him the way he hadn't experienced.

"He's had enough" Carlson said his fingers wrapped around Sydney's balls "he's gonna cum"

"Naw, he wants it right here don't you faggie pig?" Tony knew, thought Syd. He felt the boy's fingers between his butt cheeks locating the virgin hole. "Man he wants it" Tony said feeling little resistance to his fingers now.

Sydney groaned "no" hoping it was convincing but not too. Tony was gonna do it, he realized but Carlson might stop it all too early.

Then Tony pushed him forward making Sydney fall onto his own bed.

"You stick it in his mouth" Tony ordered.

Sydney heard clothing being removed. He turned to see Tony toss his jeans now. Carlson had unzipped his own fly and held his hardness.

"You go first" Carlson said.

Sydney felt the fingers push back into him. "I go in when you do" Tony said

Carlson climbed on the bed, knee walking in front of him. Sydney turned his head up and opened his mouth.

"See? I told you" Tony said

"You want to suck a real dick son?" The man had asked. His cock was already jutting out of his dress slacks. Sydney's was too. The video they were watching had two men and two women. There was so-called straight sex, and then the women started kissing. The man seemed to get more excited seeing that. The two men were touching each other and one began to suck the other. "Fags" the man grumbled. Perhaps he saw Sydney getting harder after that. He nodded and his tongue lapped at the man-size cock.

"Go ahead just slide it in" Tony urged. Sydney thought it might be Carlson's first time. He let his tongue out to welcome the possibly virgin cock. He heard Tony laugh.

The clerk opened the door just after the man's sperm showered his young face that evening. The guy yelled at him, not at him, not the man. Sydney scurried out of the booth, grabbing his open shorts and leaving his shirt on the floor. He felt the cum dripping off his face as the cool air of the alley changed his attitude. "Don't come back" the clerk called after him "I gotta call the cops next time".

Sydney knew the clerk recognized him. Before the guy just made a face and waved him away, ignoring the fact Sydney ducked into a booth. Perhaps he as a kid did the same thing.

The cock wasn't the same. Carlson's was skinnier, felt longer and clumsy as it pushed too far at first then backed away. Sydney's hand reached for the tightened testicles that were bunched underneath and began to tongue the hardness.

Tony laughed "told you so" he said.

Sydney wanted to react but he was busy. This time, there was no danger. His brother was at football practice and his step father was working the night shift.

Tony made him jump. The cock replaced the fingers and was stretching his muscles. It hurt. Sydney had read it would. But he also read the pain would subside at some point. He felt the hands that had entered him before grabbing the flesh on each hip and holding on.

He was being double fucked now. Images of others he had seen in the same position flashed in his brain. He closed his eyes to concentrate on them as the cock in his ass began to slide in and out of his butthole.

Sydney savored the cock in his mouth. It tasted different then that man's cock. It was almost sweet, he imagined that of course. The cock began to move on its own sliding over his worshipping tongue and occasionally pushing against the back of his throat, eliciting a choke.

"He loves it" Tony said now and then. Perhaps the two were signaling to each other wondering if Sydney was ok, or if they were doing something wrong. Maybe they too wondered if they were as gay as Sydney or they feared someone would discover what they were doing to him.

The image was a young guy like him, trapped between two football players who had discovered him in their locker room. His clothing shredded by them, the victim was on display to everyone as his two holes were used by football player's cocks, taking turns. He couldn't escape or wouldn't.

Sydney imagined the smell of the locker room, the jockstrap covered genitals, the stripped sweaty bodies and the musky smelling cocks entering him again and again.

The cock inside him moved faster and faster. Tony's fingers were slapping his flesh making Sydney clench on the hardness that forced its way in and out of his body. Carlson's cock too moved faster. He tightened his lips as he was taught.

"Kid, you keep those lips tight" the man had instructed. For a reason Sydney couldn't explain then, he wanted to please the stranger. He obeyed, his tongue feeling the flesh and his ears hearing the man's approval.

"Shit shit shit shit" Tony kept saying. His hips slammed so hard against Sydney 's butt they almost pushed him forward onto Carlson's cock making him choke.

"I'm cumming" he grunted. "Yea yea yea" Carlson replied perhaps responding to the thought of his friend cumming inside Sydney's intestine.

But it wasn't false. Sydney's throat gulped the streams Carlson was indeed shooting. He couldn't keep up with the flow and the boy's sperm filled his mouth spilling out of his lips.

"No kid I want to see you" the man said pushing his face back. Sydney wanted to gulp the man's cum the way he had seen guys on the internet do. Instead he watched as the cum shot at him. "Close your eyes kid" the man said. Sydney didn't want to. He wanted to see the stream but he did as he was told feeling the warmth of the sperm land on his cheeks, forehead, chin and dribble down onto his bare shoulders.

"You ok?" Carlson asked, his softening cock had withdrawn from Sydney's mouth.

"Fuck he's ok, probably wants it again, don't you pussy?" Tony slapped Sydney 's bare butt though not harshly. "Give me a few minutes and we can go again."

Sydney turned over. His own erection had spilled a load under him. He felt it now on his back. It was half hard. Syd squeezed remaining drops from it.

"Shit that was hot" Tony said "So you're like our bitch now right?" He asked.

Sydney didn't know what to say at first.

"Just don't tell anyone" he said hoping they would understand he would indeed be their private bitch.

"Does your brother know?" Carlson asked.

Images if his brother standing nearly naked in the bedroom they shared, his jockstrap full of male meat bulging in front of him appeared.

"Naw" Sydney said

"Not yet" Tony added making Sydney reacted.

"Hey I'm not gonna tell him, but some day he'll find out"

Sydney knew that was true. Maybe he'd sneak into the locker room at school after their football practice. Then he'd know.

Until then, he had Carlson and Tony. He was indeed their bitch.

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