Becoming the Twins Faggot

By Jake smith

Published on Jul 14, 2023


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I'm really happy with how the story is coming, and you're in for some surprises coming soon. Any questions comments ect. Please feel free to email me, I love hearing from y'all.

Love, Jake.

Becoming the Twins Faggot Chapter 7

The rest of the week went by in a flash. I just kept looking forward to Saturday, my day to finally have my hour with the twins.

When I woke up Saturday morning I immediately texted Matt asking when they could come over. He texted me back saying they would be over at noon.

For the next few hours I played some video games, waiting for them to come over. Slightly after noon I heard them knock on the door. When I let them in I said hi, and Matt just walked past me without saying anything. I looked at Steve and mouthed "What's wrong with him?"

Waiting for Matt to get to the top of the stairs and into my bedroom, he said "He's not happy about this whole hour thing, plus I think he's a little depressed about the being grounded thing." He shrugged, and we went upstairs.

When we all got into my room, Matt was sitting on the edge of my bed, and Steve sat down next to him. It was weird seeing Matt not his normal aggressive self.

"Alright faggot, you got one hour." Matt said showing me a timer on his phone and hitting the "Start" button.

"Take off your clothes." I said. To which they both complied, getting naked. `

Both of the twin boys sitting naked in their full glory on my bed made my mouth water. But it wasn't sex I was after today. I wanted affection. Normally they degraded me and used me like a piece of meat, today was my day to be treated like a king.

I looked at both of their twunk bodies, light blonde-haired pubes above there formidable dicks. Ugh my mouth was watering. "Both of you come over here and undress me, slowly." I said.

The both stood up, matt on the left and Steve on the right. Each slowly lifted up a side of my shirt and slowly pulled it off. Then slowly pushed down my shorts and underwear. As they did, Matt gave my butt a light slap.

"Thanks." I said, and laid back down on the bed. "Now I want each one of you to massage one side of me, starting from my feet."

Matt rolled his eyes, but they both got on either side of the bed, both rubbing my feet. I laid there with my hands behind my head, enjoying the pampering.

Laying on my back, with my eyes closed I relaxed and let the twins massage me. After they moved up my legs, my dick was rock hard by then, practically dripping precum all over my tummy.

I looked at the phone timer, still 45 minutes left.

"Alright, stop." I said. "Stand up."

They complied.

I got underneath the covers and motioned for them to join me. I put my arms out so both of their heads were on one of my arms when they lay next to me. Pulling them close, I said "Just relax." And put both of their heads on my shoulders.

"Play with my cock." I said.

Steve moved his hand down and grabbed ahold of my hard cock, and Matt followed suit. I bucked gently, and then went in for a big move.

I pulled Matt's head up to mine, and kissed his lips. He tried to pull away slightly, but I held it. When I let go, he pulled away from me. "I said no faggy shit bitch."

"But... you said I could do anything I wanted for an hour." I said.

"Yeah, but I ain't no queer. You're my fag, that's it." Matt said.

Steve looked at his brother. "C'mon man, you did promise him." Steve said to Matt, Then kissed my cheek.

"Fine." Matt said, kissing my cheek. "But don't expect this again." He said.

I nodded, fully understanding.

For the next ten minutes, I went back and forth making out with each brother, while they took turns jerking my dick.

Picking up the phone again, I saw I was down to 30 minutes left.

"Okay, there's something I've really wanted to try...." I said.

"What?" Steve asked.

"I uh, really wanna try eating your asses." I said.

"Oh Jesus Christ." Matt said.

"Please?" I begged.

"Fine, but don't you dare think you're fucking me." Matt said.

Looking at Steve, he just nodded that he'd let me try.

I pushed the covers off us, and both of them flipped over exposing their perky little butts. Each was perfectly smooth except for their crack that had a light smattering of blonde hair. Just for Matt's intolerance, I chose his butt first.

Reaching under his hips, I pulled his butt into the air a bit, and spread his cheeks. As I got closer I could smell his musk. It was intoxicating, I couldn't help but take a big whiff. Then I dove in.

I started licking the hole, then took my tongue and did circles around the hole. Grasping both cheeks harder I started to gently push my tongue into his virgin hole. I couldn't get in far, but slowly he started to relax and with every push his hole let my tongue slide in just a few millimeters more.

I started slobbering all over his hole, gently biting his cheeks, and then going back to tongue punching his hole. Once I stared doing that, I even got a small moan out of Matt.

That fueled me even more and I got lost in my own mind as I violated his hole with my tongue. After what seemed like an eternity of pure bliss, Steve spoke up "Uh, you only got ten minutes left."

Taking my head out of Matt's ass, I said "Okay. For the last ten minutes, were going to spoon."

I laid in the middle of the twins, Matt my little spoon, which I got a small grumble out of, and Steve the big spoon.

Matt's warm body felt so nice in my arms, and Steve's against my back, was heaven.

My dick found Matt's slobbered on ass, and Steve jokingly humping me made my dick slide across Matt's hole. Damn that felt good.

I started humping his wet ass.

"If you go in me I'll kill you." Matt grumbled. To which Steve laughed and started dry humping me, causing my dick to slide up and down Matt's crack.

Steve put his hand around my throat similar to the previous time we had sex, and whispered into my ear. "Cum on his butt."

Steve started making me hump faster, by thrusting against me faster. I could feel my dick building with pressure, and as Matt made a small moan, feeling my dick sliding against his hole, I busted.

I shot several strands of cum all over his ass. As the last rope of cum spurted from my dick I heard the alarm go off.

Without even letting me enjoy myself anymore, Matt jumped up. "That's not happening again faggot." He sneered at me and wiped himself off with my shirt from the floor. Then he stormed out of the room, picking up his clothes as he left.

I turned around to look at Steve questioningly. He just shrugged. "He was worried you might make us do something like that. I don't mind though." And he gave me a quick peck on the cheek and got up.

"I'm going to go make sure he's okay." He said and left.

I laid on the bed, thoughts swimming. I had a date in a few hours, yet I was still the twins fag, and yet Matt was upset with me. I was just so confused.

A few hours later, I had confirmed my plans with Tristan, and I got my mom to drop me off at the movies. We had agreed to meet and see Deadpool 2.

Waiting inside of the movie theater, I saw Tristan coming into the building, caring a bouquet of yellow roses! WTF!

As he walked into the doors, he spotted me sitting at one of the tables waiting and came over. "I uh, brought you these." He said, handing me 12 yellow roses.

Not going to lie, I blushed a little. I took them and said" You didn't have to do that, thanks."

"I just wanted to make a good impression." He said.

We went and got our tickets, and then went up to the theater. Tristan sat to my left, so I set the flowers on the seat to my right.

After the movie started, I set my arm on the arm rest between us, and eventually he took the hint, and put his hand in mine.

The rest of the movie we just sat there, holding hands, watching the movie. After the movie finished, we left the theater, and he said, "Oh my brothers waiting for me."

I gave him a quick hug, and he left. So strange.

As I was waiting for mom to come get me, I noticed Zach coming out of a theater with his girlfriend. I tried to hide, but I wasn't sure if he noticed me.

After mom picked me up, I got a text from Tristan saying, "I had a fun time with you." I just said, "me too."

The next day, I woke up to Matt waking me up, poking my shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" I asked.

"Your parents weren't here so I came up." He said, sitting on my bed.

"Okay." I said looking at him like he had ten heads.

"So how was your date last night?" He asked.

"Uhhhhhh." Was all I could manage.

"Yeah." He said. "you still going to be my faggot?"

"Of course." I said, without even thinking.

"Cool." He said, standing up. Then hawking a big loogie onto my chest, he said "You fucking whore." And started to walk away.

"Wait." I said. He turned around, raising his eyebrow. "Are we cool?" I asked.

"God you're so fucking needy sometimes." He said. "Yeah, we cool. I just got a lot on my mind.

I sat up on my bed more. "What's wrong?" I asked, patting my bed for him to sit.

He sighed heavily and walked back over. Sitting down, he started to tell me what was wrong. He told me how he wasn't getting good grades and how he was worried he would fail some classes. Then finally he told me the real problem. The girl he liked, wouldn't give him the time of day. Chelsea, one of the cheerleaders, wouldn't talk to him no matter how hard he tried.

I sat there and just listened to him. Eventually when he was done talking about all his problems, he just sat there and breathed deep.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked him.

"Nah dude, thanks for listening though." He said, looking over at me with a smile.

"No problem." I said. "Do you need a blow job or anything?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm good for today. Do you wanna go for a ride though?" He asked.

I of course said yes, and within a couple of minutes we were both on our ATV's headed down the trails.

The whole day we spent riding through the trails, taking a few breaks here and there. Finally, when we were headed home, just before we made it out of the trails onto the road to go back home, Matt stopped.

Pulling up behind him, he got off his ATV, and said "You know I'll take that blowjob now."

Without hesitation, I went over to him, unzipped his pants, and took him into my mouth. His crotch was all sweaty from riding all day, and the intoxicating scent made me go into full fag mode. I sucked his dick so hard and fast, he busted in mere minutes.

Once we got back to my house, he looked at me, and said "Thanks for being a good friend." And started to turn away. "Wait" I said.

"Yeah?" He asked

"Does Steve know about the date?" I asked.

"Why would I tell him that? It'd crush him." He said, driving off.

I could have fainted. Matt actually called me a friend and not just his fuck toy, AND implied Steve actually liked me.

There's no way I could keep seeing Tristan if that was true, but I also didn't want him to feel alone...

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 8

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