Becoming the Twins Faggot

By Jake smith

Published on Jul 7, 2023


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Becoming the Twins Faggot chapter 6

Tuesday, the next day, I woke up with a text from Matt. "Don't wear any underwear today. I have a pair for you."

Oh jeez, what would this day entail?

I slipped on some pants and a T-shirt and headed to the bus stop. When I arrived there, I was met by both Matt and Steve. They both greeted me, and Matt told me to meet him in the bathroom at school when I first arrived.

Getting on the bus, I sat with Steve. We had a perfectly normal conversation about video games, and about going for an ATV ride the upcoming weekend. It was strange, he didn't call me faggot, didn't try to touch me or anything, we just chatted. It was a nice change of pace.

Getting off the bus, Steve said goodbye, and I headed to the closest bathroom. I took a moment to go pee, and Matt came inside the bathroom shortly after me.

"Hey fag." He said, throwing a jock at me. This one was one of those fancy Andrew Christian ones, with a red from and red straps. "Put it on."

I started walking into one of the stalls to change into it when Matt said, "I didn't say you can go into the stall to change."

I turned around, looking at him in shock. "Don't even think about protesting fag." He said.

I did as I was told, slipping off my shoes, and pants.

When my pants were completely off, the door to the bathroom opened. Matt moved over to a urinal to pretend to be using it, and I was left standing in the middle of the bathroom, wearing nothing but socks and a t-shirt.

A tall black guy, I hadn't seen in school before walked in took one look at me and turned around muttering. "these crazy ass white boys."

Whew, I was left with some decency intact. I immediately put on the jock and pulled up my pants. Matt turned around and looked at me grinning wildly. He just chuckled to himself and walked out of the bathroom.

How strange, I thought. I never get off the hook that easily. He must have something devilish planned for me.

The rest of the day was literally the most normal day of school ever, until the last period. I did not see either twin all day. During last period I went to the bathroom, and on my way, I went past a few of the freshman classrooms. Going into the bathroom, I went into a stall. While I was using the bathroom, someone came in and used one of the urinals.

As I exited the stall, I saw some freshman standing at the sink washing his hands. He looked like a shy little twink with red hair. I think I had seen him once before with the theatre kids.

"Hey, you're Chris. Right?" He said to me while I washed my hands.

"Yeah, why?" I responded.

While drying his hands he looked down at the floor, saying "My older brother said you're gay. Do you think we could talk about it sometime?"

"Who's your older brother?" I asked.

"Trent." He answered.

That's when it clicked. Oh, this kid was the younger brother of the red head who had been at my gangbang.

"Uh... what do you wanna talk about?" I asked, clearly not being able to deny his remark.

"I uh, think I might be gay too." He said, still looking at the floor.

"Yeah, sure bud." I said, clearly realizing this probably took a lot for him to say.

"Wanna meet me at the park tonight?" He asked.

"Sure, around 7?"

"I'll see you then." He said, then ran out of the bathroom.

I shook my head. How many people were going to know about this.

After my last class I started to head to the bus, But I saw Zach, from the previous day. He looked at me, smiled, and motion for me to follow him. I walked several feet behind him, all the way to the baseball fields again.

Once we got to the dugout, he popped inside. I walked in after him. "Hey dude." He said, pulling down his shorts revealing the big soda can dick.

I automatically got on my knees to service him. He was lucky he was such a nice dude. He just stood there, hands behind his head, and let me do my job. Within minutes he blew his load into the back of my throat.

"Thanks dude." He said, pulling up his pants.

Once again, he drove me home. Just as I was about to get out of the car, he said "Hey dude. Do you think I could fuck you sometime?"

I shook my head. "sorry, no."

"Why the fuck not?" He said, starting to get angry. I hadn't seen this side of him before and did not like it.

"You're just not my type." I said flatly. "I'm sorry dude, I don't mind blowing you, but I can't fuck you."

He looked at me like I had spit on him. "Get out."

I complied, and he sped off.

When I got into my room, I started to relax and play Xbox. While playing, the doorbell rang. It was Steve. I invited him in and he came up to my room, and we both started playing video games together.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, we played call of duty, and after a particularly funny death via grenade, he started laughing and pushed me back onto the bed, laying on top of me.

Resting his head on top of my chest we lay there for a few minutes, then he asked. "Do you like being a fag."

It took me by surprise. "I like being you guy's fag." I said. He lifted his head up," both of us?" He asked.

"Yeah, both of you." I said.

"Why both?" He asked.

"Well, Matt is super aggressive and humiliating, and you're a lot nicer. It's a nice contrast." I said.

"Fair enough." He said, then slowly started unbuttoning my pants. "Take off your clothes. Leave on the jock." He said.

I did as I was told, and sat back on the bed, in just my jock. I then started to undress Steve. Slowly taking off his pants, I noticed he was free balling it. His hard cock laid nicely up against his stomach. He took off his shirt and moved up to lay his head on my pillows. I moved up to his cock and put it in my mouth, burying my nose in his pubes. Inhaling big I took a big whiff of his man scent, it was intoxicating.

I sucked his dick for a moment, and then he reached down and pulled my chin up to his face. Giving me a big kiss, he moved my body, so we were both lying sideways in a spooning position, Steve as the big spoon.

Steven started to kiss the back of my neck, and held one hand in front of my mouth, cupped. He whispered "Spit." So I spit into his hand. He took his hand, and put my spit on my hole, then slowly slid his cock inside of me, reaching around to hold my stomach as he did.

He pushed all the way inside of me, and then stayed there I moaned loudly as he slipped into me. Whispering into my ear" You like that faggot?"

I shook my head yes, and in response he started to fuck me slowly. Long dicking me, pulling his dick almost all the way out, and going all the way back in. I was in heaven. He was holding my tummy with one hand, and holding my neck with the other, embracing me. Kissing me gently on the back of my neck I moaned every time he slid in or out.

He started to pump faster into me, and as he did he whispered names into my ear. "Pig, slut, whore, ect."

Fuck it was so hot.

Eventually he started to thrust even faster, and moaning loudly, he dropped his load inside of me. I could feel his dick pulsing inside of my hole. He pulled my head closer to his, and said, "Whose pig are you?"

"Yours." I whispered back.

"Damn right." And he slid out of me with a noticeable SLURP sound.

He patted my ass, and put his clothes back on. "See ya slut." And he left.

Shortly before 7, I headed over to the park. Getting there at 7, I saw Trent's younger brother swinging alone at the swings.

I walked over to him. "So, I never got your name."

"Tristan." He responded.

"So what's up?" I asked, hopping on the swing next to the younger boy.

"I uh, well, Trent told me that him and a few other guys fucked you."

"Yeah." I said.

"He was really mean about it. Calling you a fag and such."

"Yeah..." I said.

"I'm just scared." He said.

"Why?" I asked, looking over at the boy, who was starting to tear up.

"He called you all sorts of names, I don't want him to hate me." He sai, full blown tears now streaming down his face.

I stood up and walked over to him. Embracing him in a hug, I said "Don't worry about it. I like being called the names and everything. I don't think he would do that to you."

Tristan continued to sob into my chest for a few moments, and then said, "I'm so scared."

"Pulling him away from me, I looked at him. "What can I do to help?"

His lip quivering, he said "Will you be my boyfriend?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Tristan I just met you today. I can't just be your boyfriend."

"Oh." He said, turning away from me.

Not wanting to be mean, I said, "We could go on a date though."

I mean, he wasn't the worst looking kid in the world. And it was kind of sweet in a way how innocent he was.

"You think?" He asked.

"Sure." I said. "How about we go to the movies this weekend?"

He shook his head, and I wiped away his tears.

"Cheer up. Everything will be okay." I said.

He smiled up at me, and then said, "I got to go." And quickly gave me his number. I smiled at him as he walked home.

As I got back to my neighborhood, I saw Matt in his front yard. I waved at him, and he waved back. Shrugging, I walked up to him. "What's up?'

"Just hanging. I'm grounded, so not allowed to leave the yard." He said.

"Do you wanna hang?" I asked.

"Nahh. I'll see you later Faggot." He said, walking away.

"Wait, Matt." I said.

He turned to look at me, one eyebrow raised.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"Nah, just not in the mood for your faggy bullshit today." And walked back inside.

Sighing heavily, I walked home. I hope that Matt wasn't upset with me.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 7

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