Becoming the Twins Faggot

By Jake smith

Published on Mar 13, 2016


Twins chapter 3

It's been 3 weeks since I said no to Matts offer. I don't know why I said no, obviously I wasn't ready to commit to letting him use me every day like he had been, but I needed it.

I craved it. Ever since he dropped that first loogey into my mouth I was hooked. I hadn't known it when I was given that proposal, I thought I could repress that need. But going three weeks without him telling me what to do, calling me a faggot, and all around just degrading me, I needed it. There was an empty spot inside of me now. A little hole that only matt could fill.

I had been thinking for days on what I would have to do to get him back. It was a Saturday, I had hear the twins leave the street on their dirt bikes a hour ago, and I immediately got into the shower, cleaned myself, and proceeded to shave my whole body from the neck down, even my legs this time.

I knew I was going to have to really beg for this, so I put on those ass less blue undies that matt had given to me, and just a pair of cargo shorts. My parents were gone for the day so I wasn't worried about them seeing the clearly ass less undies showing above the top of my shorts.

I waited in my house till I heard the roar of their dirt bikes come zooming down the road. I ran into the garage, got on my bicycle and peddled as fast as I could down the street to their house.


I was too late, they had already gone inside. Looking in the driveway no cars were home, so I knew it would only be the two of them home. I decided I had to make a bold choice.

Opening the side door I slowly moved inside the house, There golden retriever ran over too me, thankfully he didn't start barking, just happily licking my hands. In the mud room was a washer and dryer, two sets of mud soaked clothes were in front of them.

I crept up stairs to hear the sound of a shower. This is my chance. My one shot to get matt back.

While I was slowly walking to the bathroom door, I heard his voice. Matts voice. But it wasn't coming from the bathroom. It was coming from a bedroom.

"Yo hurry up in there I got to clean off too" he was yelling to Steve.

Well, Steve will make matt talk to me again, so I went for it.

I walked into the bathroom and as the door creaked open, Steve said from behind the curtain "dude I said I'm going, chill." Slowly reaching for the curtain, shaking nervously, I reached up and pulled back the curtain.

Steve was standing with his back to the water, rinsing the shampoo out of his hair, the water cascading down his abs, running down his dick, an down his well-defined legs.

Standing outside of the tub in just my shorts I said "hey Steve."

Splashing water in his face he looked at me and jumped back "dude what the fuck are you doing."

"I came back to be your bitch." I told him.

"Take off your clothes and get in here." He said.

Without hesitation I threw my shorts to the ground, and as I was stepping into the shower with steve, I heard him. The voice that I missed so much. Matt.

"well well well, couldn't stay away could you fag?"

Whipping my head around, there he was. Standing in the doorway, mud covering his arms, legs, and part of his face. Smirk look on his face. He knew he had me. He knew I knew he had me. The look in my eye was of want, no, NEED. I needed him.

Before I could say another word, matt walked up towards me, took one arm, and shoved me up against the back of the shower. My second leg barely making it into the tub, he held me, chest shoved up against the wall.

Whispering into my ear "I knew you'd be back."

Grabbing onto one of my butt cheeks, feeling the whole cheek in his hand, Matt grabbed my hair with the other hand and pushed my head so my cheek was firmly against the shower wall.

"Listen up faggot. I'm only going to say this once. I'm not asking you this time, I'm commanding you. You. Are. Our. Bitch. You will do what I say, when I say it, no questions asked. We both know you want us, so quit being a little pussy and take your rightful place as our bitch. Understood?"

"Yes" I mumbled.

Grabbing my ass even harder, "excuse me?" matt said.

"Yes... Master?" I tried.

"That's right bitch. Now fucking suck Steve's dick while I play with that fat ass of yours."

Releasing me from his grip I turned to Steve who had been quite the whole time and bent at the waist to start taking his dick into my mouth. He was already rock hard. My guess was that he got turned on with Matt's violence towards me.

I grabbed onto Steve's dick with one hand, the other on the edge of the tub to hold me up. I hadn't seen Steve's dick yet, but it was the same as matt only his wasn't circumcised. As I took the head in my mouth I put my tongue into the foreskin. Moving it around the head.

Meanwhile Matt had gotten down onto his knees behind me, rubbing my muscular, shaved legs I felt him spread my cheeks and plant his tongue onto my hole.

I could feel the warm water running down my back, Steve's perfect dick in my mouth, and Matt's wet tongue on my hole. I was in heaven. Steve's hand resting gently on my head as I suckled his dick. Matt was groping my ass slapping it, spreading the cheeks. I could hear him mumbling into my ass what a filthy little whore I was.

I knew this is what I wanted for the rest of my life. The gentle touch of Steve mixed with the firm grasp of matt was perfection.

Sadly it didn't last all day. After only 5 minutes Steve was shooting into my mouth. And after that happened Matt stood up and laid his back against the back of the shower.

"Get over here bitch and finish me off."

I kneeled down and took the cut dick into my mouth. Since I've blown matt twice now I knew exactly what he liked. Unfortunately for me Matt wasn't going to let me just blow him. He was going to rape my throat.

He took both hands, placed them behind my head with his fingers interlaced and roughly fucked my face. Of course the name calling began shortly after that. "Faggot. Bitch. Slut."

Matt knew just how to work me over. My dick was hard as a rock, even as I had drool and precum coming out of my mouth. My body trying to lubricate my throat for the pounding it was taking.

Thankfully Matt came quickly. But when he did he made it known. "YEAH BITCH TAKE IT." As he held my head all the way into his pubes. My nose being tickled by them as he came down my throat. His dick pulsating over my tongue.

He held me there so long I couldn't breathe, his dick constricting my airway, I could feel an orgasm building. All the adrenaline rushing into me, trying to be able to breathe, pushing away from his body. Matt holding me there, just whispering over and over. "That's right faggot, that's right."

Before I knew what was happening my dick started to throbbing and exploded all over the back of the shower. Once I started convulsing matt had let go of me, and I fell back my arms behind me holding myself up, cum shooting all over.

"You filthy slut." Matt said looking down at me. Then he spit a big old loogey on to my chest.

Bending down he whiped some of my cum off of the back of the tub and whipped it onto my face.

Throwing me a bar of soap matt told me to clean them both off. So I took turns washing both of the boys top to bottom. When I was done Matt told me to get out.

As I walked home I was happy as a clam. Thankfully matt had let me come back.

On Monday when I went to the bus stop, Matt and Steve were waiting for me. We all talked about the football game on Sunday then when the bus came Steve ran on, and saved me a seat. Not thinking much about it I sat down next to him, matt sat a couple seat behind us.

"Why do you let matt treat you like that?" Steve asked me out of nowhere.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why do you let him degrade you like that? Spit on you and such? I mean don't get me wrong It's hot to watch him degrade a fag, but why?"

"You two are hot. Like the hottest guys at school. I'd do anything to just be with you guys."

"You're a sick little faggot aren't you?" he asked.

Not knowing how to answer I just looked down. "I'm sorry..." I said

"I've been doing some reading about fags, you lust after straight guys like us, don't you? You'll do whatever we say as long as you get our cum and get to serve us. Won't you?"


"And you get off on us humiliating you, don't you?"

"I guess so..." I responded.

"Good, so here is what you're going to do for me. Take these gym short, change into them when you get to school. Oh and you're going commando." Steve told me as he handed me a pair of white gym shorts from his back pack.

"What! I can't do that!" I tried saying back.

Grabbing my chin with his hand, he turned my head towards him, and looked deep into my soul through my eyes. "I believe the words you're looking for are "Thanks for the shorts Steve, anything for you."

"uhh uhhh, Thanks for the shorts Steve... Anything for you." I said reluctantly.

Letting go of my chin he looked away from me. Clearly our conversation was over. I turned around and Matt was looking at me. He just winked. I should have known this was his idea.

When I got to school I went into the bathroom and got changed. Worrying most about my noticeably shaved legs. As soon as I was about to walk out of the bathroom, Matt came in.

"Get in the stall faggot."

When I got into the stall he came in behind me and closed the door. He handed me a bag and told me to take it out. When I did I could see a little what it was I was a little confused. It looked like a plastic purple egg with a sting handle. "Put it in your mouth and turn around."

Leaving the string out of my mouth I put the egg inside obediently. Matt pulled down my shorts and Reached around and pulled the egg out by the string. Immediately it went up my ass with a loud gasp from me.

"Shut up faggot. We're going to play a fun game today. When can Chris get the most awkward boner?"

Then Matt pulled a little remote out of his pocket. All of a sudden my ass was vibrating, and my boner was growing.

Fuck, this wasn't going to be a fun day.

Matt left me in the stall, pants down and ass vibrating. Not too long after my ass stopped vibrating. My best guess was that the remote had gotten too far away.

Thankfully my first few classes I sit in the back and none of my friends are in them. At lunch though when I went and sat down with a few friends, three of them asked me right off the bat why my legs were shaved. The best lie I could come up with was because I was practicing for the swim team. Most of them took the excuse without question.

Halfway through lunch it started. My asshole was vibrating like crazy. Looking up I saw Matt smirking from across the room. I knew I wouldn't be able to hide my erection.

My friend josh who was sitting next to me immediately noticed my tent. "Damn Matt has a boner" Josh told everyone while jokingly shoving me off my chair. I fell onto the floor and everyone within 20 feet looked at me and started to laugh. My erection standing straight up in my shorts. Cat call started in along with a variety of yelling "nice boner Chris" "damn dudes hard" and other mockingly calls.

Embarrassed I grabbed my back pack and ran out of the cafeteria. I ran to the gym locker rooms since gym was my next class. When I started to change into my tank top Matt walked in. Laughing.

"That was Hilarious fag."

"That wasn't funny..." I muttered.

"Oh but it was. I wonder how else we can humiliate you today."

"Please don't."

"Shut up slut, take you're fucking clothes off before I take them off for you."

Before I could even start to take them off Matt already walked over to me and pulled down my shorts and took off my tank. Reaching into his back pack Matt took out a pair of handcuffs and told me to stand up on the bench. After doing so Matt stood up there as well, Then proceeded to handcuff me, naked to a pipe going along the ceiling.

So there I was. Standing there naked with a vibrator up my ass, a raging hard on. Scared out of my mind.

"You see this key fag?" matt said while holding up the key. "Have fun trying to get someone to unlock you. Taking out some duct tape Matt taped the key to my taint. Then he taped my mouth shut.

"Have fun with this fag. See ya" and off Matt went.

I was scared crazy. I didn't know what to do. There was no way out of this.

Then the door opened...

As always thanks for reading and i look forward to hearing any questions comments or concerns. Thank you for donating to nifty as well.

Next: Chapter 4

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