Becoming the Twins Faggot

By Jake smith

Published on Dec 13, 2015


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Chapter 2 The twins

Its been a week since my first encounter with matt. I've only seen a glimpse of him at school. But as I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop at the end of the road I noticed matt and Steve walking towards it.

" Yo Chris" matt shouted.

I kindly waved back and they came right up and explained how their mom couldn't take them to school today like normal. Matt kindly introduced me to steve. Steve was a lot more polite than matt. He shook my hand and asked if I could show him around the trails sometime soon. Of course I agreed.

As all three of us got on the bus Matt grabbed my ass and then proceeded to sit down with me. I set my back pack down on top of my lap, and so did matt. Neither me or matt said a word for a few minutes, until he reached over and set his hand on my upper thigh. I looked over at him with a questioning face, about to say something he just looked over and whispered "shut your mouth faggot " and looked back forward. We didn't say anything for the rest of the ride. He just gripped my upper thigh like I was his property.

The school day went as usual. Just boring old classes, nothing interesting. But when I got back on the bus at the end of the day I was surprised to see Steve on there. He called me over to sit with him. We talked the whole bus ride about our atv's and trails. When we got off the bus I asked him if he wanted to come for a ride, and he said no that he had homework. So I went home and started to play video games.

About 30 minutes into video games I had a knock on my door. I went down to answer it in just my gym shorts. Matt was at the door.

"Don't say a fucking word faggot." And walked right past me. He went upstairs and into my bedroom.

I followed him and as he laid on my bed he just looked at me and said "well it's not going to suck itself."

So I immediately got on the bed at his feet and pulled down his shorts. Matt was already hard as a rock. I pulled his dick down and shoved it into my mouth. At first I just licked the head, and I could feel pre cum oozing out onto my tongue. The taste was delicious. Then I started to take more and more into my mouth. I reached up with my hand and spit on his shaft and started jerking and twisting like I've seen done in porn. Putting my mouth back on the head and swirling my tongue around it along with the twisting Matt was going crazy.

All the slurs were coming out of his mouth "Suck it faggot, that's right bitch, you like that don't you queer"

Eventually he blew his load in my mouth. It was bigger than the last one. As soon as he started shooting he grabbed the back of my head and shoved it down. It was all I could do to swallow it all. After a minute he started to go soft but he wouldn't let me pull off his dick.

"Don't fucking move fag" Matt said.

The next second a warm flow of salty piss was going down my throat. Never tasting piss before I immediately trying pulling back. His penis flopped out of my mouth and he kept pissing and it went all over his stomach.

"Ut oh..." was all I could say as the look of rage on matts face ignited fear in my bones.

Matt pulled his hand back and slapped me as hard as he could across the face.

"Pull a stunt like that again and I'll beat the shit out of you. The faster you realize you're my bitch the happier we will all be." He said.

Matt shoved his dick back in my mouth and continued to empty his bladder, tears rolling down my face from the slap.

When he was finally done he pulled me off his dick, sat up and spat a big juicy loogey down onto my face. "Go start me a shower fag, so I can clean myself up."

I got up and went into the bathroom to start a shower, and matt shortly followed. Stripping down naked he jumped in the shower, I had no idea what to do so I just stood there outside of the shower.

Matt peeked around the corner of the curtain and said "well get in."

I threw off my shorts and gladly jumped in.

I immediately started soaping matt up. I took the bar of soap and ran it all over his abs, on his dick, down his legs, and up his chest. I started to reach around to his butt and he slapped me, thankfully a lot lighter this time.

Matt rinsed off then turned around to look at me. "If you're going to be my bitch you should look like a bitch" Then reached down and grabbed the shaving cream my mom uses for her legs and handed it to me. "Start shaving bitch." I wasn't sure where he wanted me to shave so I asked "where?"


"I said no talking bitch, shave everything from your neck down" He said.

I was horrified. I didn't want to shave my legs. I love wearing shorts and people would notice if they were smooth.

I started to smear the cream on my happy trail and pubes. Matt just stood there arms crossed and watched as I lost my manhood and I shaved away my precious pubes.

"Now your legs." Matt said.

I started to cry as I spread the cream on both of my legs. Bit by bit I removed all the hair from my legs, sobbing the whole time. When I was done with my legs matt just turned me around, took the cream and razor and said "spread em." He lightly shaved my asshole, which surprised me how gentle he was.

When he was done, matt gave my ass a light slap. And we both got out of the shower.

"You like being my bitch don't you?" he asked. I shook my head yes.

Matt reached down and grabbed a pair of undies out of his shorts pocket and handed them to me. "You'll be wearing these for the rest of the day." And handed them to me. They were bright blue and didn't have the ass part of them. The whole back side was open so it just covered up my front side.

I put on the underwear and my gym shorts. Matt told me to put on a shirt as well.

"We are going to go riding, I'll go get Steve."

I turned off my xbox and went around back to get my four wheeler. A few minutes later matt and Steve showed up on there's.

For the next hour or so we went riding all through the trails. We ended up back at the pond to take break.

"Hey lets go for a swim to cool off." Matt suggested.

The twins both took off their shorts to reveal swim trunks. Then it clicked. Matt planned this.

Matt and Steve both ran and jumped into the water. I followed still wearing my gym shorts. Swimming around we were splashing and playing like nothing was wrong. After about 20 minutes we all started to walk out of the water, Steve in front of me and matt a few feet behind me. As I was just about to leave the water, Matt yanked my shorts down.

I gasped and tried to grab them before Steve saw, but that made Steve turn around.

"Damn bro you were right he is gay." As Steve noticed my newly acquired underwear.

"Told ya he's a big ole faggot. Wearing skimpy undies like that" matt told his brother.

Steve laughed and just walked away and got dressed. Matt did not like that at all.

"Hey bro watch this" matt said and looked at me and grabbed my mouth and opened it with one hand, and spat another loogey into my mouth.

"grossssssss" Steve said. And started to get on his atv.

"Come on bro try him out, he can be our bitch" matt said.

Steve just looked at his brother and slowly walked back over to us.

"He'll do whatever you want bro. This faggot is like in love with us or something" matt told Steve.

When Steve got over to us he noticed my raging boner inside my underwear. "I guess he really does like us." He said as he poked my hard on. Steve reached into my wet undies and pulled out my dick.

"So he'll do anything?" he asked Matt. Matt nodded yes.

"Jerk off for me." Steve said in a lot nicer of a voice than Matt had ever used.

I reached down and started to stroke my dick. Steve just stared at me. "Faster" he said. So I went faster. I knew I was going to cum so fast with the twins staring at me. My hips were bucking and I was moaning so loud. Matt reached over in front of me and told me to cum on his hand. Within seconds I was cumming all over his hand. When I was done he took his hand full of my cum and smeared it all over my face.

Both of the boys started laughing. And matt said "come on lets go home. See ya fag" and they took off.

Thankfully they left me my clothes this time. I washed off my face and headed home. When I got there I put away my atv and went inside. I said hello to my parents and went into my room.

Later I heard a knock on my front door and my mom answered. I could hear matt talking to her, and she told him to come on in. he came up into my room. "Hey fag, how's it going?"

"Good, what's up?" I responded.

He sat down on my bed next to me. "Well Steve liked your little show today. Now I'll give you one chance to get out of this. Do you want to be our bitch? If you say yes you have to do whatever we say, and if you do you will be rewarded. But if you say no I will walk away and you will never talk to either of us again."

I looked at matt. What should I do? I really enjoy matt being so mean to me, and Steve was so nice. I don't know.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 3

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