Becoming the Twins Faggot

By Jake smith

Published on Nov 14, 2023


Hey guys, thank you for all the kind emails regarding the story, i love hearing from fans of my work. If you'd like more, donating to nifty helps keep this site free for everyone to use and writers like me to post on.

Feel free to let me know how you like how the story is progressing and i promise to write more! Love, Jake.

Chapter 10

As I stood there looking at the tied-up jocks, my mind was a flurry of emotion. The four guys that had held us down and shot their loads inside of us were now tied up in the twin's basement, helpless.

"Are you sure about this you guys?" I said.

Trent, Tristan's older brother stepped forward and put a hand on my shoulder. "We're sure. We are going to make them pay for what they did you you two. How do you want to get payback?"

A cruel little smile twisted its way onto my face and I walked forward to Zach. "I was nice to you." I said, "you could have kept getting blowjobs, but you got greedy and look where that got you." I said, rubbing my hand across his cheek while he looked up at me begging through the gag.

"Pathetic." I said, spitting in his face. "You think you can come and rape me and my friend, and not pay the consequences? I'm going to use you like a god damn hand puppet you vile little worm." I said, patting his cheek.

"Matt, do you have some scissors, so we can take these lovely hand puppets clothes off?" I asked. All four of the tied up boys started to scream into there gags.

"Yeah, one sec dude." He said, running to grab them.

Turning to talk to Tristan, I said" Wanna talk about this real quick?"

"Sure." He said, and we stepped into another room.

I asked him how he wanted to take revenge on them.

"They need to feel what they did to us." He said.

"I think we need to do more than just rape them back." I said. "We have to humiliate them."

Tristan agreed.

Walking back into the room, Matt was back with two pairs of scissors. He handed them to bother me and Tristan.

Matt looked at the jocks and said, "We are going to let these two have their fun with you, and if you get out of line, then I break your knee caps." He said brandishing a wooden baseball bat.

Steven said" Understood?"

They all shook their heads yes. I'm sure the thought of broken knee caps was much worse then whatever Tristan and I were about to do.

So the line up was Alex, the running back, with black hair and a devilish smile. Zach was next to him, then Bryan, another lineman the same size as Zach, with brown hair. Lastly was the quarterback Kyle, a skinnier blonde who I had actually found very attractive in school, until he raped Tristan that is.

I walked up to Zach, and took my scissors to the bottom of his shorts and started cutting up towards his crotch. He started to move and say "Stop" into the gag. "Listen dumbass." I said" If you stop moving I won't knick anything, but I can't say the same if you're thrashing around." He immediately went still.

I took my time cutting off his clothes, first his shorts and then his boxers, lastly his shirt. Tristan was finished releasing Alex of his clothes too, then we finished with the other two.

"So, I think we should be able to let them have their say in this, what do you think Tristan?"

"Sounds fair."

Going up to Kyle first, I ungagged him. "What do you have to say for yourself?" I asked.

"It was Zach's idea! I just got caught up in the moment. Please." He said, practically starting to hyperventilate.

"Okay." I said, returning the gag.

Up next was Bryan. As soon as I removed the gag he said something similar, blaming it all on Zach.

I went over to Alex next. He hung his head and didn't look up at us. I removed the gag and he looked up at me with puffy tear-filled eyes. "Chris, please." He said. I went to put the gag back in, but he said "Wait. Remember that time I saved you from those bullies?"

I cocked my head, remembering how a few years ago he had stopped a few bullies from picking on me at the park one day.

I bent down and got right into his face. "You remember that time you held me down and raped me?"

He closed his eyes. " I'm really sorry." He said, and I returned the gag.

I walked over to Zach. Grabbing the gag I paused. "No, you don't get to say anything." I said, delivering another spit onto his face.

"So, Tristan, what do you think?" I asked.

"I want an apology." He said. I cocked my eye at him but said okay. He took out his phone and said" I want a recorded apology from you, and if I feel like you mean it, I won't hurt you." Tristan said.

He turned on his video and said "Okay go."

Ungagging them each again, All three gave very convincing apologies. Said they would never hurt anyone again, and promised they would do whatever it took to make it right.

"Anything?" Tristan asked each of them. To which they all agreed.

After regagging them all, Tristan said" Thank you boys. Like I said, I won't hurt you now. I'm sorry to say that that doesn't count for the rest of these guys." He pointed to the twins and his older brother. A grin spread across my face. "So it looks like we have you all confessing to rape." I said. But, that's not going to be enough." I said.

"Matt, Steven, Trent, will you do me a favor?" I said.

"Sure anything buddy." Matt said.

"Please take Zach into the other room, and show him what it feels like to be gangraped." I said, staring Zach in the eyes.

He started shaking his head and screaming into the gag. Matt and Steven both walked forward and picked him up out of the chair dragging his screaming body into another room. "Oh, and if you could take his gag off? I want his friends to hear what they might be in for later."

I heard the gag come off because Zach immediately started swearing and said "Get the fuck off of me you faggots."

"Have fun guys." I called.

"I wanna go watch." Tristan said, following the twins.

So that left three tied up jocks, Trent with a baseball bat, and I in the room.

"Do you have anything better than a baseball bat?" I asked Trent.

"You think I need something more for these dipshits? Here, take this though." He said handing me a taser.

"Thanks" I said.

I looked at Alex first. "Since you were kind to me, I'll let you go first. Any type of resistance, and ill personally crush your nuts you hear?" He shook his head yes.

"Good. Now I'm going to untie you, and any sort of resistance, this goes on your balls, and we post that video of you confessing on facebook for all to see." He nodded in agreement.

I untied him instructing him to lay on his back on the floor.

As he did, I could hear Tristan saying from the other room "No, he doesn't get lube." And Zach still screaming for them to get off of him.

"Do you want that to be you next?" I asked Alex.

"No No please."

"Lift up your legs and let me see that pussy." I said.

He did, revealing a tight pink hole.

"Finger yourself, and tell me you want me to fuck you." I said.

Taking one hand he spit on his fingers and started to finger his virgin hole.

"Trent, video this." I said, he complied taking out his camera.

"now, beg for my cock." I said.

Alex started begging for my cock, asking me to fuck him.

"Where am I going to fuck you?"

"In my asshole."

"No, in your pussy."

"Yes, Chris please fuck my pussy." He said, laying on his back showing me his hole getting fingered.

I unzipped my pants and showed him my hard cock. "You want this pig?"

"Yes, yes please Chris." He said.

Taking off my pants I knelt down a foot away from him. "Add another finger." I said.

He did and grimaced as he did.

That's when I could tell the twins hard started on Zach. His screams of "No" had started turning into cries of help, which made me even more hard.

"Sounds like he's getting what he deserves." I said. Grabbing Alex's ballsack in my hand, I said "You want me to fuck my pussy?"

He grimaced and said "Yes please."

I stood up."You keep fingering your hole." And walked over to Kyle. Ungagging him I said "Suck it."

He graciously took my cock in his mouth. "Any teeth and ill break them all." I said. I think he tried to say okay, but it just sounds like a grumble with my cock in his mouth.

"Oh Alex." I said.


"I don't hear you begging for my cock."

He immediately started begging again and my cock got rock hard inside of Kyles mouth.

"Your friend is lubing up my cock for you. Say thank you."

"Thanks kyle."

"Thanks kyle what?" I said.

"Thanks Kyle for lubing up Chris's cock."

"Eh em." I said.

"Thanks Kyle for lubing up Chris's cock so he can fuck my pussy."

"Much better pig." I said.

Taking my cock out of Kyles mouth I got back down in front of Alex and said "I'm going to fuck you like you fucked me."

The fear in his eyes was like an aphrodisiac. "Please." Alex said. But it wasn't a please fuck me kind of please. It was a beg for forgiveness.

"Grab your ankles." I said, giving the taser a quick flash. He immediately grabbed his ankles showing me his hole.

Taking my cock in one hand, I grabbed his nutsack in the other and said "If you don't keep begging me to fuck you harder I'm going to crush your nuts."

He turned his head away, accepting his fate.

I slid inside of him, inch by inch until I was fully inside. He gasped but kept up his mantra of "harder" and "please"

I started off slow and gradually started fucking him faster. Eventually he stopped asking for more and started crying. I squeezed his nuts hard and he screamed. Then yelled "Please harder."

"Did you have this much fun raping me?" I asked, watching tears stream down his face.

"No." he said.

"do you want my cum inside of you?" I asked"

"No." he said.


"YES YES I MEAN YES." He yelled.

"Beg for it whore." I said.

"Please cum inside of me." He begged.

"It doesn't sound like you truly want it." I said, still thrusting into him.

"Please cum in me Chris." He begged.

I stopped fucking him. I stopped, balls deep inside of him. I sat there for a long moment and stared down at him.

"Now you know how it feels." And slid my cock out of his hole.

"You don't deserve my cum." I said standing up. I looked down at his tear streaked face and said. "You're nothing but a little whore." And proceeded to release my bladder all over his torso.

He started to cry even more at the humiliation.

"Hey Kyle." I said, turning my eyes onto the Quarterback.

"Yes...." He said.

"Since I like you, I'll give you an option. If you Fuck Alex, I'll let you go afterwards. Deal?"

"Yes yes." He said, relieved.

Untying him I flashed the taser at him, and told him to get in front of Alex.

"Now, Since you liked cumming in Tristan so much, You're going to fuck Alex, until you cum in him."

"Okay." He said.

"Three times." I finished.

"What?" he said.

"Once you cum three times inside of him, you're free to go."

"But I can't do that, I get too sensitive after I cum." He complained.

"Oh so you want to get fucked?" I asked.

"No, I'll do it." He said.

"Good. Get in position." I said.

Kyle got in front of a still sobbing Alex, and got hard. His cock was way bigger than mine, probably 7 inches and thick.

"Do I get lube?" He asked.

"Nah, you can just use whatever spit is leftover." I said.

He slid inside of his friend. Who started to cry again. Getting down next to Alex's head, I said "Maybe next time you'll think twice before fucking someone who doesn't want it." And spat on his face. "Pig."

He kept crying and I watched as his friend fucked his hole.

"Watch them." I said to Trent and went to check on the twins.

Walking into the other room I found Matt ballsdeep in a doggy style Zach. Calling him names like "pig" and "fat bitch."

"Say it." I said.

"Say what?" Matt asked.

"Zach, say you're a fat bitch who deserves to get fucked."

"Fuck you faggot." He snarled through gritted teeth.

"Alright, well, lemme know when he's nice and ready for my fist." I said turning and walking away.

"Wait no" Zach yelled as I closed the door.

Walking back Kyle was still pounding into a crying Alex.

"You cum yet?"

"I'm getting close."


He thrusted a few more times, and then finally exploded inside of his friend. He stopped thursting and I said"No no no." and started to push his butt forward making his dick go in and out of Alex's hole.

"Please no." he said. "It's so sensitive. Turning the taser on, he started thrusting again. His face was contorted in pain as the sensitivity of his dick got to him. Within a minute he shot his second load. This time he begged to stop.

"One more." I said. Turning the taser on again."

By now Kyle was crying while he fucked Alex, his dick too sensitive to keep going. After another minute he finally convulsed and collapsed on top of his friend.

"Now Alex." I said.

Wiping back tears as he released his legs he said "Yes?"

"Give Kyle a kiss and tell him thank you."

He gave me a questioning look, but did as he was told.

"Okay, you two can sit back on your chairs." I said, and they both got up and sat back down on there chairs.

"Now, Bryan." I said turning to him. His eyes widened. Removing his gag I said, "Have you learned your lesson here today?"

"Yes I swear."

"Hmmmm. I dunno, It wouldn't be fair to leave you out."

"No I promise I learned the lesson."

"Alex, come over here please." I said. He stood up and walked over to me, still convulsing slightly and he kept crying.

"Bryan, be a doll and suck kyles loads out of Alex's asshole, and then I'd say you've learned your lesson."

His eyes got wide, but he didn't protest. Not after what he just saw.

Alex moved to put his butt in Bryans face and Bryan moved his face into Alex's buttcheeks.

"Fart it into his mouth." I said.

I watched for the next few moments listening to the wet farts go into Bryans mouth.

"Lick the hole Bryan." To which he complied.

"There, Alex go sit again, and I'd say you three are done."

Walking into the other room, Steven was slamming into Zach's shitter.

"You ready for the finale boys?" I asked.

"Noooo" Zach groaned.

"oh yes." I said. "Bring him back into the other room.

Walking back into the other room, The three jocks sat in their chairs as Trent stared at them Menacingly with the bat. Matt and Steven threw a naked and tied up Zach onto the floor. "Fuck you." Zach said.

"Oh don't you worry about that." I said, replacing his gag. "You wanted to rape us?" I said, getting down next to his face." Every single one of us is going to rape you now. And for a treat when were done, I'm going to fist your sloppy pussy."

The screams I heard next will linger in my dreams forever.

Up first, Alex got behind his friend and shoved his cock into him. After he shot his load inside of zach, I kept the line going. Bryan, then Tristan, Trent, the twins, and finally myself. I was nice to kyle, figuring he didn't have much left to add. As Matt finished, I got behind Zach, who was now laying on his stomach, unable to keep himself in doggy anymore. Removing his gag all that was left was a husk of a man. "You're going to want to beg for my load Zach, or this isn't going to end well for you."

I slid inside of him and said" squeal pig." Smacking his ass.

"REEEE REEEE." He complied.

"That's right pig." I said.

I kept fucking him as he silently cried into the floor. When I was close, I shot my load up his cunt.

Afterwards, I stayed inside of him and let my bladder go inside of him. "Noooooo." He moaned, feeling my warm piss enter inside of him.

I got up, and kicked him over onto his back. I instructed everyone to piss on him, which everyone complied. "You're lucky Zach. No fist today." I said.

When we were done, I said "Tie them all back up please." After they were all tied up, I said."Did everyone learn their lesson?" They all shook their heads yes, besides Zach. "Good."

Taking a sharpie, I wrote on each of there foreheads. "Cumdump" for Alex. "Fag" for Bryan and Kyle, and then "Rapist." On Zach.

"Take them and dump them on the football field." I said, and Matt Steven and Trent grabbed the boys and took them away, leaving me and Tristan alone.

"Feel better?" I asked.

"Much." He said. "I just wish my virginity could have been taken in a better way."

`Stop." I said. "I told you, that wasn't sex." And Hugged him.

To be continued....

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