Becoming the Twins Faggot

By Jake smith

Published on Oct 22, 2015


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Becoming The Twins Faggot

Hello, my name is Christopher, but most people just call me Chris. I'm 15 and about 5'8 and 170 lbs, built like a football player, with a nice bubble butt, blonde hair and blue eyes.

Just a few weeks ago I got new neighbors. A set of twins named Matt and Steve. These two boys were always getting into trouble at school. They were the grade beneath me, but I had heard stories about them being real jerks. That was totally fine by me, because they were some of the hottest guys I've seen in school. Blonde, fit and total douche. My kind of boys.

Today was the day I was going to try to make friends with them. I noticed they had a nice set of four wheelers, so I figured I would try to go riding with them. I rode my dirt bike down to their house and knocked on the door. The mom opened the door and said hello. I introduced myself and asked her if I could go ridding with the twins. Only matt was home, but he came to the door.

We talked for a few minutes and it didn't take much convincing before we were off ridding in the woods. I had told him I would show him some of the local trails.

We rode all around the local trails for miles, I made sure to show him all the trails in a 5 mile radius. We stopped at a sand pit just a few miles away from the house a few hours later and hopped off our atv's to look around. There was a huge pond in the middle due to all the recent rain. Being a hot day out matt suggested we take a swim.

"OH I don't have a bathing suit" I responded to his idea.

"Don't worry about it bro just go in your underwear, no one is around to see" he shot back.

Matt started to take off his shirt, and I noticed the sweat glistening his abs. Kicking off his shoes and socks he yelled over "Well come on Chris, let's get going." So I took my shirt off and by the time I was to my shoes he already was down to his underwear. They were those tight boxer briefs from American eagle.

I pulled down my pants reveling my tightey whitey's. I hadn't been planning on him seeing them so I didn't think anything of it when I put them on this morning.

A burst of laughter came out of matt when he looked over and saw them. "Damn dude you still wear tightey whiteys?"

With a blush I replied "yeah... they are comfy okay bro?"

"Whatever let's just go swimming" matt said. Then he ran into the water. I followed him and jumped in right behind him. The water wasn't too deep, only about 4 feet, but it was nice and refreshing.

We swam and talked for a while, then after about an hour decided to get out. Matt got out before me and as he walked out of the pond, I could see his glistening abs. I couldn't help but think about him in a sexual manner. As I walked out of the pond behind him I noticed a huge bulge in my pants, and before I could hide it so did matt.

"What the fuck bro?" he said

I tried to cover myself up. I was so embarrassed. I couldn't make out any words.

"I thought you were a little faggot. Guess I was right." He said

"No matt I'm not" I tried to say. But before I could even finish Matt came up and slapped me.

"Shut up queer. This is why you wanted to hangout isn't it. Just to look at me all day?" matt said.

"No no I swear I was just trying to be nice." I said back. But matt wasn't buying it.

"You wanna suck this dick faggot?" Matt asked me.

I couldn't even make out words. I just stood there dumbfounded. I never expected for this boy to actually offer me his dick. Matt knew he had me, he could see by the tent in my pants.

Pushing me down on the ground matt yelled "I asked you a question faggot. Do you want this dick" afterwards grabbing his junk through his boxers.

"Yes" was the only word I could get out of my mouth.

Taking out his dick matt walked towards me. It was a thing of beauty, the most perfect circumcised penis I would ever see, with just a slight upwards curve. I knew I wanted it.

"Open up queer, you're going to be my little bitch from now on." Matt said as he grabbed me by my chin and shoved his dick in my mouth.

There was nothing gentle about what was about to go down. Matt was standing over me with his dick in my mouth.

"Fucking suck it queer, and if I feel any teeth I'll knock them all out."

I reached up my hand to grab his dick and immediately it got slapped away.

"I said suck, bitch" he said.

So I started to suck it. I tried going all the way down, but I wasn't an experienced cock sucker. I could only take 5 of the 7 inches in my mouth at once. Clearly that wasn't going to be good enough for Matt. He grabbed onto the back of my head and started thrusting me onto his dick harder and harder. I was gagging so bad, drool dripping down my face. That's when he started saying stuff like "Yeah faggot take it", "Choke on that dick queer", and " I bet you love that dick."

Which of course was true.

Matt slowed down a bit and told me to look up at him. With tears rolling down my face I looked up and got a huge loogey to my face. I couldn't believe he had just did that. Then the onslaught continued. He was bashing my throat with his dick.

Finally I could feel him getting close. I just wanted it to be over at this point. My throat was hurting and drool, slobber, and tears covered my face.

Without warning Matt started to spew into my mouth. Hot sticky cum filled my mouth. Then he yanked his dick out of my mouth he said "don't you dare spit that out. Open your mouth and show it to me"

So I did as I was told, and SPLAT another loogey onto my face. I was horrified. Why would he just do that?

"Now swallow bitch." Matt told me. So I did as I was told. "That's a good faggot, you're going to be my personal bitch from now on."

Matt started walking away back to his four-wheeler. He started getting dressed real quick. Looking back at me, covered in my own juices he said "you want to be my faggot don't you slut?"

I shook my head yes. He walked over to my stuff and grabbed it. "Then be a good little faggot and ride home just like you are. See you tomorrow fag." Then he hoped on his four wheeler and drove off.

I didn't know what to think or feel. I was sitting in the dirt barely able to think. I knew I had to get home. So I hoped on my dirt bike and made it home with only passing a few cars. No one would know who I am, just some kid being stupid.

I ran inside and hoped into the shower. I had to get clean. I looked down and I was hard as a rock. Today had been one of the best days of my life. I had been made into a faggot by the neighbor, and I loved it.

I started jerking off and within minutes I shot a huge load all over the backside of the shower.

I couldn't wait to see matt again.

Next: Chapter 2

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