Becoming the Executive Assistant

By Bustermuscle

Published on Jan 10, 2023


This story is fiction and based on consensual DOM/sub sex between men. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2022 with all rights reserved outside of Nifty.

General Synopsis:

As the new personal assistant to Mr. Amir Noor, the C.E.O., Johnny Carter realizes that his job responsibilities have become bizarre and sexually twisted. After coercion from the company therapist, and several employees, Johnny begins to think this perversion is part of his normal daily rountine.

In This Chapter:

Johnny visits the doctor again for more mind-control training. He is told that swallowing cock is now part of his job responsibilities and must learn to deepthroat the entire shaft. Because of his huge black cock, Derek is asked to help the doctor to teach Johnny to control his gag reflex and swallow the entire cock to take the alpha cum.

From the Author:

There will be sex in every chapter but some more extreme than others. I like to write about the "power exchange" between two men where one dominant alpha completely controls the submissive beta.

I have other stories here on NIFTY and will always list them at the end of each chapter. Please share your thoughts and email me at I will answer all emails.


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The next day, Johnny dressed in his tight spandex uniform and was under the desk licking his boss's feet as usual. He had spent the night trying to service Mr. Hopkins orally but seemed to be having a problem gagging when he tried to thrust his cock into Johnny's throat.

As Johnny licked Noor's feet, he heard Mr. Hopkins voice as he walked into the office.

"Excuse me Sir," Hopkins said, "I think you need to be aware of something that occurred last night at the apartment." Johnny instantly cringed remembering how Mr. Hopkins had to force his cock down Johnny's throat causing him to actually vomit onto the carpet.

"I don't mean to be critical of your choices Sir," Johnny heard him say, "but Im still not sure Mr. Carter is the right choice for this position."

"Continue Mr. Hopkins," Noor said.

"Well, when you asked me to helped train him, I thought the boy should learn to swallow the entire cock." Mr. Hopkins continued, "after asking him to open his throat, he wouldn't do it. So I put my hands behind his head and forced my hard cock down his throat."

"Good man," Noor commented, "so he took your cum, right?"

"No Sir," Johnny cringed cause he knew he was in trouble now. "The boy vomited not only on my cock, but on the carpet... ahhhh, your carpet too."

"I knew he was supposed to take my cum so I continued force fucking his head until I unloaded in his mouth."

"What about the mess?" Noor asked.

"Of course I made him lick it up Sir." Hopkins replied.

"He licked his own vomit?" Noor asked.

"Yes Sir, I thought it would be a good lesson to him. He ran to the bathroom before he vomited two more times." Hopkins leaned into the desk.

"Something has to be done Sir." Hopkins said, "that's why he will need more training."

Mr. Noor stood up and pulled Johnny up with him by the hair. He bent Johnny over the desk and, through his tights, began spanking the boy's ass.

"Ohhhh Sir, please" Johnny cried out.

"I thought after yesterday's meeting that we were beyond this by now boy." Noor said as he spanked with one hand and held the boys head up by the hair with the other hand. "You are a faggot cocksucker remember boy?"

"Sirrrr," Johnny cried out, "Please, I'm sorry.

"Say it boy," Noor ordered, "tell me you are a good boy, a good cocksucker."

"Sir," Johnny seemed like he was crying again. "I promise to try harder not to gag Sir. I will take the cock down my throat like a good faggot cocksucker. I will be a good boy Sir."

Noor stopped spanking him. Suddenly, he became calm.

"Good boy," his boss said, "That's what I need to hear."

Johnny thought "What the hell was happening to me? It seems like he completely lost control of his life. He looked up at his boss thinking, "Please don't make me do this, Sir." But, if he didn't want this, why didn't he just walk away. He could end all of this crazy perverted behavior and get his life back by just walking out.

Did he want this? Even with all the humiliation and verbal abuse, Johnny obeys his boss. He complies with the shame and even heightens it by confessing, out loud, what he is. Something is released inside of him by just giving up all the control of his own life. He felt free.

"You will take the cock like a good boy, right?"

"Yes Sir," Johnny said as he tried to stop crying, "I promise Sir, but..."

"There will be no "buts" remember boy?" Noor said, "We need a guarantee so I think its time for another visit to Dr. Stevenson, Mr. Hopkins."

"Of course Sir," Hopkins agreed. Hopkins left to get Dr. Stevenson as Mr. Noor continued to spank the boy.

"I am sorry boy (spank) but this behavior (spank) has got to stop," Noor was screaming, "Do (spank) you (spank) understand?"

"Yes Sir... please." Johnny cried.

This time, Dr. Stevenson was asked to come to Mr. Noor's office. Johnny stood sobbing in the corner as Noor and the therapist discussed their plan. He then led Johnny to the executive sitting area to sit on his boss's sofa. The doctor brought a glass of water and the globe with him.

"Drink up boy," the doctor ordered, " look at the globe as you drink and focus on what is inside of it."

The doctor nodded to Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Noor, indicating they could sit and watch. The two executives sat back in the armchairs to watch little Johnny being brought under hypnosis.

"Don't change your focus Johnny." The doctor said, "look only at the globe and listen to me." Johnny sat motionless as he drank the water. Both men knew that the boy was drinking a sedative that would clear Johnny's mind and open it up to suggestion and obedience. The drink also contained a professional Cialis powder, which would increase his libido and make him horny for several days.

"Good boy Johnny." Dr. Stevenson actually pet Johnny's head like a dog. "You can close your eyes now and think about how relaxed you feel. I also want you to think about cock Johnny. Can you do that for me boy?

Johnny nodded.

"Good boy," the doctor whispered into his ear. "Just focus on my voice and relax boy. Look into the globe and take deep breaths for me."

"Now Johnny, I want you to think about Mr. Noor and his big hairy uncircumcised cock. Think about the smell of his dirty smegma under the skin and how it attracts and repulses you at the same time. You had to clean that cock, didn't you boy?"

Johnny nodded.

"Did you like the taste of his cock Johnny?"

The boy shook his head NO.

"Oh no Johnny, I think you did like the taste. You licked up all that smegma and it was delicious, wasn't it."

Johnny then slowly nodded.

"Good boy," the doctor smiled over at the two executives watching. "Of course you loved how that cheesy smegma smelled and tasted. Didn't you good boy."

Johnny nodded again. Now, he seemed to be in a dream-like state of mind.

The doctor said, "You know now, that your job is to simply service Mr. Noor, as his personal assistant, and to service any other men as directed by your boss."

"Yes Sir," Johnny said softly.

"We know now that you have become a cocksucker too, isn't that right?."

Johnny shock his head NO again.

"No, no," the doctor continued, "don't worry Johnny, that doesn't make you gay. You are simply doing your job. You need to suck cock because that is what Mr. Noor wants you to do. Isn't that part of your job now Johnny?"

Johnny nodded.

"Good boy," the doctor said, "that's right. You understand why you need to be cocksucker, don't you boy?"

"Yes Sir," Johnny repeated.

"Good boy," the doctor continued, "let's discuss what you have learned Johnny, shall we? Why don't you close your eyes now and just listen to my voice."

Johnny leaned back and closed his eyes.

The doctor continued, "You know that a man's cock needs a tight wet hole to penetrate. To fuck. A tight hole is perfect for making his cock cum. Your mouth is a tight hole. YOU can make a real man cum with your mouth. It will make you feel wonderful knowing that you made that nice big cock cum inside you or on you. You will not touch your boy clit so you can focus on real cocks and make them cum. When that happens, it will make you feel like such a GOOD BOY".

Johnny moaned.

"Yes Johnny," the doctor said, "You will always be a GOOD BOY as long as you suck cock."

There was a knock on the door. Dr. Stevenson walked to the door and opened it.

Derek was standing there in the doorway.

"Sorry to intrude doctor," the beautiful black man said, "but Mr. Noor asked me to come to his office." Johnny was so deep in trance that he barely reacted to the intrusion.

This was the plan, of course. Amir Noor, while sitting on the couch watching, text Derek to meet him in his office. It was known that Derek Blackstone had a huge cock. Some have guessed it to be almost 12" long. Derek was there to get his cock sucked. Mr. Noor wanted the doctor to train young Johnny to take that 12" down his throat, without gagging.

"Johnny," the doctor turned Johnny's face to look at Derek, "You know Derek, ah Mr. Blackstone, don't you?"

"Yes doctor," Johnny said.

"Good because Derek is going to help us today." The doctor put the black man standing directly in front of Johnny. Being seated, Johnny was now staring directly at Derek's crotch. Derek looked over at Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Noor watching from the sofa. He smiled.

"Yes boy," the doctor said, "you can look at his crotch now. I want you to look at his bulge. Doesn't it look big Johnny? Much bigger than yours, isn't it?"

Johnny nodded. The doctor pulled the boy forward while sitting on the couch.

"Do you see what is in front of you boy?" He pulled Johnny's head closer to Derek's crotch. Johnny nodded yes. "Come closer and smell it boy", the doctor said as he literally pressed Johnny's face against the black man's growing bulge.

"Imagine the size of that cock in there boy," the doctor said as he held Johnny's head in place. "Look at it. That looks like a real man cock under there, doesn't it boy?" Johnny nodded. The bulge looked like it was traveling down his pant leg.

"I think it wants to come out, don't you? The boy nodded again. "What do you think your boss would want you to do boy? What do you think a GOOD boy would do now?"

"Ahhh, maybe, help let the cock get out Sir?" Johnny answered.

"That's right Johnny", the doctor said in a very soft voice. "Why don't you be a good boy and help to get the cock out". He reached up and pulled Derek's pants open. Instantly, the musky odor hit Johnny's nose. He instinctively inhaled the masculine aroma and brought his nose into the wirey pubes in front of him. The boy knew that the huge black cock in front of him belonged to Derek, the same man who could be fucking his wife. Regardless, he couldn't stop his desire to taste it.

The cock was, in fact, huge. The two executives looked from the sidelines in amazement. Derek was longer and thicker than any other cock they both had seen.

"Now Johnny, I heard from your boss that you are gagging while sucking cock." The doctor slapped Johnny's face.

"Bad boy!"

Johnny felt like crying even though the slap didn't really hurt.

"Good boy's need to learn to open their throat to allow cocks to go deep inside it, no matter what size it is." The doctor continued whispering into Johnny's ear as he played with Derek's cock and balls.

"Take a nice smell of that real man cock boy." The doctor said, "there is no better smell than a sweaty, dirty, unwashed cock. You love this smell more than anything, boy". Derek's cock was growing as the boy leaned in and smelled under his balls. The doctor was right, the odor was intoxicating and wonderful and manly and perfect. The boy opened his mouth.

"GOOD BOY, little Johnny" the doctor said, "You are right where you belong, aren't you boy? You know you need to taste this cock. You need to service this cock because that is what good boy's do. Mr. Noor, your employer, would want you to service this cock too."

"I have to do whatever Mr. Noor wants." Johnny said softly while staring at the black cock.

"That's right," the doctor agreed, "what a good boy you are now." Johnny moaned.

"You want that cock to put sperm into your mouth boy." The doctor said, " You need that sperm."

The boy reached his hand in to grab it. "No boy, bad boy" the doctor yelled, "a Good boy services with his mouth and never uses his hands unless given permission." The doctor continued, "Now look at how big that cock is boy. It's bigger than Mr. Hopkin's cock and that cock made you gag. Gagging is not acceptable from a good cocksucker."

"You need to practice swallowing the whole cock." Dr. Stevenson continued, "Now, suck on my fingers so I can see if you're doing it properly." Johnny sucked the doctors two fingers as he pulled the boys' mouth up against Derek's cock. "Now open your mouth wider boy and literally try to swallow my fingers."

The doctor shoved his fingers into Johnny's throat.

"Ughhhh," the boy gagged.

"No, bad boy." The doctor slapped his face. "I will go softer and I want you to relax your throat faggot." Johnny took a deep breath and opened his throat like he was swallowing.

"There you go," the doctor pushed his two fingers down into Johnny's throat. "I think we should try with a cock now."

The doctor lifted up Derek's cock to aim the head to Johnny's mouth. The cock looked to be over 10 thick inches and wasn't even completely hard yet. The doctor put one hand on the boys head and the other on the black man's cock, guiding it into the boys mouth.

"Mr. Noor sent Derek here so you could practice swallowing a huge cock." Dr. Stevenson pushed the head into Johnny's mouth. "Now if you learn to swallow this down all the way, you'll be able to swallow almost any cock."

Derek stood looking down at Johnny.

"I know someone else who is trying to swallow the same cock, Doctor." Derek said with a chuckle, obviously referring to his wife. Johnny was dazed and unaware of anything except the cock in his mouth. It seemed like the cock was growing longer now that Johnny was sucking the head.

"Mmmmmmm" Derek moaned, "I think he'll learn just fine doctor."

"Yes," the doctor said, "a good boy know what a man needs. Isn't that right Johnny?"

He spoke to the boy without needing an answer. "You need that alpha cum now. Mr. Blackstone here is a real man who has the alpha cum that you need Johnny. Don't you want his cum Johnny?"

"Hfophhhmmmm" Johnny groaned as he nodded, trying to take more cock into his mouth.

"Here's what I want you to do Johnny," the doctor pulled the boys head back slightly. "I want you to say AHHHH and I will push this cock into your throat. Focus on relaxing your neck muscles and just let it go inside you." Johnny tried to say AH and the doctor pushed. Derek also reached behind the boy's head and pushed into him.

The cock went passed the gag reflex and Johnny coughed and pulled back.

"No no bad boy Johnny." The doctor slapped him, "Bad bad boy. Take the cock boy. Relax and take the cock now."

Johnny opened and Derek pushed again. It went inside his throat. Johnny gagged but Derek was ready and held his head with both hands. The cock stayed lodged in his throat. Johnny actually could feel himself swallowing with the cock remaining in his throat.

"Fuckkkk," Derek moaned, "Yes, he's doing it now. I can feel his throat massaging my cock Doc."

"Good boy Johnny." The doctor exclaimed. "Now, take a deep breath and try to open the back of your throat. You need to do this several times now boy. Just try to keep relaxed while Derek fucks it now."

Derek pulled back and pushed back inside the boy's throat. Again. Again.

"Oh fuck yeah," Derek said as he turned to Mr. Noor, who was watching, "this boy is a fast learner Sir. He understands how to just let me fuck his throat now."

"Good boy Johnny." The doctor said, "Now if you continue to let the cock slide into your throat, do you know what will happen? You'll get a nice reward boy."

Dr. Stevenson took the cock now to guide it while Johnny sucked it.

"Now, you need to learn two techniques and, if you combine them," the doctor said, "you will get the cum faster. After you get it deep into your throat, allow him to fuck it, then simply squeeze your lips around just the cock head and lick under the rim with your tongue."

The doctor manipulated the cock and Derek reacted.

"Ohhhh fuck yeahhhh," the black man moaned.

"There you go boy," the doctor said, "you hear how the alpha appreciates you? If you give him a good cum, he will come back for more and you will get many loads this way. Remember to never let the cock out of your mouth. Deepthroat it and then lick the rim over and over."

After a few strokes, the black man would push the cock down the boy's throat and he would pull back so just the head was in his mouth so Johnny could lick. The doctor held Derek's cock whispering into Johnny's ear as he sucked.

"You know what's going to happen," he whispered, " This man is going to put real sperm in your mouth. That is precious cum from a man who wants to share it with you. That makes you special Johnny. You want to be special and this is what you must do now. You are a special boy, a good boy, because you can make a real alpha male feel so good."

Johnny moaned. There was something about being called a Good Boy that made Johnny feel so good.

"That's right boy" the doctor said, "Keep swallowing and licking and the man will give you his seed. Isn't that what you want boy?"

Johnny moaned and nodded his head. He didn't care who's cock it was. He just wanted, no, he needed, that male cum. All he saw was a big beautiful black cock that was going to give him some cum.

"Johnny," the doctor said, "You know that when this cock puts sperm into your mouth, you'll show me your reward. You never swallow until given permission."

Derek interrupted the doctor, "Fuck, Im gonna cum now...", he said as he started shaking and pushed his cock into Johnny's throat. "Ahhhh, fuckkkkk, UGHHHHHHH sooo good..... mmmmmmm" The boy's eyes bugged out of his head as he felt the cum shoot passed his mouth and into his throat." the cum was shooting into his mouth, holding as still as possible.

"Easy there boy," the doctor said as he pulled the shaft out of his mouth, leaving only the cock head inside." The doctor held the boy's head onto the cock while Derek continued spilling his cum into the boys mouth. Johnny had some cum deposited directly into his stomach and some in his mouth. Derek s then waited for the doctor to guide his cock out of Johnny's mouth, being careful not to allow any spillage.

"Now show me boy", the doctor said, "You are such a GOOD BOY. You have real alpha male cum in there now so hold it".

Johnny felt euphoric but still very drugged at this point and becoming unresponsive. The doctor was righ. All that matter at that moment was the cum in his mouth.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Johnny saw another figure stand in front of him. It was his boss, Mr. Noor. Derek seemed to disappear and Mr. Noor took his place. The doctor stood up next to his boss now. Both men staring down at him as he held his mouth open.

"Let me see boy", Mr. Noor said as he dipped his fingers into Johnny's mouth, coating them with cum. Johnny had no idea where his boss came from and only knew he was sucking Derek's cock. Mr. Noor smeared the cum around Johnny's face and moved in closer to the boy.

The doctor stepped in. "See boy? Your boss understands what you need. He is spreading your reward all over your face. "Listen very closely to me boy as I tell you about your new job responsibilities here." The boy stayed on his knees as Mr. Noor continued dipping his finger into his cum mouth and rubbing Derek's sperm all over his face.

His foot was now pressed against Johnny's caged cock and moving it up and down, making the boy moan. The drugs were taken effect now and Johnny needed to cum himself too.

"Johnny, listen to my voice. It is natural to be a submissive." The doctor began, "Yes, it's natural for you to want real cock now. Natural to make them cum. Thick creamy cum. Smells and tastes so good." Mr. Noor was pushing Derek's cum into Johnny's nose and over his eyes, rubbing the boy's caged cock with his foot.

"Cum tastes so good. Cum is good for you boy. You love cum. You love cum on you, like this. Cum is your reward for being a good boy. Cum is proof that you are a good submissive obedient boy. That's what you want. You want to be a good boy. Cum proves that you are a good boy". The coach's cum was being smeared all over his face. The doctor's words were making Johnny crazy horny. He was moaning loudly now.

His face was now coated with cum. The boy was whimpering. Then Mr. Noor leaned into the boy and, while still rubbing his cock with his foot, kissed Johnny full on the lips, dipping his tongue into the cum. He pulled back and then spit directly into the boys mouth and kissed him again. This time their tongues swimming through the pool of cum. His boss whispered, with their tongues touching, "Swallow the alpha sperm now boy"

Johnny immediately closed his mouth, swallowed the cum as directed, and actually felt his cock release some discharge into the cage. Was the boy going to cum inside the cage?

"I think you want to cum, don't you faggot?" Noor spoke directly into Johnny's mouth. He was still rubbing the caged cock, giggling it back and forth.

"Ohhhhh Sirrrrr..." Johnny needed it.

"It's OK boy," Noor said, "Go ahead and spill your faggot juice."

Johnny instantly felt his cock spill its juice. No, it wasn't quite an orgasm but Johnny shook as it over powered him. The boy dropped down to the floor, moaning, wrapped his hands around Mr. Noor's foot and licked his feet. His own balls spilling his faggot seed onto the floor.

Mr. Noor smiled at the doctor.

He then looked down at the boy and lifted his face by the hair and said...

"Now lick up your mess boy." Johnny began to lick his cum off the floor as Mr. Noor spoke to the doctor.

"Will he come out of the trance and become aware of his surroundings, eventually?"

"Yes," the doctor said, "he will gradually become more lucid. You're trigger will be "Good boy", which will take him into the mediative state again. He will be much more calm and obedient after that."

Mr. Noor gently placed his foot on Johnny's head as he licked the floor, unaware of what was happening around him. They spoke like he wasn't in the room.

The doctor pulled out a capsule of pills. "You should also give him one pill each morning and each night," the doctor continued, "This will keep him more calm and stay in a heightened state of sexual arousal. His libido will be so heightened that he will basically do anything to achieve an orgasm and empty his balls. He will also know that an orgasm is strictly forbidden unless given permission. He will ultimately become dependent on you for his own orgasm and do anything you say to achieve it."

"Perfect," Noor said as he escorted the doctor to his door. "Mr. Hopkins will be in charge of making sure the boy takes his vitamins each day. Thank you again, Dr. Stevenson."

He walked back to Johnny and lifted him up by the hair to standing position.

"Good boy Johnny." He said as he motioned for Mr. Hopkins to take the boy home. Johnny seemed dazed and unaware of his surroundings. Mr. Hopkins put his arm around Johnny.

"Lets go home boy," he said, "you will need to rest before tomorrow's training."

--- End of Chapter, To Be continued ---

To my readers:

I have written several stories on Nifty and love this site. All my stories involve the inequality between men, with one being dominant and the other submissive. The sex does become consensual ultimately but there is usually coercion involving a "straight boy" becoming gay. In the end, our boy learns to love cock and the pleasure he receives from it.

Look for my other stories in the "Author" section under BUSTERMUSCLE

I appreciate all your thoughts and comments so don't hesitate to email me at:

I will answer ALL emails.

Next: Chapter 10

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