Becoming the Executive Assistant

By Bustermuscle

Published on Dec 12, 2022


This story is fiction and based on consensual DOM/sub sex between men. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2022 with all rights reserved outside of Nifty.

General Synopsis:

Johnny Carter, a "straight" married man, accepts a job promotion to become the personal assistant to the C.E.O. of the company. He soon realizes that the protocol of company rules have a bizarre and perverted twist. In order to keep his job, he learns to do as he is told, no matter how strange it seems.

From the Author:

When I write, I like to take my time getting deeper into the head space of the protagonist. The story is written in the first and third person, depending on the chapter, to give different perspectives of the action. There will be sex in every chapter but some more extreme than others. I like to write about the "power exchange" between two men where one dominant alpha controls the submissive beta.

Note: Because Johnny is married, there is some suggestion of hetero sex in a few chapters, including this chapter, but it is non-descriptive and very minimal.

I have other stories here on NIFTY and will always list them at the end of each chapter. Please share your thoughts and email me at I will answer all emails.


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I tossed and turned most of the night and eventually woke up early but exhausted. I needed a shower but remember that I had no clothes for work. I heard Mr. Hopkins already in the shower so I awkwardly waited for him to be finished.

"Hand me the towel boy", he yelled from the shower. He must have noticed me waiting. I held the towel for him as he stepped toward me. His cock was swollen and hanging heavy over his full hairy balls.

"Listen, you wont have time for a shower this morning." He said as I watched him dry himself. "Since I'm your only ride to work, we gotta get going now. I found these leggings that you can wear until you get your own clothes back." He threw me a light blue pair of womens tights. "You might was well keep the panties on too."

I took the leggings and about to leave but he stopped me.

"Put them on now boy." He said as he kept drying his swollen cock. I did as I was told and turned away from him to pull on the leggings. They were small on me so when I stretched them up my legs, they became partially sheer. My panties were crusty because of my cum and I was hoping Mr. Hopkins wouldn't notice it. He walked up to me and pulled the tights up into my ass crack again. He slightly rubbed my nylon covered ass cheeks. Again, hoping he wouldn't notice the crusty front.

"Those will be fine." He said, "I will tell Mr. Noor the situation and I'm sure he'll understand for now."

I put on the rest of my suit and tie with the leggings.

We drove to the office in silence. I felt completely humiliated dressed in a business shirt and jacket with baby blue tights. I looked ridiculous. I arrived at my office and Mr. Noor was already behind his desk. He looked up at me, feeling humiliated, and said nothing about the strange outfit. I walked directly toward my small office.

"Where do you think you're going son.?" He asked me without looking up from his papers.

"My office Sir?" I said in more of a question form.

He pushed his chair back and simply looked up at me. I felt so humiliated as I walked towards him, in my tights, knelt down in front of him, and crawled under his desk.

"That's right boy," Mr. Noor said, "again, you seem to make good decisions. Good job boy." I felt actually proud of myself even though I was deeply humiliated. He pulled his chair back under his desk, cramping me in further. He put his street shoes in my lap and I did our routine of removing his shoes, massaging his feet and licking his toes. His socks were still unwashed because the odor was more intense today.

"Smell good, don't they boy?" He asked. Then pushed me away abruptly. "I asked you a question."

"Yes sir," I replied quickly, "they smell good, Sir." I actually felt my cock throb in my panties and was beginning to believe I truly enjoyed the rank smell.

"Enough for now" he said and I immediately put his dress shoes on his feet and waited for my next instructions. He took several phone calls as I sat cramped under his desk, in my blue tights and panties, for what seemed like an hour.

"Hello, Mrs. Carter?" Mr. Noor was calling my wife?

It was such a surreal moment that I am under his desk, in women's panties and nylons, as he speaks to my wife.

"I wanted to give you the good news personally." He continued, "We have offered the position to your husband, with a substantial raise in salary. He seems to be a level headed man who knows how to make proper decisions in any situation."

I am shocked to hear the news in this manner. To honor the occasion, he said he has arranged dinner tonight at a private restaurant. He then continues to say that I will need a one month training period on confidential material. Consequently, I will need to stay in the company apartment. I will be allowed to go home to get my personal items and pack my things.

After the lengthy chat, he hangs up the phone and pushes his chair back to allow my release.

"Stand here boy." He pointed to the front of his chair. "Turn around with your hands over your head now." I did as I was told, hoping he wouldn't see the cum crusted panties beneath the tights.

"I had your pants cleaned but just put them on over those tights for now." He said as he looked directly at my crotch. He must've have seen all the dried cum stains. "Go home, get your things and be back here in an hour boy." I was getting used to him calling me "boy" now.

I did as instructed and left the office. There was nobody home when I went to get my personal items. My wife left me a note saying she was out buying a new dress for tonight. She said she wanted to impress my boss on my behalf, so not to wait for her. She said she would drive herself to the restaurant that evening. While packing my things, I notice the bed is still unmade and had a strange smell of sex and old sperm. I cringed knowing it was her lover's cum everywhere.

That evening, the place settings had my wife and I seated across from each other at the center of the table. Mr. Noor and Mr. Hopkins were seated on each side of her and Nancy Stone, the office's secretary, was seated at the end of the table. I thought the seating arrangements were strange but didn't want to cause any issues. There were still several empty seats for additional employees and guests who strolled in as we all had cocktails. My wife was dressed in a black skirt, that seemed too short, a beautiful low-cut top showing her big breasts, and silky nylons with high heels.

Just before dinner started Derek, a coworker from the IT department, walked into the room. Derek, a handsome muscular black man, is director of the international marketing division. He was charming, had a great body and could have any woman that he wanted.

"Sorry I'm late Sir," he said as he entered. I instantly felt my heart pounding in my chest. He was no stranger to the gym and looked like his muscles would bust through his sport jacket. Before he could sit down, Mr. Hopkins stood up and offered his seat next to my wife. Not only did I think that was strange but began to think about my wife and her secret lover.

"Sit in my seat Derek," Mr. Hopkins said, "I know Mr. Noor has a few questions for you." Derek casually took off his sport jacket to reveal a form fitting button down white dress shirt that was stretched across his chest. It looked like the buttons would burst if he flexed his chest. As he reached to shake hands, his biceps stretched the shirt seams. He finally took the seat next to my wife and nodded to her, smiling.

"This is Mr. Carter's lovely wife, Samantha." I saw my wife smile provocatively as Derek reached his hand out to greet her. Instead of shaking her hand, he leaned forward and kissed her hand. My wife giggled. I was full of rage but was helpless sitting across the table from them. Derek, looked at me and nodded and smiled. I did nothing.

As we drank, I felt myself slowly becoming disoriented. Everything seemed to move in slow motion at times and, again, I wondered if something was in my drink. As dinner went on, Mr. Noor and Derek had an intense business discussion and both leaned into my wife as they chat. My wife started giggling and I noticed that Derek's hand was under the table. I was now convinced, in my head, that this was the same man I saw fucking her in my bed but had no proof, of course.

I didn't know how to handle this. My job was at stake. Even if I lost my wife, I didn't want to compromise a huge promotion and lose my job as well. I needed another drink. Suddenly, I noticed Derek looking directly at me with his hand seemingly in my wife's lap. Samantha had her head down as she looked at her plate quietly playing with her food but not eating. Derek smiled at me. I thought the worst. I was convinced that his hand was in my wife's crotch.

"Mr. Carter." I suddenly bounced back to reality.

"Did you go over the new projections for the Milan deal?" Mr. Hopkins was standing directly next to me and appeared out of nowhere. He was very business like and expected the same in return. Hopkins was so close to me that I saw his crotch directly in front of my face as I turned to face him. Noor was also looking directly at me now. The room went quiet. Everyone looked at me.

"Sir, ahhhh" I had to think fast, "I did go over the documents you left on my desk, and think the estimations are conservative. I believe, however, that is good because that could allow more room for growth."

"True," Mr. Noor agreed, "that's a good point as well. Along those lines, I believe....." He continued speaking but I was slowly drifting off again. I lost track of my thoughts. I looked across the table now and saw that Derek was moving his arm in her lap now. I believe he was rubbing her, literally masturbating her, right in front of me. I had to be hallucinating.

I was equally as shocked when I felt my cock getting hard. I had no control of it. I tried to get the thought out of my head but it was no use. Something was in that drink.

My wife was being fingered by a sexy muscular black stud, right across from me, and it was making me horny. Suddenly, he spoke.

"Sir, if I may speak," Derek said to Mr. Noor, "I disagree with Mr. Carter's projections Sir." As he said that, his fork dropped off the table to the floor.

"Oops," Derek said to my wife, "I'm so sorry, I dropped my fork."

Mr. Noor immediately interrupted.

"That's OK," my boss said, "I want to hear your thoughts on this Derek." He looked at me sternly, "Johnny, why don't you reach down and get the fork for him, could you?"

"Of course Sir."

I crawled under the table and, directly in front of me across the table, was Derek's hand in between my wife's legs. The fork that Derek dropped was directly below my wife's chair so I had to crawl up to her feet to reach it. I brushed her foot as I reached for the fork and she yelped in surprise.

"Ah!" Samantha moaned as she looked down at me, "Im sorry, I'm in the way honey." As she said that, she opened her legs wider to make room for me to crawl in between them. I looked up and saw that she wasn't wearing panties and her shaved pussy was dripping onto the chair. Derek's hand was on her inner thigh but, as I watched, he moved two fingers right up inside her pussy.

"Ohhh," she moaned loudly.

It was so surreal for me. Here I was, under the table, looking directly into my wife's pussy as she was being masturbated from another man's fingers. He was fucking his fingers into her as she quietly grinded against them, coating them with cum juice. His other hand was in his own crotch and the bulge looked huge as he rubbed himself.

Derek knew what he was doing as I watched him giving her an orgasm. She grabbed the sides of the chair and silently moaned as she his fingers made her climax. She began to cough to hide the moaning.

I needed to get out of there. I mean I needed to run far far away to end this nightmare. I panicked and pushed myself backward bumping into the chair behind me. The chair fell over and everyone at the table jumped in surprise. As I crawled out, my hair was a mess and I was red with embarrassment.

"Mr. Carter," Mr. Noor said, "what the hell is going on?"

"I'm sorry Sir, but..." I apologized.

"Why don't you take a break and go to the men's room Sir." He suggested.

"Ahhh, yes Sir," I said softly as I lifted the chair up, "sorry again Sir."

I could swear that Derek chuckled as I watched him take his hand from my wife's crotch subtly lick his fingers. He smiled at me.... or did he? That drink made my head spin.

Mr. Hopkins stood up.

"Let me go with you John," he said as we walked out together.

After leaving the room, Mr. Hopkins said, "What the fuck did you do boy?" We continued walking down the hall to the restroom.

"I don't know Sir," I replied, "it all happened so fast."

"What happened?" He asked.

"Sir, I think Derek had his hand in my wife's lap and was playing with ..."

"What the fuck are you saying boy?" Mr. Hopkins yelled. "Get that bullshit out of your head boy." He literally slapped the back of my head. " Mr. Noor will flip out if rumors like this get out."

He grabbed the back of my neck and squeezed. "Do you hear what I just said? You are hallucinating because you're upset. Don't say a fuckin word about this. Understood?"

I felt like I wanted to cry. Maybe I was hallucinating. Maybe it was the drink I had. Maybe something was in it to make me imagine this whole thing. I was so confused now.

"Yes Sir," I said as I pulled his hand off me, "understood."

We went into the men's room and stood at the urinal. I wanted to cry, but more than that, I actually felt horny. The thought of Derek's fingers inside my wife's cunt made me extremely horny. Why? What was wrong with me? I saw his huge cock bulge in his pants. I felt like I had to masturbate. It was that drink.

I was afraid to take out my dick at the urinal, next to Mr. Hopkins, because it was now fully hard. I had no control of myself at all. Could they put a Viagra in my drink? I was becoming paranoid now. What the fuck was I doing?

I stood at the urinal but didn't unzip and just stood there as Mr. Hopkins took a long piss right next to me.

"Oh god, I needed to piss so bad." He said as he looked over at me standing still.

"What the fuck are you doing faggot?" He slapped my ass, "You afraid to take out your dick?"

"Sir, ah,"

He slapped me again.

"Shut up and take your dick out." He ordered. It was so strange because the way he spoke to me made me more horny. He was ordering me to masturbate? I felt like I was on the verge of my orgasm already. He roughly opened my pants and pulled out my dick. My cock wouldn't go soft, in fact, it was throbbing..

"What the fuck faggot." Again, I felt ashamed and humiliated, and so turned on. "Why is your dick hard boy?"

He aimed my dick into the urinal and, instead of piss, I was going to shoot my load right there. He held my dick and shook it.

"Come on boy," he said to me as he rubbed my cock, "Hurry up and piss already, we don't have all day."

"Ohhhhh fuck, please stop," I groaned, "I'm ..... ohhhh, I'm sorry Sir". I was cumming.

With Mr. Hopkins standing right behind me, with his hand on my cock, I was having an orgasm, spilling my cum into the urinal.

"What the fuck faggot." Mr. Hopkins said as he let go of it, "Did you just cum? You need to control that fuckin faggot dick."

"Ohhh Sir," I moaned, "I don't know what is wrong with me."

"Look at the mess you made," he said. There was globs cum all over the urinal and wall behind it.

"You gotta clean this up before somebody comes in." He ordered as he pushed my face into the urinal. "Lick boy," he said as he pressed on the back of my neck, "Lick that disgusting shit faggot."

Just then, with my head in the urinal, Derek entered the men's room.

"Oh, excuse me," he said as he turned away.

"Hold up Derek," Mr. Hopkins said, "we'll be right out." Derek turned back to watch me.

I licked as quickly as I could.

"You are disgusting boy." He said to me as he pulled me back by the hair and looked at me. "If Mr. Noor hears about this, you are dead meat." He turned to Derek.

"Make sure you keep your mouth shut too Derek." He ordered, "this kind of stuff can't get back to Mr. Noor."

"I don't have a clue what just happened," Derek said, "but I won't say a word."

As we walked back to the dining room, Mr. Hopkins said, "We have to do something about your lack of control and your addiction to masturbation faggot." I was too dazed to even make a comment at that point.

When we returned to the dining room, everyone seemed ready to go. My wife seemed rather drunk and was unable to drive. I went to her and she leaned into me to kiss me.

"I will take you home dear." I said to her.

Mr. Noor instantly spoke up.

"I have asked Derek to drop her home John." He said seemingly irritated. "You need to return to the corporate apartment as planned. You have a prep work to do for tomorrow's meeting. Your wife will be fine."

Mr. Hopkins supported Mr. Noor. "You are not yourself either John. I will drive you back to the apartment." He continued, "We both need to get up early tomorrow. Corporate is meeting with West coast department and Mr. Noor will need your help early"

"Of course sir." I said nervously.

Derek smiled at me as he guided my wife out the door.

Mr. Hopkins and I went back to the corporate apartment and got ready to sleep. Just as I laid down on the sofa, Mr. Hopkins came in wearing only his jock and flopped down of the chair next to me.

"You know you're in deep shit boy" Hopkins said, "Im debating whether I should tell Noor what happened in the bathroom too. That'll make everything worse for you fag."

"Please don't tell him Sir." I begged.

He spread his legs and rubbed his jock pouch.

"So what's in it for me punk?" Hopkins said as he pulled on his bulging pouch.

"Just get the fuck over here boy." He said as he laid back and spread his legs.

"Sir," I said quietly, "with all respect Sir, I am not gay and I don't know why that happened to me in the restroom.

"Who said anything about being gay, you faggot." He yelled so loud that I jumped. "You think I'm gay boy?"

"No sir, of course not."

"Don't forget," Mr. Hopkins said as he rubbed himself, "you're the one who shot his load with a man's hand on your cock."

"This is just about you paying your dues and helping me get off now." He said as he instantly pulled the pouch aside to release his huge musky cock and balls. "Do I have get up and drag you over here again boy?"

I slowly rolled off the sofa and crawled over to him to settle between his legs. The smell was overwhelming and I could see piss and crusty cum stains on his jock.

"This will be quick if you do it right and you can go to sleep."

Before I had a chance to open my mouth, Mr. Hopkins pulled my face into his balls and rubbed them all over my face.

"Get that man scent, faggot?" He smirked, "You like that?"

"NO sir, I don't", I said defiantly.

"I don't give a fuck if you do or not." He said as he pushed his cock into my mouth. "If you're gonna live here, you're gonna take care of this whether you like it or not." He pulled me by the hair onto his cock and started moving my head up and down, basically using my mouth as a fleshlight to masturbate.

"No cum gets on the floor or you'll be sorry homo." He used my mouth to jack off. I was so tired and sad and felt defeated that I just let him use me.

Soon my mouth was flooded with his cum. I swallowed. He pulled me off his cock and looked for any cum on my face or the floor. He scooped up a few drops on my chin and pushed his fingers into my mouth for me to suck clean.

Nothing was said. He got up and walked away. I crawled back to the sofa, laid on my back and felt my rock hard cock. I just had an orgasm earlier and I was hard again. I couldn't help it. I couldn't prevent it. I was just abused by my boss and my cock was throbbing. I needed to touch it.

I know it wasn't allowed but, like last night, I couldn't help myself. If I did it quick and made sure there was no evidence, Mr. Hopkins would never know I broke his house rules.

It was fast. I was so horny that I came in just minutes on my stomach. I quickly scooped up the cum and ate as much as I could. There wouldn't be any evidence that way.

I fell asleep.


To my readers:

I have written several stories on Nifty and love this site. All my stories involved the inequality between men, with one being dominant and the other submissive. The sex does become consensual ultimately but there is usually coercion involving a "straight boy" becoming gay. In the end, our boy learns to love cock and the pleasure he receives from it.

Look for my other stories in the "Author" section under BUSTERMUSCLE

I appreciate all your thoughts and comments so don't hesitate to email me at:

I will answer ALL emails.

Next: Chapter 6

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