Becoming the Executive Assistant

By Bustermuscle

Published on Dec 4, 2022


This story is fiction and based on consensual DOM/sub sex between men. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2022 with all rights reserved outside of Nifty.

General Synopsis:

Johnny Carter, a "straight" married man, accepts a job promotion to become the personal assistant to the C.E.O. of the company. He soon realizes that the protocol of company rules have a bizarre and perverted twist. In order to keep his job, he learns to do as he is told, no matter how strange it seems. His employer gets the help of the company doctor who, through his unique therapy, allows Johnny to adjust to his new way of life.

From the Author:

When I write, I like to take my time getting deeper into the head space of the protagonist. The story is written in the first and third person to give different perspectives of the action. There will be sex in every chapter but some more extreme than others. I like to write about the "power exchange" between two men where one dominant alpha controls the submissive beta.

Note: Because Johnny is married, there is some suggestion of hetero sex in a few chapters, but it is non-descriptive and very minimal.

I have other stories here on NIFTY and will always list them at the end of each chapter. Please share your thoughts and email me at I will answer all emails.


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I wanted to get to work as soon as possible so I told my wife I had an early meeting. I arrived at the office before Mr. Noor and prepared his coffee for him. I noticed a pair of shoes under his desk and thought, perhaps, I should shine them. I couldn't help it, but I put the shoe opening to my nose and took a deep breath. I had never been into this type of thing before, but the thought of Mr. Noor's thick masculine smelly feet inside those shoes made my dick throb.

After cleaning them, I returned them to the place under the desk and took one last smell. As I leaned back to get out from under the desk, I bumped directly into Mr. Noor, who was standing directly behind me.

"What you doing Johnny?" He smiled down at me.

"Oh, Sir," I said nervously, "you scared me. I was just shining your shoes, Sir. I'm sorry if I...."

"No, no" he interrupted, "I like a boy who takes incentive and makes the right decisions. You thought I would be pleased right boy?" He continued without waiting for a reply, "Well, I am pleased boy. You made a good choice."

I tried to back up but Mr. Noor didn't move back, trapping me under his desk. He pulled his chair up to the desk and sat in it while smiling down at me.

"Well, boy?" He asked as he pointed to his feet. I did nothing at first and then realized what he wanted. I began to shine the shoes he was wearing while trying to get the right angle in the cramped space. The shoes were leather, but more casual, and probably used for more outdoor walking. I had nothing to use but my breath and a soft rag that I found earlier to shine the shoes.

"It needs more moisture boy," Mr Noor suggested. With some slow hesitation, I brought the shoe to my face and licked the tip of it.

"Another good choice boy," he looked down and smiled at me. "I think you could be the right person for this job. It seems that the choices you make are the ones I expect and I appreciate the way you think boy." I felt good. His verbal support was all I needed to continue licking his shoe. I could have refused and got up to walk away, but I knew I'd be out of a job instantly. I didn't think I was doing anything that would hurt anyone and it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

This was a private situation and would be between Mr. Noor and me only.

Mr. Noor shifted his legs to give me the other foot and pushed me farther under the desk. I didn't understand why he wouldn't just back up and give me more room but I didn't want to question him now, especially since he was praising my efforts.

I felt his other foot go between my legs and his leg pressed against my crotch. I didn't want to react knowing he wasn't aware of where he put his legs. As I shifted, he also shifted his leg, unknowingly pressing his leg harder against my crotch. The stimulation was making me hard.

I continued to lick. After a short time, he looked down at me and said, "I need to get ready for the day boy." He couldn't really see my face anymore because I was pushed underneath his desk. He just waited. I was forced to know what he expected me to do. Then I understood what he wanted me to do.

I slowly slid his shoes off, waiting to see if he would allow it. He sighed and flexed his foot in my face. I could smell his sweaty nylon dress socks.

"There you go boy," he said, "I knew you would understand."

I made the right choice and slid his feet into his fancier shoes that were under the desk. He obviously wears one pair on the street and one pair is strictly for indoor wearing to keep them clean.

After his feet were in his new shoes, he pushed back from under the desk and walked to the door.

"I'm headed to a meeting now." He said to me as I climbed out from under the desk. "I left you files on your desk. Make sure you complete them and prepare the lunch I ordered."

"Yes Sir," I replied as I fixed my hair and straightened my tie. "Thank you sir."

"Good boy," he said as he closed the door. For some strange reason, I didn't mind him calling me a boy. I guess that's just what I would be to him as his assistant.

Eventually, I completed all the morning work and was preparing him lunch. Mr. Noor entered the office just as I was finished preparing his lunch in the small kitchen next to his office. He didn't acknowledge me at all and sat at a small table in the corner of his office. I brought him lunch and waited for any instructions. He simply ignored me as he ate and did some paper work. I went to my desk just as he yelled for me.

"Boy," I guess that was my name now. I immediately walked back to him and he pointed to his feet. I knelt down at his feet, not knowing why I did that but it just seemed like the natural thing to do.

"I have several important meetings this afternoon and I like to be prepared properly." I waited and said nothing because I had no idea what he wanted me to do.

"If you become my assistant, you will need to be one step ahead of me, knowing what I need before I have to ask you." I looked at him as he moved his legs toward me and crossed his ankles at my knees. "I know you are new at this but you need to think boy. Think hard. What do I need you to do before my meetings." The toe of his shoes touched my knee.

Suddenly, I realized how stupid I was. I reached for his shoe to remove it.

"No boy!" He yelled, "the shoes stay on."

I looked up at him and he smiled and nodded to me, pointing down to his feet. "You don't need anything except your tongue boy."

I don't know why I just didn't get up and leave, but I wanted this job desperately and it just seemed normal at the time to simply follow his lead. There was no one was in the room except Mr. Noor so I leaned down and began licking his shoe.

"Good choice my boy." He said enthusiastically to the point of being condescending. He spoke to me like I was a dog.

"That's a good boy."

I licked his shoes clean and sparkling as he finished going through his papers. He took the last sip of coffee and stood up, almost pushing me out of the way.

"I will leave you instructions in the office memo file online. Be sure to check those messages several times each day." He walked out.

I dropped my head to the floor trying to think about what just happened. Mr. Noor was a very powerful man and dozens of company employees would jump at the chance to be his assistant. In fact, I could tell other people were staring at me in the coffee room like I was a movie star or something. They stood out of my way whereever I went and smiled at me. It actually made me feel special. I guess I was.

I checked the office memo and there was a list of things for me to finish before 5:00. I still didn't know if I was going home or not. I decided to call her.

"Hel-hello..." She answered and I immediately felt a pit in my stomach. "Oh, hi darling....(pause) ... how are you?"

"All good here honey," I replied and decided immediately what to do, "I don't think I'll be home until late tonight, if that's OK." I knew what she would say and it was my way out.

"Oh, of course,..... ah, dear".

I was convinced she was getting fucked while she was talking to me on the phone. I bet her stud forced her to pick up knowing it was me calling. I wanted the conversation to end immediately.

"Is every....ugh Thing Ugh, OK, Ugh,...dear?" I think her black lover was actually pounding her as we were speaking because she was literally grunting.

"All good, but are you OK?" I said antagonistically, "You don't sound right?"

"Really, uhhh, I'm fine." I can imagine her holding the phone to her mouth, in doggy position, while her black man was pushing his cock deep into her pussy.

"Well, OK, If it gets too late," I said without thinking, "I just stay at a coworkers place until morning." Why did I say that? I didn't have a coworker to stay with. Plus, that only gives her more time to fuck all night long and I had no place to go anyway. I was being angry, jealous and stupid.

"Just let.... Ughh , me know.....Ughh, dear." She gasp as she was getting dicked.

"Good night." I hung up. I couldn't tell her I loved her because, at that moment, I didn't. Now what do I do? I can't go home unless I want to watch that big black gorilla fuck her again. I stopped for a moment and thought about what he looked like when I saw him. His muscular black ass humping in between my wife's open legs, while she clutched his back. I shook the image out of my head just as I saw my boss standing behind me. He must've heard me on the phone.

Again, however, he ignored me and went directly to his private bathroom. I stood next to his desk as he returned and sat in his expensive chair. He looked at me and pointed to the floor in front of him. I knew what to do.

He brought his feet toward me and I bent over to lick them but he pushed me away. "No boy," he said. He lifted one foot and I grabbed it right away.

"Well?" he asked, waiting for me to decide what to do. I removed the shoe.

"Good boy," he said, "Don't forget, you need to learn what is expected of you before I have to tell you." I held his foot as he wiggled it. I knew to massage his feet.

"Mmmmm" he moaned as he laid his head back on the chair. I noticed the smell. His foot had a masculine musky smell that triggered my senses. At that moment, everything went away except that smell and touch of his nylon covered foot in my lap. His foot was damp which only increased the odor as I pressed into the arch of his foot.

"Ahhh, good boy," he said, "now what are you going to do boy?" At first, I didn't understand but remembered he said I have to learn what is expected of me BEFORE he has to tell me. I grabbed his other foot and removed his shoe to massage the second foot.

"Exactly," he moaned laying his head back on the chair. He lifted the first foot and placed it on the back of my shoulder as I kneeled in front of him. I didn't think about my humiliating position because I was more proud of myself for understanding his needs. I was focusing on him now.

"I hope they don't smell to much boy?" He said as he looked down at me. "My feet usually get very wet through out the day and that is why I have two pairs of shoes here."

"Sir," I said, "your feet smell fine."

"Fine?" He asked, "What do you mean fine boy?"

"I mean they don't smell bad Sir." I said nervously feeling my cock moving suddenly.

"Boy?" Mr. Noor asked slowly, "Perhaps you should check to be sure. Do they smell?"

Before I could answer he put both of his feet in my hands and rested them there. Again, I was confused and didn't know what I should do.

"How do they smell boy, hmmm?" He asked like he was testing me. I looked up at him and he was staring through my eyes and directly into my brain. I had to do it before he asked me too. While still looking at him, I lifted his foot to my nose and inhaled the smell. Suddenly, Mr. Noor started to rub his foot around my face. I took the other foot and brought it to my nose to inhale. Truthfully, they smelled so manly musky that my cock began to push against my trousers. He pushed both feet flat against my face, rubbing the balls of his feet into my eye sockets. I then held one foot directly in front of my mouth.

I licked it. He rested the second foot on my shoulder.

"Atta boy," Mr. Noor said, "I knew you would understand."

I felt proud of myself for understanding what he wanted without being asked. I began licking his nylon covered toes. My boss dropped his head back and literally grabbed his crotch as he pressed his feet into my face. I then held both feet flat against my face as I rubbed and licked and even sucked on his toes.

"Boy, lay on your back here." He instructed. Again I was confused but as soon as I laid back, Mr. Noor put both his feet on my face.

"You understand this is now part of the job boy, right?." He said as he wiped my face with his smelly wet nylon-covered feet. I just moaned softly into his nylon covered feet. The smell was everywhere. I moaned as I licked and sucked and smelled.

Again, I felt something happening between my legs. I could feel my cock pushing its way up into my trousers. Instinctively I pressed my pelvis into the air to increase the pressure against my trousers. Mr. Noor must have noticed because, suddenly, he moved one foot down to my crotch and pushed it against my bulging cock. The pressure felt wonderful.

I groaned into his foot on my face as he rubbed my bulge through my trousers. Why was I doing this? I knew I should get up and run out of there from the humiliation. But I didn't. I pressed my groin into his nylon covered foot.

OH fuck, oh fuck..... suddenly I felt myself building to an orgasm with no warning. What was happening? I couldn't let this happen now?

I couldn't control myself. I prayed that Mr. Noor would stop rubbing me but he had both feet in my face, covering my mouth. I tried to pull away but he squeezed my face with his feet.

"No, no boy." He said sternly, "You stay right where you are."

I was terrified that I would lose control. I held perfectly still as my boss pushed his foot harder against my cock bulge almost like holding me down. He wanted me to humiliate myself.

It was going to happen. I could feel that it wasn't the usual build up because it came out of nowhere. I was cumming. I tried to be silent and just let it happen now. I gave up.

It wasn't the usual orgasm with pulsing contractions as I shoot my cum, but more calming with the cum just spilling out. The feeling was intense and I could feel the sperm squirting out now. Im sure he could feel the intense pulsing of my cock, under his foot, as I released sperm into my pants.

"Ugggggggghhhh," I groaned as he pushed his big toe from one foot into my mouth, and pressed the other against my groin. When my orgasm subsided, I was instantly brought back to reality and instantly dreaded what just happened. I knew my job was over.

Mr. Noor said nothing to me at all as I laid there and remained motionless. I was afraid to move. He eventually removed his feet from my face and said, "Get my shoes." I turned over and crawled under his desk to get his walking shoes. As I did so, he pulled his chair in and trapped me under the desk again.

"Who is the co-worker boy?" He asked.

"Sir?" I didn't know what he was talking about.

"The co-worker that you were staying with if it gets too late." He said as he looked down at me under the desk.

"Oh," I replied, "you heard my conversation sir?"

He smiled at me. "You need a place to stay," he said, "don't you boy?"

"Sir, I was talking to my wife and, you see, I ah, I'm having some problems at home Sir."

"Don't make this worse than it is boy." He was annoyed now. "Do you know how I could have you fired for what happened just now? You will never work in this town again?"

"Yes, ...Sir" I said softly. He indirectly acknowledged my perverted behavior.

"You will answer my question directly, with Yes or No, and no additional speaking." He said almost angrily, "Am I understood?"

"Yes" I replied quickly

"Yes SIR." He corrected me.

"Yes Sir," I said, "of course Sir."

"If you want this new position as my assistant," he said angrily, "just answer and be precise about it."

"Yes sir."

"So?" He said as he pushed back on the chair and looked directly at me now

I looked up at him and quickly focused back on the floor and said, "Yes Sir, I need a place to stay."

"Fine boy." He said. He leaned back and lifted his feet and I instantly pushed the shoes on him as he spoke to me.

"I know you're having problems boy." Noor said as he put on his shoes, "You believe your wife is cheating on you."

I looked up at him about to verbally agree with him.

"Just fucking keep that mouth shut boy." He said as he kicked my shoulder with his foot. "I didn't ask you a question. I won't say it again, boy. If you speak without being asked, I will throw you out and you'll never work again."

I lowered my head.

"You have potential to be a good assistant," he continued, "even with the fuck-up that just happened. You have made good decisions so far and you will learn your place around here quickly. You obey the rules boy. Do you hear me?"

"yes Sir," I said.

"I will expect you to make the right choices from now on. A wrong choice could be devastating to your job and, consequently, your life."

I looked up at him and saw him staring at me. I immediately looked back down at the floor. I wasn't sure where I should look. He smiled to himself.

"My company has an apartment downtown. Until you work things out with your wife, you will be staying there."

I felt elated. At least I wasn't going to a hotel. He still didn't mention anything about my orgasm at all. I could now feel the wet coldness around my crotch.

"Get up boy." He pushed his chair back as I crawled out from under his desk.

"Stand" I was embarrassed about the stain in the front of my crotch so I clasp my hands in front of me to hide it.

"Hands behind your head." I obeyed him of course. "Seems you have a problem controlling yourself boy. This can not happen again, do you understand?"

"Yes Sir," I said immediately, "Of course sir."

He went to his phone and pushed the intercom button. "Ms. Stone, please have Mr. Hopkins come to my office." He was paging my ex-boss, who had recommended me to the job with Mr. Noor. I began to panic, knowing Mr. Hopkins would see the huge stain in my pants.

"Sir," I asked Mr. Noor, "Please I..."

"Don't speak boy." He said abruptly, "I don't want to tell you again. Don't fucking say a word. You fucked up and your job is at stake, so keep your mouth shut"

I dropped my head, keeping my hands behind my neck. He seemed quite angry and I knew I was treading on thin ice. I needed this job more than ever now.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in Bruce." Mr. Noor acknowledged Mr. Hopkins by his first name.

My boss entered as I stood there, knowing my humiliation was inevitable.

--end of Chapter 3----

To my readers:

I have written several stories on Nifty and love this site. All my stories involved the inequality between men, with one being dominant and the other submissive. The sex does become consensual ultimately but there is usually coercion involving a "straight boy" becoming gay. In the end, our boy learns to love cock and the pleasure he receives from it.

Look for my other stories in the "Author" section under BUSTERMUSCLE

I appreciate all your thoughts and comments so don't hesitate to email me at:

I will answer ALL emails.

Next: Chapter 4

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