Becoming the Executive Assistant

By Bustermuscle

Published on Apr 3, 2023


This story is fiction and based on consensual DOM/sub sex between men. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2022 with all rights reserved outside of Nifty.

General Synopsis:

As the new personal assistant to Mr. Amir Noor, the C.E.O., Johnny Carter quickly realizes that his job responsibilities have become bizarre and sexually twisted. With constant coercion from several employees, and his new "vitamins", Johnny begins to realize think this sexual perversion is part of his normal daily routine.

In This Chapter:

After Johnny/Joanna realizes his dual gender, and his/her ultimate responsibility as Mr. Noor's mindless cumdump, he/she enters the final phase of the journey. Don't think, just obey. He/she finally accepts her true purpose as Mr. Noor's assistant, and allows him to have complete control of his life.

From the Author:

This is my final chapter. It was difficult to conclude because I wanted to keep writing but I have already started a new story. I am so sorry for the long delay here. As most of my readers know, I like to write about the "power exchange" between two men and my next story plays on that theme. I also like incest as well, so my next story is about Father/Son/Uncle/Coach and Priest. All VERY taboo, of course.

Remember, this is fantasy, not reality.


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Joanna, formerly Johnny, is now a bitch. A fully submissive sexual whore that needs cock on a daily basis or begins to go into withdrawal as though she was addicted. She is never allowed to cum unless it is a special occassion and she has earned it. If she has an orgasm, without permission, she is punished severely.

In fact, right now she is in her corner, tied up by her nipples and straddling a dildo that is stuffed in her pussy. She is being punished for dripping cum onto the floor under Mr. Noor's desk while she was servicing his feet. It had been so long since her last cum that she couldn't help leaking through her chastity cage. She knew that leaking is against the rules.

Now, Mr. Noor was at his desk ignoring the moans coming from the corner of his office. Her hands were tied behind her back and had a dripping ball gag in her mouth to keep her quiet. She was blindfolded so she would focus on her thoughts and not what was around her.

Her nipples were now pierced with circular jewelry. They were now hooked and chained to the wall so she had very little mobility. The chains were unforgiving and tight and, with the wrong movement, would rip through her nipples.

The girl/boy was dressed in her new business uniform but with no skirt. She wore only sheer crotchless shorts, a tight sheer blouse with bolero jacket. She wore sheer black nylon thigh highs with garters and high heels. Her nose was smashed into the corner because her nipple chains were so tight.

She was standing, in her heels, on wooden blocks placed very wide apart so her legs were spread open, exposing her pussy. In between her legs was a free-standing pole with a thick dildo attached at the top that was shoved into her cunt hole. She was basically impaled on the dildo and had to maintain her position, balancing on the blocks, for as long as Mr. Noor demanded it. The dildo was vibrating by remote control.

There was a knock at the door.

"Yes?" Mr. Noor said.

"Excuse me Sir," Derek said as he slowly opened the door. "Do you have time to chat quick about my next assignment Sir."

"Well," Mr. Noor replied, "first tell me how the bitch is at home."

"Which bitch Sir," Derek chuckled. "His wife? She is now a complete whore. I am not allowing her to orgasm but keep her cunt wet and dripping constantly. She fucks and sucks anyone in the hope of being allowed to have an orgasm. That doesn't happen. The men are instructed to take her to the edge, without cumming, and pull out and jerk off in her face."

"Perfect" Noor said. "Its time to relocate her now so the company will take over the property there. Our bitch here has signed over the real estate to me. Ms. Stone will take the wife and relocate her to another company executive far away."

"Of course Sir," Derek said, "I see this bitch here has misbehaved too eh?"

"Yeah," Noor said, "there has been a slight problem this morning. She is being punished again."

"Sir," Derek said as he walked over to Johnny in the corner. "Maybe we can make this punishment more special for the bitch." Derek was rubbing his cock growing down his pant leg.

"Go ahead," Noor looked down at his papers again. "Just don't knock her off the blocks."

"Thank you Sir," the man said without hesitation, "I am so horny and need to dump this load. I can fuck her just like this SIR?"

"Yup," Noor said, "she needs to understand that discipline is an essential part of keeping her in line or she'll keep fucking up. You can fuck her as long as she doesn't move."

Mr. Noor decided to get up and to the corner with Derek. As the black man pulled his cock out and started to get hard, Mr. Noor lifted the hood over Johnny's ears and whispered to him. Johnny jumped in surprised when he felt Mr. Noor move the dildo on the pole pulling it out of his hole.

"Shhhhh," Noor whispered, "don't move boy. Stay up on your tip toes and keep that back arched and pussy exposed." He covered the hood over him again. Knowing the bitch could not hear anything, he pushed Johnny lower so he was squatting but still on his toes as instructed. The clamps tightening on his nipples as he pulled himself lower.

"Put it in quick Derek and fuck him hard right away. No lube." Noor said, "I want it to hurt because the whore is being punished."

"Yes sir," Derek said as he aimed his hard cock up into Johnny's hole. His cock was swollen and looked huge, with the head already throbbing as the black man pushed the head against Johnny's closed pussy hole. Without any delay, he shoved the cock right into the whore's hole to the base.

"GFFGYGFHHHHHHhhhhh..." Johnny was screaming into the ball gag in his mouth.

"I'm going to give you 5 minutes to cum inside his cunt." Noor advised Derek. I know the whore will start to love getting her pussy fucked if you stay inside her too long. I need you to make it hurt and rape heer hard."

Derek wedged himself between Johnny's splayed open legs as he fucked hard. Johnny was trying to stay as still as possible so his nipples wouldn't rip from his body. Thank god the fucking didn't take long and soon Derek was shooting his sperm up into Johnny's pussy.

"Fuckkkk yeahhhhhhhh you fuckin faggot." Derek yelled, "Take that fuckin alpha cum up inside that whore cunt." Derek was stilling cumming as he shot volleys of cum into the tied helpless bitch.


"Excuse me Sir." It was Mr. Hopkins entering his office. "There are some documents you need to sign here." He looked at Derek's cock wedged inside Joanna's pussy but didn't react. He seemed to ignore what was happening in the corner as he approached Mr. Noor's desk. As they chatted about the signatures, Derek pulled his cock out of Johnny and went to the bathroom to clean up. As he was signing the papers, Mr. Hopkins spoke.

"She fucked up again, I see." He said softly to Mr. Noor.

"Yes, she dripped some juice under my desk this morning and I am tired of her constant insubordination. "Now, she is leaking Derek's cum so plug her up and tighten her nipple clamps, would you?"

"My pleasure Sir." Hopkins said as he walked to the corner. Hopkins fit the blocks back under Johnny's feet, lowers his ass back unto the dildo and turns the vibrator back on. He tightened his nipple chains to the wall and strapped the dildo gag tighter around her head. Across his nose, Johnny felt a wet cloth soaking into his nostrils. Poppers. Her mind instantly went to another place now. Everything became foggy in his brain. Through all the pain and humiliation, he was horny. He desparately needed to cum now that he was in his popper world.

Hopkins now put ear phones on his head and Johnny heard sexual moaning in his ears.

Unknown to Johnny, Mr. Noor had a microphone that connected into his headphones. He could speak directly to Johnny through his headphones with the sexual sounds.

"You are a good little bitch Joanna." Johnny heard Mr. Noor's voice thought the sexual sounds. "I want you to feel those cocks inside your holes. Don't they feel good pumping in and out of you. This is what you were meant to do, don't you see Joanna?"

Johnny groaned. His caged cock had a constant leak now. Johnny was now completely dazed and horny.

"Listen to what I'm saying to you girl." The voice said.

"You need what I am doing to you girl." Noor said, "You will accept this experience as pleasure because it pleases me. You will become addicted to these pleasures. You will need to feel this pain/pleasure constantly. Obedience gives you this pleasure. If you do not obey, you will not receive this pleasure, and you need this pleasure. The need is burning inside you. You are addicted to cock. You need a cock to fuck you constantly now girl."

Johnny groaned and began to bounce on the huge dildo in his pussy.

"I will not punish you any longer. If you disobey, I will take the cock away. You need the cock but will be punished with no cock if you disobey. You want me to pleasure you by punishing you with cock. Cock using your body. By raping, spanking, slapping, spitting and humiliating you. All of this comes with cock. You love this. You need this. Don't' you little fuck slut?"

Johnny actually nodded as he fucked himself harder. Johnny was balanced on the blocks and had to remain balanced for fear of literally losing his nipples, which were almost being ripped from his body.

Mr. Hopkins smiled at Noor.

"Good girl." Noor said to Johnny. "You have no choice in this any longer. You are changing permanently, and I am proud of you now. Proud that you understand who you are now. You are an object now. You are my possession. A piece of property. You obey me completely, totally, utterly, loyally. You have no rights. No rights to your body. No rights to your mind. They are not yours any longer.... They belong to me now. Your body is being taken away from you and becoming my body. I will do whatever I want to my property and you will have no ability to say NO."

"All this is true, isn't it you dumb faggot?" Noor said.

Johnny nodded.

"Show me faggot." Noor said, "Fuck yourself faster on that cock girly boy. You can do it faggot. Show me you love cock."

Johnny obeyed and started bouncing faster on the dildo. He knew that he did love it.

"That's a good girl. You are not just any faggot whore, but you're my faggot whore." Noor said, "That is a big difference. I will care for you like a priceless piece of artwork. You will have everything you need from me. You will live a wonderful life as long as you do it my way. For that reason, any command that I give you will be obeyed immediately because you don't want to be punished any longer, do you?

Johnny shook his head. The poppers made everything seem almost hypnotic. He believed everything being told to him. He thought: "Mr. Noor should make my decisions now. Mr. Noor knew better then me and I will just do as I am told.

"Good girl," Noor smiled, "You will be the property of the company and I own the company. You own nothing. You do not even own yourself any longer. You do not own your body. You do not own your mind. I will do all the thinking for you. You will be controlled, manipulated and changed to better serve this company, and its associates, as I see fit. This is the truth now. This is what you are now."

The voice was gone.

Suddenly, Johnny felt the dildo being pulled out of his hole and his nipples unclamped. Both men lowered him to the floor. His mouth gag was taken out, blindfold, poppers cloth and earplugs removed. He was pushed to his knees and Hopkins put his hand on the back of his neck to push his face to the floor.

Before Johnny could focus at all, he felt liquid on the floor.

"You were leaking and spitting on the floor bitch and you made a mess." Hopkins said while holding his head against the floor. "Now lick it up". Johnny did as he was told without hesitation. He knew it was his job now.

Noor lifted him off the floor and helped him to the sofa in his office.

"Thank you Mr. Hopkins," Noor said, "that'll be all."

After Hopkins left. Mr. Noor laid Johnny on the sofa while he softly sobbed.

"Shhhh, quiet little girl." Noor whispered, "You are mine now. You belong to me and I will take care of you." He got a blanket to cover the boy.

"Here, I want you to drink this." Johnny was very thirsty and drank it down quickly. It was a strong sleep aide.

"This will help you sleep. We have a big day tomorrow. We are going on a little trip and you will be my female companion. You will sleep now and Ms. Stone will prepare you for tomorrow."

Within minutes, Johnny was asleep.

The following is Johnny's perspective of what happened next:


I was awakened by Ms. Stone at some point in the middle of the night. I was still in a fog but followed her into the bathroom.

"We have an early flight honey," Ms. Stone said, "and we have a lot of work to do to get you ready." She was drawing a bath for me and I soon began to realize what was happening around me.

"What time is it?" I asked, "Where am I going?"

"Now don't worry about a thing," she replied, "you will need to listen to instructions and follow them. It will simply be easier for everyone honey. You will be Mr. Noor's female escort."

"Female?" I said, "What are you talking about? I am not a woman."

"Well, you know that, and I know that but Mr. Noor needs you to do this for him and the corporation. This is your job now dear. Remember, you don't think. You don't ask questions. You just do as you're told now. Mr. Noor knows best now."

Ms. Stone took pleasure in bathing me. She then shaved my entire body. She felt my muscle, pulling my nipples along the way. She even slipped a finger in my ass while washing me.

"You're lucky that you're going as a muslim woman." Ms. Stone said. "That means you will be wearing full body burka and a hijab."

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's a drapy fabric that you wear over your clothes with a scarf over your head. This is what Arabic women wear to show modesty and reverence." She continued, "and even though your head and body will be covered, it is what you should wear underneath that we need to prepare you properly for."

I think I knew what that meant. She pulled my penis down between my legs in between my balls and tape it against my perinrum. The head of my squished dick almost reached my asshole but was completely taped down to complete hide it. The tape did not cover my hole.

I was dressed in a sexy lycra sheath skirt, nylons and high heels. I had beautiful pink panties covering my dicklet but slit in the back to exposed my girly smooth shaved pussy. My pecs were already large but she fitted me with a stuffed small strapless bra under a sheer tight blouse that exposed my stomach. I couldn't possibly be taken seriously as a legitimate escort if they knew what I was wearing underneath. Arabic women were dressed in a full length burka, typical in the Muslim world. With the hijab, "Joanna" was now completely covered on the outside but dressed like a true slutty whore on the inside.

"Perfect" Ms. Stone said. "You have an early flight and will meet Mr. Noor at the airport. I have a bag for you, with your make-up kit and some money. Your baggage, with your chastity cage, has already been sent to the airport. Once your release that girl clit, you will cage it as directed before Mr. Noor asks you too do so. That will impress him."

We walked outside and a black limousine was waiting for us.

"You're on your own now dear." Ms. Stone kissed me on the lips. "Remember to stay quiet, keep your head bowed and listen to Mr. Noor. If you need to speak, make sure to use your female voice."

Everything was over whelming for me but decided that I really had no options at this point. I was female if Mr. Noor wanted me to be. I want to be whatever Mr. Noor wanted me to be.

I arrived at the airport and Mr. Noor was waiting by the door. He looked at me and smiled. Instantly, I felt proud to belong to him. I wanted to make him proud of me too. As I walked to him, I actually swayed my hips in my high heels. Nothing was said. He took my arm and guided me into the airport.

We went to a private lounge where there were several men having a drink at the bar. When we walked toward them, their conversation stopped and they looked at me. They said nothing to me but spoke in Arabic to Mr. Noor. I awkwardly stood there with my head slightly bowed as the men spoke and looked at me. Mr. Noor said something that made them all laugh and look over at me. I could only imagine what was said.

We boarded the plane and all of us sat in first class with seats facing one another. I was actually seated in between two men that I didn't know. Mr. Noor sat across from me, staring at me. Everyone had another drink.

After some time, Mr. Noor reached his leg forward in between my feet and pushed them apart. I looked at him and he glared at me, nodding and dropping his eyebrows. I knew what he wanted.

I shifted my burka to expose the tight spandex skirt underneath and spread my legs farther open. Both men next to me looked at me, then at Mr. Noor, and smiled. Mr. Noor smiled at me and nodded his head again.

Suddenly, I had a flashback to when I was first offered the job as his assistant. Mr. Noor said that he believed that "I would make the right decision in any situation." He said my position with the company would depend on the decisions that I make. I had to know what Mr. Noor wanted without being told.

Again, I didn't hesitate to slide my hand up under my tight skirt and rub my "pussy".

I was actually rubbing my taped cock shaft but no one could tell. I gyrated my hips to act as though I was excited by rubbing my clitty. I looked at both gentlemen and noticed they were each rubbing their cock through their pants. I leaned way over to the side and crossed one leg over the other. This basically exposed my nylons and my big panties with a slit in the back, exposing my ass crack.

Reaching behind my ass, I slightly lifted my leg higher so I could slide my fingers to my real pussy hole. I actually licked my fingers, while watching the men, and pushed it into my pussy, teasing them as they rubbed.

I was a true whore. I loved it. I loved making Mr. Noor proud. I loved making these real men horny by acting like a slutty woman. These were real men, not faggots. Straight men who needed a woman to fuck. Now, I wanted to be that woman.

The man sitting behind my ass reached over to rub my nylon covered legs. His hand traveled to my ass and literally rubbed my sinky smooth pussy hole. He pushed one, then two fingers, into my pussy as I moaned softly. Mr. Noor was rubbing his bulge in front of me smiling.

"Be a good girl now for Mr. Sharenow." He said to me. I assumed that was the man rubbing and fingering my ass. He then pulled his fingers out and sucked them only to put them back inside me again. He started fucking me with his fingers.

Out of nowhere, there was a hairy dirty uncut cock in my face. It smelled unwashed and had a layer of smegma under the hood like Mr. Noor's cock. I knew I had to clean the cock with my mouth. The man instantly got hard and I was able to suck his smelly cock until it was clean and dripping with pre-cum.

The man behind me literally stood up and knelt on the floor, sitting back on his heels. He pulled my ass toward him and aimed my pussy directly over his cock. He gently pulled me down to sit in his lap, slowly and gradually impaling me on his thick cock. I moaned gently.

"I got a rush of excitement and felt my own cock fight to grow under the tape. I now had a cock in my mouth and one in my pussy right in the middle of the plane ride. I got nervous and looked up to see another man guarding the first-class entrance so assure out privacy. It was time to fuck.

I groaned and started to bounce up and down of the man's cock. Mr. Noor stood up and came to me to cover my mouth. I must have been moaning to loudly.

"Shhhh," he said, "you know you must stay quiet while being fucked little bitch." He looked at the men. "Fuck her hard. She will stay quiet, won't you honey." I nodded yes.

The man held my waist and pulled me up and down on his cock. While I was sucking the other Arab, Mr. Noor held poppers under my nose.

"Be a good girl for my friends and let them put their milk inside you now." He held the poppers under my nose and I quickly traveled to a different place and time. My world consisted of cock. All I wanted was to get the cum from those cocks inside of me. It was my job.

I was a whore now, being fucked by two strangers because Mr. Noor told me too. He was right. It no longer mattered what I wanted. It was about what Mr. Noor wanted. A good assistant, like me, should give Mr. Noor exactly what he wanted even before he asked for it.

Suddenly, there were two hands holding my head down to the base of his cock. Cum was squirting in my mouth. I was in heaven. I swallowed every drop just as I felt the hands on my waist hold me down hard. Without moving now, I felt the cock in my pussy pulsing and throbbing. Cum was shooting into my cunt. I held still and moaned, knowing my hole was being filled with cum.

Mr. Noor reached behind me and covered my pussy just as the cock pulled out of me.

"No mess girl." He said as I felt something else being pushed inside my cunt. It was difficult to get inside me and the pain got more intense as Mr. Noor pushed it in hard. Suddenly, the pain was gone and I felt something lodged inside my cunt. A butt plug.

"Hold it inside you until we get to the hotel girl." He instructed, "There is a welcoming party once we arrive in Egypt and you will be the guest of honor as my new assistant. Now, put yourself together and take a nap."

I didn't really understand why I would be the guest of honor but it didn't matter if I understand or not. Mr. Noor said to not think and he will do the thinking for me. There was something about allowing another man to do the thinking for you. I truly believed that Mr. Noor cared for me now. He was proud of me as long as I obeyed him. I trusted him now and I had a sense of security knowing that he would take care of me.

It was easy now. I had no anxiety any more. I would be controlled and owned like a piece of property. No choices. Obey just obey.

I now had a sense of freedom. Total freedom. I felt free of all stress. Don't think just obey. I loved Mr. Noor. I love my new job.

I love my life.

--- THE END---


I want to thank all my readers and especially those who have written me. I love the feedback and suggested thoughts on the storyline. One reader wanted me to write about smegma, the cheese under the hood of uncut cock. I loved the idea of being forced to lick it clean and incorporated that into the story. Please don't hesitate to tell me about how many times you orgasm from reading this kinky, nasty story. Our brain is our primary sex organ and that is WHY I write, so you can CUM. LOL.

Look for my other nasty stories in the "Author" section under BUSTERMUSCLE

I appreciate all your thoughts and comments so don't hesitate to email me at:

I will answer ALL emails.

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