Becoming the Executive Assistant

By Bustermuscle

Published on Mar 6, 2023


This story is fiction and based on consensual DOM/sub sex between men. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2022 with all rights reserved outside of Nifty.

General Synopsis:

As the new personal assistant to Mr. Amir Noor, the C.E.O., Johnny Carter realizes that his job responsibilities have become bizarre and sexually twisted. With constant coercion from several employees, and his new "vitamins", Johnny begins to think this sexual perversion is part of his normal daily routine.

In This Chapter:

Johnny enters the final phase of his training with the help of Ms. Stone, his secretary. Even though his "vitamins" seem to keep his brain in a fog, he finally begins to understand his true place with Mr. Noor as his assistant.

From the Author:

I am so sorry for the long delay in my writing. I have also been simultaneously working on a new story but wanted to get the final two chapters of this story finished first. As most of my readers know, I like to write about the "power exchange" between two men where one dominant alpha completely controls the submissive beta.


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The next morning, after my usual routine of cleaning Mr. Noor's feet and smegma coated cock, he said he was going to start me on the next phase of training. As I held his cock in my mouth, he pushed back his chair to look down at me.

"Boy," he said as he stroked my hair, "you stink this morning. Did Derek allow you to shower this morning?" I shook my head NO.

"You smell like sex." He slapped my face gently as he continued.

"Keep sucking and listen." I nodded as I sucked down to the base of his cock and held it in my throat.

"Good boy. Did Mr. Blackstone give you your vitamins this morning boy?" I nodded with his cock in my mouth, and he smiled.

"Good boy," he said, "and did Mr. Blackstone give you the sperm breakfast as I asked him?" I remember Derek made me suck him while I was still caged this morning. After he shot his morning load in my throat he sat on top of the cage and told me to lick his asshole through the metal bars.

After servicing Derek, he dragged me out of the cage and told me to dress in my uniform immediately. He wanted me to smell like his ass when I arrived at work. That is what Mr. Noor was smelling from under his desk.

"You smell dirty because you are a dirty little boy, aren't you?" He didn't expect an answer. "Now that you understand your place with this company, there is one more aspect of your training that we still need to address."

I knew that I shouldn't speak and just listen. Mr. Noor leaned into his desk to his phone.

"Ms. Stone, would you come in here please." Mr. Noor said into his intercom. I remember him mentioning that I was going to train with Ms. Stone today and became anxious about it. I seemed anxious about most things but that is why I took my vitamins each morning. The vitamins were supposed to keep my brain relaxed and, for the most part, they worked efficiently. Nothing really upset me when I took my vitamins. I took several deep breaths and it seemed to relax me.

Mr. Noor could sense the anxiety. "Take this boy." He handed me another pill.

"Take it," he said, "will help you during the next phase of your training. Don't worry, it will make you feel better." I took the pill.

"Excuse me Sir." It was Ms. Stone, his secretary.

"Yes Ms. Stone," Mr. Noor said as he dragged me out from under his desk. I remained kneeling at his feet and looked up at Ms. Stone.

"As I mentioned yesterday, Mr. Carter here is ready for the next step in his training to be a better corporate assistant. You are the person I would like to train him in this next phase."

"Of course Mr. Noor," Ms. Stone said, "I completely understand and will take things from here Sir."

"Thank you Ms. Stone," Mr. Noor said as he went to his coffee machine, "have him back here by the end of the day. I will expect to see a difference in his attitude by then."

"Yes Sir," Ms. Stone smiled. She then pulled me up to my feet by the ear. I knew Mr. Noor was watching so I kept my hands behind my back and did not speak. "I think he will do just fine Sir because I see he is already very well trained."

"You can credit Mr. Hopkins and Blackstone for that Nancy." Mr. Noor said, "and now this last phase will be to your credit. Mr. Carter here will be in your hands now." He turned to face me.

"Boy, you will obey Ms. Stone as you would obey me or there will be a price to pay later. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." I mumbled quietly.

"DO you understand?" Mr. Noor asked me again.

"YES SIR." I said louder this time.

"Good boy," Mr. Noor turned back to Ms. Stone.

"Thank you Sir," Nancy Stone said, "Mr. Carter will be the perfect personal assistant you have ever had Sir. I will make sure of that."

"See you tonight Nancy."

Ms. Stone basically dragged me to an outer office and told me to kneel on the floor in front of her.

"You will greet me, and everyone here, properly from now on Mr. Carter." Ms. Stone said. "Say Good Morning Ms. Stone."

"Good morning Ms. Stone"

"Good morning Joanna" Ms. Stone said to me.

"Joanna?" I asked her.

"Yes Joanna," Ms. Stone said, "Mr. Noor believes that you would be a better fit for this company if he were to call you Joanna. It is his preference Mr. Carter. Do you understand?"

I was confused. I didn't know how to reply. The vitamins seems to keep my brain in a fog and I was confused. Maybe she was calling me Johhny but I was hearing Joanna?

Suddenly, Mr. Stone slapped me across the face very hard. It shocked me but it actually settled my nerves at the same time. I took another deep breath.

"Good morning Joanna." Mr. Stone said, "How are you today?"

"Ahh," I was confused, "ahh, I'm fine ma'am, thank you."

"Good," Ms. Stone replied, "now tell me how you feel about your job dear."

"My job?" I seemed to be thinking in slow-motion now. My brain was all fuzzy and it was difficult to focus on anything. What type of vitamin did Mr. Noor give me?

Ms. Stone slapped my face again.

"Honey," she yelled, "look at me and answer my question."

"Yes Ma'am," I said immediately, "I like my job Ma'am."

"Good girl," Ms. Stone said, "this next step will help you enjoy your job even more. Mr. Noor is happy with your progress so far and believes you understand your place as inferior to men. I know how difficult it can be to go against nature for the sake of others. That is a credit to you Joanna."

At that moment, Ms. Stone stood up to continue speaking as I kneeled before her.

"I know all of this doesn't really feel completely normal to you yet but that is why I am here to help you now." Ms. Stone walked around very close to me as she spoke.

"You will soon understand that this is what you really want. Serving real men is what you should do without all that nonsense about being straight or thinking that you are adequate like a real man. That is an illusion and will soon fade away. You will thank me for this Joanna."

She stopped and stood directly in front of me. Her crotch was in front of my face. She pulled the chair close behind her and slowly sat back on the chair and gently opened her legs. I thought she was going to masturbate in front of me but, as she opened her legs, I saw something covering her crotch. As she pulled her sexy sheer panties down, I saw a thick piece of material covering her pussy.

She slowly peeled the material away.

I couldn't tell what I was looking at until she removed some type of tape from her crotch and suddenly I saw it.

A penis.

She was a HE.

Ms. Stone had her cock taped down between her legs and covered so her little penis was completely hidden away.

"You see Joanna." Ms. Stone smiled at me as she pulled out her cock. "I used to be you. I know exactly what you are going through right now because two years ago, it was me in training."

I was speechless. Ms, ahhhhh, Mr. Stone was on a mission and, after he "exposed" his identity, he continued as though nothing was unusual at all.

"Now, in this bag is your new uniform darling." Ms. Stone left her penis exposed now but left the nylons and heels on as usual. Her penis hung down a respectable 6 inches.

"Take everything out and lay it on the desk."

I removed the items and laid them out. Silky sheer grey stockings with matching heels, a sheer grey spandex top with a short dark bolero jacket and a matching grey skirt. It was a very sexy business suit for a whore.

"Do you like it Joanna?" Ms. Stone didn't wait for me to answer. "You can see the biggest difference in your uniform is the skirt. It is extremely short so, to keep your appearance professional, we will have to completely get rid of that little nub of yours."

She took me to the adjacent bathroom.

"You need to stay still and just listen to me while I prepare you." I was stripped completely nude now. She removed the chastity cage.

"You wont need this cage after today because you will no longer have a cock Joanna. Girls have clits. You will have a clit. You see, this is an all male company. Whether you realize it or not, the females are also males. That is the way Mr. Noor wants it. You don't need to understand this honey. Just listen."

"Females are too high maintenance for the company. Mr. Noor has realized that working with men makes everything more efficient. No whining females, no maternity leave, no "period moods", no menopause, and no sexual harassment in the office place. " Ms. Stone chuckled, "Well no real sexual harassment."

While she was talking, she was wiping me down with some type of lotion. My skin started to tingle after awhile.

"We need to get rid of your hair honey." Stone said, "Mr. Noor wants you to accompany him to his conference in Eygpt next month and you need to be prepared. Homosexuality is strictly illegal in his homeland country so you will be his female companion. You will also need to work on your voice so that you speak softly and feminine."

I was not understanding anything. Eventually, she began talking, and moving, so fast that I couldn't follow anything being said to me. She wiped the hair off me and used a head shaver to finish my whole body. She pushed me over and kicked my legs open so she could shave my ass crack. She told me to pull my knees back and spread open my asscheeks with my hands. She needed to shave my hole. She slapped me several times during the process and, at the end, actually leaned in and licked my asshole .

"Why are you doing this ma'am?" I asked.

She turned me around and slapped my face and pushed me backward on my ass.

"You always need an explanation, don't you girl." She press her face close to mine and spoke to me as our noses almost touched.

"I'm checking for any hairs." I moaned.

"Now, how many pussies have you fucked?" She asked.


"How many times have you been sucked?"


"Let's see, how many cocks have you sucked?"

"Many ma'am."

"Did you swallow the cum?"


"So you drink cum from men's cocks?"

"Ahh, yes ma'am."

"Do you eat and drink your own cum honey?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"WHO do you think normally sucks and drinks men's cum?"


"Exactly. You suck and drink men's cum, you have a small little nub in your crotch that looks just like a large clit, don't you?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Since you do what women do, Mr. Noor wants you to look and act like one, especially during the Egyptian conference. She stepped back slightly and kicked my feet out wider.

"Now that you are smooth, we need to take care of that nub of yours." She put a thin pad, almost like a tampax and pressed over my cock. She pulled and pushed my small cock shaft downward between my legs so that it stretched downward, between my balls, toward my asshole.

Then she pulled out some tape and pulled it through my asscrack like a thong and taped over my cock and up toward my belly button. Basically she was taping my cock down into the crack between my legs so that it literally disappeared when I closed my legs. There was no lump at all. In fact, the panties she put on me even creased down the center of my crotch to make it look like a cunt slit. My pussy was still exposed but my cock had literally disappeared.

"There we go." Stone smiled, "now get dressed."

With my cock virtually gone, Ms. Stone helped me pull on the nylons, garter belt, panties, sheer top with the jacket and, finally, the 4" heels. After I am dressed she sat me down in a chair and began putting make-up on my face, highlighting my eyes. She said Mr. Noor didn't want me to wear a wig but to grow my hair naturally.

"Mr. Noor doesn't want you to be a female all the time, only when needed. He wants you to be a hybrid assistant, both male and female." She continued speaking as she applied the make-up. "He wants you to become a half breed so you will have male and female qualities.

"First, you must increase your bodybuilding workouts, focusing on your pectorals and glutes, basically tits and ass." She chuckled, "He wants you to have male breasts that will require a bra to keep them under control. Huge natural breasts that he will expose when needed. You will also be required to do squats and deadlifts to increase the size of your glutes and thighs. He may give you steroid injections to help with your muscle growth."

"Second, its also important to keep your feminine qualities as well. Your body will be completely free of hair from the neck down. You will grow your natural hair to help with styling when appropriate. Your little clit will always be hidden from view and unaccessible to you without permission, even to pee. You will have excessive female makeup that will be applied daily. We will also do some vocal techniques to help to raise your voice to be more feminine."

"Basically," she continued, "you will have a male body with a female face." She finished my make-up. "There, lets have a look at you Joanna. Stand and walk around please."

I was in high heels with a very short tight spandex skirt. As I walked, the skirt would hike up and literally expose my lower ass cheeks. I had to keep pulling the skirt down to hide my ass from becoming completely exposed in the back.

"What a beautiful slut." She said, "the perfect secretary for our boss. Tell me honey, do you like your sexy uniform?"

"hmmm," I didn't know how to answer the question and I don't think she expected me too.

"Stand here Joanna," Stone pointed to the desk, "Put your hands on the desk and step backwards. Open your legs. Now lean down and put your pretty face against the desk top."

I did exactly as she asked me too. I knew she would only report back to Mr. Noor if I disobeyed her, and I really didn't want any more trouble. I was basically sticking my ass out towards her and exposing my pussy."

"Lets talk about Mr. Noor, shall we Joanna?" Stone said. I didn't reply. I was used to simply listening and following instructions now. It was just easier this way.

"Is he treating you the way you like Joanna?"

"Yes ma'am"

"You see how your are standing dear, with your ass out and pussy open?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"That is how a whore stands Joanna, isn't it?" She smiled at me as she slapped my ass.

"Yes Ma'am"

"It's OK to treat you like a whore, isn't it Joanna?" She slapped my ass again.

"Yes Ma'am"

"You like being treated like a whore, don't you Joanna because you know it is good for the company and, being a whore, is your way of helping the company succeed, right?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"You don't, however, seem to have any real technical skills. You're not good at anything Joanna. I told Mr. Noor not to fire you because I thought I could help him make you a good assistant. You have become much better at your job but still need more training little girl."

"Training Ma'am" I asked

"Joanna, tell me, what did you do yesterday with Mr. Noor?"

"I obeyed him and sucked him Ma'am" I replied.

"Did you like it dear?"

"I don't think so Ma'am." I was confused.

"You see girl," stone said, "You don't really know how to think. You don't know what your like. You are better to just not think and do as youre told." She continued, "Stand up girl and look at yourself now. Do you feel like a boy or a girl."

"I am a man, I think." I was confused.

"You see?" Stone said, "you are still in denial little girl. That is why you need more training. Let me make it easy for you honey. Look at yourself. Do you look like a man or a woman?"

"A woman."

"What did you do this morning with Mr. Noor honey?" Stone asked.

"I serviced him under his desk, like I do everyday Ma'am." I answered.

"Of course you did. You gave Mr. Noor an orgasm. That is your job, isn't it?" She continued. "Let me ask you.... Do manly men suck cock?"


"Do women suck cock?"


"Did you fuck your wife yesterday honey?" She smiled at me in the mirror while she rubbed my ass.

"No Ma'am"

"You look like a woman, don't you?"

"yes ma'am"

"You suck like a woman, don't you?"

"Yes ma'am"

"When you were with your wife yesterday, did you fuck her

"No Ma'am"

"Of course you didn't. That's because young ladies like you don't fuck women do they?"

"No ma'am"

"Ladies like you get fucked by real men." She smiled and played with my taped clit. "Ladies have clits, and you can't fuck with a little clit like yours."

"No ma'am"

"You see, you're already understanding better little girl." She smiled at me. "In fact, you know you will never fuck again dear. Isn't that right?" She continued, "You have a clit now and clits can't fuck. Clits get rubbed."

"Yes ma'am"

"From now on, Mr. Noor will allow you only to cum like a girl," she said, "girls get fucked to cum or, when allowed, they cum by rubbing their clitty."

"Yes ma'am."

Suddenly, there was a buzz on her intercom. Stone picked up the phone to speak.

"Yes Sir, she is here and ready." She said into the phone and then paused to listen. "Yes Sir, I believe she is beginning to understand her place now. (pause) Of course Sir. Right away Sir."

She dropped the phone.

"He wants to meet you in the company gym right now." She fixed my makeup and pulled down the sheer top to actually fully expose my chest. The tight spandex top rode under my pectoral muscles and nipples, causing them to look like they were pushed forward. They were blatantly sticking out of my blazer and fully exposed.

"Keep those nipples out in the open," she instructed, "it will help you in the long run."

"Help me?"

"Just do as I say bitch," she slapped me softly on the face, "you don't want to be late."

We quickly walked down the hall. I must have looked like a cartoon whore in high heels and push up bra with my tits literally hanging out front in the open.

We turned the corner and there he was. Mr. Noor was standing outside the men's lockerroom with Mr. Hopkins and Derek. I was absolutely mortified and froze in my tracks.

"Honey," Stone said as she squeezed me and spoke in my ear. "You're a girl now. Things will be different now. They may still humiliate you but they will not abuse or hurt you now. They are much nicer to girls. Don't forget, you're not a man like them. You are inferior to them and have to remember you place honey."

She pushed me to walk closer. The three men looked at me and smiled. Mr. Noor stepped directly in front of me and lifted my chin up to look at him face to face. I didn't know where to look and felt like a blushing bride in front of him.

Then.... He leaned in and gently kissed me on the lips softly.

"You look like such a beautiful slut." He whispered. I actually felt good about myself and smiled back at him. "Do you want to be my slut girl?"

I nodded.

"Good girl," he said as he reached around me and felt up my ass. "You have a clit now don't you honey? Just like a good girl."

"Yes sir," I blushed

"So now, when I want a girl to fuck, you'll be my girl," he leaned over the opposite ear, "and when I want a boy to fuck, you will be my boy."

I just stared at him as he guided me into the men's lockerroom.

"So now you are my pretty girl, thanks to Ms. Stone, with big tits and a perfect ass."

He looked behind us to speak to Ms. Stone.

"Thank you Ms. Stone," he said, "Your bonus will be forthcoming." I saw her smile.

We walked into the men's room with me dressed in lingerie with 4" heels. I was literally shaking on the inside. Mr. Noor must have noticed.

"Shhhh," he said, "you'll be fine bitch. Don't think and just do as you're told like a good girl."

The lockerroom had a dozen men in various forms of nakedness. Most were wearing jocks or even completely naked. Mr. Noor brought me to a locker in the middle of the room. There wasn't a sound as he opened the locker.

"You don't have much to change into." Mr. Noor said, "Why don't you just leave your heels here and workout in your stockings honey."

"Sir," I looked at him like he was crazy, "You can't expect me too..."

"Shhhh," Noor said, "you don't need to be shy honey. All the men here have seen a lady before. Perhaps you should take off that pretty skirt and put these shorts on though."

I looked at the small pair of pink spandex shorts he handed me. There was an opening in the back of the shorts that went from the waist band through the crotch. If I opened my legs at all ass crack would be completely exposed.

"We don't want you indecent so perhaps you should keep those panties on too." He reached around me aggressively, "but before you pull up those adorable little shorts let me help you with those panties."

Saying that, he used his nails to rip a small hole directly over my asshole to expose it to the air. I softly screamed and the men around us laughed at my surprise.

"There, that's better." Noor said as he turned to the men standing around us, "Now, gentlemen, this is my new assistant. I asked her to dress nicely for you so that our workouts will be more enjoyable. Her job is to help you with that so she is at your disposal." Some of the men were already rubbing themselves through their jocks and a few had pulled out their cock to show it to me.

"Now honey," he turned back to me, "Why don't we help out the boys here, OK?" He pushed me toward the bench in the center of the room. "Now, just to help keep you calm, I need to cover your pretty face so you can't see who is using you." He wrapped something around my head and over my eyes. Everything went black.

"Good girl, now just focus on two things," he said, "Your mouth and that pretty pussy." He pushed me over the bench in front of me.

"Get up here on your hands and knees and open those pretty knees as wide as you can." I follow instructions. "Good girl," he continued, "Lean forward on your elbows and arch your back so that pretty ass is nice and high. Don't be shy honey. We want to make it easy for the real men to use your holes if they want."

Mr. Noor is a different man now. He is kinder to me now. Perhaps this is my true calling now and way I would fit in to corporate America. Perhaps I am simply not intelligent enough to see the reality of the world and understand that this is true corporate America. There needs to be powerful men to lead and inferior men, like me, to assist them along the way.

This was my way of assisting Mr. Noor and his peers. He is happier now and that is because I just obey him and don't think about what I am doing... just do it and shut up. This seems to be the way things work for me now.

He turned back to the men. "She is here for you gentlemen. Before your workout; after your workout; in the shower; or in our corporate office... my assistant will take care of your needs." He started to rub my face as he spoke, "She has been trained to remain silent through out the process and complete discretion is assured."

He whispered in my ear.

"Stay completely still and silent until every man is serviced." Mr. Noor warned me, "Do as you are told and make me proud of your performance bitch. This is a private lockerroom but you still must remain quiet and remember, you are not allowed to cum. If you lose control, simply say "CUM" and they will pull out their cocks until you calm and get yourself under control again. They will give you 10 seconds to gain control and begin fucking you again."

I bowed my head and resigned myself to get fucked by all these men standing around me. One man initiated and approached my face and lifted my head with his finger. I felt a humongous uncut cock rubbing against my face. He stepped closer and the wet cockhead touched my lips. I licked it and tasted the saltiness.

"Be a good girl now," Mr. Noor said, "Just do your job and I'll be back soon." I could hear the lockerroom door close behind him. Then I felt a pair of hands on my pantied ass. The cock at my lips pushed harder and I opened my mouth to allow it in. The man above me moaned. For some reason, that made me feel good. I was making him moan with pleasure. Yes, that was my job. I was good at it or I wouldn't be here.

Then I felt something soft and wet on my hole. A tongue. Fuck, it felt so good that it motivated me to nurture the cock in my mouth. To let it sink into my throat so he would reward me with another moan. Yes, there it was. A moan again from the man above me. I was happy. I wanted him to moan. I wanted to give him the best cum he has ever had.

He grabbed the back of my head and pushed his entire shaft into my throat. I relaxed as I was taught and allowed him to masturbate using my throat.

"Good girl," the man said, "oh fuck. Im so horny, you're going to make me cum already." He pulled out and pushed in to the base, again and again. He was breathing heavy and pumping faster now.

He man licking my pussy was now pushing his fingers into me. Two fingers, then three fingers. I had to focus on deepthroating this cock now. Down to the base and back to the head. The cock felt like it was a foot long as he pushed his cock to the base into my throat on each stroke.

"Fuckkkkk," he moaned, "Im gonna cum bitch." He pushed it all the way to the base and held it there. At the same time, a cock forced its way into my pussy. The initial pain forced me to pull off the cock in my throat but was immediately forced back inside.

The cock in my pussy lodged itself so deep that I felt numb. I couldn't breathe. I prayed that the cock in my throat would cum and allow me to breathe again. The cock in my pussy started pumping immediately. I pulled off the cock in my throat just as it sprayed cum all over my face. He held me by the hair and coated my face and hair with cum.

The cock in my pussy was rutting into me now.

"Fuck," the man in my pussy said, "this fucking tight cunt is gonna make me shoot." That's exactly what he did. He pushed his cock into me and held still. I could feel the cum shooting into me. He came so quickly but as soon as he pulled out, another cock was pushing inside me. I licked the cock in my face and then he walked away.

I smelled a dirty cock at my lips. I opened my mouth but a hand slapped me and said, "Just lick it bitch. It's a dirty cock that needs to be cleaned little girl."

Remaining silent, I did as I was told and lick whatever was in front of my mouth. It smelled like Mr. Noor's dirty cock cheese but I know it wasn't him. Then I felt a pair of hands on my face and open my jaw. I was a human flesh toy for them to fuck as a masturbation tool and get the seed out of their balls.

I lost count of the men that were fucking my two holes. I was focused on doing my job of holding still and taking their seed inside of me. When one cock emptied their sperm into me, another cock seemed to take its place and began thrusting into me.

At one point, even though my cock was taped, I felt the cum start to travel down my cock shaft. I was going to cum. I simply said "CUM" and the men pulled their cocks out of me. I was able to hold my cum back and, like Mr. Noor said, about 10 seconds later, both cock impaled me again.

I don't know how long I was there, but I began to feel the cum, or something, dripping down from my crotch onto my balls and the bench below me. I was still taped so there was no way that my own cock could swell up or, god forbid, get hard.

I heard Mr. Noor enter. Thank God. He didn't say a word but I knew it was him that lifted me up off the bench. He scooped up whatever was in my pussy and pushed his fingers into my mouth. I sucked his slimey cum coated fingers.

He then turned me around, took the blindfold off, and pushed me backward onto the bench. "Why don't you lay on your back for us, lift your pretty nylon legs and show us your pussy honey."

I was now laying on my back as he gently lifted my legs up to show my taped cock and exposed pussy. I felt the cum leaking out of my hole and couldn't control it.

"Look at all that beautiful cum." He said as he scooped some up with his fingers and brought them to my mouth. "Eat your protein girl." I licked his fingers and swallowed the cum from my ass.

"Good girl," he said, "I'm going to let your clit out now girl. In the future, we will either keep you caged or, when you're my girl, your clit will be taped down between your legs like this so we can't see it at all. In either case, you won't be using it while you're doing your job. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mr. Noor," I nodded. The men were all still there watching as they dressed slowly. Some were still playing with their soft cocks

"You see," He continued talking as he began to untape my cock, "You are lucky because you won't need to think for yourself any longer. As my assistant, I will do the thinking for both of us. You will listen quietly and obey. It's quite simple now."

He spoke to one the men standing around me.

"Would you mind pulling back the sluts legs for me Mr. Duncan?" The gentleman behind my head reached down and pulled my ankles back toward my head. In doing so, his huge smelly cock fell over my face and stayed there. I made no reaction.

"Go ahead baby," Mr. Noor noticed the cock hanging over my face, "I know you want to lick his cock because you're a whore. It's OK whore, you can lick."

I really didn't have any desire at the time to do anything but I obeyed him and licked his cock. It tasted like cum and ass juice. To be truthful, I enjoyed the flavor.

Mr. Noor untaped my clit and it literally sprung out. It felt so good to be free.

"Don't touch it girl." Mr. Noor instructed, "Good girls wait for permission. Even though I believe you are a whore. Play with your cum filled pussy now and lick your fingers. Good girl."

While Mr. Duncan held my legs up, I reached down between my legs to insert my fingers into my pussy. Fuck, it felt wonderful. My swollen ass lips leaked sperm as I scooped it up and sucked it off my fingers.

Actually, delicious. It felt so good to rub my slippery cum-filled pussy. My clit started getting hard because nothing was preventing from growing to full staff.

"Now, as a reward, I want you to show the men how you have learned to play with your clit." I instantly grabbed my cock shaft and started jerking off. Mr. Noor slapped my hand away.

"NO, bad girl," he yelled, "Women rub their clits a certain way, remember? Good girls rub their little clits in little circles with two fingers. Have you ever watched your wife masturbate? That's how girls cum. Do you want to cum little bitch? Do you want to rub your clit like a girl and make yourself cum for the men?"

I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and, with only two fingers, he placed the tips on my cock head just below the crown. My cock was rock hard because I had not been able to cum in a long while.

"Ohhh," Mr. Noor mocked me, "you are horny, aren't you little girl. You have a wet, cum-filled pussy and you need to cum, don't you bitch?"

"Yes sir," I moaned, "thank you sir."

"Masturbate like a girl for me bitch." He said as I instantly began to rub my two fingers against my cock shaft, just below the head. It felt so wonderful that I instantly started to pre-cum on myself.

"That's my horny girl." He said looking at the other men, "Are you my horny little faggot girl?"

"Ohhhhhh, yes Sir." I said as I grinded against my two fingers. It had been so long since I have been allowed to rub myself much less have an orgasm.

"I bet my girl wants permission to cum, doesn't she?" He smiled at me and pet me like a dog.

"Please yes Sir.... Oh please." I was frantically rubbing now and knew that I could cum even with just two fingers pressing into my cock.

"Tell me why I should let you cum, whore." Mr. Noor ordered. I needed to cum so bad that I would do anything he said just for an orgasm.... And he knew it.

"I have been a good girl sir" I said as I masturbated, "I let the men use my holes like you wanted sir. Please, I promise to be a good girl and do whatever you say. I promise to obey you and any man you say."

"Good girl, but I think all you need is one finger to cum, right girl?" He said.

"Ohhhh please sir," I didn't want to take a finger away from my clit. I wanted to cum and was getting very close now.

"Girl? Show the men here how a whore can rub her clitty with just one finger and cum." He made a fist with my hand and pulled out only one finger. He glared at me. I brought the finger directly to my cock and started to frantically rub it.

Yes, I could probably cum if I rub really fast.

"I won't let you cum without a cock in your mouth girl"

I reached for the cock over my face and started sucking it. I was now on the edge, frantically rubbing, and was close to finally cumming.

"May I please cum Sir?" I said in between sucking the cock

"Now, why don't you hold your finger still and grind your cock against the finger." Mr. Noor was purposely making it harder and harder for me to cum.

"Don't move your finger bitch and just grind your clit on it." I humped my finger as fast as I could. Still on the edge but unable to reach the climax I needed so badly. I held my hand perfectly still and humped my single finger on that special spot.

"Look at the big cocks around you girl. All these cocks are going to fuck you again, do you know that?" He was teasing me.... I was going to cum.

"Ohhhhh please Sir, please may I cum now?" I begged.

"Hump that finger bitch," he smiled, "that's all you're going to get now. Are you ready to cum and spill your faggot sperm?" I was going to cum.

"Oh yes sir... YES SIR." I groaned loudly, "I'm going to cum now. Thank you Sir."

"NO BITCH." Noor yelled, "I did not give you permission yet." He slapped my hand away from my clit now. I was still humping. I was humping the air now. I was constantly dripping and afraid now I might cum hands-free without permission.

Mr. Noor shoved his cock into my pussy without warning and fucked into me hard.

"Don't touch that clit and cum bitch", he yelled as he rutted his cock into me. The fucking against my prostate finally put me over the edge.

I was cumming .

"UGHDHHGHHH" I groaned as I continued to suck. "Fcusskkkkk, oh thank you sir." My clit was spraying volleys of cum all over myself.

Then, I felt Mr. Noor spray his cum into my pussy. It was wonderful.... I had such a huge cum and I know Mr. Noor did too.

As he pulled his cock out of me, he leaned in and whispered, "DO you like being a whore for me, girl?"

"Ohhhh, Yes Sir." I glowed in post orgasm bliss. "I love being your whore Sir."

"Do you remember when you used to like to fuck pussy?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you still like it bitch?"

"No Sir."

"Tell the men what you like now little girl"

"Cocks Sir"

"What is it about cocks that you like girl?"

"I like sucking cock now Sir? I like getting fucked by cocks now."

"You don't want to fuck a pussy anymore?"

"No sir, because I have a clit and clits don't fuck"

"Good girl, you don't have a cock anymore. That clit will be kept away so you can focus on real cocks, not your clit."

"Yes sir."

"How does it feel to accept who you really are? A little girl with a clitty. Girls are weaker and need a strong man to protect them. But you must give them something in return for their protection. Isn't that right?"

"YES sir, I will give them my pussy Sir."

"That's right girl," he smiled at me, "but sometimes real men just need a hole to fuck hard and cum quick. It will hurt you but you won't deny their need to cum. You will open your pussy and take the fuck no matter how abusive they are. A whore never says NO to a real man who needs to cum."

"Yes sir," I said, "I am a whore for men now."

"You have come a long way girl." Mr. Noor said, "I am proud of your obedience and I feel confident you will continue to do your job responsibly. Your wife is no longer yours now. Mr. Blackstone will take care of her from now on. You will assist him at your home and follow his rules. He is now the man of the house."

He continued.

"You will do whatever he asks while he fucks your wife or remain in the dog cage in your bedroom. If Mr. Blackstone believes that you will behave yourself and completely obey him at home, he will decide to take you out of your cage. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good girl. You will clean up the mess after he fucks you or your wife and then you will wait for instructions. Any bad reports from him will be detrimental to your job with this organization and you will be punished."

"Understood Sir."

"Good... I will see you in your new uniform tomorrow morning under my desk girl. Welcome to your new life."

--- ONE more final chapter is coming ----


There is ONE MORE chapter to complete this story. I have also written several stories on Nifty and love this site. All my stories involve the inequality between men, with one being dominant and the other submissive. The sex does become consensual ultimately but there is usually coercion involving a "straight boy" becoming gay. In the end, our boy learns to love cock and the pleasure he receives from it.

Look for my other stories in the "Author" section under BUSTERMUSCLE

I appreciate all your thoughts and comments so don't hesitate to email me at:

I will answer ALL emails.

Next: Chapter 15

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