Becoming the Executive Assistant

By Bustermuscle

Published on Feb 6, 2023


This story is fiction and based on consensual DOM/sub sex between men. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2022 with all rights reserved outside of Nifty.

General Synopsis:

As the new personal assistant to Mr. Amir Noor, the C.E.O., Johnny Carter realizes that his job responsibilities have become bizarre and sexually twisted. With constant coercion from the company therapist, and several employees, Johnny begins to think this sexual perversion is part of his normal daily routine. He must simply obey if he wants to keep his job.

In This Chapter:

We are finally brought back to the FIRST chapter now where Johnny is taught a final lesson. Mr. Noor feels that Johnny's punishment for cumming without permission needs to be ultimately forbidden. Johnny is chained to the corner of Mr. Noor's office and left there while being brainwashed and mentally coerced to become more submissive. With the help of taking his "viatmins", Johnny learns his new place in life and accepts it in order to work with Mr. Noor as his assistant.

From the Author:

PLEASE go back and read the very first chapter of this story. It will help you with understanding Johnny's progression into his new subservient world. Ultimately Johnny does accept his new place in life and happily accepts it. I like to write about the "power exchange" between two men where one dominant alpha completely controls the submissive beta.


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"Obedience is pleasure. You feel good to obey. Denial is being obedient... therefore denial is pleasure. You feel good when being denied your personal pleasure. Good boys obey and remain unejaculated. You are a good boy. You are a good boy."

Dr. Stevenson had me listen to audio tapes before work each day. He made sure that I took my vitamins each morning and after work each day. They helped me to focus on Mr. Noor. I couldn't really think for myself any longer. If I got confused, I would go to Mr. Noor for help. He knows what is best for me now.

When I got to the office the next morning, my boss seemed aggetated. He had been much kinder to me lately so this mood seemed disconcerting to me. I must have done something wrong, but couldn't think what it was.

"Come stand in front of me Mr. Carter." Mr. Noor said. I instantly got butterflies in my stomach and knew that something was drastically wrong. Mr. Noor has never called me "Mr. Carter."

"I want you to stand at attention and look directly forward. I do not want to hear one sound out of you as I speak. Do you understand? You can nod your head."

I nodded. I stood directly in front of him, in my uniform, with my hands at my side and waited for him to speak.

Suddenly, he walked in front of me and slapped my face. I instantly felt the tears well up in my eyes. I didn't move or make a sound. Mr. Noor put his face directly in front of mine.

"I just don't have time for this any more." Mr. Noor said, "You are obviously not the right person for this job. Not only did you blatantly break the rules but you lied about it afterwards. How could you?"

I dared to not speak.

"Do you think I wouldn't find out boy?" He spoke as he walked around me. "This office has cameras everywhere boy. At the end of each day, some of our board were watching the video, ahhhhh, I mean observing the security cameras, and noticed something coming out of your cock while I was fucking you."

"Sir," I tried to speak but was instantly slapped across the face again.

"I am done with the insubordination here." Mr. Noor said, "I will have to fire you now."

"Please, oh please Sir.." Again another slap.

"You cant even follow rules now because I said do not speak." Mr. Noor went to his desk and pulled out a strap. In the middle of the strap was a black ball. He stepped in front of me and pushed the ball into my mouth, keeping it stuffed.

"This will keep you quiet." HE said as he pulled the side straps around my head and buckled it in the back. I was now gagged with the ball stuffed in my mouth.

He walked to his desk.

"Ms. Stone, please send in Mr. Blackstone at once."

Once Derek arrived, he didn't even look at me standing in front of Mr. Noor's desk with a ball gag in my mouth.

"Mr. Blackstone, I simply don't have the time to discipline this faggot. He is taking more energy from me than he's worth." He guided me to the sofa. "Please do me a favor Derek and help me with this stupid boy. Could you sit here on the sofa?" Derek sat and Mr. Noor pushed me over his lap across his knees.

"Put your hands on the floor faggot."

"As you know Derek, faggots can't help it sometimes when they're being fucked by a real man. When a cock hits that special spot inside a faggot pussy, he can't control his lust. The problem here is that Mr. Carter here, lied about it. He lied directly to my face and needs to be disciplined"

"Understood Sir." Derek replied.

Derek pulled me closer to him draped across his lap on my stomach. I was still in my heels and nylons with a g-string holding my caged cock.

"Mr. Blackstone knows how to discipline an insubordinate employee like you." As he spoke, he knelt down and reached between my legs, pulling my panties aside. My caged cock flopped downward and he unlocked and removed the cage. I didn't know what to think. What was he doing?

My cock and balls now hung down between Derek's legs.

"Now you have something to hold onto Derek. Keep you hands on the floor boy." Derek reached over and around my back and grabbed my cock and balls in one hand. He pressed the back of my neck down to the sofa with the other hand.

Mr. Noor slapped my ass hard.

"You need to hit him hard," he said to Derek, "so he won't fuck up again." He turned to me and yelled, "Don't move faggot."

Before I knew what was happening, Mr. Noor was paddling my ass a dozen times. I flinched and groaned into the gag.

"Derek, I don't have time for this though so you will finish his punishment." Mr. Noor said as he walked back to his desk. I was relieved hoping it was over as I held still across Derek's lap.

"I want 50 Derek." Mr. Noor said, "and if the boy moves away, you will hit him 50 more times." Derek switched hands. He reached over my back with his left hand and held onto my cock. He began spanking me with his right hand. I couldn't believe how painful it was.

My ass was on fire. I really couldn't help but cried out through the gag.

"Shut the fuck up bitch," Derek gritted his teeth while he spanked me over and over. Mr. Noor was on the phone ignoring us and acted as though nothing was unusual at all. I tried to wiggle away from Derek to avoid the continued smacks on my red ass.

"Get back here and hold still." Derek was squeezing my cock to hold me in place. I surprised myself when I felt myself getting hard. This can't be happening to me. I had been locked inside the cage for so long. The spanking pain was unbearable yet my cock was now solid hard.

Derek was making me hard. He started to put more energy into rubbing my cock and playing with my asshole than spanking me now. My ass was now beat red as he paddled my ass alternating with finger fucking me . His finger felt delicious inside my ass pushing against my prostate. He was also masturbating me on purpose. He wanted to humiliate me and make me cum. Mr. Noor will fire me now if I cum.

But I can't cum. Certainly not without permission from Mr. Noor but how could I possible ask him? I was gagged.

Derek wanted me to fail. He was going to make Mr. Noor angry with me on purpose and there was nothing I could do.

He quietly spoke to me while Mr. Noor was across the room on the phone.

"Stupid faggot." Derek said, "you need to be spanked like a little naughty boy." He continued spanking and fingering my ass while masturbating me.

"Bad boy," he whispered, "you know you are not allowed to cum boy."

He said that but continued to masturbate and finger me. Why did Mr. Noor uncage me? I was rock hard and Derek was jerking me off now, purposely trying to make me fail.

"Look at that pretty red ass," Derek continued to whisper while Mr. Noor was on the phone. "I bet you need something inside there to put the flame out, don't you faggot." He kept talking and it was actually turning me on.

"Ohhhh," Derek teased as he fingered fucked me now, "that hole feels so hot and wet right not pretty boy. You know what Im gonna do faggot? I'm gonna make you feel so good and push my big black cock into the faggot hole here."

I knew now that I was going to cum. Derek kept speaking into my ear so that Mr. Noor couldn't hear him.

"You're going to love my black cock boy." Derek said, "every slut, like you, loves a black cock, especially when it swells up real big right before is shoots sperm into you and makes you pregnant, honey. That's right. You're gonna be my honey. My new girlfriend. You don't know it yet but you'll fall in love with my black cock and need it inside you every day."

I was lost. I was losing all control. I needed to stop it before I spilled my cum all over the floor in Mr. Noor's office again. That is why I was being punished in the first place.

I'll make noise. I will distract Mr. Noor so he sees that Derek has stopped spanking me and was finger fucking and masturbating me.

"UGHHHH," I groaned.

Derek spit on his hand to make it slimey and jerked me off faster now.


"GHMMMFF," I groaned louder into the ball gag in my mouth. "MMMMMFFPHH". It was too late. I was going to helplessly cum.

Finally, Mr. Noor looked up.

"What's going on over there?" Mr. Noor spoke into his phone, "I'll call you back". He dropped the phone call and pushed his chair back to look over at us. I was praying he would stop Derek but, instead of focusing on him, he yelled over at me. Derek was pulling on my now slimey hard cock. If Mr. Noor didn't stop Derek now, I wouldn't be able to hold it back any longer. I was going to cum uncontrollably.

"I told you no noise boy," Mr. Noor said as he walked to us.

That was it. Too late. I was cumming.

With Mr. Noor standing in front of us, Derek squeezed my cock just as the first squirt shot out of my cock.

"Fuck. He's cumming Sir." Derek said as he pushed me off his lap onto the floor. I was actually in the middle of cumming as I dropped to the floor with my cock spewing cum all over me. My ass was beat red so I remained on my hands and knees to stay off my butt.

Mr. Noor grabbed me by the hair and lifted my head to look at him. I was sobbing now.

"You are incorrigible boy." Mr. Noor pulled me to my feet and pushed me to Derek. "In the corner boy."

I was led to the corner of the room where Derek pushed into me from behind. He pulled my hands behind my back and, out of nowhere, cuffed my hands behind me. He pressed me into the wall as Mr. Noor spoke to me as I continued to cry. He put his face next to mine and spoke in my ear while Derek held me from behind.

"How dare you. You can't hide your cum from me this time you stupid fuck. You not only embarrass me once but you make the same mistake twice, right in front of me. We have to make sure this will never happen again."

He looked to Derek. "Hook him up Mr. Blackstone"

He looked back at me. "I was happy with your progress until I fucked you yesterday." He continued, but if you continue with this company, I will need to take more drastic measures now."

Suddenly a hood was placed over my head. The ball gag remained in my mouth and fit through an opening in the hood over my mouth and nose. I was abruptly turned around and my cock was recaged. It wouldn't go inside the plastic sheath so, after a few minutes I felt an icy cloth wrapped around my cock and balls.

"UGHHHHH" I groaned as my cock immediately shrunk and was forced into the plastic sheath. It was still very very tight and hurt as it was pushed in hard and ultimately locked. My cock head felt like it was pushed into my balls. Mr. Noor was probably using the 1" cock cage, as he threatened to do, as punishment. I was turned back around and my head was pushed into the corner of the room. I felt my nipples being pulled out and, suddenly, awful pain again as clamps were attached to them. I felt my self being pulled forward and upward, into the corner, and think I was hooked there. I was almost on my tiptoes with my nipples being pulled upward into the wall. I couldn't move.

Someone kicked my legs open and I heard commotion behind me. then I felt a pressure against my asshole. The pressure increased more and more until it pushed inside of my pussy. It felt very thick. Again, something was attached to it because it became completely immobile.

I don't know what was more painful. The nipple clamps, the cage or the dildo in my ass. When I thought they were done, I felt headphones placed over my ears and instantly a voice was speaking to me very softly.

"You are a selfish faggot.

You need to focus only on your owner now.

You love his cock. You love cock.

You need to obey and be a good boy.

Good boys aren't selfish. Good boys don't need to cum.

You want to be a good boy. So you don't need to cum.

Your cum is no longer fulfilling for you. You get not satisfaction from cumming.

Your satisfaction comes from pleasing your owner's cock."

There was some type of soft buzzing in the background of the tape that also calmed me. I focused on the words and the soft buzzing sound.

"A real man knows what you need.

You are just a stupid faggot who can't decide for himself.

Don't think.

Let your owner think for you. He knows what to do.

You listen and obey.

Don't think. Thinking gets you into trouble.

Your owner is smarter and knows better than you.

You are a dumb faggot.

Focus on your owner. Making your owner proud of you.

Make your owner cum.

That makes you feel good.

Sooo good to make him cum. You love cum and you love HIS cum even more."

Suddenly, there was more pain in my hole. They replaced the dildo with a larger one now. It went deeper into my hole. I was already on my tiptoes and, if I lowered my feet, the dildo would impale me deeper. To make things worse, the spanking started again. They didn't happen often but were hard as hell.

The voice continued.

"Focus on your alpha. You need alpha cum.

You need his cum. You need his alpha cum everyday.

You know you shouldn't beg but all you want now is to be fed cum.

You will search for any cock to give you cum.

You need to satisfy your needs. You will ask your owner for more cum.

Ask him to bring you more cocks so you can suck out their cum.

Take their cum in you pussy too.

Yes, you have a pussy. Real men like pussies to dump their cum.

You have a pussy for real men to put their cum.

You need their cum."

The spanking stopped. I felt relieved because my brain was on overload. The voice, the pain in my hole, the spanking, my nipples being pulled out from my skin. I vowed to myself to never get into this situation again. Never disobey again. My whole body, including my brain, was on fire now. I would have collapsed but was afraid my nipples would be ripped from my body. I focused on remaining as still as possible and simply listened to the words flooding my brain.

"You will give your pussy to any man so he can give you his cum.

All cocks have cum inside them.

You will stare and focus on a man's cock whenever you see one.

Don't look at his face, look down at his cock.

Focus on cock.

Cock is good

Cock has the cum you crave and desire.

All good boys take cum from real men.

That is now your job."

Suddenly, everything stopped. I felt like I was alone. I didn't know for sure because the audio tape kept repeating itself over and over. I listened to the mantra over and over. Yes, I did want to be a good boy now. I knew that if I obey Mr. Noor that everything would be OK. I would have to learn to focus on him for every minute of every day, and not me. I should not cum. I will not cum... DON'T CUM.

I felt like I wanted to be caged now. I was in better control of not cumming and felt more secure with the cage on. It was almost like a baby blanket or pacifier because I realized that it made me calmer. Mr. Noor was right. He knew me better than I knew myself. Mr. Noor should make my decisions for me from now on.

I was broken. I was only a shell now. Don't think. I am better to simply obey and not think.

The voice stopped. Silence. I couldn't hear anything. I dared not move. The headphones were pulled off. I was sweating. In fact, I was dripping with sweat. I didn't know how long I was standing there. No concept of time.

"Hello fuckwad."

It was Mr. Hopkins. I was terrified because I don't know who is in the room now. With the headphones off, I tried to listen for whispering but heard nothing.

"You're not done yet boy." Mr. Hopkins said. "I don't know how you could be so stupid to cum again without permission." It was futile to try and explain, besides my mouth was still stuffed.

"Ok, faggot, here's the game plan. I want 10 strokes from top to bottom of the cock in your ass. I will give you 10 seconds to do it. Ready GO."

Without any warning at all, he expected me to fuck myself on the dildo. He slapped my ass. "Move bitch." He yelled. I didn't know what to do but by the time I reacted, the 10 seconds were over.

"You failed again faggot." He said into my ear as he spanked my already red burning ass. "I will give you another chance. 10 full strokes on the dildo in 10 seconds."

I took a deep breath.

"Ready. Go"

I instantly started to fuck myself on the dildo. I could keep track because I just couldn't focus on counting.

"Time." He yelled, "Only 8 strokes boy, you fail again. Do you want Mr. Noor to hear about this?"

Was I alone with Mr. Hopkins? It wouldn't matter anyway.

"Last chance." He said, "This time 20 strokes in 10 seconds. That means you have to fuck yourself twice as fast. Ready. Go."

I fucked hard and fast. My ass was so raw that it was probably bleeding by now. It didn't matter. This would go on forever if I didn't succeed this time. I just fucked fast.

"Time." He yelled, "22 strokes. Good boy."

Even though I couldn't see him, he pulled my head around to talk to me. I could feel his breath against my face so he must have been very close to my face.

"Your punishment is not over."

It was Derek. He must've been watching the whole thing too. How many other men were in the room watching me punish myself?

"Listen to me faggot." It was Derek now. "Mr. Noor doesn't want this to happen again. You need to get into your head that you can never cum... I said NEVER cum.. without permission from a superior male."

He spanked me again and again, making my ass more red.

"You will now have 30 minutes. You will fuck yourself, non-stop, for 30 minutes. You will not have any more lube. If you stop fucking yourself, we will add 30 more minutes to the total. If you slow down, we will start spanking again and use a paddle instead of my hand. We won't stop spanking until you fuck yourself faster. God forbid you cum and, I sweat, Mr. Noor will fucking cut your dick off."

"I hope you understand faggot cause the 30 minutes start NOW. FUCK, lets' go. FUCK." I started pumping myself up and down onto the dildo. Every time I pushed down onto the dildo, I got a shooting pain on my nipples as the clamps were pulled away from me. I was drooling so much that there was a pool of spit and sweat beneath me. I needed to keep fucking myself.

The headphones were placed back on my ears. The voice started again. Suddenly, something was held under my nose.


I had smelled them once when I was in college and it totally fucked me up. I was forced to inhale the scent. It was held there for a few minutes. I was breathing in the poppers with every breath.

My brain was fried. I didn't know where I was.

Then the spanking began. I must've slowed down my fucking as I entered my brain fog. FUCK. I had to fuck myself faster or the spanking wouldn't stop. I fucked faster. Faster. The pain became unbearable. I had to keep going.

I had no concept of time now.

The voice.

All I did was focus on the voice and the fucking.

"Good boy... Good boy... FUCK your pussy like a good boy."

Fucking fucking fucking. My asshole was raw and I wondered if I was bleeding.

I was becoming light headed. Was it the poppers? I was losing control now. I had to keep going... keep fucking myself.

The spanking started again. FUCK. I couldn't continue. Then, the headphones were pulled off my ears.

"Let's go faggot." It was Derek again. "Fuck yourself boy." It was a different voice. I didn't recognize the voice.

"Come on you fucking slut." Another voice

"Shove that fucking cock into your cunt faggot." Another unrecognizable voice.

What was happening? Where was I? I stayed impaled on the dildo and grinded on it.

Then suddenly, the clamps on my nipples were released, the blood rush made me scream into the ball gag. Then the dildo seemed to be lowered and I was able to stand flat-footed again. The dildo dropped out of my abused asshole. Nothing was supporting me now and I collapsed to the floor. I felt like I was only semi-conscience as the hood was pulled off my head and ball gag unbuckled. The light was blinding because I was in darkness for so long. My hair was soaked in sweat and I felt like my asshole was bleeding. My hands were still tied behind me as I lay on the floor unable to focus on anything at all.

I simply tried to catch my breath and stay conscience. Holding my eyes closed, someone grabbed my hair and lifted my head.

"Open your mouth faggot." It was Mr. Hopkins again.

I felt it.

A squirt of hot liquid splashed my face. I tried to open my eyes and squinted to see a cock in front of my face. The cock was squirting cum on me. Mr. Hopkins was cumming on my face. He held my head up by the hair to keep me still.

Another squirt hit the side of my face. I turned to see it was a black cock spraying me with cum. It was Derek. He was jerking off and cumming on my face.

"I said open your mouth faggot." I opened wider as he held his grip on my hair and shook my head. I opened my eyes wider now.

There were men standing all around me. Most were fully dressed with their cocks out and jerking off in front of me. I don't know how many there were but it seemed like a dozen or more men. They must have been watching me the entire time. There were beer cans everywhere so they were probably having a jerk-off party while watching me torture myself.

"I'm cumming." Some man pushed to the front and I felt cum hitting my face.

"Open your fucking mouth faggot." Mr. Hopkins shook my head by the hair. "I won't tell you again." I opened wide just when another man that I never saw before put his cock inside my mouth.

"Fuckkkkkkk yeah," He groaned as his sperm shot directly into my mouth. "Eat that cum. UGHHHhhh. Ahhhhh, yessss." His cock kept squirting.

Then there were multiple men rubbing and squirting their cum on my face and hair. Mr. Hopkins held my face with both hands now because I was slipping out of his grip. He was smearing the cum all over my face and into my hair.

Out of the corner of my eye, I even saw Ms. Stone, on her knees sucking several of the men. When they were ready to cum, they pushed her away and walked to me. It only took a few strokes before their cum splashed on my face. I don't how many cocks she was sucking but her nylons were ripped and hair was a mess.

I finally saw Mr. Noor walk in front of me and smile down at me.

"Do you think you learned something today boy?" He asked me. I was truly in a daze and couldn't really focus on his face because of the streaks of cum across my eyes.

"Yeth Thir" It was still hard to articulate the words.

"Are you going to be a bad boy and disobey me any longer son?" Noor asked.

"No Thir." I just closed my eyes and prayed for this to be over.

Mr. Hopkins finally let go of me and pushed me down to the floor on my belly.

"Show me what you do when I man gives you his cum boy." Mr. Noor said as he leaned down and put his face next to mine. "Be respectful and don't embarrass me in front of my friends here." I looked up at him with confusion.

Mr. Noor wiped the cum around my lips and mouth and pushed his fingers into my mouth. "We need to clean this fithy mouth before you properly thank the men, don't we boy?" I sucked the cum from Mr. Noor's finger as he fed it to me, wiping it from my face into my mouth. When he stopped feeding the cum, he wiped my face with his palm and rubbed it all over my ass and into my loose hole.

"Now go boy." He said to me as he pushed me with his foot. "Thank the men boy." I finally understood, in my confused brain, what I was supposed to do.

I crawled to each man and kissed his feet. One by one. They were all over the room. Some sitting on the sofa or chairs and some leaning on the desk. I slowly crawled to each man.

"Thank you Sir." I couldn't muster any more than that.

"Thank you Sir."

"Thank you Sir."

Some men just chuckled. Some men said "Your welcome boy." Some men pushed me away with their foot. "Don't touch me with that dirty mouth faggot."

After kissing the floor in front of each man, I collapsed on the floor as everyone left except Mr. Noor. He gently helped me up to a standing position and walked me to my office.

"The cum stays on you until I see you tomorrow." He said to me as we walked. "That means no shower at all. I want you to smell like rancid cum tomorrow when we go visit your wife." I perked up when I heard that.

"Keep your uniform on, with your heels, and go back to the apartment tonight with Mr. Hopkins." He said as he handed me my jacket. "I'm looking forward to meeting your wife tomorrow after all this time."

"Sir," I said softly, "I can't go to my wife like this..."

"Shut up boy." Mr. Noor slapped my face. "Didn't any of this training teach you anything faggot? Perhaps we should have another session."

"Please no Sir," I said meekly, "whatever you say Sir. Of course Sir. I'm sorry Sir. Thank you Sir." I was babbling now in fear.

"Shhhh," He said as he guided me out of the office. Mr. Hopkins was waiting for me to go back to the apartment.

"I have him now Sir." Mr. Hopkins said to Mr. Noor. "I'm sure he'll have no problems sleeping tonight. See you in the morning."

Mr. Noor smiled as he walked away.



I have written several stories on Nifty and love this site. All my stories involve the inequality between men, with one being dominant and the other submissive. The sex does become consensual ultimately but there is usually coercion involving a "straight boy" becoming gay. In the end, our boy learns to love cock and the pleasure he receives from it.

Look for my other stories in the "Author" section under BUSTERMUSCLE

I appreciate all your thoughts and comments so don't hesitate to email me at:

I will answer ALL emails.

Next: Chapter 13

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