Becoming the Executive Assistant

By Bustermuscle

Published on Jan 30, 2023


This story is fiction and based on consensual DOM/sub sex between men. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2022 with all rights reserved outside of Nifty.

General Synopsis:

As the new personal assistant to Mr. Amir Noor, the C.E.O., Johnny Carter realizes that his job responsibilities have become bizarre and sexually twisted. After coercion from the company therapist, and several employees, Johnny begins to think this sexual perversion is part of his normal daily routine. He must simply obey if he wants to keep his job.

In This Chapter:

Johnny finally is fucked by his boss, Mr. Noor. He is brutal. Johnny has regularly been fucked by Mr. Hopkins and learned how to clean Derek's asshole, but his was the ultimate now. He knows he is not allowed to cum or will be punished but Mr. Noor raises the stakes and makes it more and more difficult for Johnny not to lose control .... And his cum.

From the Author:

There will be sex in every chapter but some more extreme than others. I like to write about the "power exchange" between two men where one dominant alpha completely controls the submissive beta.

I have other stories here on NIFTY and will always list them at the end of each chapter. Please share your thoughts and email me at I will answer all emails.


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"Good boys dedicate themselves to their superiors. Alpha men require service. It is your job to be a good boy and service their needs. Good boys deny their own pleasure to focus on the alpha male. You now have two holes for the alpha to use. You are such a good boy now."

Two weeks have passed since Mr. Hopkins made me a faggot and has fucked me each night since. Each morning, he gives me the special vitamin and I stop in to see Dr. Stevenson before going to my office. The doctor has me stare into the globe before I start each day and, for some reason, it makes me feel so much better and ready for my day working for my employer.

Mr. Noor has also been much kinder to me as well. As long as I give him one of my holes to use, so he can release his sperm, he seems to be more calm and happy. His cock is much larger than Mr. Hopkins, but Derek Blackstone is larger than both of them. His black cock seems almost as thick around as it is long.

An example of Mr. Noor's kindness happened last week when I mentioned that my bare feet were cold. My uniform leggings were footless and I was barefoot for most of the day. Without any anger, he bought me a pair of footed tights to wear, even though they were more sheer than my last ones. He also included a special pair of shoes. The shoes were difficult to walk in at first because of the thin 4" high heel, but I got used to it.

The new tights were very low-rise and barely covered my cage. I was no longer allowed to wear a shirt and only the bolero jacket, which was shorter too. That left a large portion of my stomach visible as well as my clamped nipples. I was happy that Mr. Noor was being so kind to me. I knew that, as long as I obeyed the rules, and did as I am told, he would be kinder to me.

Of course, I was also required to keep a plug inside my new cunt hole. I used to be embarrassed about wearing it but the therapist, Dr, Stevenson, says it makes me a special "good boy.".

Dr. Stevenson reminds me each morning that Mr. Noor knows what is best for his company employees and that I should follow all of his rules. Mr. Noor has special clamps on my nipples during the day because he says he keeps me more focused on doing my job at work. The clamps also hurt but again I have learned from Dr. Stevenson's help, to not complain because it would only upset my boss.

Just yesterday, there was another example of how kind Mr. Noor has become. My wife contacted me to come home so I asked him if I could move back home. He said that I was needed at every board meeting from now on because my service has become very important to the company. He said I have been a very good boy during the meetings and that made me feel so good too.

So, instead of becoming angry with me, he spoke kindly to me.

"I understand boy," he said, "but you are needed here now. I will send Derek to your home to check in on your wife."

"Thank you Sir," I said humbly, "I am happy that my job performance is better Sir."

"You are doing better boy." Mr. Noor continued, "the other employees have also noticed. They like the new uniform as well."

"Thank you sir," I said. "It is challenging to walk with the high heels but I promise to be better Sir."

"Good boy," Mr. Noor said smiling at me, "In fact, I'd like you to keep an eye on our company break room, including the mens restroom. Since your office is the closest, whenever you see a gentleman enter, please follow up on any additional service he may like. Do you understand boy?"

"I think so Sir." I said, "do you mean to help him clean up after he pisses? Yes Sir, I have learned that from Derek. Dr. Stevenson mentioned I should help the men relieve their stress too and just do as I am told."

"Yes, exactly boy," Mr. Noor said, "why don't you come here under my desk boy."

I was happy that Mr. Noor wanted to use my service. The man had such a presence that was undeniable. All he did was enter the room and people stopped their conversations.

Physically, Mr. Noor was quite imposing. His Egyptian heritage shown though his strong classic physique. He had huge muscular limbs. At 6'2", and 240lbs, he had a ripped lean body. It was obvious that his suits were custom made because, even though it looked like his shoulders and arms would burst the seams, they were made with a special spandex blended fabric so the material moved with him.

His thighs were huge. From my vantage point under his desk, all I could really see were huge muscular slabs of thigh beef spread open to reveal the bulge in between them.

He had a full head of black hair, cut short on the sides and wavy on top. His beard was so thick that, even though he was completely shaved, the dark shadow of his beard never seemed to go away. He always had that 5 oclock shadow look. He always wore crisp white shirts which accented his dark savvy mocha skin.

Below his shirt, hairy was an understatement. There was thick black hair everywhere but mostly on his chest and stomach. His shoulders and back were also hairy but more lightly so his skin shown underneath. The hair on his stomach travel into his pubes so there was no break in the black fuzz. His crotch had thick black hair that traveled half way down his cock shaft to the uncut, smegma filled, wide cock head.

When he walked, his ass protruded almost horizontally from his lower back into large round glutes, also hairy. It was actually impossible to see the skin of his ass crack because of the thick hair covering it.

As I climbed under his desk, I actually felt privileged to service this perfect alpha male. It was not only my job, but my duty in life now.

I knew he would want me to clean his cock again. He doesn't usually clean the smegma from under his hood and prefers that I lick and swallow it. Even though I don't like it, Dr. Stevenson says I must lick it clean as part of Mr. Noor's daily hygiene. This, he says, is very important to do for health reasons.

Once I was settled in the cramped space under his desk, Mr. Noor immediately pulled his pants down to reveal a dirty jock underneath. The smell was instantly present. After taking off his shoes, I began to rub his feet while sticking my nose into his smelly jock pouch.

"Good boy," he said to me, "You have come along way since I first hired you."

"Thank you sir." I spoke into his jock pouch while licking it.

"Now pull it out gently boy and get under that skin. Dig out that cock head and lick up all that delicious smegma boy." I pulled the skin back to reveal the white sticky substance underneath. I am not sure if I will ever get used to that odor but didn't hesitate to lick the cock head. It was my job now. I knew that, when the cock was clean, he would want to give me his cum too.

"When it's clean, I want you to hold my cock in your mouth and nurse on it." Noor said, "Be totally quiet while my cock soaks in your mouth because I need to make several phone calls. Don't forget my feet boy." He picked up the phone as I continued to lick, suck and rub.

After several calls, I was getting cramped but didn't say anything in fear of upsetting him. He suddenly pushed his chair back and grabbed my hair to pull me up, facing him. Without saying a word, he pushed down my nylon tights to expose my chastity cage. He looked up at me and smiled as he unlocked the cage.

I was so happy but I didn't dare to speak. I just stared directly forward without moving.

"I will send Derek to visit your wife." Mr. Noor said, "you will be a good boy and stay here with me for now. Perhaps you can visit her later boy"

He pet my cock like you pet a dog. I became instantly hard. "We still need to work on your training boy. I need to feel that you can control your little clit naturally without the need of the cage." He continued rubbing, almost masturbating me.

"You know you can not be selfish in any way while working for this company. I don't like selfish employees working for me. This is a good way to test that boy." My cock was throbbing hard. I had not cum naturally for weeks and only released my dripping sperm while being fucked with an anal orgasm. As much as I liked the feeling, it just wasn't the same as my old way of cumming.

I felt that "old way" happening again and soon I was on the verge of an orgasm. I knew I had to stop myself from cumming under any circumstance. He would consider that selfish of me.

Suddenly, he slapped my cock.

"You know you can not cum under any circumstances without permission first. Do you understand that?"

"Yes of course sir," I yelled because the slap hurt my hard cock.

Mr. Noor quickly turned me around and pushed my face over the desk with my ass sticking out toward him. Without any warning, he slammed his hard cock straight into my pussy. His cock was already wet from me cleaning him and he was dripping tons of precum, but he slammed so hard that I thought I was going to pass out.

"UGH," I stifled myself.

I knew better than to protest or even make a sound. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip to stay quiet and still. My boss was finally fucking me. No foreplay. He just needed to cum into a hole and I was his hole now. I actually felt privileged and special too.

"I need to dump my load inside you faggot." Mr. Noor said while he slapped the back of my head. "You are my hole now. Just a hole for me to put my cum into. That is your job now. Do you get that faggot?"

His whole personality suddenly changed. He became aggressive and almost brutal. He was fucking me hard and fast while he verbally yelled at me.

"This is a test boy." He yelled, "Don't you dare fucking cum." He seemed to read my mind because I felt my cum begin to boil in my balls. He needed to stop or I would have an orgasm and shoot my load. I didn't know how to stop it.

He grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back as he whispered into my ear. "Tell me when you think you will cum and I can stop fucking you." He said more softly now. "In the future, I won't stop but this is your first day training to not cum while being fucked."

See? Mr. Noor was so kind to me. He was helping me to hold my cum back to prevent my orgasm while being fucked. Dr. Stevenson told me that he would be kind if I simply obeyed everything he said. I thought how wonderful Mr. Noor was at that moment, and wanted to give him as much pleasure as possible at the moment.

"Oh thank you Sir," I said in relief, "thank you for helping me to not cum for you Sir."

Mr. Noor chuckled to himself and I didn't quite understand why but I was happy to obey him and NOT cum now.

"Please fuck me again sir," I encouraged him. "I think I can control it."

"Good boy," he said to me and spit on my face. Then he slapped my ass hard again and pushed his cock inside me to the base in one stroke. It hurt awful but I was also loving this moment for some reason. Maybe because I was giving Mr. Noor the pleasure he deserves, even though it was at my expense.

Soon I felt my cum rising in my balls.

"Sir please," I said softly, "I might cum soon. I know you need to fuck but Im afraid I might cum. Please stop Sir."

Mr. Noor did stop momentarily, holding off my orgasm a third time. Suddenly, he slapped my balls. I flinched and pulled away.

"Hold still boy," he said, "that clit needs to shrink and I'm not stopping again." He slapped my balls hard several times immediately shrinking my cock. He wasn't finished. He grabbed a ruler from his desk and hit my balls with the ruler.

"Please no (slap) Sir," I cried, "OH Sir, it hurts (slap) so bad. (Slap -- slap). I promise I wont cum Sir."

"I don't believe you boy." Mr. Noor said, "I will make sure you don't cum because you can't control yourself. He held onto the ruler as he shoved his cock deep back into my hole.

"I'm not stopping again faggot." Noor yelled as he started to pummel my cunt hole. Yes, I was just a cunt hole now. A hole for him to use. He would make sure of that. It was a one-way street with him. He is the only one that matters, not me.

He reached under me and hit my cock and balls with the ruler.

"FUCK" I whimpered. I don't think he cared where he hit me specifically, as long as it was on my cock, balls or inner thigh.

He fucked me hard and hit me hard.

"Be a good boy now and don't cum faggot." He yelled as he fucked me. "It won't be long now before I breed that beautiful tight boy cunt. Don't cum boy. Don't cum."

There was no way I was going to cum now. I almost felt relieved. He was right. The pain made me focus on only him, not me. I knew that I would have to be there for him and abide by the rules or lose my employment completely.

I could not deny him again and would have to let him fuck me until he reached orgasm. That is exactly what he did.

My cock was free, swinging between my legs hanging over the edge of the desk. It wasn't hard but his fucking still felt good. Pain and pleasure at exactly the same time. My little clit was still swinging under my spread legs and the slapping stopped. Mr. Noor was going to cum as he fucked into my cunt.

For some strange reason, the pain pleasure was turning me on again.

I felt like I was going to cum. Thinking about his cum shooting inside me started making my balls boil again.



FUCK, I couldn't cum.... Im not allowed to cum.

I tried to clear my brain and think of nothing. I tuned out everything that was happening and tried to make myself NUMB.

"I'm gonna seed you with my Arab cum now faggot." Noor said, "Be a good boy and take my alpha cum inside your cunt."

"Oh fuck" I thought to myself. I was going to cum.

"UGHGHHHEN, cumming now faggot" Mr. Noor was dumping his seen inside of me.

It was so wonderful to feel him shooting his cum inside of me. It was euphoric.

"FUCKKKKKK, take that cum you fucking faggot." Noor had a huge cum. It seemed to last forever, shooting sperm into my pussy. I absolutely loved it and I loved him at that moment.

I looked down between my legs and I saw it. A pool of white cum. I was so focused on Mr. Noor that I realized I must've had an anal orgasm at the same time. That was the euphoria I was feeling without realizing I was cumming at the same time.

I was fucked and not in a good way.

I could only hope that he wouldn't see it. My cock was still hard so that was a good thing. The vitamins seemed to keep my cock hard all the time anyway, even inside the cage.

Mr. Noor pulled his cock out.

"Squeeze your hole closed to keep my seed inside you boy." He instructed.

"That was it!" That was my excuse! I would pretend that I couldn't hold the cum inside me because he fucked me so hard and I couldn't close my cunt fast enough. His cum dripped out of my cunt and onto the floor between my legs.

Perfect. I didn't break the rules that way.

He pulled out and then pulled me around to clean his cock. He looked down at the floor. I think he assumed I couldn't hold his cum inside of my pussy. He looked back at me and yanked my hair to look up at him.

"You didn't hold my cum inside you boy?" He said as he pointed to the cum.

"Ahhhh," I was so nervous, "No Sir. I'm sorry Sir." Hoping he would believe that the cum on the floor was his sperm leaking from my pussy.

"Lick it up then boy and get my floor cleaned before my next meeting."

I licked up my own cum immediately hoping that he wouldn't notice anything unusual. After cleaning the floor with my tongue he asked me to stand in front of him for inspection. He looked at my cock and saw come residual cum on the piss slit.

"What is this boy?" He asked as he wiped the cum from my cock and put it to my lips. I sucked his finger without hesitation and didn't answer him.

"That is cum boy," he said as he fucked my mouth with his fingers. "Is that your cum? Did you cum faggot? You know it is against the rules."

I didn't know what to do. I got so nervous that I just shook my head NO without thinking.

"You didn't cum boy?" He asked as he now manipulated my cock and began to masturbate me in front of him again. I shook my head NO again.

Even though I knew I just lost my cum, my cock was growing hard again. Soon, with his knowledgeable manipulation, my cock was fully hard and throbbing.

To my surprise, he pulled up his pants and leaned over to this phone and intercom his secretary.

"Ms. Stone," he said into the phone, "please bring me a cup of crushed ice now." Within minutes, she knocked on the door.

"Come in Ms. Stone." Mr. Noor was still seated at the desk with me in front of him with my throbbing hard cock sticking out. She looked at me with no reaction at all and handed the ice to Mr. Noor. I had no idea why he wanted ice until he poured the crushed ice onto a towel. Using both hands, he wrapped the icy towel tightly around my hard cock.

I tried to stifle a scream as Mr. Stone left the office, closing the door behind her.

"We need to get you back into the cage now boy." He said as he rubbed my cock and balls into the ice.

It was horrific.

"Please noooooooo Sir." I yelled and pulled away. He immediately grabbed me by the hair and slapped my face hard. That shocked me and I forgot about my dick.

"Don't you ever pull away from me again boy." Mr. Noor yelled at me, "I know what is best for you. You simply do as you are told and don't complain."

My cock was shrunk now and he slid the cage back onto the shaft and locked it into place. For some reason, it felt much tighter. I looked down at the cage as he was locking the key. It looked smaller. He noticed me staring at it.

"We need to fit you into a smaller cage now boy. I have replaced the 3" cage with this 2" cage because we don't want you using this little clit any longer. You should be fit into the 1" cage by the end of the month."

"You wont be needing this part of your body boy." Mr. Noor continued, "You will no longer be able to fuck your wife because I need your full attention on this company, with no distraction. Your wife isn't part of this equation boy. She is now a distraction to you and, therefore, to me."

What? He was forcing me to split with my wife? I felt like crying. In fact, I did start crying but instead of being sympathetic, Mr. Noor got angry. Without saying another word, he pulled me across his lap and began spanking me hard.

"Don't cry like a fucking baby faggot." He yelled as he spanked me harder. He pulled my head back by the hair and spit on my face.

"You are (spank) acting very ungrateful (spank) that I have offered you the job (spank) of a lifetime. You won't have to worry, (spank) or even think about anything, except (spank spank) servicing me."

After dozens of hard spanks, and me sobbing with tears, Mr. Noor pushed me off his lap to the floor. He pulled my face into his crotch by the hair.

"Get in here you ingrateful bitch." He yelled as he pulled my face into his crotch. While keeping my face pressed against his crotch, he continued reaching over me and spanking my ass. "You will be (spank)financially secure for the (spank spank) rest of your life. You have no right to (spank spank spank) question me, ever. EVER. Do you understand?" As he spoke, he squeezed my head between his strong legs and forced both hands behind my back. He held my wrists with one hand and spanked me with the other.

"UUuughhhmf" I groaned into his crotch.

"Your wife will probably leave you anyway because you will no longer be able to fuck her." He pushed me to the floor between his legs and held my head up by the hair to face him. My face still between his legs as he looked down at me.

"Remember what you are learning from Dr. Stevenson, boy. You love cock now, remember?" Mr. Noor said more calmly. My eyes were filled with tears and it was hard to focus on his face. I was crying. He began to pet me like a dog.

"There, there, faggot," he said, "all of this will make more sense to you soon. For now, you need to go back to the apartment with Mr. Hopkins. In fact, tonight, you will service Mr. Hopkins, as usual, because it will be his last day in the apartment. Tomorrow, he will go back to his wife."

"Yes, of course sir." I replied as I continued looking up at him.

"I will send Derek to your home tonight and tomorrow you will accompany him to check on your wife. You will get the rest of your belongings and move into the apartment until we find a new place for you. Welcome to your new life boy."

"New life Sir?" I asked. He looked up at my angrily.

"Derek will stay with your wife for the next few days. He will help her adjust to her new life as well."

"Yes Sir, of course." I nervously replied and didn't want to push his temper any longer.

"Good boy." Mr. Noor said. "I also might make some adjustments to your uniform as well."

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in Bruce." Mr. Hopkins entered and saw me still sitting on the floor partially under Mr. Noor's desk. "Lets go boy." Hopkins said to me. "We have plans for tonight."

"Before you go boy," Mr. Noor interrupted and pointed to his feet. I knew that I was supposed to change his shoes, like everyday, before living the office. I turned and knelt in front of him bringing his shoes with me.

"Clean first boy." He said as he sat down in his chair. Mr. Hopkins simply stood there and watched me licking Mr. Noor's nylon socks.

"Suck." Mr. Noor ordered, "I want to hear it." I opened my mouth as he pushed his toes into it and started to suck. I made lots of noise as I sucked so he would hear me. His toes had hair on them like the rest of his body. They always smelled. I don't think he ever washed his socks either.

I sucked until he wiggled them out and put his feet down to the shoes. I slipped them on his feet. I kissed each foot before looking back up at him without speaking.

"Good boy," he smiled. I felt happy at that moment too. All that mattered was Mr. Noor being happy with my performance. Like he said, don't think, just follow the rules and shut up.


I have written several stories on Nifty and love this site. All my stories involve the inequality between men, with one being dominant and the other submissive. The sex does become consensual ultimately but there is usually coercion involving a "straight boy" becoming gay. In the end, our boy learns to love cock and the pleasure he receives from it.

Look for my other stories in the "Author" section under BUSTERMUSCLE

I appreciate all your thoughts and comments so don't hesitate to email me at:

I will answer ALL emails.

Next: Chapter 12

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