Becoming the Executive Assistant

By Bustermuscle

Published on Jan 22, 2023


This story is fiction and based on consensual DOM/sub sex between men. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. It's copyrighted 2022 with all rights reserved outside of Nifty.

General Synopsis:

As the new personal assistant to Mr. Amir Noor, the C.E.O., Johnny Carter realizes that his job responsibilities have become bizarre and sexually twisted. After coercion from the company therapist, and several employees, Johnny begins to think this sexual perversion is part of his normal daily routine.

In This Chapter:

Johnny hasn't cum in weeks. He is sexually desperate for an orgasm of any type. Now, he learns about cleaning an alpha's asshole. He is also taught how to have an anal orgasm because faggots are not allowed to used their cock like a real man. He is willing to cum any way he can.

From the Author:

There will be sex in every chapter but some more extreme than others. I like to write about the "power exchange" between two men where one dominant alpha completely controls the submissive beta.

I have other stories here on NIFTY and will always list them at the end of each chapter. Please share your thoughts and email me at I will answer all emails.


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Two weeks had past and Johnny had a feeling that his marriage was over. He had spoken with his wife each day but not seen her in that time. His relationship with Derek also changed after the meeting with Dr. Stevenson. Derek, along with several company employees, knew that Johnny was now a cocksucker. No one openly discussed Johnny's new talent but Mr. Noor, his boss, told him that he was not to deny anyone who requested his services. That included his former boss, Mr. Hopkins, each night in the apartment.

Johnny was still caged and had not actually cum in those two weeks. The "vitamins" that he was given had its effect and he would sometimes have a mini-orgasm while servicing Mr. Noor from under his boss's desk. His boss said that if there was ever any discharge, Johnny would be punished. Sometimes it was impossible and Johnny would have a watery white discharge leak out of his caged cock, that only seemed to make him more frustrated and more horny.

Mr. Noor told Johnny that his cock was learning to receive pleasure from other men's orgasm and not his own. That is the way it will be from now on. He kept telling me that orgasm comes with punishment.

The boy was extremely horny as each day went by without a real orgasm. He began to look forward to servicing Mr. Noor each morning and Mr. Hopkins each night. Mr. Noor was right, cause he did feel some sexual relief after servicing the men but, since taking his vitamins, he still seemed to need sex constantly.

Derek would meet him in the bathroom and make Johnny suck him after pissing into the urinal. Johnny looked forward to sucking Derek's cock now. He wanted to suck any cock. He also noticed how Derek's cock tasted different for some reason. It seemed to actually smell like female pussy. He loved the unique taste. He loved sucking Derek's cock now.

One time, after giving Johnny his load, Derek held Johnny's mouth on his cock. "Don't move boy. Just keep your mouth open and swallow." Derek started to piss in the boy's mouth. Johnny tried to pull away but Derek squeezed his head so the boy had no choice but to start swallowing or drown. Piss spilled on Johnny shirt as Derek pulled his cock out and turned around.

"I know you love my cock boy," Derek said. "Everyone loves my cock. I could have anyone service me but I have chosen you little Johnny." Johnny actually felt happy to hear him say that.

"Now, don't you think you should thank me for giving you my cock?" Johnny did want to thank Derek because he loved sucking him. He watched the big black man in front of him turn around and bend his knees. Derek leaned slightly forward and stuck out his round black ass.

"Why don't you give me a thank you kiss boy?" The boy knew what Derek meant. Johnny was grossed out and repulsed at the thought of kissing the black man's ass. He reeked of piss and cum and ran out of the bathroom.

Later that afternoon, Johnny was called into Mr. Noor's office. He was confused by his boss's timing because he had already cleaned his feet and sucked out his cum this morning. He still had piss stains on his shirt and tried to cover it with his tie as he walked into the room.

"It has been brought to my attention that your behavior in the men's room was unacceptable Mr. Carter." Mr. Noor continued, "Mr. Blackstone is trying to help you perform your duties on this job and mentioned that you were very unappreciative. Do you have an explanation?"

"Sir," Johnny was nervous, "Derek, ah Mr. Blackstone, wanted me to kiss him on the ahhhh, I mean, kiss his butt."

"Before you go any further," Mr. Noor interrupted, "let me just say that Derek, and the other employees, are your superiors. I thought you understood that. Any superior has the right to tell you to do anything Mr. Carter. Your job, as my assistant, is to also assist any man in this organization who needs your help. Mr. Blackstone simply asked you to do your job of servicing him and to acknowledge it afterwards. I don't know what there is that you don't understand."

"Sir, I know I am supposed to take his cum," Johnny said, "but that didn't include kissing his ass."

Mr. Noor lunged toward Johnny and grabbed him by the hair and slapped his face. "How dare you," he screamed, "You stupid faggot. I have every reason to fire you right now for insubordination. You'll never work in this town again." Johnny was screaming as his hair was pulled and he was dragged to the corner of the room. Mr. Noor pushed his face into the corner of the room and spanked him again and again.

"Stand here in the corner while I straighten this out with Mr. Blackstone." Johnny did as he was told and sobbed into the corner of the room. Noor walked back to his desk.

"Ms. Stone," he said into the intercom, "ask Mr. Blackstone to step in here please."

"Of course, Mr. Noor" she said from the intercom. Minutes later there was a knock at the door.

"Come in Mr. Blackstone" Mr. Noor said. As Derek entered the office, Mr. Noor told him to stand by the desk. He then went back to Johnny, in the corner, and pushed him to his knees. Still holding his hair, Noor dragged Johnny, on his knees, to Derek Blackstone. When Johnny got in front of him, Derek turned and placed both hands on the boss's desk. It's as though Derek knew what was going on before he even entered the room

"Time for a new lesson boy." Mr. Noor said. Without saying a word, Johnny's boss opened Derek's pants and let them drop to the floor. Derek remained quiet and motionless as Mr.Noor exposed his black ass to the room.

"Is this how you remember it boy?" Noor said to Johnny, "Mr. Blackstone's ass facing you?"

"yesssssss Sir," Johnny said as he sobbed.

Mr. Noor put his face down next to the boy's and held his head facing Derek's ass. He moved Johnny's face right up against Derek's ass. Johnny could now smell the musky ass odor.

"Mr. Blackstone was nice enough to allow you to service him so don't you think it is appropriate to properly thank him?" Noor continued, and, from now on, you will thank him by kissing his asshole." Johnny's nose was now in Derek's ass crack.

"So what do you think you should do for Mr. Blackstone?"

Johnny took the initiative and kissed Derek's asscheek.

"Not enough boy," Noor said, "you need to be much more appreciative. That was a small kiss on the cheek and I think he deserves a big kiss on the lips. Don't you?"

"Yes Sir," Derek quickly agreed.

"Mr. Blackstone," Noor said, "why don't you make it easier for the boy here and spread your legs open for him." Derek open his legs and arched his back, knowing exactly where the boy should kiss him.

"That's right," Noor continued, "Mr. Carter needs to show you his true appreciation for your help." Johnny stared at the black hole with a nice pink center, but didn't move. "Now Mr. Carter, I will ask you only one more time to show Mr. Blackstone how much you appreciate him with a real kiss."

He turned to Derek. Johnny was frozen.

"Not good boy," Noor was getting angry. He didn't want to force his face into Derek's ass but the boy needed to do it himself. "Pull your cheeks open Mr. Blackstone so the boy understands where he is supposed to show his thanks."

"I want you to kiss him on the lips boy." Noor said, "Isn't that what you do when you love someone? A nice French kiss using your tongue little faggot. That is now a direct order." Noor was now impatient and Johnny knew it.

He leaned in and kissed Derek's asshole.

"Good boy," Noor smiled, "How does that feel now Mr. Blackstone?"

Instead of agreeing, Derek made things worse.

"I don't feel his tongue Sir," Derek said, "I don't think he knows how to French kiss on the lips."

"Noooo," Noor said sarcastically, "Mr. Carter is married. He knows how to French kiss his wife, don't you Johnny?" He didn't wait for an answer because he was holding Johnny's face in Derek's ass crack. "Pretend its your sexy wife's lips boy. I want you to use that tongue."

Noor leaned in close.

"Let me see that tongue on those sexy lips." Noor pushed Johnny's face harder in against Derek's asshole. "French kiss those lips and suck on that hole real nice now so Mr. Blackstone can go back to his desk with a nice clean ass too."

"Sir," Derek said softly, "I just worked out so I'm afraid that..."

"Ohhh that's fine Mr. Blackstone," Noor said, "my boy here will get your hole nice and clean for you. Isn't that right boy?"

Johnny was now licking Derek's asshole.

"From now on boy," Noor said, "you have a new rule. You will thank each man you service by French kissing his lips afterwards. Tell him how much you appreciate him by showing love to his ass lips. Is that understood?"

Johnny couldn't possibly answer because Noor was still hold his face tightly against Derek's ass. He simply tried to nod in agreement. "Now, I want you to take a deep breath and smell his alpha ass, Mr. Carter."

"Lick it now." His boss ordered, "You will give each man a nice French kiss and lick his asshole after each service.

Johnny licked the sweaty black hole. Again, the humiliation was making him horny. He actually began to enjoy the taste of his ass. The fact that he didn't have any choice made his own cum begin to boil in his balls.

"I know you will learn to enjoy this too faggot, but there is another rule that you need to understand. I don't want to see one drip come out of that clit of yours, period. Whether it gets touched or not."

Mr. Noor continued, "Tonight, Mr. Hopkins will show you how to receive pleasure from your new pussy Johnny. Yes boy, I think we all know now that you have a pussy."

"Pussy?" Johnny thought, "who's pussy? I don't have a pussy."

"Mr. Hopkins will explain everything." Noor said as he motioned for Derek to pull his pants up. "Take this pill now and it will give you strength and help relax you boy. From now on, Mr. Hopkins will have your vitamins each day."

After Derek left, Johnny was told to get under the desk and lick Mr. Noor's feet until Mr. Hopkins arrived.

"Sorry Im late Sir,"Bruce Hopkins said as he entered the office. Without hesitation, Mr. Noor pulled Johnny out from under the desk by his hair and push him to Mr. Hopkins, who put his arm around Johnny's neck, and escorted him out.

Later that evening, he sat the boy down for another lesson.

"Mr. Noor likes you boy," Hopkins said, "he thinks he should invest in you to better serve the company, so he wants you to take the next step." He started to undress in front of the boy. Instead of sitting in his usual chair and spreading his legs for me to suck him, he faced away from Johnny and kneeled on the sofa, bending over the back.

"First, come here and show me what you learned today." Mr. Hopkins reached back and pulled his ass cheeks open. Johnny stared at the dark hole that had hair matted all around it. As he leaned forward, the smell hit his nose. Musky male unwashed odor. Instead of repulsing him, he moved closer and took a deep breath.

He felt a tingle in his caged cock. What was happening? It was the pills. He seemed to be more horny than ever. He didn't want to do this but couldn't deny that he needed it.

"Be a good boy Johnny and lick it." Hopkins said. That was all the boy needed and put his face in his boss's ass crack ... and licked.

"ohhhh, good boy" Hopkins moaned. Johnny heard that and pushed his tongue into the rank dirty asshole. He wanted Mr. Hopkins to tell Mr. Noor how good he is at licking a dirty asshole.

"Listen to me while you lick my hole faggot," Hopkins said, "Mr. Noor believes that boys like you have a special spot inside their pussy. We are going to find that spot tonight boy. Once that happens, you will feel a new type of pleasure and understand that this is how it should be for you."

Suddenly, he abruptly turned the boy around and bent him over, gently slapping his ass. Johnny was worried he was going to get raped but suddenly felt something wonderful on his hole. Mr. Hopkins was licking his hole just as he had done to him.

"Your ass is big and round like a woman's butt." He said as he licked Johnny's hole. "It's not really an ass, it's a pussy."

"Sir, I don't have a pussy.." Johnny said, but before he could finish, Mr. Hopkins slapped his ass hard.

"You have a pussy if I say you have a pussy," he said, "besides, that's a compliment boy. I like a good pussy."

His tongue felt amazing on Johnny's hole.

"Tasty pussy..." Mr. Hopkins said as he licked. Johnny could feel his cock hardening inside the plastic cage. He wanted more of it. He felt Mr. Hopkins finger rubbing his hole now and he still wanted more.

"Doesn't that feel wonderful boy?" Mr. Hopkins asked.

"ohhhhhh yes Sir," Johnny purred, "It does feel so good."

"Good boy," his boss said, "this is how it feels when you lick men's asshole. They like it just like you do now."

Johnny moaned as his boss added his finger to massage the boy's hole.

"If you focus on your new pussy," he said, "you will take the focus off your caged clitty. You have been locked away for almost 3 weeks now so I'm sure your ready to cum, aren't you boy?"

"Oh yes Sir," Johnny said, "can you let me cum Sir? Please?"

"I will let you cum boy but you can't touch that little clit of yours, can you?"

"No Sir," Johnnyy agreed, "I really want to masturbate it Sir."

"You won't need to touch it to cum boy, just feel this." Mr. Hopkins said. "This will help you to cum." He pushed one finger into Johnny virgin asshole. "Do you feel that boy?"

"Ohhhhh," Johnny moaned again, "Yessssss, I like it Sir."

"Good boy," Hopkins said as he added a second finger, "you are feeling your g-spot now boy. You like that, don't you faggot? This will help you get your sexual relief. Mr. Noor feels that you deserve a reward."

"Oh thank you sir," Johnny said, "It feels good when you rub that spot inside of me." Johnny started to grind on Mr. Hopkin's fingers in his ass pussy.

"I can feel something deep inside of me Sir." Johnny groaned. "Please keep doing that. Ohhhh, thank you Sir. My cock is throbbing inside the cage. Do you think I can cum Sir, please?"

"I don't know boy." Hopkins replied, "can you cum? We don't have any rules about cumming as long as you don't touch yourself, because you are not actually masturbating."

"Ohhh yes Sir," Johnny said, "I think I could cum. Please keep rubbing it."

"I'm not rubbing it boy," Hopkins said, "you want me to fuck your pussy with my fingers. Say it." Hopkins stopped fingering Johnny and waited for him to decide for himself.

Johnny groaned when he stopped finger fucking the boy.

"Say it faggot." Hopkins said, "ask me to fuck your pussy faggot."

"Yes, yes please," Johnny was overwhelmed with lust. He needed to cum desparately. He started to grind on Hopkins finger. His boss slapped his ass to stop him. Johnny froze.

"Please fuck my pussy Sir." Johnny groaned. He hadn't cum for weeks and he could feel his balls stuffed with exploding cum. Hopkins slowly started moving his fingers again.

"Mmmmm," Johnny tried to stay quiet and not move, hoping his boss will finger fuck him faster. He was close.. or at least he felt he was close.

"Oh sir," Johnny moaned, "Im so close but nothing is happening."

"Maybe I should go deeper inside you boy." Hopkins said as he pushed his two fingers all the way inside.

"Ohhhh yessss. That's it sir." Johnny moaned, but there was no orgasm.

"Maybe we need something bigger inside there boy?"

"Ohhhhh, so close." Johnny seemed to be in his own world now. He wasn't listening to Mr. Hopkins any longer. He entered a lust filled dream world where nothing existed except his ass. His pussy. Those fingers.

He needed something to make him cum. That was all that mattered now. He didn't want to tell Mr. Hopkins that because he was afraid that he would stop fingering him.

He moaned and grinded against the man's fingers that were completely sunk inside him now. Everything seemed to move in slow motion now. Mr. Hopkins needed to go faster to make him cum.

"Sir," Johnny moaned, "maybe something bigger please."

Hopkins smiled to himself but said nothing.

"Oh please, I haven't cum in weeks and I feel like I am so close now. Could you push in another finger, please Sir."

I already pushed a third finger inside and your pussy sucked it right up boy.

Hopkins went to his desk and brought back a dildo. It was average length and width, maybe five or six inches.

"Do you think this will help boy?" Hopkins asked.

"I don't know Sir," Johnny said, "I have never had anything inside me there before."

"Well son," Hopkins said, "You're going to have to decide what you want here. The boss says the cage has to stay on until you are completely trained. Do you know that?"

"Sir," Johnny groaned, "I just need something more. Please."

"So?" Hopkins held the tip against the boys asshole and rubbed gently. He didn't push it inside and waited for Johnny to push back on his own.

"Come and get it boy." Hopkins teased him, "If you need this, you will have to do it yourself. Your close now boy. Just do it." The more Johnny pushed back against the dildo, the more Mr. Hopkins pulled it back.

"Do it boy." Johnny was confused. He was in complete need of this but Mr. Hopkins wasn't pushing it inside. As he rocked back and forth against the dildo, he couldn't stand it any longer. He realized he had to do it himself and reached in between his own legs and grabbed the dildo.

"There you go. That's a good boy," Hopkins said condescendingly, "you know what you need, don't you?" He let go of the dildo and let Johnny take control.

"Do it boy," Hopkins encouraged him, "fuck yourself because you know you need it to get your cum."

"Oh yessss," Johnny said as he took his own virginity away and pushed the dildo into his newly discovered pussy. It wasn't much bigger than Mr. Hopkins two fingers so the dildo slid inside of his hole. Johnny instantly felt the dildo rub against his g-spot and pushed it all the way in. Right away, he pulled it out and pushed it back in. Johnny was fucking himself.

"That's a good boy fag." Hopkins said encouragingly, "You're going to give yourself a nice cum aren't you boy?" Johnny was in his own world again. Nothing existed except the dildo and his asshole. It was wonderful making him feel so full as he fucked himself. He fucked the dildo into himself faster now.

"Ohhhh, yessss" Johnny moaned.

The feeling of orgasm was there. He could feel drips leaking out of his own cock inside the cage. The pressure in his balls was filling and he felt like it would explode. He changed the angle of the dildo as he fucked himself. He was finally on the edge of a wonderful orgasm. He fucked him harder, trying to push it against his g-spot.

"Focus on the cock inside you boy." Mr. Hopkins said as he moved his own cock in front of Johnny's face. Johnny looked at the hard cock and moaned louder. He could smell Hopkins cock and reached his tongue out to lick it. Johnny was in his own world full of lust and just one objective in front of him. He had to cum.

"Good boy." Hopkins said as he pulled Johnny's face onto his cock. That was it. His body was on the verge of orgasm and began to shake. Johnny fucked himself harder.

He couldn't cum. He sucked Hopkins cock and fucked himself, his entire body tingling but no cum. No matter how hard he fucked himself, it wasn't enough to make him go over the edge. His sexual frustration was at an all time high. Never in his life had he needed to cum than at this moment.

Johnny groaned in frustration, fucking the dildo into his own hole faster now.

Mr. Hopkins could see that Johnny needed help. He flipped him over on his stomach and made him straddle the arm of the sofa. He brushed Johnny's hand away and grabbed the dildo himself.

"You need to get in deeper boy." Hopkins said as he began pumping the dildo into the boy's hole now.

"Ohhhh, so good Sir." Johnny groaned. "Deeper please. It needs to go deeper. I need to cum please... please Sir make me cum." Johnny was grabbing the sofa and trying to push back harder into the dildo.

"This is as deep as it will go boy." Hopkins said.

"Deeper," Johnny didn't even hear him, "Please fuck me deeper. PLEASE SIR, make me cum."

"I told you boy," Hopkins screamed back at him. Johnny reached back and grabbed Hopkins hand on the dildo and tried to help the man fuck it into his hole.

"No boy," Hopkins said as he pulled the dildo out of Johnny's hole. "I said there is nothing more."

"Please, I need more." Johnny turned around and grabbed Hopkins cock with both hands. "I need something bigger please Sir."

Mr. Hopkin's cock was much bigger than the dildo and Johnny knew that is what he needed to cum. He didn't want to admit to himself that he needed his boss to fuck him now.

Holding Johnny's hands back, he pushed his throbbing cock into the boy's face.

"Is this what you want boy?" Hopkins knew the answer. "Ask me boy. Tell me what you want." He was teasing Johnny now. The boy didn't seem to sit still and was constantly grinding his ass in circles from being in heat.

"Yes Sir," Johnny said, "I know now what I need. Please put this inside my ass Sir."

"Your ass?" Hopkins laughed, "faggots like you don't have an ass, they have a pussy. Tell me faggot."

"yes sir," Johnny didn't hesitate, "I have a pussy Sir. Please..."

"Ask me to fuck you boy." Hopkins said, "This is your choice. If you want this huge hard cock to rub your g-spot, you have to ask me nicely." He spun the boy around and gently rubbed his cock head up against Johnny's tight virgin hole.

"Oh please Sir," Johnny lifted his ass up higher to give his boss better access to his pussy. "Please....please..." He was almost crying now.

"Once I put this big cock inside you boy there is no going back." Hopkins said as he gently pressed his cockhead againt the boys wet hole. "You will be a full blown faggot now. Do you really want me to fuck the manhood out of you faggot? You will never be a real man again. Tell me."

"Sir," Johnny pleaded, "I was so close to cum. I need to cum please. Please Sir, let me cum."

"If you want to cum, you will have to admit you are a faggot." Hopkins rubbed his cock head against the boy's hole, making him circle his ass around it. "Are you going to be a faggot now boy?" Hopkins asked, "Tell me."

"Ohhhh Sir..." Johnny moaned. "I will .... Be....ahhhhh"

"What are you boy?" Hopkins pressed harder but didn't penetrate the boy.

"I am a faggot Sir." Johnny admitted now.

"Are you sure boy?"

"Yes Sir, I am a faggot now."

"There are two kinds of men in this world boy. There are real men and there are faggot boys, like you." Hopkins snickered, "Men like me fuck boy faggots like you to keep them in their place in the world. Once this cock goes inside you, you will no longer be a man."

"I don't want to be a faggot Sir," Johnny said, "but I want you to fuck me so I can cum please. Am I a faggot boy Sir?."

Hopkins popped his cock into the boy. They both moaned loudly.

"Yes. Good boy," his boss said, "Don't think about being a faggot right now boy. Just think about the cock inside you. Doesn't that feel so good faggot?" Hopkins didn't wait for an answer but kept slowly fucking Johnny.

"You are safe now faggot. You will get your cum as long as you have a cock in your pussy hole."

Johnny knew he was right. He felt the cock hitting against his g-spot, his prostate. He loved it. He began to shake.

"Oh fuck me Sir. Yes, I'm a ... a fag... got." Johnny moaned as he was now being properly fucked. Hopkins chest was now against Johnny's back, pumping roughly into him again and again.

"Oh thank you Sir..." Johnny groaned.

Hopkins started fucking faster now.

"You are no longer a man." Hopkins said. "I am fucking the man out of you. When you cum, you will be releasing your maleness from your body and become a full faggot. Say it bitch."

"I am a faggot Sir," Johnny said while being fucked hard, "faggot, faggot.... Ohhh, uhhh, faggot." He felt the cum boiling in his balls again. He knew he could cum now. He just needed to be fucked harder.

Mr. Hopkins pressed Johnny against the sofa and put all of his weight on top of him.

"You're a faggot bitch," Hopkins said, "and you're going to cum like one, aren't you?"

"ughhhhhh," Johnny just grunted feeling his cum rising. Johnny could feel how deep he rutted into his pussy. He finally had the overwhelming sensation of an orgasm. Thank god he was finally going to cum.

"You're going to cum, aren't you boy?" Hopkins said while pounding into him, "I can feel your pussy getting tighter. That's going to make me cum too. Let it out boy. When you cum, it will be the last of your manhood leaving your body forever."

Johnny didn't care any more. His body began to shake. He was cumming. Cumming now. It didn't feel like a normal cum though. There was no shooting jets of cum flying out of his cock. It felt like he was pissing, not cumming.

"Cumming Sir," Johnny screamed, "Ohhh fuckkkk me pleasseeeee. What is happening to me?"

Sperm was dripping out of his cock. White drippy sperm. Something was wrong. There was no release. There was no overwhelming sensation of joy. His sperm was gone and his balls emptied but there was still some frustration because he didn't release his orgasm.

Johnny thought... "Did I actually cum or not?"

In the meantime, Mr. Hopkins lost it and rutted into the boy's pussy hard. Johnny had no choice but to remain motionless and take the fuck. Hopkins was squeezing Johnny so hard that he stopped the blood flow through his arms.

"Ughhhhh FUCKKKK." Hopkins began filling Johnny's pussy with cum. He filled him with his seed.

"Fuckkkkkk," Hopkins yelled, "Take my cum you faggot." He pumped volleys of thick sperm into Johnny's hole, pushing his cock to the base on each thrust.

He kept his cock buried inside the boy's pussy, and full bodyweight on Johnny, until his breathing calmed. Johnny didn't have the need to cum but still remained confused and frustrated.

"You have just been properly fucked by a real man, faggot." Hopkins said in Johnny's ear. "Remember, you asked for this. You wanted to be fucked by my cock. Only you are responsible for becoming a faggot now."

He continued, "Don't worry boy, at least you know what you are now. You just lost your manhood by squirting your faggot juice. You ingested real male alpha cum in its place. Now, I am part of you. It's a good thing boy."

He was gentle now and I felt good giving him the pleasure he deserved, like any real man.

"You know your purpose is to service cock now. Your own cock is meaningless and I think your wife already knows this anyway."

He pulled off the boy slowly. Johnny was quietly crying.

"Go to bed now faggot." Hopkins said as he slapped Johnny's freshly fucked ass. "You'll feel better in the morning. Mr. Noor will want a full update tomorrow."

--to be continued----


I have written several stories on Nifty and love this site. All my stories involve the inequality between men, with one being dominant and the other submissive. The sex does become consensual ultimately but there is usually coercion involving a "straight boy" becoming gay. In the end, our boy learns to love cock and the pleasure he receives from it.

Look for my other stories in the "Author" section under BUSTERMUSCLE

I appreciate all your thoughts and comments so don't hesitate to email me at:

I will answer ALL emails.

Next: Chapter 11

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