Becoming the Bitch

By Beverly Mertrix

Published on Jan 24, 1998



Becoming the Bitch

by Sissipus

"What the . . ." Groaning, I rolled over and buried my head beneath the pillow. It was no use. I could still hear the sound of the vacuum cleaner running over the floor above me. "Son of a fucking bitch!" Cursing, I threw the pillow across the room and I reluctantly rolled out of bed.

Barely glancing at me over the vacuum, Mom greeted "Morning."

"Yes, it is." Glaring at her, I scowled "For the record, it's 11:00 a.m. in the goddamm morning."

"What the hell's your problem?" Turning off the vacuum, she crossed her arms and complained "You just got up and already you're snapping my head off."

"Yeah, just got up after about two hours sleep. It's called working midnights, ma." Flicking on the bathroom light, I reminded her "I worked till 8:00 am, got home about 8:30 am and went to bed about 9:00 am." Grabbing the toothpaste, I finished "It is now 11:00 am. Get it?"

"Well, I'm sorry," she drawled. "Why don't we all reorganize our schedules around you? You seem to think you're the centre of the universe anyways."

"Drop the fucking sarcasm." Yanking a towel from the closet, I told her "You could have at least waited a few hours to vacuum."

"Hey, the housework has to be done," she barked back. "I can't wait all day while you lay around in bed."

"No, but you can spend all afternoon playing bingo and smoking up a storm with your friends. God forbid you should have to think of someone else for a change."

Ripping the cord from the wall, she growled "Don't you ever talk to me like that. You don't know the first thing about what I do all day."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry. Smoking, bingo, coffee, soaps and all that other shit must really take its toll on you." Turning on the water, I suggested "Try working a real job for a day and see what it's like. That is, if you can find someone willing to hire a highschool dropout." Shaking my head, I slammed the bathroom door behind me and climbed into the shower, drowning out her reply.

How much longer would I have to put up with this shit? I hated living at home, but I couldn't afford to move out until my student loans were repaid. Even then, when I had been going to college five days a week, working three nights a week plus weekends, and spending what little free time I had left doing homework, she had bitched and complained. She was a bitter jealous bitch because some guy knocked her up in highschool before running off, and was too proud to go back to school herself. Gwen, my older sister, had had the right idea when she moved out last year.

Angrily rubbing the shampoo into my hair, I wondered how Dad put up with her. They spent 10 percent of their time actually talking, 40 percent ignoring each other and the rest arguing. Again, I promised myself that I would move out as soon as possible and never come back.

"Where are you going?" Sitting at the kitchen table, a cigarette clenched between her yellowed fingers, mom launched into one of her famous interrogations.

"Well, since I'm up," I scowled, "I figured I'd go out and get some errands done."

"You know," she complained, taking a drag on her smoke, "I'd love to have your life, just for a day."

"Hmph. You want it, you can have it." Shaking my head, I told her "If you think spending twelve hours a day on your feet, covering for a bunch of lazy, fat-assed union members is so great, go for it." Slipping on my sunglasses, I told her "Contrary to what you seem to think, I don't just sit on my ass all night and do nothing."

"Yeah, well you try doing all the housework, laundry, shopping, and shit every day, and then you can complain."

"Sure thing, ma." Grinning, I told her "As soon as I decide I need a vacation."

Stubbing out her cigarette and lighting up another, she choked "Oh, get the fuck out."


"Gooood morning!"

"Huh? What?" Rubbing my eyes, I tried to see what time it was, but couldn't find the clock.

"Get up, sleepyhead. There's a sink-full of dishes for you to do, three loads of laundry, and the floors all need washing."

"Not funny. Fuck off." Rolling back over, I complained "I get one day off this week and I'm not getting up so I can waste it doing your bloody chores."

"Un-uh. They're your chores, now." Sounding entirely too pleased with herself, she told me "Since you're the mommy, it only seems fair."

"What?" Sitting up, I looked beside the bed and found myself standing there. Confused, I closed my eyes, figuring I just wasn't awake yet.

"Come on, get up, Mom." Snickering, I heard my own voice telling me "I'm going for a drive, and expect to come home to a good supper and a clean house. So does your father."

Reluctantly opening my eyes, I found that I was still there. "What the hell?" Throwing the covers off myself, I climbed out of bed, nearly falling face-first onto the carpet. My entire weight was off-balance. "Oh, shit." Looking down, I found that I had grown a huge set of tits overnight. Panicking, I reached under the nightshirt I was wearing (where had that come from?) and found I had a gaping pussy as well.

"How do you like it?" my other self asked. "Better than those cheap bimbos you bring home some nights, eh?"

If I hadn't been so scared, I would have been sick all over the rug. Already running for the bathroom, I ignored everything else. Slamming the lightswitch on with the palm of my hand, I noticed my nails had been painted pink and were about an inch long. "Oh shit, this can't be happening." Braving the mirror, I found my mother looking back at me. It was my mother's body - albeit more than I had ever cared to see - and I was inside it. "What the fuck is going on?" I demanded, hoping I didn't sound nearly as scared as I felt.

"Beats me," came a voice from the door, "But I like it." Smiling, mom told me "All I know is I woke up in your body, and I plan to enjoy my day off." Laughing, she told me "Sorry you won't be able to go to bingo, but there's just too much work to be done. Bye."

Unable to respond, I just stood there and stared at myself in the mirror. Raising a shaking hand, I cupped one breast and let out a gasp of pleasure as my cold fingers brushed a painfully erect nipple. "How can she be enjoying this?" I wondered, scared more than anything. Then, enjoying the feel of my other finger as it sank into my moist mound, I realized I could enjoy it as well. "Fuck her," I decided, "We'll both take the day off." Slipping another finger into my pussy, I just smiled.

Feeling the hot water of the shower wash over my strange new body, I soaped up my hands and used washing up as an excuse to explore. Paying special attention to the tits that had landed mom her job as bartender, and the pussy that had given birth to two kids - one of them being me - I was nearly overcome with pleasure. Women had so may ways to make themselves feel good and it just wasn't fair. What was worse, mom rarely took advantage of it. Snooping around her bedroom revealed that she didn't own a single sex-toy, porn mag, XXX vid, or any kind of sexy lingerie. Add to that the fact that I could count on one hand the number of times I'd overheard her and dad fucking this year, and it was clear she was neglecting her body. Oh well, I planned to take today and make up for years of neglect. She might develop an overnight reputation as a wanton slut, but it would be fun. For me, at least.

First, however, I had to finish this amazing shower. Taking the shower head down from the wall, I held it between my legs and directed the spray directly at my clit. "Oh, yesss! Fuck yes!" Feeling waves of ecstasy ripple up and down my body, I reached for the bottle of shampoo and rammed the narrow neck up my twat. Then, crouched down, I fucked myself with the bottle while I massaged my pussy with the water, rapidly approaching orgasm. When it finally hit, it was like nothing I had ever felt before.

"Oh, ooooh, unh, unh, uhuhuhuhuhuh, oh shittt!" Screaming in pleasure, I felt my pussy muscles contract, firing the shampoo bottle out, as my whole body became wracked with spasms of pleasure. It was so intense, I literally saw stars, and it was all I could do to keep from fainting. Dropping the showerhead in exhaustion, I dipped a hand into my twat and scooped out some of my juices. Then, smiling, I did something I was sure mom would never do - I licked and sucked my woman-cum off each and every finger.

"Hi, can I help you find anything?"

"Actually, yes." Keeping a protective hand on my purse, I asked "Where do you keep your vibrators?"

Showing me to the far right wall, the saleswoman proceeded to explain the advantages of their most popular models. Not yet comfortable in women's clothing, a little worried about my make- up job, and feeling funny with a purse in my arm, I welcomed the distraction. Paying close attention, I tried to ask the dirtiest, most intimate questions I could about the selection. Maybe, just maybe, it would get back to her.

Hoping mom had paid her credit cards off lately, I selected the longest dildo they had, the thickest they sold, the most powerful vibrator in stock, a couple buttplugs, some ben-wa beads and a butterfly clit massager.

"Will that be all?"

"Oh, hell no, hon." Dumping my purchases on the counter, I asked "What do you suggest in the way of really slutty, kinky lingerie."

Starting with some crotchless panties, she moved through the sheer stuff, the lacy stuff, and finally the leather, latex, and PVC outfits. Enjoying the latter pieces, I picked up half a dozen outfits, some handcuffs, a ball-gag, some masks and a bullwhip. I didn't know how much I would be able to experiment with this afternoon, but when Dad stumbled upon it, mom would be in for one hell of a night.

As she ran my (mom's) credit card through the machine, the clerk asked me "Do you know how to use any of your new equipment?"

Was she coming on to me? Mom had made it very clear she disapproved of lesbians when my sister brought home her first lover, and would probably have stalked out of the shop in disgust. So, just to spite her, I told the woman "Actually, no." Smiling my best flirtatious smile, I told her "Too bad you don't offer instructional sessions."

Flashing a perfect set of teeth, she leaned over the counter and began idly fingering her left nipple through her blouse. "You know," she grinned "I was just about to break for lunch. If you like, I could help you out."

Returning the smile, I brazenly reached out to tweak her other nipple and laughed "I'd love to."

"Shit, it's 4:00 already." I'd spent longer exploring the pleasures of sapphic sex than I had planned, but didn't regret a second of it. April - the twenty-something clerk - had turned out to possess an experience far beyond her years. Fingering the purse beside me, I laughed as I wondered how Dad would react when he found the tape of his wife making it with another woman. What would he say when he saw the mother of his children wearing a black PVC miniskirt and handcuffs, fucking her own ass with the handle of a black leather whip while another woman pounded her pussy with a strap-on dildo? Would he puke or cum when he heard his frigid little wifey scream in ecstasy and beg for her dyke lover to use her and abuse her harder and harder?

Feeling around to make sure the tape was safely hidden beneath the seat, I realized I would have to make a copy for myself before planting it where Dad would be sure to find it. I had no idea how he would react, but I couldn't let him destroy the only evidence of mom's wanton ways. In addition to being great jerk-off material, it just might serve as the basis for some nasty blackmail.

I wished I could have spent more time exploring my purchases, but the quality of April's instruction had more than made up the lost quantity. Deciding I should pick up some take- out on the way home, I reached under my skirt and switched on the pocket vibrator she had left in my twat as a gift. Smiling all the while, I even fingered my clit to orgasm as I ordered our burgers and fries, giving the drive-thru kid a horny fucking treat.

"So, how'd you enjoy your day?" mom asked me. "I see you didn't do a lick of housework, so you must have kept yourself busy some other way."

"Mmm, that I did," I replied. "Give it a few days and I'm sure you'll find out all about it."

"Yes, well, you're likely in for a few surprises next time you go out as well."

Shrugging, I knew than whatever she had done would pale in comparison to my own experiences. Smiling, I told her "Well, it's been fun, but I think it's time for this game to end."

"So, what do you want me to do about it?" Leaning back in her chair, she lit up a cigarette, polluting my lungs with her filthy habit.

"Hey," I scowled, "Get that out of my mouth and switch us back."

Mom just shrugged and took a deep, long drag. "Don't know how." Hiking up her pants in a bad parody of a studly cowboy, she told me "Maybe things will be different when you wake up. Me, I've got to get to work."

Oh, shit. She was gonna get me fired! She didn't know the first thing about what I did. "You can't," I told her. "Call in sick or something. Please."

"Sorry, but I want to get the full experience of being Carl." Turning, she began walking away, but stopped suddenly. "Oh, I guess I should warn you . . . " she smiled mischievously.

"Warn me of what?"

"Well, my period's due to start any day now, so your Dad will probably want to fuck tonight before you get all messy."

"No way," I told her. "I think I feel a headache coming on."

Still smiling, she told me "If you're feeling brave, offer to give him a blowjob. That usually exhausts him for the night. Otherwise, he'll want to fuck you while he plays with your tits and chews on your tongue. He can get pretty rough."

"Please, ma, enough." Certain she was behind this whole perverse day, I begged "Switch us back, please. I'm sorry I put you down, I am."

"I told you, I had nothing to do with it." Without another word, she turned and rushed down the stairs, leaving me to my nightmare. Swallowing loudly, I figured I had better do everything I could to discourage the old man.

When I finally crawled into bed an hour later, I was wearing curlers, a mudpack, and mom's flannel pj's with the feet in them. Also, I had refused to brush my teeth, hoping bad breath would act as a final deterrent.

"Mmm, honey . . ."

"Night, Da- ah - darling." Barely catching myself in time, I told him "See you in the morning."

Snuggling up close beside me, Dad smiled "You little tease. You know how I love to lick that lime shit off your face and rip out your curlers with my teeth." Already nibbling at my neck, he added "And that cute little outfit turns me on like you wouldn't believe."

Fuck! How was I supposed to know he had this perverse fetish for curlers and crap? I'd hoped to turn him off, but he was actually turned on by it all. Either that, or he was desperate. Either way, I was in deep shit.

"Mmm-hmm." Fondling my tits through the thick material, he suggested "Why don't you chow down on Mr. Stiffy while I remove your curlers." Already pushing me down the bed, he added "Then, once I've cum all over you pretty little face, I can lick you really clean."

No, I couldn't. Despite my new body, I was still a man, There was no way I could go down on another guy's cock. And there was definitely no way I was gonna do my own father. Unfortunately, my body seemed to have other ideas. The treacherous thing was getting aroused despite my protests, stiffening my nipples, swelling my clit, and dampening my pussy. As disgusted as I was with what he wanted me to do, I felt hornier than I ever had as a guy.

Trapped in my mother's weaker body, I couldn't resist the pressure dad had on my shoulders. He was forcing my down the length of his body, and I could already smell the musky scent of his cock. "Open wide, baby," he cooed, "Daddy's got a big surprise for his little girl."

Staring at the tip of his cock, I quickly weighed my options. Either I sucked him off, or I let him fuck me silly while we slobbered all over each other's faces. Deciding that fellatio would be easier on my conscience (barely), I closed my eyes and took his rigid member into my mouth.

"Oh, fuck, yesss! Suck me, baby, suck me good." Thinking back to that afternoon, I pretended he was April and that his cock was just another of our pussy-juice-coated dildos. If nothing else, it allowed me to repress the urge to gag. Alternately sucking and blowing, I tried to lick all the tender spots that girlfriends had licked on me. I figured that the better the blowjob, the quicker he'd come, and the quicker it would all be over.

"Mnnggghhh." Gasping in surprise, I felt one of Dad's toes enter my cunt. Opening my eyes in surprise, I was struck by the image of my lipsticked lips riding up and down my father's cock, disgusted by the thought that I was trying desperately to milk him of his cum in record time. Having him stimulating my pussy was all I needed. That felt incredible, and I was afraid I might confuse the two sensations and begin enjoying the blowjob as well.

"Oh, fuck, yes," Methodically ripping the last of the curlers from my hair, Dad told me "I'm nearly there, Deb, almost ready to cum! Arrgghhh, not much longer." Panting, he begged "Deepthroat, deepthroat. Take my shaft, kiss my balls and that'll finish me of."

It was a good thing mom's body had the reflexes to honour his request, because the thought made me want to throw up. However, if that's what it would take to end this, I'd do it. Taking a deep breath, I plunged his cock into my mouth in one fluid motion, not stopping until I could feel his pubic hair tickling my nose. I'd only given his balls a few cautionary licks when he pushed me away and groaned "Here it comes, babe, here comes your creamy treat!"

Holding my head in place, Dad panted through clenched teeth as his cock exploded, showering my face with his cum. Again and again and again, his gooey white seed splashed against my face, coating my cheeks, forehead, nose and lips with his cum. It was all I could smell and, to my disgust, all I could, taste. Unfortunately, mom's body loved the taste and I found myself licking my lips clean without even thinking about it.

"Come here, you cum-faced whore," he growled, dragging me up the bed. Rolling us over until he was on top, he licked my face clean, pausing occasionally to share the taste of my cum and lime facial with me. How could he be getting off on this? Dad had never shown any sign of being gay, but this clearly was not the first time he had enjoyed the taste of his own prick-juice.

Finally, clean off all but his slobber, it was over. I was disgusted and ashamed of what I had done, but at least it was over. Thanking him for a great night, I rolled over and pretended to be asleep, hoping he would take the hint. At first, it seemed to be working, but just as I began to drowse off I felt something press against the opening to my pussy. Afraid to open my eyes, I gasped as his stiffening rod penetrated my gash, making use of the lubrication that had built up during my blowjob. Kissing me on the back of the neck, he cooed "You just lie there and enjoy it honey. I want to thank you for the best blowjob ever, and I think an orgasm is just what the doctor ordered."

Digging my face into the pillow to keep from screaming, I felt tears of shame roll down my cheeks. First, my efforts to turn him off had backfired drastically. Then, a desperation blowjob became his best ever. Now, my own father was fucking me, which could only end with him flooding my womb with his sperm. Disgusted and ashamed, it was all I could do to lie there and just wait for it to be over.

"Uh, oh! Look what Debra did."

"Huh?" Waking up, I glanced up to see myself standing beside the bed. We hadn't changed! I was still my mother! My well- fucked, cum-filled mother! Nevertheless, feeling the wetness between my legs, it was all I could do to resist the temptation to dip a finger in the cummy mess and lick it clean. Her body possessed some powerful urges, and didn't seem to care who was in control.

"Get up," mom urged. "Hurry up and get your ass into the bathroom before you bleed all over the place."

"Oh, shit!" I groaned. "He tore me open, didn't he?" Sobbing, I told her "It was too big! I couldn't stop him!"

"No, you silly twat," mom sighed "It's your period."

Oh fuck, oh shit, of christ. I couldn't handle this. "Help me," I pleaded, "I don't know what to do."

"Oh, all right." Leading me into the bathroom, she promised "I'll help you with your first tampon, but then it's up to you." Sitting me down on the toilet, she suggested "Take a good piss first, then we'll clean you up and pop your Tampax in."

"Why didn't we switch, mom?" I asked. "Are we trapped?"

"Don't know," she shrugged, "But it isn't the end of the world. Hell, I got you a two dollar an hour raise last night."

Finally, something good was going to come out of this. "How?" I asked. "I'm not even in the union yet."

"You are now." Smiling, mom pulled a box of tampons from the medicine cabinet as she began to explain. "Those three guys in D- zone are some well-hung bastards." Fondling the plastic applicator of my very first tampon, she kissed the tip and explained "I blew them all during lunch, and they gave me your union membership and the raise."

"No," I sobbed, shaking my head "Please say you're kidding." I could see now, that even if I did manage to get my old life back, I wouldn't be safe. Either as mom or myself, some guy was going to be expecting the worst from me.

Handing me the unwrapped tampon, she laughed and confirmed my fears. "The only catch is they expect such service everynight. Of course, their cum tastes much better than your father's, so you should enjoy it."

Roughly inserting the tampon, mom gave my tits a quick pinch and then backed away. Dropping her pants, she whipped out what used to be my cock and asked "Want to practice a bit? After all, it's not too often a guy gets the chance to suck his own cock."

The combination of circumstances, shame, guilt, and female hormones was too much. Breaking down completely, I wailed and shook upon the toilet, afraid to spend another day as my mother and equally afraid to return to my old life. Arms wrapped around me, I rocked back and forth in despair, not caring who saw.

Still smiling, mom zipped up her jeans and turned to leave. As she passed through the bedroom she called back "As soon as you're done feeling sorry for yourself, you might want to do a load of laundry. Bloodstains set in quickly, you know." Laughing, she walked out without another word, leaving me to my nightmare ...

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(Poor Carl may suffer some more,

but only if you demand it.)

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