Becoming the Best of Friends

By Damien Seul

Published on Jun 18, 2005



Disclaimer: This story will be about the relationship between two gay teenaged boys. There may be scenes which depict sexual acts between two consenting teenaged males. While the story may be based upon real people, names and personalities have been changed for dramatic purposes. If it is illegal to view such material in your area, please leave now.

Nifty;'Becoming the Best of Friends'{Damien Seul}( BB teen2 slow )[1!?]



To set up this story like most others would be a poor choice on my part. Real life isn't introduced with a timely paragraph entailing all of the different characters you'll encounter. Like this story, life just happens and, of course, not always the way we planned it to go.

I could start by telling you that Josh is the 17-year-old well-developed and well-endowed star quaterback, but that wouldn't be true. I could say that I am the 18-year-old, four-point-oh student who always lands the leading roles in the drama club's productions, but that wouldn't be true either. No, that is not us. We're simply two average guys.

Every day is the same old routine for us. No, not us, for him and I. There is no more us. He made sure of that. But, that is in the past, where it needs to stay. Even now in the early summer of June, it stays in the past while we live each day one boring moment to the next. After the events of the Spring, the only thing we have in common is the drama club board of directors.

Our first really peaceful co-exsistance was at the first summer meeting. We didn't really talk, but we definitely didn't fight. Not that we ever really faught. It caught me completely off guard though when he asked to talk to me in private after the meeting. I can admit, I fretted through that whole meeting, not only about the season for next year, but also about what Josh wanted to talk about.

I offered him a ride home and he quietly agreed while the gears in his head spun. We both remembered back to the way things used to be. The way things were before March: The numorous energy drink runs, the endless time spent with random friends at one park or the other, the beef jerky. It was all behind us now or so I thought.

"Sean," he began, "I wanted to appologize for what happened a few months ago."

WHAT!! Did he just say what I think he said!? This is all too weird! I must be dreaming. This kind of stuff just doesn't happen in real life.

"I know I've been quite the ass lately. It's just that things haven't been so good at home for me. My mom has been on my case ever since she found those web sites in our history. She's driving me up the wall and that day she was really after me," his story came pouring out. "I just boiled over and you were there and.." He trailed off. "I'm just really sorry for taking it all out on you."

WOW! How do you respond to that? I mean, it's just too good to be true! He actually apologized! As I drove on in a daze, I took a detour and stopped for some energy drinks, just like old times. I could tell this was going to be QUITE the afternoon.

"Well, it wasn't a one-sided thing, Josh. I was all on your case and I probably would have done the same thing. I just can't believe we let it set for this long. I mean over 3 months is a long time. It didn't seem right to just throw away such a good friendship." I was too stunned to say much else.

Getting our drinks, we drove to a usual place, Syket Park. Once there, we did what we had done so many times before: the car was shut off, the music played in the background, and the tops were popped on our energy drinks.

"Let's do something else for a change." He suggested. "I want to walk around!"

So out of the car we went. Walking through the forest was a great pasttime as there wasn't much else to do in this little town. We walked together in silence for quite some time. Him in his perfectly fitting low-rise jeans and trendy band tee. Me in my tight boot-cut jeans with my punk tee. It would have been quite the sight to see.

Josh finally broke the silence, "What have you been up to?"

He was trying. I had to give him credit for that.

"Not too much," I ventured out on a limb, "There isn't much to do when one of your best friends is mad at you."

"True, very true..."

We walked onward in awkward silence. Making the turn to the less travelled road brought us to our destination. A very secluded portion of the park. Few people knew about it and even fewer actually went down it. We sat on a fallen tree and sipped our drinks, watching the river flow on. The trees surrounded us, eveloping us in our own little world. Sheltered from everything else.

In a healing silence we sat. There wasn't much to say at the time. It was hard on us both. Since I had met him over a year ago, I was completely and hopelessly in love with him. Even when we weren't speaking, I still longed for his embrace. If love gave us a choice, I'd be over him by now. But it never works that way.

We soon finished our drinks and just sat, soaking up nature. He took in the flora and fauna, and I took in him. This was the Josh that I missed. Rarely talking, he kept a mysterious persona around him, even to his friends. He never spoke of what was on his mind; he just kept it inside to ponder. Then there were his eyes. Boy were they beautiful. Never one set color, they always changed with his mood. Now they were a dull green: either he was nervous about something, or he was horny.

"It's getting dark. We should leave." His soft voice woke me form my daze.

As we rose, he did something that he had never done before. He leaned over and embraced me in a warm hug. It took me completely off guard. I was stupified; I just couldn't think of a way to respond. Part of me wanted to throw him to the ground and make out with him, but I know that wasn't the right way to go. He started to release from the hug when my common sense kicked it and I wrapped my arms around his strong frame. It was then that I felt the warm tears on my shoulder as he started weeping.

I squeezed him a little tighter as my own eyes began to fill with tears. I have always been a sucker for crying.

"Josh, what is it? What's wrong?" I softly asked him, my voice barely audible.

"I have wanted to do this for 3 months now. Everytime I saw you, I had to look the other way, or I would have just broke down there in school. There have been so many nights now that I've cried myself to sleep knowing that I made you hate me." He continued to sob into my shoulder.

By now, my own tears had began soaking his shoulder. I just held him tighter and whispered to him, "I have never hated you. I just could never bring myself to hate you. You know how I felt about you; how could you think I..."

"Shhhhhh..." he interrupted. "Let's not talk, just hold."

So we stood there, in the middle of the woods, and just held each other. Soon the light gave way to twilight and we started shivering from the cool night air. No other words were spoken that night. Soon, we walked hand in hand back to the car. On the way home, even the radio was silenced, and we still held hands.

As I made the turn onto his road, he squeezed my hand. I knew what he meant. I pulled into his driveway, he got out, and I waited. Soon he returned with his overnight stuff.

"To make up for all of the times that I backed out on you." That was all he whispered as the tears began streaming down my cheeks.

The next block over was my house, and I was glad to see that my parents were already sleeping. Creeping in quietly, we went up to my room. We watched a movie before falling asleep in each other's arms. As I drifted off to sleep, I knew that we were on our way to becoming the best of friends.


Author's Note: Hey everyone, thanks for reading! This is my 3rd attempt at writing a story. Let me know what you think! Comments, suggestions, and anything else can be sent to me at I'll try to reply to them as soon as I get them. For those that are looking for a story of wild unprotected sex in crazy public places, you won't find it here. Otherwise, you'll find what will become the love story of two teenaged guys. There may be sex scenes in the future but only as the story allows.

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