Becoming the Bar Bitch

By Sub Boy

Published on Mar 16, 2022


It all started so innocently. I wasn't exactly naive or anything, and maybe that was part of the problem.

A few years ago I stumbled across some dom/sub porn and I thought it was incredibly hot. Initially I jacked off watching some guy use another guy, loving the power dynamic and seeing both the dom and sub getting off on it. Looking back, it was pretty tame stuff really, but I knew it turned me on.

After a few failed relationships, I was single and doing my version of playing the field - which for me meant a few hookups. And there was this guy online who really loved to dominate me, making me beg and kneel and slap my balls, send him money etc. It really turned me on, but I was curious about what it would be like in person...which led to me checking out guys, wondering if they'd dominate me. Probably not the best place to be, but here I was.

One of the first guys I really started checking out was Jason, who worked at a brewery I went to a couple times a month. I had a weird schedule and would go in on weekdays, between noon and 5pm usually, and sometimes it was just the bartender Jason and I there. He was a redhead, barely looked 21, laid back and casual - with boyish good looks and a nice hard body. I knew he probably chatted with me because he was bored but it was fun to imagine him naked; I just wasn't sure about the dominant part that I was starting to crave because he did seem so easy-going.

I decided to see if I could get a rise out of Jason, so to speak, bringing up the long hours he worked and him usually being there all by himself. I joked about hoping the WiFi was good so he could stream porn, and his smile was so fucking cute as he seemed to change the subject, telling me his uncle owned the place and it was a great gig with not a lot to do. I felt awkward and disappointed, but the next time I walked in a couple weeks later, there was Jason, all cute and sexy, and another guy about 10 years older, strong and tall, bearded and definitely looking pretty dominant.

"Hey - this is my uncle Mike, the owner," Jason said to me by way of greeting. Mike looked me up and down - as I did him, catching a nice big bulge - then got me a beer and they disappeared into the back to check on things. Apparently Mike lived a couple hours away and checked in every once in a while - it was a pretty set schedule with the steps for brewing beer (that I ironically didn't understand). Mike was on his way out and had this cocky grin that had me feeling weak in the knees.

Jason seemed relieved he was gone - apparently Mike was pretty strict even though he came from money, and wasn't a blood relative so tended to look down on Jason's side of the family. I stupidly said, "He's really put together though, damn" and Jason gave me a strange look - me being gay had never come up and I couldn't tell if it was an issue or not. "You like him better than you like me?" Jason asked, cracking a grin and looking so damn cute and sexy. "Nah, you're the best, Jason" I said, feeling the beer as I started my second.

"What do you like about me?" Jason asked, his blue eyes locked on me, intense now in a way he'd never been before. "Well, I mean you're cute as hell, really sexy - and nice as hell" I said, hoping things didn't get awkward. "What's sexy about me?" Fuck. This was getting weird.

"Man, you've got those cute dimples and that winning smile, nice biceps, strong legs." I didn't add a hot ass and a nice bulge but he just looked at me, still he could hear my thoughts. He turned to look in the parking lot - still just my car and his - then leaned over the bar, getting in my space, and said "And?" Fuck it - "and a hot ass and nice bulge, Jason" I said, going for it. I was thinking maybe he'd let me suck him off; I had fantasized about his big hard cock many times.

He looked pleased and laughed out loud, saying "Yeah I've seen you checking me out" then walked over and started cleaning some glasses. I of course was checking him out when he turned around and said, "Why am I doing this - get over here and clean up this area, boy." I about fell off my chair - damn! This sexy young guy ordering me around, looking cocky and hard. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak, and got up to go 'do the dishes' as I thought of it. His gaze bored into me and I mumbled out, "Yes sir!" He laughed and went over to sit at the bar, playing on his phone.

It didn't take me long but I was really turned on - Jason seemed casual about it until he wasn't, and my imagination was running wild with what might happen next. I finished up with the glasses and when I turned to look at Jason he said, "Get me a beer, faggot." I was floored - no one had ever talked to me that way, and this didn't seem like the nice guy Jason I had a big crush on - but moved to obey. He relaxed and told me to sit down until he needed me again, sipping his beer and making small talk.

A couple of customers came in and Jason served them, chatting with all of us like nothing had happened. I told him I was going to close out and take off, but he said to hang out for a while and the next beer was on the house. Hard to say no to that; I had nursed the last beer and barely sipped the next as the other customers drifted out after finishing their beers. As soon as the door closed, Jason turned to me, all hard angles again, and told me that the other guy working that day (Alan) would be in soon but he had to piss now.

"I can watch the bar, no problem" I said, Jason got that cocky grin again and laughed at me, saying "Oh I'm not going to the restroom, boy - why bother? I got me a faggot right here." I was stunned - did he expect me to drink his piss?! "Kneel!" he ordered, no louder than normal but as an obvious command. "Hey, look man, I'm not sure what you think I'm into, but that's a little out there for me" I managed to say.

"Is it, boy?" Jason's eyes gleamed with malice. "I think you want my dick and you want to serve me. You have 5 seconds to either get on your goddamn faggot knees or get out and never come back. Your decision."

I tried to formulate a sentence - a counterargument, a fucking word - but by the time my mouth cooperated Jason calmly said, "Five" and started counting down.

I'd love to say how tough I was and that I made the right decision yada yada yada - but I was on my knees as he said "three" - which made him laugh at me. Very different than laughing out loud, he laughed at me because he knew he had me. He looked down at me and said, "If you let a drop hit the floor, you'll be mopping it up - with your faggot tongue. If you let a drop get on my clothes, you'll be out of here permanently. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" I said, on autopilot, not knowing what else to do. "And no touching, faggot - I wouldn't let your lips touch my dick but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to drink my piss otherwise." I realized he must be straight and I knew I was in trouble. He reached down and unzipped his jeans just inches from my face, my heart beating out of my chest. He had on cotton briefs and I saw a big bulge before he slid the briefs aside and freed his cock!

I was mesmerized - I'd seen a lot of cocks (online) and a few in person but this was a totally different feeling. His dick was thick and a nice length, soft...I wanted it. I wanted to suck it, to taste him! "Look, faggot" he said and I looked up at his sparkling eyes. I felt his dick touch my lips as he moved forward, and glanced down as I opened up for him. "No, you don't even get to look boy" he ordered, all bully now, and I looked back up to his smirking face. I locked my lips around the head and before I could take a lick he ordered "no tongue - just swallow and let me mark my territory." I don't know why that freaked me out more than anything else that had happened, but I almost started to pull away - as I felt the first scalding hot drops of his piss enter my mouth.

I wanted to choke - it was rank, bitter - but he looked totally calm, eyes locked on me, and quietly ordered me to swallow. He stopped his stream as I swallowed then started up again, coaching me through swallowing it all. I was hoping we were nearing the finish line but it kept coming, and he leaned his head back, moaning "This is fucking crazy, god this feels good - keep swallowing, bitch." Tears were leaking down my face from humiliation and overpowering emotions and the stress of not spilling any. Finally the swallows got smaller and he was looking at me again, purring "you did good, boy - fucking urinal bitch. I am proud of you."

And that made me proud! I felt so good, proud to have pleased him. He withdrew his cock and I felt empty, but he ordered me to open wide and squeezed the last drops onto my tongue. "Last swallow, faggot - for now" - fuck, I wasn't sure I could do this again! But I obeyed and he tucked his dick away, zipped up, looked out the window and calmly said, "Hey, Alan's here - get your ass back to your beer, queer" and laughed at his rhyme. I about fell over, panicked, trying to wipe the tears from my face, getting off my knees and back to my seat just as I heard the door open.

Jason was back to his usual charming self, and Alan grunted a hi to us as he went to the back to drop off his stuff and get ready for his shift. I was trying to act like nothing had happened, but Jason came and stood very close to me and asked if I wanted Alan's piss too! "Um, no sir," I managed. "Explain" he ordered, all business again. "He's not attractive at all" (he wasn't in shape and just not my type) "and I'm not sure I can do that again anyway."

Jason looked thoughtful and said, "You probably need more training", moving off as a car pulled up, more customers heading our way. Things picked up and Jason pretty much ignored me so I signaled to Alan I wanted to close out, and after I had signed the slip, he wandered off and Jason came over, looking at the tip I left - 50%. I always tipped well but just felt slutty and figured if I never came back (I wanted to, but also sort of didn't want to) then at least I could show some support.

"Good boy," Jason said quietly just to me as he picked up the slip and went back to work. I watched his sexy body but had no reason to sit there any longer so got up to move to the door. Jason came from behind the bar to pick up some empty glasses and as he passed me quietly said, "Come back soon, faggot." I didn't know whether to feel proud or scared or both, but I knew I'd be back as I watched his sexy fit body move away.

I got home, feeling exhausted, and went to sit on the bed, my mind spinning. While I did get to see Jason's cock - and it certainly was hot! - I still felt a little dejected but also really turned on. I took off my pants, realizing my briefs were soaked in precum and my dick was rising quickly. I decided to rub one out to clear my head, and it was one of the most intense orgasms I had ever had in my life - I felt like I almost passed out, imagining Jason standing over me hauling out his dick!

I REALLY wanted to go back to the brewery the next day but knew I had to play it cool, so waited until the following week which was pure torture. There were a few cars in the parking lot which was disappointing - I wanted...well, needed...Jason all to myself. Sure enough there were a few people inside and out enjoying beers, and Jason was friendly towards me like he always was, like he was to everyone. I tried not to sulk but swore he looked even better, stronger and tighter, his perfect skin and smile turning me on.

I finished my beer and got up to use the restroom, and as I was finishing up, Jason walked in! I was literally zipping up at the urinal and turned around and there he was, his eyes boring into mine. "Kneel, faggot" - oh shit, was I going to get another load of his piss -- and what would happen if someone walked in?! I didn't hesitate though...I needed this and needed him.

"Lick my shoes boy, show me some fucing respect" he ordered. I wasn't sure what was worse, drinking his piss or this, and considered faking it but leaned over and did as he ordered, licking next to the laces on both shoes. "Go wash your hands, faggot" he ordered as he moved to the urinal. I was a little disappointed - I really wanted to see that dick again! - but washed my hands and as I pulled out paper towels to dry them he said, "Get out your phone, bitch." Was he going to let me take a picture?! Yes!

I had my phone out and the camera open when he started saying numbers. I struggled to open a note app or text or somewhere I could enter the numbers, and had to ask him to start over. I realized it was a phone number and he said, "Text me, faggot" as he pushed by me to wash his hands then left. I stood there feeling alone and not sure if I should text him right away or not, but figured I should/would, and just sent a quick note saying "Hi Sir".

I went back to my seat and Jason brought me my check without me asking - I guess that was my cue to leave even though I had driven a long way to get there and I had only had one beer. I gave a hefty tip again but he didn't stop by or anything as I left, but when I got to the car there was a reply from Jason: "Busy. Close at 10. Be back then."

Crap, that was hours and hours away and about the time I usually was in bed, but I knew I'd come back. I fantasized about what he might have in store for me and almost jacked off but decided to save it. Just before 10 I got back to the brewery as the last patrons were leaving. I walked in with a smile, happy to see Jason and spend time with him. He was pouring a beer - I realized it was for himself - and turned around, saw me and said "ok faggot get to work, I'm going to enjoy this beer while you close and clean up."

I was shocked...this is not what I had expected. He showed me the closing chore list on the wall of the hallway to the back, and I started collecting and washing glasses, wiping down surfaces, sweeping and mopping. I was going to have to clean the bathrooms too - disgusting. Jason watched me some, chatted a bit about his busy day, and made me go back and do a better job at times. "Having fun, faggot?" he asked, cocky again, and I replied truthfully, "Not exactly what I had expected to be honest."

"You like serving me, boy?" he asked and I told him I did as I was moving chairs out of the way. "What did you expect then?"

"I wasn't sure, sir, but hoping for some time to worship you...your body." That seemed like a safe answer and was true. I glanced over at him and he held my gaze, quickly lifting off his shirt and throwing it at me. His body was beautiful, nice tight muscles and pale skin offsetting his red hair, defined everything. I gaped at him, finally squeaking out, "Thank you sir."

I stood there stupidly holding his shirt and he said, "Go ahead, faggot - that's part of your reward although you'd serve me even if you didn't get anything, wouldn't you?" I realized he was talking about me smelling his shirt - smelling him on his shirt - and took a big whiff, catching his odor: light sweat, lots of manliness, pure male. I remembered he had asked me a question and said "yes sir thank you sir" as I inhaled once again.

He got up and moved towards me and I just stared as his defined muscles flowed over that sexy tight torso. He reached out and took the shirt from me and told me, "Get your queer ass in the restrooms and clean them thoroughly, boy" as he turned and went back to his beer. He at least left the shirt off, showing his defined back. I wanted to stay and drool and lick and beg, but clearly this was my place now. I went and spent a lot of effort on the last of the cleaning, knowing he'd come look.

I washed up as best as I could after putting everything away, and Jason pushed his empty glass forward and told me to clean it then we'd lock up. "Aren't you going to check the restrooms, sir?" I asked, surprised. "Did you do a good job, boy?"

"Yes sir, I did a good job for you." He grinned and said, "Get over here" and I moved closer. As I got within arm's reach, he grabbed my arm and moved me even closer, then lifted his other arm showing off his hairy armpit and moved it towards my face. Fuck - I buried my face in it, loving the smell, the sweat, the heat. I inhaled deeply and was about to lick when he pulled away, just a step, and pulled his shirt back on. "That was your reward for doing a good job, boy. You gonna help me out like this again?"

Honestly, much like drinking his piss, I wasn't thrilled about it but I was thrilled spending time around him. "Sir, I like being around you, yes." He laughed, saying "I can see on your face how much you didn't like it but you want me. This is gonna be fun." And he ushered us out, locking the door, saying, "Be a good faggot and maybe you'll get to see more of me." With that he walked to his truck, leaving me standing there feeling like a fool.

I got home, once again feeling empty, thinking maybe this wasn't the right gig for me. I thought about texting Jason but wasn't sure what to say, when a text came through from him. It was a video -- of him! He was in what I assumed was his bathroom and as he stripped down - the camera didn't go below his waist unfortunately (and I'm guessing intentionally) - he was talking. I was staring so it took a minute and a few replays to catch what he said: "You did good tonight faggot. I'll have more rewards for you but you'll have to work for them. Come in on Monday around noon, should be nice and quiet. Oh, and fuck you, faggot" he laughed as he said the last part, flipping me off. That was just hot as fuck! He turned and started the shower, letting me see his sleek back again, then turned back and turned off the video.

Damn that was hot! I paused it where there was a great view of his chest and abs and sexy, cocky face, and stripped down in my bathroom. I started jerking, staring at my crush, imagining my tongue running over his smooth perfect skin tight over those sexy muscles...him dominating me...fewer chores and more sex...just about to cum....

"Oh, and no jacking off" - fuck! The text came through when I was so close! I couldn't help it, my dick exploded and I almost fell over. God it felt good! I was moaning his name, so wound up. I calmed down and showered but was still horny. I wouldn't see him for days and texted back, "Sorry sir, too late" but got no response. This was going to be a very long weekend.

I felt really lonely all weekend and couldn't wait until Monday - to see Jason. I got there early and saw his truck already out front, realizing they didn't open until 2, so thinking it would be super quiet. My dick was dripping precum, begging for that first glance at my stud, and I walked in the unlocked front door. "Lock the door and get your ass back here, faggot!" Jason yelled from the back. I did as ordered and walked to the back area, hearing stuff being moved around to the left where there was an empty space beyond the beer tanks, pretty much hidden from view.

I stepped around the tanks to find the beginnings of a gym - weight bench, rack, weights, and a bunch of cardboard boxes. Jason grinned at me, standing there sweating in just a pair of shorts! GOD he looked fucking amazing. "Mike decided since I'm here working so much I had earned some new toys! All this equipment plus some new tech so we have cameras to watch the place and let me see when a faggot like you shows up haha." Jason was in a great mood and I was just overwhelmed and fell to my knees. Fuck, he was beautful.

"Nah boy - you're working to help me get this set up! But here's a little motivation..." and with that he lowered the front of his shorts a bit to show the waistband of his red briefs...then lowered those to show me his red pubes!! FUCK! I was DEFINITELY motivated -- to beg and suck and pay. But too quickly he turned back to the equipment he was setting up and pointed over to a large flat box, "that's a treadmill, boy - get it set up and don't fuck it up!"

"Yes sir!" I said and started trying to manhandle the box and set up the machine. We chatted and sometimes I would sneak a peek at his sexy body or ass, and it was like he had eyes in the back of his head, "get back to work, faggot!" he'd say without ever turning. To be honest it was incredibly fun, like Christmas with gifts and Jason was happy and so fun. I realized I was developing a hard crush on him and that scared me - for one thing, I was fairly certain he was straight!

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly he was beside me, wiping his sexy sweaty body with his discarded shirt. "Boy, you're slow. I gotta get cleaned up but I suppose you want to watch." It was a statement - we both knew. "Heel!" he said and as I followed him, he told me I would keep working until everything was set up. He walked over to what I assumed was a locked closet, but he unlocked it and flipped on a light inside and it was a back room I never knew existed!

It was a big room - maybe 16x20' - with a double bed against one wall and a shower stall in one corner and toilet, plus an actual closet door. I almost ran into Jason as he stopped (I actually wasn't staring at him - for once!) and he ordered me to kneel and remove his shoes and socks. I noticed his breathing sharpen as I knelt and also a change in me - as soon as my knees hit the floor, I wanted and needed to please him in every way. It was like a switch was thrown.

I slowly removed his shoes and socks with a little help from him lifting his feet one by one, and enjoyed gawking at his hot bulge (with thick soft dick swinging freely) and toned fuzzy legs - his body was driving me crazy. He pointed at one of his shoes and said, "close your faggot eyes and sniff that sneaker, boy" which I instantly obeyed - I wanted to please him and inhale him! After a few seconds I felt something sliding over the back of my neck and realized it was his shorts! OH FUCK HE WAS NAKED! I instinctively started to raise my face to get a look but felt his strong hand on the back of my head. "No, faggot, you can imagine me showering and keep worshiping that shoe haha weak boy."

I heard the shower come on and did as he ordered, imagining the water matting down the fuzz on his legs and his pubes glistening - god I wanted that. But I was enjoying his musty shoe, I have to admit! The water stopped and suddenly his foot was next to his shoe, and I instantly started licking. He moaned and I felt a breeze as he wrapped a towel around his slim hips - I would miss seeing him fully nude but fuck - this was hot!

"Alright faggot I'm gonna go run this place and you work hard back here. You want to hold onto those shorts for when you take a break? haha" and we both knew the answer was yes - they smelled like him! I was told to keep the shorts over my face and apparently he got dressed then pulled the shorts off my face and spit right in my face! What the fuck? His hot spit hit my nose mostly then dripped down onto my lips and I slowly licked it off, eyes locked with his. "Goddamn you are queer boy - but that is pretty hot!" Jason went to open the front, and I got back to work even though I realized my dick was soaking my shorts.

The day actually flew by; Jason would pop back when he could and check on my progress which he always praised and pressed for better / faster progress. Then he'd make me kneel and spit in my face and laugh at me. He had noticed the wet spot in my shorts and was clearly in control and enjoying it. In the afternoon he told me to order him some food to be delivered, and he gave me the made me feel needed and low at the same time, and my dick just kept leaking.

I had all the equipment set up and was hoping to get to watch him work out when he closed up, but he walked back and told me to get out, he was going to lift with one of the regulars, and to come back the next day even earlier. I was disappointed for sure, but when I walked out and saw his workout buddy my breath caught - god this guy was stunning. Tall, slender, defined muscles and a cocky face. I mumbled something as I passed and Jason called out "oh and no jacking off still of course, faggot!"

I don't know what dark shade of red my face - my body - turned but I was embarrassed out of my mind. The other guy laughed out loud and said, "Oh, this is the one you're trying to train? haha He was checking me out as he walked by, you might need to put a leash on him!" And they both laughed and agreed a leash would be a good idea as I left. What had I gotten into?!

I got home and my dick just would not stop leaking. Too distracted to do anything else, I went for a run - and almost got run over, not paying attention. Right when I called it quits and got home, I got a text from Jason saying I had done well today...then about 5 seconds later a picture. Oh fuck - it was Jason and the other guy I didn't know, shirts off, sweaty, shorts riding low to the top of their pubes - oh fuck. I immediately reached for my aching dick as I took in their cocky smiles, their arms around each other, oh my god. But Jason's final order that day stopped me even though it hurt like hell.

The rest of the night was a blur of leaking cock, dinner, shower and leaking hard aching cock and staring at that picture and leaking cock. I barely slept. All these fantasies driving me crazy and no way to get release. I was in bad shape.

When I got to the brewery the next morning, Jason took one look at me and laughed out loud - "good boy!" I must have looked confused, and he was still laughing as he said, "I knew if you came in looking relaxed then you had disobeyed me - but you look like shit haha I guess you liked that picture!" I sunk to my knees and that connection clicked in place again. Jason was instantly more intent and looked like a predator. "Tell me how you feel, boy," he said in a low, dangerous tone.

I didn't hesitate: "Sir, this is torture. I want your dick so bad and that picture is fucking smoking hot and I can't jack off and it's killing me." Jason laughed hard, walked over and started rubbing his crotch in my face! "How long should I let you not cum, boy? It turns me on to control you this way!" I wanted to beg him to cum but was more focused on the growing dick now rubbing on my face - he was getting very hard!

He pulled back just as I contemplated licking the fabric and looked down at me, clearly waiting for an answer. "I am yours, sir, please train me." Fuck - that was the right thing to say as his big dicked throbbed even harder and his eyes sparkled. "Good boy, no jacking off until further notice. Now get to work - you left all the boxes and packaging from the gym back there and this place needs to look good, Mike is coming today." I followed Jason to the back and he took off his shirt, hopping on the treadmill for a run while I cleaned up.

I loved watching his dick swing as he ran, and kept dropping things and running into things. Jason was in the zone not really paying attention luckily, but I was checking him out hard - including his perky muscular ass. He checked his phone and apparently Mike was 30 minutes out, so he went to the other room to shower while I finished up, leaving the door cracked with no way of seeing what was going on. He stepped out just wearing shorts. looking hot as ever, and I hit my knees again - I couldn't help it.

"Boy, my uncle stresses me out. You any good with your hands?" I was confused but he turned to go back into the room and I heard him get on the bed so I followed. He was sprawled out face-down - god he had a nice body! - and said, "Work my shoulders and back faggot, and no messing around." I tentatively started rubbing his shoulders, his skin feeling hot against my hands, and he ordered me to massage, not rub. My dick was straining, raging - finally getting to touch this god had me so needy.

I really focused on massaging his tight muscles, putting pressure on the tight areas, and was rewarded with hot, sexy moans from Jason. I really wanted to pull out my aching cock and just cum right there and then, when Jason suddenly got up - I caught sight of his rock-hard cock in those shorts! - and told me to grab his shirt out of his bag. "Mike will be here in a few - see yourself out and come back at closing time."

I was so disappointed but thanked him and left for my car. I sat there a little disappointed but that whole scene was super hot. I realized if I sat there it would look weird when his uncle got there, so I pulled out to the side and pretended to be on my phone (well, technically I was - looking at the picture from the night before!) and watching to catch a glance of hot uncle Mike. Right on time he pulled up, got out of the car, stretched - showing off tight fuzzy abs when his shirt rode up - then readjusted his big bulge before walking in! That guy was sexy on a stick and even though they weren't related by blood I could see some of the mannerisms that had rubbed off.

It was another day of torture for me, and I couldn't wait to get back to see Jason. The last customers were on their way out and it looked like it had been a busy day. Jason told me to help him clean up then ordered me to finish up while he went to relax. I made sure to sweep and mop around him to check him out - he was sitting on the weight bench playing on his phone - and finally did the restrooms (the worst part). I wandered back to find him again facedown on the bed, wearing only shorts, his perky ass inviting as hell.

"Get my legs too this time, boy," he mumbled into the pillow, and I found he was indeed really tight after Mike's visit. It was a great job and paid well but his uncle was a bit of a perfectionist. I was really getting into the massage - his moans were fucking intoxicating - and worked his sexy back muscles, strong shoulders and strong hairy legs. I realized he was humping into the bed just a little bit and knew my shorts were soaked. I could just catch his scent but knew if I leaned closer I would be too tempted to lick his perfect skin.

He suddenly rolled over and his big hard dick flopped in his shorts. Fuck! I was staring but he locked eyes with me and said, "You understand I need release and you're just a mouth, right faggot?" "YES SIR!" I almost shouted, so excited to finally see and taste that big meat. I reached for it but he slapped my hand away then reached down and slowly started peeling the front of his shorts down.

It was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen in my life. His abs were tight with a hint of cum gutters, perfectly smooth, then he started revealing those sexy red pubes against his pale skin. Lower still and his thick THICK HARD dick started coming in view! One inch, was straining against his shorts and I was imagining it slapping his abs when he fully revealed it. Three inches...and fuck - his phone rang. "Shit, it's Mike, hold on," Jason said breathlessly. "Hey Mike," he answered, "No everything's fine just been working out that's why I sound that ok yeah I didn't see it but will start looking. OK see you then."

"Fuck. He left his goddamn wallet and is almost back here. Hurry up, help me find his wallet!" Damn - I was sooo close to seeing that big dick! He was still rock hard as was I, and we went to look for the wallet. I knew from cleaning up that it wasn't anywhere obvious, and found it under the bar counter just as Mike walked in. He took one look at the two of us, clearly curious or suspicious, and looked at both our crotches. Although not fully hard, we both had wet spots and Jason had a big thick tube running down his shorts.

"Well guys I hope I didn't interrupt anything," Mike said sort of cockily. "No, we were just working out, thanks again for the equipment!" Jason responded a little unsteadily. Mike looked Jason's body up and down and said, "You're already in great shape, haven't seen you with your shirt off recently," and Jason turned bright red all over his body - it was sexy as hell. "Let's go to dinner since I'm still here and it's getting late. I'll get a hotel tonight instead of driving home," Mike said, ignoring me totally. Not really sure what he thought my role was...but maybe he knew.

Jason went in back to get his shirt and I awkwardly said, "Alright, um enjoy your dinner." Mike laughed at me and said, "later" as he sauntered towards the back to get Jason. I checked out his ass and it was so sexy. But leaving was hard, I wanted to be around Jason - having both his dick and now his company denied to me sucked!

So once again I was in for a long night of horniess, not able to get relief and not able to stop thinking about Jason. I almost grabbed my aching dick to jack off but knew I couldn't lie to him about it and didn't want to disappoint him. I stayed up way too late hoping for a text or news from Jason but got nothing, and realized we didn't even have a time to meet next. Obviously I could show up at the brewery whenever - it was a public establishment - but I wanted his dick! My mind going in circles, I was amazed I was able to sleep but exhaustion had set in and I slept the sleep of the dead.

I woke up grinding my dick into the bed, dreaming about Mike's ass strangely enough - my foggy mind recalling the dream of rimming Mike then sucking Jason. God I had it bad. I went for a run and tried not to check my phone every two minutes but it was a lost cause. I finally texted Jason, "Hey hope last night went ok" but didn't hear back. I went to grab lunch and of course ended up over by the brewery and decided to stop in - maybe Jason was working and just wasn't checking his phone.

I found the door locked and realized they were closed that day, feeling like a fool. But Jason's truck was there and suddenly there he was, unlocking the door and laughing at me, "just couldn't stay away, could you, boy?" "No sir" I said as I walked in and he locked the door behind me. "So what's up?" he asked, sort of putting me off guard - making it sound like he didn't want me there. I explained I was worried about his uncle coming back and making sure everything was ok.

"Yeah, all good - just turned into a late night and then he wanted to go through some things here again this morning." I didn't know whether to leave or stay really, so I went to kneel in front of him. He got that hard look in his face and asked, "still want my cock don't you fag?" I inhaled his scent and looked straight into his eyes and said, "yes sir."

Jason looked thoughtful and ordered, "Tell me how bad you want it. Tell me how hard this is for you." The floodgates opened and I was begging, squirming, telling him about my dream (not about Mike's ass in it!), telling him how horny I was. His dick got bigger and bigger and was stretching his shorts. "Fags like you need to be kept begging, boy - I like that - you can see how much, right?" as he stroked his hand down his big cock in his shorts. Before I could answer he barked HEEL and headed for the back room.

I was so on edge, thinking I was finally going to get this stud's cock and cum - I was literally drooling as was my cock. Following his tight little ass to the back was pure heaven (well, it would have been better with his shirt off but beggars - beggers! - couldn't be choosy). He unlocked that back room and ordered me to kneel. He stood about a foot from me and my eyes were at his crotch level. He took one hand up into his shorts from the bottom and rubbed his dickhead, then moved two soaking wet fingers towards my mouth, a thick strand of precum connecting his fingers to his hidden cockhead!

I opened wide and he asked, "You want to taste it boy?" YES SIR! "You're a good faggot, I know this is hard for you but it turns me the fuck on," and with that, his fingers entered my mouth. I got to taste his precum!!! I sucked on his fingers, both of us moaning, long past the point of any precum being left, our eyes locked together. He finally pulled his fingers out of my mouth and I thought he was going to go lay down for a massage and hopefully blowjob, but instead of getting on the bed, Jason went to the closet door and unlocked it.

My jaw almost hit the floor. Someone had amassed a huge collection of sex toys - from vibrators to ropes to leather to whips to butt plugs and beyond. My eyes bulged out and Jason laughed out loud looking at me. "You didn't think I just started thinking about being a dom, did you?! Real alphas are born, boy, and I knew a long time ago my place was at the top of the food chain." He reached onto a shelf and brought down what looked like a black ski mask - a hood, I realized. Fuck. He put his hand in it, showing that there were no eyeholes, just a hole for a mouth. My mouth. Fuck.

"Do you trust me, faggot?" he asked, intent as fuck. "Yes sir," I said even though my voice did break. He tossed the hood to me telling me to put it on, and I heard him picking up something that rattled just a bit. Next thing I knew, I felt his big bulge rubbing against my face, two layers of cloth (the mask and his shorts) between us. He was moaning and clearly turned on. I reached up to hold his hips, and felt him snap something around my wrist, then was told to put both hands behind my back. He snapped something to my other wrist and I realized my hands were handcuffed - oh fuck. His dick was rock hard now, throbbing, just aggressive as fuck.

"Stay!" Jason said as his phone pinged, and I knelt there in the dark wondering what was going to happen as I heard him walk out. My crotch was soaked. God, I was practically shaking. I wanted his dick so bad but I wanted to see it - and him - his sexy cocky face. This was torture.

I heard him coming back, talking, sounding flirty - and heard a female voice respond! What the fuck?! "Hey boy, this is Kate, she's been hitting me up on Tindr wanting my dick and she's about to get it!" Jason sounded cocky as hell and also horned up. The woman laughed and said, "Um, what's going on?" and Jason calmly responded, "oh that's my faggot - this is just a little extra torture for him. You want my big dick or not?"

I heard her moan a little, imagining her checking out his big bulge or maybe him whipping it out - not being able to see was pure torture! I moved to turn so I was facing them and could hear better and maybe see something through this damn mask but Jason barked, "Stay! You're lucky you get to listen but if you try to watch I will kick you out of here so fast, do you understand?!" "Yes sir" I responded dejectedly, so close and yet so far away from what I wanted - and apparently some bimbo was going to get it. He ordered me to put my nose in the bottom corner of the room furthest from the bed, guiding me over and smacking my ass HARD after I was in position.

From there on out they ignored me and just went at it - a little heavy wet kissing, the sounds making my dick strain. Her sucking his big dick (which I knew because of their moans and him telling her to "take all of my big dick down that whore throat"). He made her beg to get fucked and he wouldn't give it to her until she agreed to take it in the ass too! I was about to pass out - all the blood was in my cock it felt like! - as I heard her moan and scream and he slid inside her. She was going crazy, loving it, telling him how good he was, when suddenly Jason yanked my hair and his big cock was at my mouth!

I couldn't see of course but I could smell him and feel the heat. "You gonna taste our juices, boy?" he asked. I knew better than to try to engulf the whole thing - I was pretty sure that was not allowed - so I stuck out my tongue and tentatively licked. Jason pushed about two or three inches into my mouth - what I had seen before we were interrupted last night - and I sucked on it, tasting his precum and her juices. He pulled back out and went back to get more head and then fuck her more.

Her screaming in pleasure had me wanting to be pinned to the bed by him even more. He growled, "It's time for you to take this in your ass," and she tried to talk him out of it, saying he was too big and she just wanted to fuck. Jason was apparently still inside her and I heard her disappointed moan as he pulled out, then muffled noises as he had her suck him.

"You want to lick my hole, too?" he asked her. A muffled sound must have meant assent and then I heard Jason moan loudly, hard - clearly enjoying the tongue on his hole! God, this was getting better and better! I could imagine Jason squatting over her, making her lick that perfect ass, wondering if his hole was totally hairless or not - fuck, I knew if I touched my dick right then I would cum!

"Gonna let me fuck you in the ass?" She kept saying "Just fuck my pussy, cum in my mouth, I don't care" but he had had enough apparently. I heard her moaning but it sounded like frustration more than anything, and Jason said to me, "OK boy I know you can't see this - but she's fingering herself, trying to get off while looking at my big dick and hot body. You gonna cum for me girl?" he said and with that she clearly went over the edge. She kept asking for more of his cock but he said he didn't like people who didn't follow through on promises (apparently she had asked to get fucked in the ass on Tindr), and eventually she got dressed and left, promising next time she'd let him do what he wanted.

I heard them leave then Jason was back and in front of me silent. His heat and smell washed over me and I stuck out my tongue, also silent. I had closed my eyes long ago to ensure I wouldn't see anything even though the hood was very effective. Jason was still breathing hard and I heard a wet sound - FUCK - he was jacking off right in my face!!! "Yeah I don't like it when people don't obey once they've agreed - we won't have that problem will we, boy?" "NO SIR!"

"You want this load, bitch?" "YES SIR PLEASE SIR OH GOD" I was a little out of control. "Lick my alpha daddy balls, boy" he said, and with that his hairy sac was on my tongue, their mingled juices coating his manly balls. My tongue went to work, feverishly trying to please him - his moans said I was doing good. I was disappointed as he pulled away but then felt something snapped around my neck - a collar of some kind. He dragged me over to the side of the bed and I heard him get on it. I stuck my tongue out, not sure what was going on at all - and then his ass was covering my face and his little pucker was on my tongue!!

He had gotten on his back, legs up in the air, and I started rimming him as deep as I could. His moans were incredible - loud, deep, sexy and needy. He started up a verbal barrage: "Yeah faggot, you needed that didn't you boy? You like that little hole? You gonna make your master happy? Yeah use that faggot tongue on your god OH GOD" and with that he moved and I felt splashes of cum across the hood! He fucking drenched me, keeping up the verbal domination the whole time, the hood just covered in his load. Unfortunately only a little got on my lips or tongue - most of it went right on top of my head or over it - but that taste had me so close to shooting.

I was shaking, almost crying with need, trying not to lick or taste or swallow until he came down and I got permission. His breathing was ragged and it took him a while to start to recover. "Go ahead boy, I guess you've earned it" and with that I swallowed and licked my lips and as much of the hood as I could reach. He was laughing at me, telling me I looked desperate and ridiculous, his huge white load covering my faggot head. I heard his phone clicking and knew there were pictures - well fuck, but at least you couldn't see my face.

I was hoping to get to suck his cock clean but instead he started slapping my face with it! He hadn't lost any of his hardness, and his moans told me he was getting worked up again. I stuck out my tongue but he never let me touch it, then I felt a big hot wet glob on my tongue - he had spit right on it! "Enjoy that while I go shower, boy" he said, leaving me kneeling there breathless.

I couldn't believe I still hadn't seen him naked, hadn't seen his cock! But he was giving me more of him slowly, and I was a happy boy. I felt him approaching after his shower and he ordered me to remove the hood. My hands were covered in his load - there was so much cum on the hood! - and he was standing right in front of me with just a white towel wrapped around his slim hips! I almost dropped the hood, he was so sexy, but didn't want to lose his cum load either!

"Turn it inside out, you'll be washing it and bringing it back boy but don't make a mess - and clean off your fingers!" he ordered as I got the hood situated so no cum was dripping, then licked and sucked my fingers, tasting his cum again. It was less pleasant now that it was cold, but his eyes bored into me and the thick tube pressing out against the towel showed me he liked it. "I'm gonna crash here tonight boy, be back at 11am to get ready to open" and with that I was dismissed yet again. I really wanted to stay but just needed some sleep - it had been another long hard day.

I slept so well but woke up rock hard, smelling the cum on the hood right next to my bed. My whole life had changed and all I could think about was Jason. I considered not washing the hood so I wouldn't have to wear it again and could maybe see Jason naked today - finally! But I knew I'd obey, and so I did laundry then headed to the brewery, right on time.

The front door was unlocked and I could hear music in the back, realizing Jason must be working out. I walked back and sure enough he was on the weight bench doing bench presses, his cock clearly visible in his hot dark blue shorts - all he was wearing - as he strained against the weight. He had been at it long enough to be sweaty and sexy as always, and I hit my knees. He didn't even notice me there until he stood up to add more weight, and I had eyes for only him.

He laughed and said, "You don't want your prizes, boy?" I was confused until I followed his gaze...right next to where I was kneeling were a pair of briefs and a key. "Sir?" I asked and he laughed again. "I slept in those briefs and worked out in them some too - they smell like me and have a nice big precum stain on them. You'll need the key for when you're here before or after me, boy - don't lose it. Go throw the briefs in your car and get to work - and yes, you can smell and taste them haha." I stayed kneeling, eyes locked to his, and reached over for the briefs, putting them right against my face to smell and taste him. "Stupid faggot" he laughed but I saw his dick stirring!

I went and did as he said, leaving the briefs in my car and putting the key on my keychain, then organizing the glasses and cleaning the taps. Eventually Jason sauntered out, fresh out of the shower and dressed for the day. He told me to go work out then check in to see if he had more chores for me - he did, of course - and I guess the patrons just assumed I worked there as I was doing all the cleaning while Jason chatted and poured beers.

There was a lull when no customers were there, and Jason had me on my knees, pulling off his shoes and socks while he sat on a barstool. We were in clear view if anyone walked in but of course we could see the parking lot (or at least Jason could) so he had me massaging and licking and sucking on his feet. His moans were incredible and his dick looked rock hard in his shorts. I was so incredibly turned on again / still - it was hard to keep track! - when suddenly he said, "Customers" and started putting on his shoes and socks calmly while I tried yet again to collect myself.

"Go to the dungeon, boy, I'll be in in a sec" he said and I obeyed immediately, knowing the dungeon was the back room where the shower, bed and toys were. It was locked but the same key worked, so I let myself in and knelt waiting for him. I heard him talking to the customers, getting their beers, then said "I'll be right back" and heard him coming for me. His smile got even bigger when he saw me kneeling there, and he said, "I need to piss, boy" and whipped out his half-hard cock!!

I was finally seeing all of his cock!! I moaned, so horny, not considering the large stream of piss I'd be dealing with. He must have needed to pee badly because he shoved it right in my open mouth and began pissing as soon as my lips closed around his dick! He moaned a lot in relief and horniess, and I managed to swallow it all without making a mess. His dick swelled in my mouth and he said, "Go ahead and suck a little boy, you've earned it."

God - I got to suck him!!! He continued to moan and his dick continued to grow, a rock solid thick 8 inches for my mouth and throat! Right when he got fully hard he pulled out and I got treated to the sight of his big column of hard flesh standing straight up against his abs! God he was sexy!! He had pulled his dick out of the leg hole and now the shorts were stretched to let his sexy sac flop out, his hard dick holding up the shorts! I was mesmerized but all too soon he was stuffing his hard dick away, telling me to get off my knees so he could calm down.

I felt like at least I had this power, making him hard by kneeling in front of him. He told me he was going out that night after work and I was to let myself in to clean up then could stay here to get ready to open in the morning. That excited me except for him not being there. I was again dismissed as he left to check on the customers, and let myself out to get a few hours of rest, then came back after close to do as he ordered. I also worked out a bit, too horny to sleep, but finally crawled in the bed and passed out.

I have no idea what time it was, but suddenly someone else was there in the room! I hadn't locked the door but knew the front door was locked, and it was too dark to see anything but I suddenly could smell - or maybe sense - it was Jason. "Sir?" I asked and he said, "Go back to sleep boy - it was closer to get an Uber here than go home." He sounded pretty drunk and I could hear him struggle to undress but then he was falling onto the bed and rolled as far towards the other side as he could, as I scooted over to give him room. The bed wasn't really designed for two people, and soon enough I heard his breathing deepen and become regular, realizing he was asleep.

It took me a long time to fall back to sleep but I finally did, and when I started waking up from an amazing dream about Jason (of course!) I felt so warm and comfortable, about to roll over and stretch - when I realized Jason was wrapped around me! In the night he must have rolled over and his hot body was now pressed against my back, his arm over my shoulder and across my chest. This was the sexiest thing ever - feeling him pressed fully against me, feeling warm and loved. My dick ached even harder.

I suddenly realized he was naked too - and hard! - because his dick was pressed against my ass and throbbing in time with his heartbeat. I wanted to stand up and cheer - would I finally get fucked by this stud?! But I could tell from his breathing that he was still asleep, and I didn't know what to do next except lie there. Maybe move my ass a little? I finally did just that, and he moaned a little in his sleep! Oh fuck this was sexy, but I also had to piss so bad and realized I'd have to get up very soon. Damn it!

I tried to extract myself from his grip, hating to get up, and he stirred a bit and wrapped his arms around me even tighter! He got his other arm under me and snuggled closer but I had to piss bad and said, "Sorry sir I have to pee!" He loosened his grip just a bit and I was able to get up. He mumbled "Hurry back" and I couldn't tell if he was asleep or awake, but I pissed really quickly in the toilet, flushed and crawled back in bed, wanting to see him lying there naked but he was mostly covered by the sheets. I expected him to wake up and turn away, but instead he woke up and wrapped himself around me again!

My heart was racing and he stroked my chest a bit saying, "Calm down boy, I just like to have something to hold onto and keep me warm." I finally relaxed a bit and felt him pressed solidly against me again - I was in heaven! We stayed like that for a while, him drifting in and out of sleep, his dick nuzzled in my asscrack. He finally rolled over, stretched, laid back down on his back and said, "Suck my big dick, boy."

Oh fuck! I was finally going to get to service this guy the way I wanted! The sheet was thrown off him and his hard dick was wet with precum, dripping onto his sexy abs! I tentatively started stroking and sucking him, evoking deep sexy moans from him! I wanted this to last but also wanted his cum fresh from that hard tube so bad! He was thrusting his hips then, getting into a rhythm, making me think of him plowing the Tindr chick, and I thought he was getting close - when all of a sudden, the fucking alarm on my fucking phone went off!! Nooooo!

I tried to ignore it but after a couple more thrusts Jason said, "What time is it?" I told him it was an hour before open and he said, "Good boy - go start getting ready." Seriously?! I was so close and now had to go 'work' for him. I was so disappointed and he laughed at the look on my face, then laughed at my dripping cock. "Looks like I get to get off and you have to go be my bitch!" he said, laughing and sounding turned on. He just lay there sprawled out on the bed, big dick throbbing and hard, watching me get dressed.

"Sir, can I finish you off? Please?" I sounded so pathetic and hated it but he loved it, stroking his hard cock slowly, saying, "This seems like excellent torture. Go take care of things boy while I take care of this big dick. Maybe one day I'll let you take care of yourself," he said cruelly. I was so disappointed but went and started getting the stools and tables set up again, opening the register, etc.

I could actually hear Jason moaning when I walked by the entrance to the back a couple times, then clearly heard him say "fuuuucccckkkk" and hear the splatter of his cum!!! God that was hot and I wanted to walk in and lick it up but didn't want to piss him off. My phone buzzed and it was a picture of his load!!! His sexy abs, still-hard cock and cum all over his chest and abs! Oh my god!

"Come clean me up, fag" the text read and I practically ran into the room as he softly said, "You've earned it, boy." I licked every inch of his tight body, making him moan loudly, then sucked his dick to get out the last drops. God I was in heaven and his moans told me how much he loved it. "You're a good boy," he said, and with that he ordered me to strip and lay down on my back. As I stripped, he got up and stepped over to the shower, still rock hard! I realized he was going to make me / let me watch him shower - more torture!

He asked what time it was, and there was about 20 minutes until open. Jason took his time showering, making sure I had views constantly, and my dick was hard and throbbing and leaking. He laughed at me as I begged to be able to touch myself and finally get off. He waved his big hard dick at me and said, "You being tortured this way turns me the fuck on. You might never cum again!" and started laughing. I wanted to cry but fuck this was hot.

He dried off and got dressed, my dick still straining for relief, and I was ordered to get dressed and go unlock the front door then go get him coffee and some food. I felt really close to him and tried to please him, even though I sometimes hated the "chores" he assigned me. While waiting for the food I flipped through the pictures he had sent me: him sweaty and sexy post-workout with the other guy, and the one from that morning with his big dick and load. This was not helping at all! When I got back to the brewery he laughed at me and said, "You look a little frazzled. Looking at pictures on your phone?"

There were a few guys in the brewery and now they all turned to look at me. I mumbled out something resembling, "um, no, I just..." and they all laughed at me. I realized one of them was his hot workout buddy, and all of them were in great shape. "We all went to school together and were on the wrestling team, boy - you want them to pin you?" Jason said and they all laughed. At me, At the stunned. needy look on my face. I turned bright red and stupidly said, "I brought you your coffee," trying to change the subject.

"I asked you a question, boy" Jason said cruelly. I turned and checked out the guys - they were all in great shape, young and ruggedly handsome. I finally turned, knelt, looked Jason in the eyes and said, "If it pleases you, then yes sir! They are hot as fuck." I don't know why I added that last part but they all laughed at me but also looked pretty horny. "You want to be the bar bitch and take care of our cocks, boy?" the hot workout partner asked. I kept my eyes locked with Jason and said, "I want to please you sir."

There was so much sexual tension in the air, and one of the guys asked if I was any good at sucking cock. "Give the faggot a try yourself" Jason said, and with that the guy stood up and Jason led us to the back room. I spent the next few hours there on my knees, sucking off one after the other, some coming back for a second turn. It was incredibly hot pleasing his friends, and they were all a little different - some thick cocks, some long cocks, some aggressive and some loud. I loved it to be honest! His workout buddy Carl was my favorite - he was the only one who stripped off his shirt and let me see and feel his sexy body. He had lightly hairy abs and chest with rock hard muscles, and moaned so loud when I sucked him and rubbed his body. Hefed me two loads of cum and a load of piss!

About half of the guys spit in my face...I was a real mess. I had never even imagined something like this. Jason came back and watched me suck a couple of them - including both times Carl was back there - and his dick was rock hard in his shorts. He rubbed down the length of his cock in his shorts as Carl pissed down my throat and said, "oh fuck that's hot - don't go anywhere" and disappeared to the front again. "Hold things down ok?" he said and was back - looked like I would get some time with Jason while the brewery was still open!

He stood next to Carl, Jason's dick straining his shorts and Carl's plumped up but not hard - but naked! I was drooling, heart racing, wondering what they had in store for me. Jason rubbed my head and pressed my face into his crotch and asked Carl, "You still into torturing a guy?" and they both laughed as I saw Carl's big dick jump and it started getting hard again. (I found out later that when they were wrestling they all used a couple guys on the team, learning their fetishes - what a jackoff fantasy!)

Carl's deep sexy voice drifted to me, "Hell yeah I don't know why but it fucking turns me on." Jason pulled up my chin so I was looking right at him and ordered me to unlock the 'toy closet' and strip down and lay on my back on the bed. I was fucking mortified to have to get naked in front of these two perfect gods, but it felt so good to get off my knees. Jason manipulated me so my head was off the edge of the bed, then turned around and pulled the back of his shorts down, then shoved his hole in my face!

Oh god, it was as perfect as I knew it would be - muscular, smooth, and sexy as hell! I rimmed and licked and tongued and massaged his ass, loving his deep sexy moans. All too soon, Carl went to work on me: first, slapping my sac then using a riding crop on my cock! Oh fuck it hurt and I was squirming and screaming into Jason's ass - and based on his moans, he absolutely loved it! When I caught sight of Carl's big dick, it was rock hard and I knew he loved it too. I felt clamps go on my nips and feathers teasing my abs and his fist against my sac and just a non-stop onslaught of torture.

I felt like I could pass out and realized Jason was turning around, pulling down his shorts, letting his big hard dick free! Carl ramped up the torture and I know Jason was really turned on watching me writhe and squirm. "You're a good faggot, boy - you like Carl making you scream?" YES SIR I practically shouted, taking in Jason's big dick from this angle, loving his sac pulled up tight. "You want me load, boy?" he asked and I begged so hard - needing it for so long, wanting him so bad, needing this torture to stop! With that, Jason shoved his dick down my throat, stretching my sore jaw and shoving in right to the pubes! His sac hit my face and he stayed there just a few seconds while Carl really worked my sac, making my throat spasm on Jason's mig meat.

With that, Jason started fucking my throat. Luckily he didn't last long but as he got closer, Carl continued the torture on my dick and balls and nips. I realized - oh fuck - I was about to cum! I grunted, trying to talk, but Jason's dick was so far down my throat I was just fighting to breathe. And with that, I lost it -- my dick exploded in a huge load and Jason started shooting down my throat. Oh my god I was out of control and couldn't stop screaming and sweating and writhing in pain/pleasure.

And for good reason! Carl just kept going! My cock was so sensitive and he was hurting it, teasing it, making me cry out. Jason stood back to watch, his big dick still dripping, and even stroked it some! Carl's cock was raging hard and he asked Jason if I could fuck me. "Nah, just use his throat, I won't want you tearing up that hole," and with that Carl moved to fuck my throat, still torturing my sac and balls! I knew I couldn't take much more and was struggling to stay focused, afraid to pass out - when suddenly I got load number three from Carl.

I loved watching his abs contract as he breathed hard - just like Jason had done - and soon enough he was pulling out and Jason's cock head was back in my mouth. "Clean it off boy, then clean up the floor where I dripped," Jason ordered as Carl turned on the shower. They both recovered much quicker than I did, getting in the shower together! I remembered my task of cleaning up Jason's cum drops and licked the floor. Their dicks had been getting softer but were moving back towards hard as they soaped up together and started talking about the guys they used in college.

I knelt there just to watch them, wondering if I could take any more. seeing they both needed to cum again. "Get dressed and out front to hep at the bar, boy," Jason ordered and it was almost a relief - I wasn't sure my throat or sac or mind could take much more. The guys who had fed me their cocks and cum all smirked as I made my way into the front room, and I immediately set out to clean up glasses and make sure everything was in order. It was still early even though it seemed like I had been back there for days.

Finally Jason and Carl came from the back and Jason got me a beer, telling me to rest up and that I was a good boy. I felt really proud - and exhausted - and was about to fall asleep after the beer. Jason told me to go get some sleep until closing time, and I crawled into the bed where I had so recently been tortured and passed out almost immediately. It must have been a few hours later when the first of the guys came back and woke me up with his hard dick in my face. I sucked and swallowed and drank their piss one more time before Jason came back and told me to go close the front.

I was sore and tired, but still tried to do my best to please Jason. When I finished and locked up, I went to the back to find Jason passed out asleep in the bed, looking young and sexy as hell in just a pair of running shorts. I started to crawl into bed, so tired, but he woke up just enough to tell me to pull a spare blanket and pillow from the closet and sleep on the floor. I was too tired to even ask to sleep in bed with him, and was soon deep asleep on the uncomfortable concrete.

I woke up to the sound of the shower, and watched Jason wash off his incredibly sexy body. He saw I was awake but didn't comment, letting me drink in the sight of him. It was so sexy watching him wash off every part - that sexy hot ass and those cut abs and that big dick! I knew this was my reward and soaked it all in. Soon enough, Jason was stepping out to dry off and ordering me to go get ready for the place to open then head out. I really wanted to stay but also needed to get cleaned up and fresh clothes, so I did as ordered.

Just as I had everything ready for open, Alan walked in, surly as ever and asking me what I was doing. I tried to play it off, saying Jason was in the back and I was just helping him out, but I knew he wondered why I was there. I snuck out when he went to the back and was driving home when I got a text from Jason telling me to bring him breakfast and coffee before going home. I of course complied, still on a high from seeing and touching and smelling and tasting Jason. He looked so great, mischievous eyes and cocky grin! I finally got home and slept for hours, feeling content like never before.

I woke up hard, imagining Jason and Carl using me while Mike watched - fuck, I had it bad for these guys! I was hoping to hear from Jason and when nothing came through I texted him to ask if he needed help closing tonight, but he didn't respond. As the hours then days went by I got more desperate, texting him a couple times a day but never getting back more than a word or two answer that he didn't need help. I felt really low and almost went to the brewery but didn't feel like I was wanted. it was a really low feeling.

Finally a few days later Jason texted and told me to be there the next day and to bring spare clothes. I wondered what was going on and barely slept that night, but showed up right on time. Jason was cocky and cute as always, and didn't seem to have missed me like I had missed him. But once I hit my knees he was there standing over me, rubbing my head while grinding his crotch into my face, saying "there's my faggot, I missed you, boy - did you miss me?" "God yes sir," I said, and he went on to tell me they had a big audit unexpectedly from the state alcohol commission and Mike had been there and it was really stressful but went well. I felt relieved, feeling less like tossed out used goods.

Jason told me to lock the door - I realized they were closed that day - and took me to the back. He stripped down while I knelt on the floor, and I loved seeing his muscles and big sexy cock again! He got on the bed and had me massage him, front and back, worshiping his feet, hearing him moan. His dick was rock hard when he turned over and I stroked it and sucked it without being disciplined! I was getting off on his moans when he flipped back over and told me to eat his hole! Oh fuck, I dug in and just worshiped that perfect ass.

His moaning was insane, and I thought he was close to shooting. He pulled my hair to get my tongue away from his hole and said, "there's some new equipment here boy, get it set up in here." I was disappointed not to get his load but did as instructed, finding a few large boxes next to the door and opening them up to find sexy equipement! There was a sling and an adjustable table like a massage table with restraints. I had to read the instructions as I didn't know exactly what they were or how they worked, and Jason relaxed - naked! - on the bed.

As I was getting close to finished, Jason asked me out of the blue if I liked the way Carl tortured me. I thought a few seconds and said, "Yes sir, it was hot - I've never had that before but finally getting off felt so good. I just want to serve you though." Jasoon grinned and said, "Well he loved using you and wants more 'torture time' as he calls it. Really gets his rocks off. I'll admit I like it too. We're going to break these in today and then maybe have Carl come over?" I just nodded, stunned and excited.

Jason got up and opened the closet, pulling out some items as I broke down the boxes. He was still naked and god I loved his ass and big swinging cock! "Kneel!" he ordered and I gladly got on my knees. He attached a dog collar around my throat then told me to get on my back on the table. He snapped the restraints in place and my dick was raging hard - giving myself over totally to Jason had me moaning already! He hadn't even touched me and it turned both of us on - his cock at full staff too.

"OK boy I'm going to torture you now because you love it, don't you?" he asked and I nodded vigorously in return. "Tell me how much you liked sucking all those cocks and Carl abusing you, fag" he said as the first of the clamps went on my sensitive nipples. I started whining, unable to stop talking about how hot his friends were and I loved pleasing them all and how Carl finally let me cum and how hot he was and how I loved the picture of them post workout and how much I loved Jason. Shit, had I just said that?! Jason had me bound up and on fire - both nips in clamps with a short chain between them he would tug on from time to time, my sac being hit lightly - and not so lightly - with a riding crop, and my sac being tugged on and stretched.

Luckily the "I love you" bit seemed to go unnoticed and he tied a rope from a silicon ring around my sac, over the sling strap and back to the chain between my nipples. Oh fuck - every movement yanked on my nips and sac and I was bucking, unable to stop - oh fuck! Jason was rock hard and started fucking my throat, moving me enough on the table to keep the pressure on my sac and nips. I was getting close to shooting and I think he was too when he pulled off the nipple clamps and the pain shot through my chest. Jason loved my howling moans around his big hard dick and pulled out, spraying my face and chest and cock with his load.

I was breathing hard, trying to catch my breath and wanting to shoot! Jason ignored my urgency and calmly undid the restraints on one side, making me turn over onto my aching cock and securing me again but face down this time. That's when the assault on my ass started - oh fuck, he was open-hand spanking me and the sharp cracks echoed in the concrete room and my moans and screams filled my ears. Jason must have loved it because he was rock hard!

The torture to my ass hurt more and more as he worked my hips and upper legs too, smacking me good. Just then I heard him say, "About time you got here - I've been using him for about an hour now." I wrenched my head around to see Carl walk in - huge bulge showing - and start stripping! Carl said, "Sorry I'm late man but looks like you have things in hand. You want him to please your hole?" "Yeah man" Jason said and with that they loosened the restraints enough that I could get on all 4s and Jason shoved his ass in my face.

I spend the next hour or two just worshiping his little hole. That would have been enough for me - his sexy ass in my face, his deep sexy needy moans turning me on! But the entire time Carl was abusing my sore ass and sensitive sac, cock and nips. God it was torture and we all loved it. Carl actually stroked a load onto my ass crack at some point, then used his strong fingers to push his load into my tight hole and prod my prostate! I was out of my mind, eating Jason's hole, and that pushed him over the edge without even touching his big cock! I loved feeling his hole spasm on my tongue and was just in heaven yet again.

They untied one of my arms and fell back onto the bed, exhausted. Jason ordered me to untie myself and clean up his load off the floor. There was a lot of it and I was tired and sore so it took a while but god it was hot seeing those two gods relaxed on the bed together. "You like being the bar bitch. boy?" Jason asked me. I moved as quickly as I could to my knees, looking up at these two gods, and barked YES SIR! "Guess we should mark our territory and then send this fag out to grab us some food," Jason said, grinning at Carl. Since there was a drain on the floor, they left me where I was and stood up, towering over me, and let loose huge loads of piss. I drank as much as I could but it just drowned me really. They were crossing streams, having fun, aiming at my face and laughing at me, kneeling there with my tongue out. I could feel the hot piss streaming down my body, over my aching hard cock, and hear it filling the drain.

Their big dicks were chubbed up now and I thought I might get more abuse - which I did, just not in the way I expected. "Get dressed, faggot" Jason ordered. "Sir, shouldn't I shower?" I asked, clearly reeking of their piss. "Haha no faggot - you get to go out in public with our scent all over you, so everyone knows what a bitch you are. Now go get us some food, bar bitch!"

Next: Chapter 2

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