Becoming Sirs Fag

By Mat W

Published on Apr 24, 2023


This is a very heightened version of a real-life experience from pre-COVID days. The names have been changed to protect the kinky!

Always keen to hear from readers - there are three more parts to this story already written which will follow, but I hope to extend and publish, but am not 100% sure where it ought to go, so ideas are welcome.

Drop me a line and let me know what you thought of this -

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Part 7 - family ties

fag could not believe how low it had fallen. it worshipped and adored its Master and wanted to do everything to please Him, but now its life was completely changed. At work, it was the slave of its own assistant, Stevie, now Sir Stevie to the fag. the fag had to do all its own work and most of the work that its assistant used to do as well. Most days, Sir Stevie would come to the fag's office and have the fag suck Him off and swallow His seed. Every day, without fail, the fag drank Sir Stevie's piss. Sometimes this would be hot straight from the tap, the fag's mouth wrapped around Sir Stevie's cock as he used His personal urinal. But often, the fag would come back from a meeting and find its water bottle on its desk filled with cold and stale piss. Many evenings after work, Sir Stevie would bend the fag over its desk and fuck it hard and long, emptying the condom into the fag's mouth and sending it away with the taste of a Man in its throat. The fag found this so degrading, particularly as Sir Stevie was younger and camper than the fag and not the sort of guy that the fag would have looked at twice when it thought it had some control of its own life.

Outside work, the fag was, of course, still serving Master Daniel. Master Daniel owned the fag body and soul now. The fag paid most of its wages in fagtax to its owner. the fag knew that its place was to make Master Daniel's life easier and more enjoyable. Master Daniel never told the fag how He spent the fag's taxes, but the fag knew that Master Daniel now had a better life because of the tax that the fag paid weekly. The fag struggled at first with this, it had never thought about handing over money in this way, but now it was grateful to Master Daniel for allowing it to pay its fagtax. The fag was kept busy by Master Daniel, it worked at His flat every weekend now, cleaning, skivvying, performing urinal service, waiting on Master's every desire. Master Daniel also had a harsh training routine in place for the fag. It was now getting the best body it had ever had. Master Daniel didn't want a muscle-bound oaf, but the fag's natural slimness meant that it now had very little body fat and it was lean and toned.

But the new thing in the fag's life was its new service to its own cousin. The fag had run into its cousin on the train home after a training session with its personal trainer. The fag had, as always, been in its proper uniform, and Andrew had been surprised and disgusted to see the fag in shorts and barefoot in public. fag didn't know who to respond when it was asked why it was dressed like this and told Andrew that it had lost a bet at work. Andrew laughed and, much to the fag's relief, got off at the next stop.

But the fag knew that it could not keep things from its Master. The following evening, Master Daniel had the fag strung up on a cupboard door in His flat. The fag was, as it was now trained to do, humping the edge of the door, desperately trying to despunk. Master DAniel was asking it about work and Sir Stevie as the fag thrust its hips and ground its fag dick against the door - its only sexual companion now. fag was on heat, and blurted out to Master Daniel about seeing Andrew on the train.

Master Daniel was not amused in the least that the fag had lied and not informed Andrew about its true status. Master Daniel told the fag to carry on humping the door, and took the fag's phone out of the pocket of its uniform. Master Daniel, of course, had the passcode to unlock the fag's phone. He opened the fag's contacts and scrolled through them until he found Andrew's number. Going to the camera app, He took a picture of the fag hooked onto the cupboard door.

"Please, Master Daniel, Sir, please no!" fag begged through its gag as Master Daniel snapped the fag's predicament - naked, gagged, collared, harsh clamps on its nipples, a plug up its hole and its hard fag dick grinding against the door.

Master Daniel opened Whatsapp, and started a chat with Andrew. As He typed, He dictated aloud so that the fag knew what was going on. As Andrew replied, master Daniel read these out to the fag.

"Hi Andrew"

"Hi Joe, what's up?"

"Andrew, Joe lied to you when he saw you the other day"

"What do you mean? Who is this? Joe, stop mucking about!"

"I'm not mucking about, Andrew"


"Joe is very sorry for having lied to you and will be punished for it, don't worry"

"Joe, what are you fucking playing at, mate? This is weird"

"Andrew, I am sorry to have to tell you that Joe has a secret. Joe is a pathetic faggot and I am its Master."

And Master Daniel attached the picture to the message.

The ticks went blue but there was no response for several minutes. the fag was sobbing through its gag, but it was still obediently humping the door - its fag dick had not subsided despite this degradation.

Finally, a message arrived.

"You're sick"

"No, Andrew, the fag has just accepted its true self."

"Well, then, he's sick"

"No, Andrew, it has never been so well."

"I don't believe this!"

"Well, come on over here and see it with your own eyes if you like. the fag will be here waiting for you"

With that, Master Daniel added His address to the message and clicked off the fag's phone.

"Well, fag, let's see what happens" Master Daniel said, picking up the strap and laying into the fag's back.

Master Daniel had taken the fag down from the door, leaving it with its fag dick still hard and twitching. the fag was ordered to bring Master Daniel a glass of wine and then to take up the boy position in front of the sofa. This most humbling of positions involved the fag kneeling with its knees apart and its feet touching. it then had to rest its forehead on the floor, push its chest down and its arse up, its hand rested either side of its head. Master Daniel sat down on the sofa, rested His feet on the fag's back and switched on the TV news.

The fag could not settle, although it knew better than to fidget. its fag dick was still hard and twitching from its unsatisfying efforts to despunk against the door. its mind was in a whirl, a picture of it in a most humiliating situation had been sent to its relative, and Master had invited that relative to come over and see the fag for himself.

About 45 minutes after Master Daniel had settled Himself down to watch TV, the door buzzer went. The fag let out a quiet moan of desperation,

"Be quiet, faggot" Master Daniel said, getting up and heading towards the door.

"Hello?" he said into the entryphone. fag couldn't hear the response, but the next thing it heard was,

"Of course, come on up."

Despite its best endeavours, the tears came into fag's eyes. It knew its place, it knew that it existed to serve Master Daniel and to suffer at His pleasure, but its fall was getting steeper and steeper.

Master Daniel stood at the door of His flat, looking out into the hallway. The lift door opened and a handsome young man stepped out. Tall, probably 6' 4", slender, with messy dark hair and green eyes. Dressed casually, with dark jeans, trainers and a long wool coat. Andrew spotted Master Daniel standing at His door and walked up to Him,

"Um, I wasn't sure whether to come or not"

"You did the right thing," Master Daniel said, holding His hand out for Andrew to shake, "I'm Daniel, Joe's Master. Do come in."

Andrew shook Master Daniel's hand automatically. He really wasn't sure why he was there. The picture that he had been sent was disgusting, his cousin naked and in pain. But he wanted to see it for himself.

Andrew followed Master Daniel into the flat. Master Daniel took his coat and hung it on the back of the chair on which the fag's uniform was folded. Andrew noticed that, remembering what Joe had been wearing when he saw him on the train. Master Daniel led Andrew into the living room, where the fag was still in boy position in front of the sofa, where Master Daniel had left it. its back was shaking slightly as it tried to control its sobs.

Andrew could not believe his eyes. Firstly, he'd not seen his cousin naked since they were small, so that was a bit of a shock, although the picture had prepared him somewhat. Secondly, he was surprised at how good a body Joe had - Andrew remembered Joe as a bit of a lazy slob, never hugely fat, but always a bit podgy. Now Joe was slim and toned. But of course, the thing which shocked Andrew the most was seeing his cousin's most intimate parts. One of the benefits of the boy position is that a fag cannot hide its hole from anyone whilst in it. Andrew couldn't help but look at the round black rubber which protruded from his cousin's anus. Master Daniel noticed Andrew looking at this,

"It's always best to keep a fag's cunt plugged, I find, Andrew," He said, conversationally, "It means that they are always ready to be fucked and it helps remind them of their proper place in the world."

Andrew stared at Him, dumbstruck,

"Now, Andrew, would you like something to drink?"

"Er, yeah, thanks, have you got a beer?"

"Certainly. Faggot, get our guest a beer."

The fag pushed itself up from its position on the floor. Andrew stared even more as he saw the ring gag forcing the fag's mouth wide open and the trail of drool that the fag wiped away as it stood up. Andrew also noticed the wide leather collar around the fag's neck and the clamps attached to its nipples, weighted down by a heavy chain which swung slightly as the fag walked from the living area into the kitchen.

"Fag, did I say you could walk?"

"No, Master Daniel, Sir, sorry, Sir" the fag mumbled through its gag as it got back onto its hands and knees and crawled the rest of the way. As it did so, the chain attached to the clamps swung all the more.

Master Daniel gestured for Andrew to sit on the sofa, whilst He sat down in the armchair beside it. The fag crawled back to the living area, doing its best not to spill the beer that it was bringing for its cousin. Tears in its eyes again, it placed the beer on the table beside the sofa and resumed its position on the floor in front of its Master. Master Daniel resettled Himself with His feet on the fag's back.

"So, Andrew, what do you think?"

And so, after that night, the fag found itself serving its cousin as well as Master Daniel and Sir Stevie. Monday evenings were devoted to serving Andrew. The fag would report to Andrew's flat after its workout, under strict instructions that it was not to shower after the exercise. When it arrived at Andrew's flat it would strip as it had been trained, kneel and kiss his cousin's feet and then be taken into the bathroom where Andrew would supervise the fag taking a cold shower. Handing the fag a piece of rough towelling to dry itself off, Andrew would watch as the fag shivered and cowered before him.

fag stepped out of the shower, shivering from the cold water - despite having only been allowed cold showers for several months now, it had never got used to them. It handed the rough towel back to its cousin Andrew.

Putting its hands on its head, it moved around as ordered as Andrew locked its fag collar around its neck, inserted the ring gag into its mouth, attached those harsh clamps to its nipples and, finally, bent it over the bath to insert the plug into the fag's cunt.

"Right, faggot, you can start with this bathroom, it needs a proper clean. When you think you've done it, you can wait in boy position in the hallway. Make sure you do it properly, I don't want any marks on the screen, I want the mirror sparkling clean and the floor scrubbed. I will be inspecting it when you're done."

And with that, Andrew shut the door on the fag and went off to leave it to get on with its work.

The fag was used to labour now, and it set to without a thought. It would be true to say that the fag felt content and at ease when it was working for one of its handlers, although it still found it difficult serving its cousin. The fag couldn't get its head round the fact that Andrew was so clearly heterosexual - he had a girlfriend and also shagged other women when he was horny. Yet he used the fag's holes with the same freedom as both Master Daniel and Sir Stevie. The fag had not seen Andrew's cock hard before, and the contrast between him and the fag was marked. Andrew had a thick bush of dark hair above his cock, the fag's dick was shaved smooth. The fag had got used to Andrew's pubes tickling his nose as it swallowed his cock, and the feel of Andrew's bush against his red and sore buttocks was something the fag was getting used to as well. Master Daniel and Sir Stevie both trimmed their pubes - they had hair there unlike the fag, but it was `manscaped' and short, Andrew's was thick and wild.

The fag thought about this as it worked on Andrew's bathroom. As a young straight guy, Andrew didn't bother cleaning up after himself much and the bathroom was filthy.

The fag was on its knees cleaning under the toilet when the door opened. Andrew came in and clicked his fingers. The fag knew what to do, although its heart sank. It knelt on its haunches, hands on its head. Andrew lowered the lounge pants he wore around the flat, stuck his behind in the fag's face, and let out a loud fart. This was something that Andrew seemed to find particularly amusing, and which the fag found degrading and disgusting. its nose was pressed against Andrew's backside as the gas erupted, filling the fag's nose and throat. Andrew laughed as he saw the look of disgust on the fag's face,

"Thank You, Sir" the fag mumbled,

"My pleasure, faggot!" Andrew chuckled, "Back to work."

When the fag felt that it had finished cleaning, it opened the door and crawled into the hallway and took up boy position there. It waited there until Andrew decided to inspect its work. Eventually, its cousin came out of its living room and went into the bathroom.

"Faggot," he called "Get in here."

Andrew was standing looking at the toilet. He pointed to the underside of the toilet seat,

"What is that, faggot?"

The fag was bereft, it had left a mark on the toilet seat, it had simply missed it.

"Dirt, Sir" the fag mumbled.

Andrew pointed to the corner of the room,

"And that?"

There were a few small hair right in the corner by the shower.

"Hairs, Sir" the fag mumbled, sorrily.

"Attention to detail, faggot," Andrew said, cuffing the fag around the head. He reached around the fag's head, and undid the fag's gag and took it out. The fag rotated its jaw gratefully, pleased that the obstruction had been removed.

"You can lick the toilet and floor clean for your pathetic failure, faggot"

The fag looked up at Andrew in disbelief, but it knew better than to argue - Andrew was entirely capable of dishing out a severe caning to the fag's buttocks if it made a fuss. Swallowing heavily, the fag crawled to the toilet and stuck out its tongue.

It wasn't as bad as the fag had feared it would be - the toilet had been recently cleaned, but it felt so low and disgusting as it ran it tongue over the rim of the toilet, and then onto the underside of the seat. It lapped hard at the mark it had missed, making sure that it got all of it off the seat. It took its time to make sure that the toilet was properly clean, before kneeling up with its hands on its head. Andrew had watched the fag as it willingly degraded itself,

"Better, faggot. But for your sloppiness, next week you will only use your tongue to clean my toilet. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir, thank You, Sir"

"OK, now the floor, faggot"

And the fag got down on its hands and knees, face on the floor and began licking the floor clean. It knew that this was more for show than for cleanliness and that Andrew was reminding it of its proper place. And it was working. Starting in the corner where the offending hairs were, the fag began lapping at the bathroom floor. It licked up those hairs and had no choice but to swallow them - they stuck at the back of its throat and it found it hard to get them down, but eventually it succeeded. And then it worked its way across the floor - thanking its lucky stars that Andrew only had a small bathroom. It didn't take all that long for the fag to have licked and lapped at every inch of that floor, and it had a disgusting taste in its very dry mouth. Andrew noticed this as he said,

"I am sure you need a drink, fag"

Without hesitation the fag knew what to do. It pulled Andrew's lounge pants down at the front, wrapped its mouth around Andrew's cock and then gulped down the hot and strong piss that poured forth. Andrew always seemed to have the stronger piss of any of its handlers, and the fag had to try very hard not to gag on it as it swallowed.

"Well done, fag," Andrew said, tucking himself away, "Now you can get on with the washing up."

Next: Chapter 8

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