Becoming Sirs Fag

By Mat W

Published on Apr 18, 2023


This is a very heightened version of a real-life experience from pre-COVID days. The names have been changed to protect the kinky!

Always keen to hear from readers - there are four more parts to this story already written which will follow, but I hope to extend and publish, but am not 100% sure where it ought to go, so ideas are welcome.

Drop me a line and let me know what you thought of this -

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Part 5 - public use

Master Daniel had decided that it was time for his fag to be exposed to more Men. One Thursday, the fag was ordered to meet Master Daniel at 7.30pm at Waterloo station in its uniform. The fag no longer felt self-conscious in its uniform, but it had not been out on its own in the evening in just its shorts and shirt, and it felt somewhat nervous about being barefoot in such a public place. But it was conditioned to obey. It shaved its body thoroughly when it got in from work, and douched until the water ran clear in case Master Daniel or another Man wished to use its hole. After carefully ironing the shorts and shirt, the fag put on its cheap boy briefs and the rest of its uniform. Buttoning the shirt up to the neck, it put its oyster card into its pocket and its phone and keys into the fanny pack that it was allowed to where, and left its flat.

The fag got quite a few looks as it walked to the bus stop - it was still daylight and people were heading home from work. A good looking, in shape young guy walking the streets with bare feet and in such an obvious uniform is bound to get looks, but the fag tried to ignore them. The fag got on the bus to Waterloo, and stood up as it had been trained - even though there were seats available, the fag knew that it was not its place to sit in the presence of its betters. The bus wasn't that busy, but the fag did start to feel more self-conscious as some teenagers got on and were clearly talking about it and its uniform. Eventually, the bus pulled up at Waterloo, and the fag joined the group of people getting off.

The station was busy. Master Daniel had said that He would meet the fag outside the WH Smith outlet on the main concourse, so the fag walked across the cool marble floor and stood quietly outside the shop, hands behind its back, bare feet apart, head bowed. After a while, it heard a voice beside it,

"Well done, fag."

The fag looked up, and Master Daniel was standing alongside it, still in His work suit. He handed the fag His work bag, turned away and simply said,

"Heel, fag" and walked off across the station.

The fag quickly caught up with Him, and marched alongside Master Daniel. They left the station and headed for the South Bank - walking along among the people who were making the most of the evening sunshine. Now the fag definitely felt exposed. Everyone they passed was either still in work clothes, or dressed for the sun. Master Daniel fitted in, with his figure hugging smart suit, but the fag looked so odd, especially when people saw it had bare feet. The fag could feel its face getting red as they walked along.

Eventually, Master Daniel turned off the Thames path, and headed towards Vauxhall. The fag guessed where it was being taken - it was the third Thursday of the month so it was SM Gays discovery night at the Hoist - the fag was going to be put through its paces in the club by its Master.

Master Daniel led the way into the club. The fag was ordered to strip and sent to the corner of the room where other Men and subs were changing. The fag stood there, completely naked, whilst Master Daniel checked its uniform into the coat check. Master Daniel returned and handed the fag a pair of sandals, and buckled His collar around the fag's neck. Clipping a leash to the front of the collar, Master Daniel led his fag into the main club.

Once in the club, Master Daniel went over and spoke to a number of other Men - the fag knelt beside His Master meekly, awaiting orders. Whilst trying to keep its head bowed, the fag couldn't help taking a look around the bar in which it was kneeling naked. Most of the Men were standing around chatting and nursing drinks. A number of other slaves and fags were in various states of undress, collared and uncollared.

After a while, Master Daniel pulled on the fag's lead, and led it over to an alcove in which there was a chair. Sitting down, Master Daniel put the fag across His knee and began laying into its behind. He used His hand and a hairbrush on the fag's unprotected butt, whilst it squirmed and struggled over His knee. Despite trying to obey, the fag's right hand flailed back to try and protect its butt, but Master Daniel grabbed it and held it in the small of the fag's back as He carried on, mercilessly, with the spanking.

After some time, the assault on the fag's behind came to an end. Master Daniel kept the fag over His lap, stroking His property and looking up at the small crowd that had gathered to witness the fag's humiliation.

'I'm going to get myself a drink,' Master Daniel said, 'You will stay here, I don't want to be bothered with a fag for a bit.. I may be sometime. If any other Man wants to spank you then you must let them. To save your behind a bit, though, you will tell them that they may not use a cane, belt or tawse on your behind and that they may only apply twenty strokes to your behind, or thirty if they use only their hand. Is that understood, fag?'

'Yes, Master Daniel, Sir,' the fag replied.

Master Daniel let the fag up and slapped its hard penis as He walked out of the alcove and across to the bar. The fag was completely naked, it couldn't get its clothes back until Master Daniel returned and it realised it was the only totally naked fag in the room. If anything, its penis got harder at the thought.

Hardly had Master Daniel left before the first Man decided to spank the fag. He was in his fifties and very overweight, but the fag had no choice. The Man took His time, fondling the fag's hard penis as He bent it over and began paddling its behind. After His 20 strokes, a younger Man decided to spank the fag. He led the fag into another alcove, where another young guy was laying with his trousers and pants round his ankles across the knee of a much older guy. The Man who had taken the fag asked the older Man if He could borrow a paddle from him. He then arranged the fag against the wall, straddled over the young guy's head so that, if he raised his head, the fag's balls rested on it. The Man took His time dealing out the twenty strokes with the paddle and by the time he had laid on the twentieth, and hardest, stroke, the fag was gasping and close to tears. He patted my flaming butt and left me there, as the young lad below me began sobbing quietly with the intensity of his spanking.

Having watched the lad's beating finished with ten very hard strokes of the paddle which got the tears streaming from his eyes, the fag was approached by a huge Man (not fat, but very muscular) who told me the fag that He wanted to cane its butt. The fag told Him that Master Daniel had said it was not to be caned, so He said that He would use His hand instead. He led the fag into the centre of the room, where a large crowd was gathered around an older guy getting a caning. He put the fag across His knee and told it to count as He spanked. It was a while before the first stroke landed.

'One, sir,' the fag gasped,

'Two, sir,' this one was even harder. The strokes carried on coming, slowly, deliberately, and each one harder than the last. The fag had tears were coming into its eyes. Its hand was pinned in the small of its back, it was completely naked, helpless, and this guy was spanking it to tears. The fag was certainly glad when stroke thirty came, even though the tears were rolling down its face by the time it did. It looked up and saw Master Daniel standing there, looking at it. . The big guy let the fag up, and Master Daniel took control again.

`I need to piss, fag' He said, pulling on the leash.

He strode across the club, with His fag stumbling along behind Him. He didn't even go into the toilet, just to the corridor outside it. Pushing the fag to its knees, Master Daniel snapped his fingers and the fag unzipped His flies and, carefully, took out his Master's penis. As it did so, two Men came out of the club and greeted Master Daniel. As if there was nothing odd about it at all, Master Daniel began a conversation with the Men as the fag took His penis into its mouth.

"Oh," Master Daniel said, "Take no notice of my fag, I just needed a piss - you can use it as well, if you need to."

And he let his stream flow. Despite the beer He had drunk, the piss was fairly strong, but the fag swallowed it all down, not wanting to embarrass its Master in front of these other Men. When the flow had dried up, the fag carefully put Master Daniel's penis back in his trousers, and thanked Him for allowing it to drink His piss.

`I could do with a piss too," one of the other Men said.

`Get to it, fag' Master Daniel ordered.

Straight after its last drink of pungent urine, the fag found itself undoing a stranger's flies, taking out His penis and drinking down His piss. The stranger's piss was much stronger than Master Daniel's, but the fag managed to swallow it all without gagging. As with its Master, the fag thanked the man for allowing to drink His piss.

The fag knelt beside Master Daniel whilst He chatted, before being led back into the club proper. When they were back in the bar, Master Daniel said,

'One more session over my knee, and I think you might be allowed a break. Get over!'

The fag lay gingerly across His knee, its bright red, flaming butt sore and throbbing, its penis hard and also throbbing, feeling hugely exposed in its nakedness in front of all these Men. Master Daniel spread the fag's cheeks and started spanking it on its crack and hole, an area which, hitherto, had escaped notice. He laid it on hard, occasionally varying things by giving the fag a really hard spank full on its buttcheek. It was soon squirming, grunting and begging for Him to stop. Soon the fag was again crying real tears as the assault continued. Suddenly, it stopped.

'Get up,' Master Daniel instructed, 'Over to the wall and lean on it with your left arm. I want you to masturbate whilst I paddle your behind, the quicker you despunk, the quicker the paddling stops.'

Naked, hard, butt flaming, wanking in front of a crowd of guys as its butt was paddled mercilessly the fag was completely exposed and humiliated. It hadn't stroked its own penis since Master Daniel took control of it, but it began stroking its hard penis as the blows began raining down on its tortured behind. The paddle strokes made it hard to keep up a rhythm as the fag stroked and it took at least forty strokes before it was close to despunking. The fag was sobbing with the paddling when, suddenly, cum erupted from its penis and went all down the wall. Master Daniel gave it two more really hard strokes of the paddle.

'You dirty little fag,' He said, 'Get that cleaned up!'

'Sir?' It queried through its tears.

'You heard me, lick up that cum from the wall!'

The fag had never felt so low - a good looking young guy, naked, penis dripping with cum, behind bright red and sore, tears drying on its face, on its knees licking up its own mess off a playroom wall.

Next: Chapter 6

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