Becoming Sirs Fag

By Mat W

Published on Oct 8, 2015


You may be wondering if this story is true. Sadly, it is not! the background to it is this - i pretended to be a Man for a long time, but recently accepted that i am a fag. i am under the control of a harsh Master, and He has ordered me to write this to keep me occupied when i am not at work.

I hope you enjoy it - there are 4 parts ready to go so far, but Sir has me writing 1000 words a day, so there will be more. If you like it, or have ideas, do let me know -

Without another word, Master Daniel picked up the cane that He had instructed the fag to purchase some weeks before, and which the fag had become used to feeling against his flesh. Master Daniel swished the cane through the air a couple of times, and then patted it against the fag's upturned buttocks. The next thing the fag felt was the pain as the cane was brought down with full force onto his unprotected bottom. He yelped - when Master Daniel punished the fag at His flat, the fag was always gagged, but Master Daniel didn't care what the fag's neighbours thought about it, so no gag was necessary. Time and again, Master Daniel wielded the cane expertly across the fag's buttocks. And each time, the fag yelped, gasped or whimpered. A stroke which landed right on the tender area where buttock meets thigh elicited a particularly high pitched yelp, and the fag shuddered and a tear escaped its eye and ran down its cheek. The last 6 strokes all brought the fag to tears.

When the 20 strokes to the fag's buttocks were finished, Master Daniel had the fag rearrange itself for the bastinado. Lying on its back, it rested its legs against the back of the chair, and Master Daniel used cable ties to secure the fag's ankles to the wood. The cane was then brought down smartly and harshly onto each sole in turn, again causing the fag to gasp and yelp. The fag was given no let up, and the tears were now running down its face as it suffered for its shortcomings.

Once the bastinado was completed, the fag was untied and allowed to stand. Throughout the punishment, Master Daniel had not spoken. The fag knew that it had to obey and nothing else - its pain was irrelevant to Him, it was the proper response for a Man to give to a fag that had fallen short of His expectations and the fag was grateful to its Master for taking the time and trouble to correct it.

The fag put its hands out, one on top of the other. Master Daniel administered five strokes to the uppermost palm with His cane, making the fag shake and whimper, and try so hard not to move its hands away and sooth them under its armpits like a naughty child. Without having to be told, it swapped the hands' positions, and received 5 more cane strokes to the other palm. Once Master Daniel had finished administering the punishment, the fag put its hands on top of its head and awaited further orders. It was about to receive the punishment it hated most, a mouth-soaping. It had had this three or four times before, always for lying or talking back to Master Daniel.

"Go and get the soap into soak and get a flannel and towel ready, fag," Master Daniel instructed, "And then get into the corner until I am ready for you."

The fag scuttled off to the kitchen, opened a new bar of cheap soap from the poundshop and filled a bowl with warm water. It dropped the soap into the water, picked up the towel and flannel from the side and took the equipment into the living room. Putting it on the coffee table in front of where Master Daniel was sitting, drinking wine and checking his phone, the fag then went to the corner of the room where the TV used to live. Now cleared, it was the ideal place for the fag to take up boy position, its caned buttocks and soles on full view for Master Daniel.

From its position in the corner, the fag heard Master Daniel walking around the flat once or twice - the fag guessed that He was refilling His wine glass - before He called it over to Him. The fag knelt before Master Daniel, and opened its mouth.

"I shouldn't keep having to do this, fag," Master Daniel chided, "But if you will keep lying and talking back, you will have to keep being reminded what your mouth is for."

"Yes, Master Daniel, Sir."

"Get your mouth open, fag."

The fag opened its mouth wide, and Master Daniel took the soap, now soft and slimy, out of the water, and rubbed it onto the flannel, working up a good thick lather. The flannel was thrust into the fag's mouth, working its way into every crevice, making sure that the fag's tongue was well covered with the disgusting suds. As the fag spluttered and gagged, Master Daniel took the bar of soap and worked it in and out of the fag's mouth, making sure that soap was well worked into the fag's teeth. When He was satisfied that the fag was full of suds, He pushed the bar deep into the fag's mouth and ordered it to bite down hard. The fag obeyed, gagging at the foul taste and feeling the cheap soap burning his tongue. But throughout the ordeal, the fag had kept its hands obediently on top of its head. It was definitely feeling sorry for its poor behaviour and poor quality work. Its buttocks, soles and palms burned from the lash of the cane. Its mouth was full of soap and all it could taste was the rough tang of the suds and the little bits of soap which broke over and which it swallowed from time to time. It's hole was feeling weird not to have the plug thrust into it, and his nipples were aching from the clamps which were biting into them. And all this with no endorphins running through its body from being sexually aroused - the despunking had meant that this was pure punishment - even if the fag had been turned on by the treatment it had just received, it would not be because its arousal had been dealt with when it humped the floor in front of Master Daniel. The fag was sent back to the corner, this time given a 50p piece to hold against the wall with its nose whilst it knelt erect, punished soles and buttocks on show again. The fag knew that it would receive another 12 strokes of the cane if the coin were allowed to drop, but keeping the coin against the wall meant that it could hardly move at all, and the soap burning its mouth made that hard. The fag's penis was completely soft, hanging sorrily over its spent balls, no thought of arousal in its head. All it could think about was the pain that it was suffering throughout its body. But it also meditated on what it needed to do to make Master Daniel happier with it. All that the fag thought about now was how to please Master Daniel and make His life easier.

After what felt like an age, Master Daniel ordered the fag out of the corner and over to the sofa. Taking the soap out of the fag's mouth, the fag knew what was coming next.

"I need a piss, fag."

The fag took its sore hands from its head, unzipped Master Daniel's jeans, and carefully took out His Master's cock. Leaning down, the fag took the cock in its mouth, and closed its lips. All too soon, the taste of the piss in its mouth was mingled with the sharp taste of Master Daniel's piss, which the fag swallowed as it came, drinking down piss directly from the tap, washing the suds down its throat. As Master Daniel pissed in His personal urinal, He began to become erect. By the time He had worked out the last few drops of piss from His cock, He was fully erect, and filling the fag's mouth. Taking hold of the fag's head, Master Daniel fucked the fag's face hard, making it gag and splutter as the soapy suds made a warm, soft hole for Master Daniel to fuck. There was no let up in the speed or force of the face fucking that the fag received, until Master Daniel tensed and His cock stiffened all the more and salty cum shot out to mix with the piss and soap already filling the fag's world.

Master Daniel withdrew from the fag's mouth, and squeezed out the last of His cum onto the fag's hair, wiping His cock in the fag's hair. He reached down, and removed the clamps from the fag's nipples, making the fag gasp and cry as the blood returned to the tortured flesh.

"Bedtime, fag," He said, putting His cock away and zipping his fly, "No need to brush your teeth, they should be good and clean now. Don't wash your mouth out until the morning, clear?"

"Yes, Master Daniel, Sir," the fag replied - its hair streaked with His Master's cum and the tear tracks fresh on its face.

It led Master Daniel into its bedroom, got down on the floor and covered itself with its blanket. Master Daniel turned out the light, and the fag heard Him leaving the flat as it lay there, sore and used.

Next: Chapter 5

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