Becoming Sirs Fag

By Mat W

Published on Sep 21, 2015


Becoming Sir's fag - part three

You may be wondering if this story is true. Sadly, it is not! the background to it is this - i pretended to be a Man for a long time, but recently accepted that i am a fag. i am under the control of a harsh Master, and He has ordered me to write this to keep me occupied when i am not at work.

I hope you enjoy it - there are 4 parts ready to go so far, but Sir has me writing 1000 words a day, so there will be more. If you like it, or have ideas, do let me know -

The fag was kneeling in the corner of Master Daniel's flat in boy position - on its knees, forehead on the floor, hands on either side of its head with it palms on the floor; the fag's knees were spread wide apart, but its big toes were touching; the fag's chest was pushed down towards the carpet, while its bottom was pushed up and out. The fag's bottom was bright red and showed the unmistakable marks of a dozen strokes of the cane. The fag was naked except for its black leather collar, a ring gag holding its mouth open, its hole stretched by the plug inside it and its nipples being stretched by the clamps attached to them, a weight on the chain of which pulled them further down.

Master Daniel, on the other hand, was sitting at His dining table, enjoying the cooked breakfast that his fag had just made for him. The smell was getting into the fag's head - its breakfast had been plain, unsweetened porridge, made not with water but with Master Daniel's first piss of the day - strong, dark and pungent. The fag had eaten this from its bowl on the floor whilst Master Daniel filmed it for the `archive' - a growing record of the training of the fag formerly known as Joe.

This was the second weekend that the fag had spent at Master Daniel's house. The fag had arrived on Friday night straight from work. Despite having a fairly responsible job, the fag was now used to heading into the disabled toilet on the ground floor of the building when he was done for the day, and changing into the uniform that Master Daniel had chosen for him. The fag had had to do some sewing to get it to Master Daniel's requirements - the dark blue chino shorts had had their inside leg measurement reduced to only four inches. These, along with the cheap, plain briefs that the fag had bought when it first came under Master Daniel's control and a smart, white, short-sleeved shirt, were the fag's uniform when it travelled to and from work, and when it reported to Master Daniel. It was not allowed to wear anything on its feet when in uniform. At first, the fag had been very self-conscious of the looks it got on the tube and the bus and just walking along the street, but now it had got used to it, and tried to walk with pride at being Master Daniel's fag. It had taken the fag a while to get used to that name, it seemed so inappropriate and unpleasant, but it now swelled a bit when its Master called it by its proper name.

It spent most of its time naked - when it was in its own flat, it stripped as soon as it walked through the door and only put its uniform back on as it left for work the following day. Master Daniel was controlling every aspect of the fag's life. Except when the fag was in Master Daniel's company, curfew was 9pm, only with express prior permission was the fag allowed to be away from home after that time. Bedtime was 10:30pm. Well, it wasn't really bedtime any more, as Master Daniel had pointed out to the fag that fags don't sleep in beds, they sleep on the floor, so the fag had now become used to lying on the floor beside what used to be its bed. The wooden floor was hard against its naked skin, and the rough woolen blanket that covered it was slightly scratchy, but the fag was used to it now, and would have felt weird to sleep on a mattress with covers and a duvet. When the fag was honoured to be allowed to sleep at Master Daniel's flat, it slept beside Master Daniel's bed with the same rough blanket, so that if Master Daniel needed a piss in the night, His urinal would be close at hand. When the fag was in its own flat, it was expected to get up at 6am. It was then required to spend 15 minutes in boy position in the middle of its living room, reflecting on its place as a fag, before going for its morning 3 mile run. On returning to its flat, it did its daily PE - 50 crunches, 50 pressups and 50 squats, before being allowed its breakfast and then heading to work.

The fag was a fully trained urinal now. It had taken a while for it to learn how to take a Man's cock into its mouth, softly close its lips around it and then swallow the piss which poured forth, but after a number of canings for poor service, the fag was now adept at making sure that none of Master Daniel's piss was spilt. The fag could now be used as a urinal wherever and whenever Master Daniel needed it. The fag was used to the taste of piss - it used its own in its porridge each morning at home, it often had a bottle of Master Daniel's piss to use to hydrate at the gym and, of course, it drank all Master Daniel's piss when in His presence. Once, to the fag's embarrassment, this had included in a gay bar where the fag had met Master Daniel after work. Master Daniel was with a group of his friends when the fag arrived. Master Daniel handed the fag a full pint glass, which surprised the fag at first, until it raised it to its lips and realised that it was not lager, but piss. This was one of the few occasions when the fag did not attend on Master Daniel in uniform - it pleased Master Daniel that His mates didn't realise that they had been joined by a fag, and that the fag was drinking its Master's piss in full view of everyone in the bar.

The fag had also become accustomed to the taste and smell of its Master's sweat. One evening it was at home when it received a text from Master Daniel instructing it to report to Master Daniel's flat in one hour. When the fag arrived, Master Daniel had clearly just got home from the gym, and was in his sweaty gym kit. The fag had rarely seen Master Daniel naked, it was not appropriate for a Man to be naked around a fag, but on this occasion, the fag was instructed to remove His kit, and then to use its tongue to deal with the sweat that He had worked up. The fag was put to work licking Master Daniel's sweaty pits, crotch, feet and crack. The fag was ashamed that it gagged slightly when it had to bury its face between its Master's buttocks and lick clean His sweaty and tangy hole. Since then, the fag had become very accustomed to cleaning Master Daniel's feet with its tongue and mouth, and had spent quite a few hours under the rimchair, face buried in His arse while He read or watched TV.

But mainly, the fag worked. Master Daniel had no need to lift a finger in His flat any more. The fag hoovered, dusted and cleaned the whole place. Twice a week, on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, the fag reported to Master Daniel after work. Often, no words were exchanged. The fag arrived, stripped off its uniform, fitted its collar and gag, picked up the list of chores it was to do, and set to work. Master Daniel might be watching TV, reading, catching up on his emails or chatting to his mates on the phone, but the fag just laboured about him. It was expected to work hard and to a very high standard - any lapses would be written in the fag's punishment notebook and dealt with later.And Master Daniel saw no need for labour saving devices - the hoover was only used on the carpet in the bedrooms, for instance. In the living room, kitchen and bathroom where there were hard floors, the fag used a dustpan and brush on its knees to make sure they remained spotless. Similarly, the fag did all Master Daniel's laundry by hand - why waste electricity on running a washing machine when a fag costs nothing to run at all? The washing up was saved for the fag's visits, and was the first thing it did each time it reported.The expensive dishwasher sat idle. In the kitchen and bathroom, the fag was issued with a toothbrush to clean the tiles and a small brush to scrub the floors. A separate toothbrush was issued for cleaning the toilet and the fag was required always to do the final polish of the bowl and seat with its tongue, to ensure that it was spotless. The fag did all Master Daniel's ironing, as well as polishing His shoes. If it finished its chores before Master Daniel decided to release it for the evening it either spent the rest of the evening in boy position in the corner of the living room, or kneeling beside Master Daniel's sofa holding his glass of wine or beer, or on all fours acting as Master Daniel's footstool whilst He relaxed in front of the TV. When Master Daniel was ready for bed, the fag would run Him a bath, and be dismissed to head home and to its place on the floor.

The fag was not allowed to watch TV or listen to the radio or music at home. Master Daniel had supervised the fag in selling its TV set on ebay, and the money had gone into Master Daniel's account. Master Daniel has set up monitoring software on the fag's laptop and phone. But the fag didn't have a lot of time to waste anyway - Tuesdays and Thursdays it was working at Master Daniel's flat straight from work, Monday and Wednesday it went to a circuit training class after work and rarely got back to its flat before 8, and then had to do its own cleaning in the same manner and to the same standards that Master Daniel expected for His home. Until last week, the fag's weekends had been its own to do with as it pleased, but the last two weekends had been spent at Master Daniel's flat, either doing chores or simply acting as footstool, glass holder or ornament at Master Daniel's pleasure.

And Friday evenings were punishment evenings. Either Master Daniel came to the fag's home to inspect it and to deal with any infractions the fag had racked up that week, or the fag reported to Master Daniel's flat for punishment. Three weeks ago, Master Daniel had come to the fag's flat after work. The fag buzzed Him in, left the flat door on the latch and then waited as it had been instructed, in boy position in the centre of the living room floor, collared, gagged and clamped, with its plugged hole pointed towards the entrance to the room. Master Daniel came in and, ignoring the naked fag on show on the floor, systematically inspected every part of the flat to ensure that it was properly clean and tidy. Having poured Himself a glass of red wine from the bottle on the coffee table, He sat down and checked through the fag's punishment book. After a while, He spoke for the first time,

"I guess we need to get you despunked, fag" "Yes, Master Daniel, Sir"

The fag knew what to do. Master Daniel had trained it that the only way that a fag should shoot its load (or despunk' as it was always called) was by humping the floor with its penis until it came. This was called dogcumming' and was initially intensely humiliating for the fag. Especially as Master Daniel always filmed it on His phone for the archive, and as the fag sometimes had to `confess' what it was whilst it humped away at the floor.

Moving out of its boy position, the fag lay down on the floor of its living room. Feet in the air, and hands beside its head, it began humping the floor. The clamps on its nippled moved and pulled as it ground its penis against the shiny wood. The plug in it hole shifted and pressed against its prostate, stimulating its penis into full erection. Not having been despunked for a week, it didn't take long for the churning in its balls to get to fever pitch. As it reached the point of no return, it raised itself up onto its knees in front of Master Daniel. Erect penis throbbing it looked into the lens on His phone, recording its humbling and said,

"Please, Master Daniel, Sir, may I be allowed to despunk?"

"Very well, fag," Master Daniel replied, "Get on with it."

Getting back down onto the floor, the fag pushed its erection slightly painfully back between its legs, and resumed its pathetic attempt to reach orgasm. At last it came, and the fag's balls emptied themselves onto the floor. The fag gasped and bucked as it despunked, before collapsing onto the floor, squashing the clamps onto its sensitive chest and yelping. It heard Master Daniel chuckle softly, before it pushed itself, panting, to its knees again.

"Please, Master Daniel, may i have permission to lick up my mess?"

"Yep," Master Daniel replied tersely.

And the fag moved back and began lapping at the floor, licking up the spunk it had just spilt, the taste sour and salty on its tongue as it did so, the phone camera recording all this for Master Daniel's archive. A few drops of spunk dripped from the fag's wilting penis, and it scrambled ot lick them up as well.

"Come here," Master Daniel commanded.

The fag was forbidden to touch its own penis when despunking, except to ensure that it came on the floor and not on its stomach. Master Daniel roughly squeezed the slave's penis to force out the last remnants of its load, and then proffered His fingers for the fag to lick clean.

"Thank You, Master Daniel, Sir, for allowing me to despunk."

"Right, fag, get the chair."

The fag got up and went to get one of its dining chairs, and set it up where it had previously been on display in boy position. Without further instruction, the fag bent over the chair, hands grasping the legs, bottom presented for Master Daniel to deal with. Master Daniel got up, and slowly pulled the plug out of the fag's hole. As the hole gave up its hold on the intruder, the fag gave a quiet sigh.

"You are due 8 strokes for poor cleaning of my bathroom, 6 strokes and a mouthsoaping for talking back to me last week, 12 strokes for breaking that glass on Tuesday, another 12 strokes for being 12 minutes late to report on Thursday, and a further 12 strokes because you need reminding you are a fag and not a Man. I make that 50 strokes. You will receive 20 on your buttocks, 10 on your palms and 20 on your soles."

Next: Chapter 4

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