Becoming Sirs Fag

By Mat W

Published on Sep 14, 2015


You may be wondering if this story is true. Sadly, it is not! the background to it is this - i pretended to be a Man for a long time, but recently accepted that i am a fag. i am under the control of a harsh Master, and He has ordered me to write this to keep me occupied when i am not at work.

I hope you enjoy it - there are 4 parts ready to go so far, but Sir has me writing 1000 words a day, so there will be more. If you like it, or have ideas, do let me know -

And don't forget to give what you can to keep Nifty running so you can carry on reading stories like these -

Becoming Sir's fag - part 2

Joe had been conversing with Sir for four weeks. He still had never seen Sir's face or heard Sir's voice. Sir had seen a lot of Joe, though. He had had Joe doing daily PE at home, which he performed naked and filmed for Sir, on top of his regular trips to the gym. Every day, Joe received a message at a random time instructing him to go to the disabled toilet and film himself stripping. After two weeks, Joe had been instructed to buy a collar and a butt plug, and since then Joe had inserted the plug (on camera, of course) each day as soon as he arrived at his office, and was only allowed to remove it when he was ready to leave for the day. Joe had kept his body smooth and hairless ever since the first instruction to shave. He was now used to wearing the cheap briefs that Sir had told him to buy, and to being completely naked when at home. Joe hadn't had more than one drink after work with his friends for four weeks. Sir had put Joe on reduced rations - fasting three days per week and only lean chicken or fish, boiled potatoes and green vegetables on the other days.

One Friday evening, Joe was at home, naked, plugged and collared, watching TV and eating his meagre rations when his phone pinged. It was Sir.

The time has come, boy Sir? You will be reporting here tomorrow morning at 10am Really, Sir? Yes, boy. Don't get too excited, you are going to be working hard. Of course, Sir Make sure you are properly shaved - chest, pits, pubes, hole. Yes, Sir You will report wearing smart black trousers, black shoes and socks, your briefs and a white shirt. You will be plugged. There will be nothing in your pockets except your oyster card, your house keys and your phone. Yes, Sir When you get to my building, I will buzz you up. You will find the door to my flat ajar. You will let yourself in, shut the door and undress. In the hallway you will find a chair. You will fold your clothes neatly and put them on this, with your keys, card and phone on top of them and your shoes underneath the chair. You will then stand with your nose and toes against the front door and your hands on your head. Yes, Sir You will obey me without question. As we have discussed, you will clean for me. You will do some laundry. You will prepare my lunch and any drinks I require. You will be spanked and if any of your work is not up to scratch, you will be caned. Is that clear, boy? Yes, Sir You will also begin your urinal training Please Sir, I don't know if I can do that Too bad. If you want to be my boy, you need to be able to drink my piss Yes, Sir :( Right, I will see you tomorrow - I will send you the address later.

Joe wasn't sure whether to shave that night or the following morning. In the end, he decided to make sure he was as smooth as he could be, and do it in the morning, but to iron his shirt and trousers tonight.. Sleep did not come easily that night for Joe. His willy (as he had been conditioned to think of it) was so hard and he knew that he must not masturbate. Joe had not cum since that first night when he was chatting to Sir, and his periodic erections were getting more frequent and longer lasting. At last, Joe dropped off, but it only felt like minutes that he had been asleep before the alarm went off at 7am.

Joe got up, had the plain cold porridge, cod liver oil and multivitamins which were his permitted breakfast, and had a thorough bath and shave. Sir had sent him the address, it was only about 30 minutes away on the bus with a short walk the other end. Sir had said nothing about whether Joe should wear deodorant - Joe guessed that Sir would prefer him not to, and so did not apply any. When he saw that a bus was 10 minutes away, he lubed himself up and fitted the plug into his hole. Joe then dressed, and headed out to get the bus.

Joe felt very self-conscious on the bus. His attire made him stand out among all the other passengers on the bus - it was a warm morning and most were in summer clothes, whilst Joe felt he looked like a waiter on his way home from a particularly early shift. Every time the bus got stuck in traffic, or stopped at a stop or some lights, Joe looked at his phone to make sure he wasn't going to be late. Finally, the bus pulled up at his stop and he got out. It was 9:45, and he reckoned it would take 10 minutes to walk to Sir's place. Joe didn't know that part of London, and was following the directions on his phone. It took slightly longer than 10 minutes, but finally Joe was standing outside Sir's building. This was it, there was no turning back now. Joe took a deep breath and pressed button 8 (the last button on the pad). No-one spoke, but the door buzzed and unlocked. Joe pushed it open and entered the building.

Opposite the door was a lift, the doors of which opened as soon as Joe pressed the `up' button. Again, there were 8 buttons - Joe guessed that each flat had it's own landing. He pressed button 8 and the lift doors closed and the lift ascended. All too soon, the doors opened onto a wooden-floored lobby. Opposite the lift doors, the flat door stood ajar. Joe took another deep breath and walked across to the door, pushed it open, and stepped inside.

Joe didn't really take in much about the hallway he now found himself in. He was too aware of his heart thudding in his chest and the full feeling in his arse of the plug which was stuffing his hole. Back in auto-pilot like he had been when this whole things started, he began to undress. Shoes off first, then socks - the floor felt cold beneath his bare feet. Then his shirt, which he took care to fold neatly and place on the chair which stood alone against the wall.. He took his phone, keys and oyster card out of his trouser pocket and then removed the trousers themselves. Standing in this stranger's hallway in just his underwear, Joe felt chilly, despite the warmth of the morning. He folded his trousers and put them on top of his shirt. Finally, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of his briefs and, lifting them over his now semi-erect willy, pulled them off and added them to the tiny pile of clothes on the chair. He put his socks on top, finished the pile with his other belongings, and put his shoes under the chair. Now naked, but feeling the plug all the more, he moved to the front door and took up his allotted position against it, feet spread, hands on head, nose and toes touching the wooden panels.

Joe really didn't know how long he stood there. every now and then he thought he heard noises from the rest of the flat, but he couldn't be sure. His anus twitched round the stem of the plug, and his erection wilted. He was starting to feel uncomfortable, but he didn't dare fidget - he didn't really know why, no-one would know.

Finally, he heard a door open onto the hallway. Joe knew that he mustn't turn his head. He heard footsteps behind him and then scrabbling which he guessed meant that his clothing and shoes were being taken off and form under the chair. The footsteps retreated, but came back pretty soon. At last he heard Sir's voice,

"When I tell you to do so, boy, you will kneel. You will not remove your hands from your head. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Good boy. Kneel."

Joe knelt, and felt the man's hand as first he wrapped a leather collar around Joe's neck. After a little fumbling behind Joe's head, Joe heard the click of a padlock - the collar was locked on.

"Open your mouth, boy"

Joe did so, and a gag was fitted into his mouth. The gag was a solid rubber `O', which kept his mouth open, but stopped him from being able to speak. This was buckled around his head.

"Stay there until I call you, boy"

The steps retreated down the hallway, the door shut, and Joe was, once more, left alone.

After another wait which felt like hours to Joe, the door opened again,

"Boy, get in here"

Joe struggled to his feet, trying to ignore the drol which was accumulating in his mouth because of the ring gag. He kept his hands on his head, and walked through the door into a large, open plan room, with large windows at either end. Sir was sitting in an armchair at one end. Joe got his first sight of Sir - he looked like that description on the profile - tall, athletic, shaved head, clean shaven. The only thing that the profile hadn't said was that he wore spectacles - plain black rimmed ones. The man was wearing grey sweatpants and a dark blue t-shirt, with Nike trainers and white socks. Sir looked over at Joe, and pointed to the floor in front of his chair. Joe knelt there, facing the man.

"Right, fag, you are here to work and work hard."

Joe had never been called a fag before, and he stiffened slightly.

"Is that clear, fag?"

Joe tried to answer, but the gag made it nonsense, so he nodded his head.

"Good. Before you start work, I like my fags to display a nice red bottom."

And so saying, Sir reached out, and grasped Joe's semi-erect willy at the base. He pulled Joe upright, and maneouvered him so that he was standing beside the chair. Sir patted his lap, and Joe awkwardly laid over Sir's knees. Joe had never been spanked by another man - he'd had to film a number of self-spankings with the wooden spoon for Sir, but this was different. Sir reached back and pulled his willy out so that it hung down the side of Sir's leg. And then it started. There was no warm up, and Joe was wriggling and yelping as best he could through the gag almost at once. His bottom was getting sore and hot, and Sir was bringing his hand down onto his cheeks hard. The plug shifted in Joe's hole as he squirmed, making his willy become erect. Eventually, Joe stopped struggling and just gave himself over to the pain and the sensation of the spanking. Sir seemed to have a hand made of wood, it bounced on and off Joe's unprotected buttocks seemingly unfeelingly.

As quickly as it started, the spanking stopped.

"Get up"

Joe stood before Sir, his hands back on his head, his willy at full mast despite the pain in his behind.

"Turn around"

Joe turned. Despite having been over Sir's lap so recently, Joe felt embarrassed to have to show his red bottom off to this man. Sir ran his hands over Joe's cheeks, and fiddled with the plug, making Joe's willy jump.

Sir got up, and took hold once again of the base of Joe's willy. He marched Joe across the room and through a door into a large, white bathroom.

"I want this spotless, fag. You will clean the toilet, the tiles, the bath, the sink and the floor. Take your time, don't rush, do it properly. When you think you're done, you go and stand in the corner of the room opposite my chair, nose and toes to the wall. And beware, you will be licking that toilet to prove it's cleanliness, so make sure you do it properly. Get on with it. If I need you, I'll call."

And with that, Sir propped the bathroom door open, and left Joe to start his first job as a houseboy.

Next: Chapter 3

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