Becoming Sirs Fag

By Mat W

Published on Sep 11, 2015


You may be wondering if this story is true. Sadly, it is not! the background to it is this - i pretended to be a Man for a long time, but recently accepted that i am a fag. i am under the control of a harsh Master, and He has ordered me to write this to keep me occupied when i am not at work.

I hope you enjoy it - there are 4 parts ready to go so far, but Sir has me writing 1000 words a day, so there will be more. If you like it, or have ideas, do let me know -

Joe was feeling horny. It had been a long day at work and he was trying very hard not to go out during the week, so he'd told his mates he was too tired when they'd tried to persuade to go for a drink in Soho after work. But he was still horny.

He tried to ignore it by heading to the gym and working up a sweat on the treadmill and the rowing machine, but the sight of the other guys walking naked about the changing room when he was done didn't help his mood. He checked Grindr a couple of times, but decided that he couldn't be bothered actually meeting someone, he just wanted a good long wank.

He got home to his flat, heated up the remains of last night's dinner, ignoring the washing up waiting to be done, and settled down with his laptop. Joe logged into Gaydar, hoping that one of his chat buddies might be about, but no-one he knew seemed to be online. So, he joined his usual chat rooms - London cruising, Central London cruising, West London cruising and Voyeur/Exhibitionists - put up a message saying he wanted some horny chat and then logged into tumblr to browse.

Joe had been slowly stroking his hard cock for about 20 minutes when a chat room invite popped up. The profile had very little information on it - the profile title was innocuous (CLon2781) and the details said that he was 40 years old, single gay man, hair: shaved, body type: defined, cock: large/uncut. All it said in the profile text areas was `Ask me'. The invite was similarly brief:

Normally, Joe would have ignored this. at 28, he didn't tend to go for guys over about 35, and he rarely bothered with profiles with no pics and no details but, as so often when he was horny, Joe's cock got the better of him. He accepted the invite and when the private chat opened said,

<Hi there, how r u?>

After the usual chit-chat about being horny and the like, CLon2781 said he had seen Joe in the voyeurs room and asked if he prefered to show off or to watch. Joe replied that he liked showing off.

You into CMNM?

What's that?

Clothed Male, Naked Male - where lads like you spend time naked with clothed men like me

That sounds horny!

I like lads to undress completely at the door when they visit me

Wow! What else do you like to do?

Oh, I don't think you'd be really into that, lad

well, you'll never know if you don't tell me ;)

I think it might scare you off

Joe was rock hard, but had left his cock alone as he chatted with this guy.

Go on, tell me...

OK, lad. I like to use young lads like you as my houseboy.

What does that mean?

It means that you would be kept naked at all times. You would be put across my knee and spanked until your bottom was bright red and sore. You would do all my household chores and if they were not done to my standards, you would be bent over the dining table or laid on the bed and caned hard. You would serve my needs.

Joe read this and, without touching himself his cock erupted and he covered himself in his cum. But, unlike normally, he didn't close the chat window once he had cum.


Yes, really

Do you do that with many guys?

No, it takes a special kind of lad to be willing to do that

If I were to meet up with you, what else would I have to do?

Joe didn't know why he had said that - it wasn't his cock talking anymore as that was wilting and the cum was drying on his stomach. He almost felt like he was on auto-pilot.

So you would like to meet me, would you, lad?

I dunno, I've never done anything like that

Well, for a start, you need to call me Sir when you talk to me, boy

Yes, Sir

Good boy. Do you have any pictures of yourself I can see?

Yes, Sir - I'll send them over

Joe sent CLon2781 a message with his private pictures in it - a full body shot and a close-up of his erect cock.

Not bad, boy - you have a nice body. But boys shouldn't have pubes or hair on their chests. Go and remove it and send me a pic of the results. You have Whatsapp?

Yes, Sir

The man gave Joe his number and told him to send the pics to him via whatsapp and that they would continue talking there.

Still Joe didn't really know what he was doing. He'd cum. He was talking to a stranger, yet he got up and went to the bathroom and picked up his clippers. Almost without thinking about it, he ran them over his chest, down his stomach and through the bush about his cock. He watched, detached, as the hair fell into the bath. then he lathered himself up, picked up his razor and shaved himself smooth. Despite having only exchanged a few lines of chat with this man, he was careful to make sure that he shaved properly, getting rid of all the stubble and making himself smooth and clean. He took a few pics to show he had done as he was told and uploaded them to Sir via whatsapp

well done, boy. It;s good to see you know how to do as you're told

Thank you, Sir

Well, I am busy now, boy. I will be in touch tomorrow. make sure you don't wank again until you hear from me.

And with that, he went offline. Joe's heart sank. He'd just shaved his body for a man he hardly knew, and now he was left out in the cold. Joe couldn't work out why he felt empty. He ran himself a bath, wallowed for a bit and then had a early night - there didn't seem much point in doing anything else!

The following day at work, Joe couldn't concentrate. He kept obsessively checking his phone to see if Sir had been in touch. Finally at about 3pm he got a message

where are you, boy?

At work, Sir

Go to the nearest disabled toilet. Take your phone. I want you to film yourself stripping naked. You will bend over and spread your cheeks so I can see your hole. You will then send me the video here.

Please, Sir, can I do that at home?

No, boy, you will do it now, or don't bother contacting me again

Despite never having seen his face or heard his voice, Joe knew he had to obey. He'd never felt like this before, never even jerked off to any S&M porn. But again, almost on auto-pilot, he got up from his desk, headed down the corridor and locked himself into the disabled loo. Propping his phone on the cistern, he started filming. Feeling very silly, he removed each item of clothing - jacket, tie, shirt, shoes, socks, trousers and, finally, his CK trunks. He felt silly standing there naked, he didn't know what to do with his hands, or how long he should stand there. His cock began to swell and grow. Remembering the second part of the order, Joe turned round, bent over and reached back to spread his cheeks. He told himself it was having his head pointing at the floor which was making his face go red. Finally, he let go of his buttocks, turned around and stopped the video. Feeling very dumb, but still wanting to please this man, Joe uploaded it to whatsapp, and watched as it winged its way to the stranger. He got dressed and, remembering to flush the loo in case anyone was outside, and headed back to his desk.

Joe saw that the ticks on the message had turned blue by four o'clock, but he heard nothing more from Sir until 5.30

Are you home, boy?

Not yet, Sir, just about to leave work.

Good, because you need to do something on your way home

What is that, Sir?

I don't like my boys pretending to be Men by wearing posh underwear. Boys wear simple, cheap briefs.

Really, Sir?

Really, boy. Is there an Asda near you that sells clothes?

Yes, Sir, there's one a couple of stops away from home on the bus, Sir.

Good. Asda sells plain briefs - 5 pairs for �5. Buy two packs on your way home and send me a picture of them along with the receipt as soon as you have complied.

Joe was well and truly under this guy's spell. He did exactly what he was told. He got off the bus outside Asda, went in, found the briefs, which looked as cheap and nasty as he had feared, bought them (he went to the self-checkout as he was embarrassed to have to buy them form the checkout operators) and clicked a quick pic of them and the receipt before bagging them up. He sent the pic to Sir, got back on the bus and went home.

It was just as Joe got into his flat that his phone buzzed again.

good, boy. Are you home now?

Yes, Sir

Strip, boy. From now on, you will strip as soon as you get home. Understand?

Yes, Sir

I am naked, Sir

When you obey an order from me, you send evidence, boy.

Evidence, Sir?

Yes, boy. Evidence. Boys like you are not to be trusted. From now on, as soon as you get into your home, whether from work, or the gym or whereever, you will strip naked and send me a picture of yourself. Clear?

Yes, Sir.

Joe stripped, set up his camera on timer and took a picture of himself, whic he sent off on whatsapp.

Better, boy. But Your hands need to be on your head, not by your side. Take another.

Joe set up his camera again and took a picture of himself this time with his hands on his head. that followed the last one over the ether.

Boys don't have hairy pits. Get them shaved. Now.

Joe hesitated. For the first time he didn't just spring to obey.

Sir, I don't think I want to do that.

That's a shame, boy. I don't think I want to speak to you again, then.

Please, Sir


Joe's heart sank, but he knew he didn't want this man to ignore him. He headed to the bathroom, wielded his clippers and razor like he had the night before and took pictures of both his pits, smooth and hairless. He sent the pictures to Sir.

Better. If you disobey me again, or question my orders, you will be sorry, boy.

I am sorry, Sir.

You still need to be punished. Go to your kitchen and get a wooden spoon. You will film yourself spanking yourself twenty times on each buttock with the spoon. And they'd better be properly hard, or you'll be doing them all over again. DO IT.

Yes, Sir :(

Joe had barely noticed that his cock was hard and there was a glistening drop of precum at the tip. He got the spoon and set up his phone. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to count the strokes or what, so he just got on with it. He didn't know how hard he should hit himself - the first one hurt, and he hoped it would be enough. After 10 on each cheek he was getting sore, and was having to try not to yelp. he felt silly spanking himself, and was very glad when it was over. Stopping the video, he uploaded it to Whatsapp. A few minutes later the ticks turned blue.

I guess that will do, boy. When you feel my cane, you will realise that those were merely love taps. Do as you're told in future.

Next: Chapter 2

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