Becoming Self

Published on Jul 25, 2022



The following story is a work of fiction. All names, events, locals, et al, featured in the work are entirely fictional. Any resemblance to persons alive or dead is entirely unintentional.

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I suppose I was having fun. At least, I would be if I wasn't in one of my moods ( as Leah, my girlfriend, liked to call my sudden and erratic changes in personality.). I should be having the time of my life. I really should be. But, I'm not.

I mean, at the coolest party of the summer, ( Leah and Llew knew how to throw a gosh darn good party. If you didn't get an invite then that means that you're a nobody. Let's face it. This is high school we're talking about here and everybody wants to be one of "the cool kids", even if they don't want to admitt it), with Leah Monroe ( aka 'the hottest girl in school'; nay, 'the hottest girl in the state on North Carolina') hanging off my arms, and the three time All State QB1 (aka Leah's twin brother) as a best friend. My mother has finally decided to give me the breathing space a seventeen, soon-to-be-eighteen, year old boy deserves. I've got my own car ( a midnight black '07 Pontiac Solstice that I got as a belated, hand-me-down, sweet sixteen gift from my late sperm donor of a father last month ). I've got a solid 4.4 weighted GPA ( it would have been a 4.5 but Honer's Chem realy kicked my butt.). I've got all this going for me and here I am, sitting on a log around a roaring bon fire, am ice cold Budweiser in my hand, The Presets If I Know You blasts in the background while my so-called friends "dance" around me and nearly inpregnate each other with the hypnotic moves, and all I can think about is how I have to end things with Leah and do so in a way that she thinks it was her idea.

I need to break up with her. In fact, I have to break up with her. If only so I don't feel as guilty as I do. You see, I have a secret. I love Leah. I mean, what not to love about Leonide Monroe? She's got a rack that'll put the Black Mountains to shame, pillowy lips the color of bruised cherries that just beg to be kissed and often, an 36-24-36 body compleate with porcelain skin as soft as velvet, verdant eyes that'll make an emerald jealous, a river of vermilion curls that flow down her curves like a lover's caress, and she's got a actual brain to boot. ( she's the only reason I got a B in Chem whereas she got an A+.).

Yes. I love her. I really do. Only, I'm not in love with her. No. That honor belongs to Llew. I've been in love with Llywelyn Monroe even before my mother, Doc Connie, ( as everyone at Angel Falls County Hospital like to call her even though she corrects them by says she a Nurse Practitioner) told me what the secondairy functions of my penuis was way back when i was six.

Yes. I, Alexi Marius Tyler, am in love with one Mr. Llywelyn Callum Monroe. And I am paralized by the fear of being found out; am held firm by the clammy, indifferent tendrills of that damoclesian sword that is ostracization. So, I sit in the midst this Dionysian like thiasos and pretend to be one of them. Only, I'm not and Leah recognizes this mood that I'm in.

It struck me as slightly ironic that as she made her way over to me the song that started to play was Adele's Love Yo In The Dark. It seemed to me that even the universe was telling me that the time to end this sorted thing was now. "Baby, what's wrong," Leah said to me over the beat of the music as she took my beer from my hand and took a swig.

"Nothing's wrongs," I said as I took the beer back when she handed it to me. "You want this," I said as I offered her the beer.

"Why not," Leah said as she took it back from me. As I looked into the forrest that was her eyes I could tell that she had something she wanted to talking about. I was of the mind that Melody, her bessie mate, had done something to annoy her again. ( An event that seemed to be happening on an exponintually incressing basis of late.).

"How's the party," I said for lack of anything better to say. I didn't really want to get invoulved in this lateset spat between Leah and Mels. I just wanted to remain Switzerland to this America-Germany war. Even as I thought this I knew that it was only a matter of time before I would get drawn in and have to choose Leah's side in this.

"It's fine," She said as a whistful and distant look tooking residance in the forrest of her eyes. "We need to talk," She said after a long drag from her beer. It was like she was gathering the bit of dutch curage that she need to speak her mind. The fact that she needed help speaking her mind had me had me shaking in my Vans, like a dog passing a cinnamon stick.

"What's wrong, Leonide?" I guess she figured out that I was as nervious as she was because she let out a long defeated sigh and visably relaxed. I never call her by her full name. The last time I did was when I asked her out for the first time.

Leah started to say something when All I Ask began to play. "Just listen to the song," Leah said with a far away look in her eyes.

As the song ended it dawned on me that she was looking for the words to say what I wanted to say myself. I wanted to say something, but, as I looked into her eyes, that were about the spill forth with the tears she was holding back, I knew that there was nothing that I could say. I knew what I had to do. I just pulled Leah to me and kissed her. It was one of those kisses that you give a man going off the war. It said "hang onto this memory because we may never see one another again."

Leah pushed me away. "I'm Sorry," She said as the tears she'd been holding back spilled over. "I thought I could, but, I can't," She said before she turned and ran.

After Leah ran away the only thing I wanted was a good strong and stiff drink. I just wanted to had a night where I get so frat boy wasted that I forget my own name. Sure, I know it won't solve any of my problem, but, it sure will make me feel better. ( Until, the hangover sets in, that is.). So, I made my way over to where the bar was set up and went about mixing up a drink for myself. With may drink in hand I turned to leave the bar when I smelt his coming. I knew how weird that sounds, but, it the truth. There had always been something about Llew. I could always sence whe he was nearing me. It always started with the smell.

Some people are anal. Some are oral. I'm an olfactoral person. I like the smell of things and, to me, Llew smelled like heaven, like home. He always smelled like cinnamon and nutmeg baked apples, musk, and fresh cut grass mixed with ceder campfire smoke. If that wasn't weird enough, he was the only one that I could smell. I guess, I was just attracted to the pharamones he gave off or something.

"What the hell did you do to my sister," Llew barked, snapping out of my thoughts. Now, most people would be afraid in such a situation. I mean, Llew is a 6'6" 285 lbs mass of solid muscle with a booming voice that seem like it could shatter marble, and a body that could put Andonis to shame. But, I knew if it came to a fight I could take him. ( Normally I wouldn't be so bold, but, I knew by the sligth slur in his voice that he was well on his way to being long passed three sheets to the wind. ) Besides, he didn't sounded all that upset. He was this upset the last time he acidently dropped his phone in the toilet. I looked at his face to see if his eyebrow ring was in. That was the sign that it was time to run and fast. The last time he took that ring out was fight before he kicking the crap out of Billy Endicott back in eight grade because he tried to put the moves on Leah and she wasn't feeling it one bit.( In fact, Billy might have been six feet under if Leah hadn't pulled a Pocahontas à la the Disney film and put a end to it.). "I mean, she's over by the western angel bawling her eyes out and you knew how she hates letting other people see her cry."

"She broke up with me," I said as I cautiously took a gulp of my drink.

"So why's the Drama Queen crying," He said as he went to the bar to get a beer.

"You're drunk," I said stating the obvious.

"You're the ony one's whose not," He said as he took a swig of his beer. "Hey, Max'l," Llew hollered over the bar at some guy. "Commere for a sec."

"Where y'et, L-dog," the boy said to Llew as they exchanged the usual frat boy/jock fist bump.

"Bout right as rain," Llew said after a sip of his beer. "I don't think you've met Lexi, have you?"

"Naw. T'ain't had da pleasure," Max'l said with a flash of pearly white teeth the left me a bit weak in the knees.

"Well, this here is my main man, Alexi Tyler. Everyone calls him Lexi. Lexi, this here stallion is Maximilien Toussaint ," Llew said as he drapped his arm around me sending off a wave of that aroma of his that made me go instantly hard in my skinny jeans.

"Enchante," Max'l said as he kissed the back of my hand. At this point I didn't know what was going on. If I didn't know better I'd swear that Llew was trying to set me up.

"Max'l's new around here. You could show him around. Maybe start with The Fort."

"I could do that," I said as I downed the last of my drink. "Max'l, you up for a swim?"

"Oh, I ain't fraid uh gettin a lil wet."

"Good. Follow me," I said to Max'l before tuning to Llew and saying, "The tequila's comming with me."

"Naturally. You have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"That does leave I whole lot," Max'l and I said at the same time.

"Oh, get lost, you two," Llew said as he grabbed another beer. Whie he was doing that, he pulled me into a bear hug. "I've seen his junk. Don't hurt yourself," He whispered in my ear as he slipped a condom in my hand. "And have fun."

"When did you find out," I said in shock. All this time I though I was being discreet when I checked him out. Guess I wasn't.

"Always knew."

"Then why'd you never say nothing?"

"Tell you later. Now, go and get laid. One of us need to tonight," Llew said as he let me go and took a swing of her beer.

"I'll hold you to that," I said as I grabbed the bottle of taqulia, before grabbing Max'l's hand and leading him away.

Before we get any further into this, I think a mini history lesson is in order. We live in Angel Falls, North Carolina. Population, 1500 in the off season. It got its name from the main mountain hot spring, that feeds the nine or so other hot springs the town is famous for, because it is surrounded four angel statues that were created about 100 years ago by Ieuan Jernigan, Leah and Llew's great-grandfather. Ieuan married Eloise Monroe, an Asheville Socalite, founded the town of Angel Falls, and the rest was history. The only thing I don't for sure is whom is richer, The Walton's or The Monroe's. ( The obvious answer would be The Wally World Family, but, ask any of the revisionist here in The Falls and the only answer you'll get is a incredulous and resounding 'Monroe'.).

You might be wondering about 'The Fort'? Well, back when Llew and I were younger we went exploring one of the smaller mountains and found a cave hidden behind one of the more out of the way waterfalls there. We fell in love with the place and made it into our secret hide away. We christened it 'The Fort', decorated it to our hearts desire, (that inculded more than a few truck loads of christmas lights, to inchace the already ample phlorescent natural lighting and a personal generator to power them and the various other electroning devices we've brought in over the years), and only a hand full of our closest friends knew where it was located.

I knew that Llew meant for Max'l to be someone important to me by the simple fact that he suggested I take him to the fort. Somewhere, deep in my heart of hearts, I knew that Max'l was going to be a close friend. As we talked on the way there I became aware that, yes, he would be a friend, but, I knew that we would never be boyfriends. We were just too different in that respect. I want fideality. He wanted a good time. I want romance and hot, steamy, break-the-headboard love making. He wanted hot, steamy, sweat-pooling-under-the-bed sex. No, he would never be my boyfried. But, that didn't mean we couldn't have a bit of fun while I wait for my man to show up.

I set aside my thoughts as we made it to the waterfall entrance to the fort. "You up for a bit of skinny dipping under the full moon," I said as I stared to unbotton my hunter's green polo shirt. I the time it took me to pull off my shirt and undo the six botton on his skinny jeans he was naked as the day he was born. In the bright lumenescent glow of the moon I could see that Max'l had an all over tan. "I can tell you like to keep clothes on," I said as I removed the rest of my clothes and slipped out of my flip flops.

"Wha cain ah say. Close jus done ahgrey wif may bod," Max'l said in his thick cajun accent as he flashed me a pearly toothed and cheeky grin.

"I can see that," I said as I took note of him. His body was perfict; like it had been carved out of a single block of golden marble by God itself complete with eight hard abs you could wash a load of laundry off of, and a physique that would make the most deicated of swimers positivly green, as untreadted Coka-a-cola, with a maddening mix of envy and lust. And Llew was most certainly not wrong about the equipment downstair either. I didn't know if Max'l was a grower or a shower, ( I part of me wanted the latter to be true because I don't think I could handle that weapon of mass distruction were it any larger; another part wanted to be greedy and have the slice and the cake too.) but, whatever the case was he was packing. "Is that a .357 you're packing or are you just happy to see me, big boy," I purred in my best Mae West impersonation. "How big does that weapon of mass you've got get, anyway?"

"9 an 3⁄4 inches las ah checked."

"Well, I think there's a measuring tape up at the fort. Let's go see exactly how big it does get, shall we," I said as I jumped into the water and began to swim under the falls. Max'l didn't say a word. I just heard a giant splash before the roaring of the falls drowned out any other sound.

We never did make it to the fort. As I surfaced, in the cave on the other side of the falls, I felt Max'l swim up behind me. He wrapped his brawny arms and I melted into his embrace.

"Ah wan chu suh bad," He whispered into my ear before he lightly bit it. At the same time he pulled me to his hard body and ground his firmness into me.

"Not as bad as I need you," I said before I slipped out of his embrace and swam to one of the alcoves and lifed myself out. I found the bottle of lube I'd hidden in one of the small nitches there, rolled out the sleeping bag we kept there for such times, and lubed myself up really well.

"Huh ya's fel bout remin," Max'l said as he pulled himself out of the water.

"I imagin I'll like it. I'll let you know once you come to after I'm done with you," I said before I laid on my back and spread my leg for him. Max'l wasted no time and dove in for the kill. "Oh, fuck," I hissed out as him talented tongue made contact with my virgin hole.

"In due time. Mon Chère," Max'l said before I grabbed his head and forced it back in place.

He ate me out for a good 15 minutes before I couldn't take it any more. I pushed his head away. "Get on your back," I ordered as a stood up and pushed him down on the sleeping bag and grabbed the tube of lube. "I'm going to ride you so hard you're going to pass out when I do, finally let you cum," I said as I grabbed hold of his turgid cock and lubed it up.

"Gaw, Ah'm gonna bay awl kinds uh soe com da mornin," Max'l siad as he flashed me another one of his megawhatt smiles.

"You and me both, my dear," I said as I impaled myself on his raging cock. "Fuck," I hissed as his head burst through. I paused a moment the adjust before I sunk all the way home.

"Gaw, ya soe tight," Max'l hissed as I rested with his cock burried to the hilm in my ass.

"You, just lay back and enjoy the ride," I say some five minutes later as I began to slowly bounce up and down.

"Fuck, ya fel soe good," Max'l hissed as I began to pick up pace I could feel him getting close to coming. I could have him cum yet, so on my next upward move I reached back behind me and gave his cock a few hard flicks with my finger. "Wha'd ya do dat for," He all but yelled.

"You can't cum yet," I said as I sunk back down.

"Dat sow," He said as a devilish smile streached across his face. The next thing I know he's flipped us over and pounded my ass.

"Slow down. You're hurting me," I yell as I try to push him off me.

"Ya Grab da bull baw da horns an ya gonna get stuck," He said as continued to mercilessly fuck me.

Not even a minute after he began to pound me I knew I was going to cum. "I'm gonna cum," I yelled.

"Nut for may, Cher," he said as he jabbed his cockhead into my prostate. That was all I could take and I blased off covering both our chest in my seed. I was vaguely aware of Max'l slamming deep into me before fireing off his load before he colapsed on top of me. Out for the count. When I came down from my orgasmic high I pushed him off me before cuddle up to him and joinging hime in the land of nod.

Well, if you have any comments about this story, questions, or just criticisms (constructive ones, please) feel free to message me at: . (Heck, just drop me a quick little message to let me know that someone out there is actually reading that and that this hasn't been one long exercise in spurious catharsism.) I will attempt to reply to all messages in a timely manner (usually within a day or two of receiving it.) There may be more on the way, depending on how the responces to this go.

Best wishes and happy extracurricular proclivities to one and all. D. Patterson

Oh and always practice safe sex. Remember: Wrap it before you tap it or else you're gonna be nappin in the grave.

P.S.: Here is another of my infamous drink recipes. This is my take on the classic Mardas drink. I like it a little stronger and more fruiter than most, but, if it's not your cuppa you can just cut the vodka by an ounce, nix the pineapple and grapefruit juices and add more cranberry. This is one of those drinks where you can go with a really cheap vodka and it will still taste amazing. But, as a general rule, if you don't like the liquer straight don't use it.

Here's how you make it:

In a cocktail shaker, add curshed ice, 21⁄2 oz of vodka, 2 oz Cranberry Juice, 1 oz fresh Orange Juice, 1⁄2 oz Grapefruit Juice, and 1⁄2 oz Pineapple Juice. Shake vigerously and strain into a chilled glass.

P.P.S:I orginally had another script for the drinking scene between Lexi and Llew. I decided to go in a different direction. So, I'll put the orginal script here.

Lexi:"Chère, se fait larguer á moi,(sweetie, she dumped me)" I said as I took a huge drink. I wanted to hide in that cup if I could. I didn't want to have this coversation with my raison d'être (my reason from existing).

Llew:"So, why is she prend la mouche (off in a huff)," Llew said as he went to go get a beer.

Lexi:"You know your sister," I said as downed the rest of my drink.

Llew:"Cette convo, me fait chier comme un rat mort (This convo, I'm bored to death with)," Llew said as he downed half his beer. "J'ai un QI d'huître (I'm stupid). join me?"

"I'd love to," I said as I went to the bar and mixed us up a drink. "Cheers," I said as I haned Llew his drink.

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