Becoming Nappyboy

By Mike H

Published on Feb 9, 2023


Sorry it's taken so long to write this part ... but hey, it's a weird time.

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The hair-removing cream from Asia did its job - indeed, I think my skin took to it extremely well. According to the packaging, it tended to work almost instantly, or would take several applications over a couple of years - effectively killing the roots for each new growth. However, in my case the roots dropped out within a couple of days. Having purchased a large amount, He applied the cream to the rest of my body - I was now, as He had threatened, hairless from the nose down.

I had to work between Christmas and New Year's Eve but had based myself out of His apartment as He had wanted to try out a locking bodysuit: a gift from my cousin's boyfriend at the fetish-shop. This meant that I was cathed and nappied at work - and unable to change myself.

I was sitting at my desk when I received a message from a number I didn't recognise:

"Are you in a nappy today?"

I blushed and looked around before responding:


"Is it wet?"




"Show me. I'm in the server room. I need a server to go down on me."

My blood ran cold. It must be Paul - the developer that had fucked me in The Fort.

"I need permission first," I typed back.

"Thought of that," Paul replied.

I received a text from Him.

"It would be rude to deny anyone. Make sure you do me proud, or you will be punished. I am getting a report after you finish him off."

I stood up and walked to the server room. I could give him a quick blow-job and be done. After all, I was locked in my bodysuit - he wasn't going to be able to fuck me.

Using my key-card, I opened the door to the server room and stepped inside. The air-conditioning kept the room at a low temperature so I was glad I had the extra layer of clothing.

Paul looked me up and down and said, "You had better keep the number. Your Master said I could use you when I felt the need. Today I feel the need."

He rubbed his crotch.

"Go to the disabled toilet at the end of the block," he paused, "no-one ever goes up there, so we can take our time."

He looked at me and smiled.

"Go in, strip out off your work-clothes, and leave the door unlocked. I'll follow you in a couple of minutes. Go on!," he barked.

I left the coolness of the server-room, back in to the warmth of the main offices. Luckily, with it being the holiday period, only essential staff were in the building. I walked out through the office doors and onto stair-well. The disabled toilet was past the gents and ladies at the end of the block.

As instructed, I went in to the room and closed the door behind me, making sure it was unlocked. I removed my shirt, trousers, socks and shoes, leaving me in my full-length white bodysuit, obviously wet nappy, cage and plug.

After a few minutes Paul opened the door and walked in. He locked the door and looked at me.

"Bodysuit - nice! It shows off your nappy well. I'm guessing it doesn't come off?"

I shook my head.

"No, it's locked at the back - by my neck," I looked sheepishly at Paul, "and I don't have the key."

Paul grinned.

"Oh, there's fun," he replied, "but lets get down to business shall we?"

He dropped his pants and boxers exposing his enormous cock. It was larger than I remembered from The Fort.

"Get on with it," he said.

I dropped to my knees and started sucking. After a moment or two, Paul started thrusting so that I took his entire length down my throat. I could feel the engorged veins pulsing against my tongue as he worked himself up to the edge of orgasm.

Then he stopped with his cock half-way into my mouth. His breathing changed and he was obviously concentrating. Then I felt a dribble against my tongue and recognised its flavour straight away.

He was pissing in my mouth. I started drinking as quickly as I could, but a little leaked our and splattered against my bodysuit.

Paul started fucking my mouth again, and this time, with a giant thrust that almost made me gag, it felt like he emptied his balls directly into my stomach. He pulled back, keeping is cock in my mouth, and then gently started fucking my mouth again.

"I always cum twice," he said, "at least!"

This was much more leisurely. He took his time and I worked my tongue around his massive uncut member.

After a while, his balls started to contact and he was clearly going to cum again.

"Turn around," he said, "get on your knees, facing away from me."

I had no idea what he was going to do, but did as I was told. I could hear him masturbating and then, with a grunt, he shot his load over my padded backside. Using his cock, he rubbed his cum around so that when I put my pants back on, it would leak through around my backside. He took a picture via the voting app, and uploaded it.

"Your fans will like that. Now clean me up," he said.

After I cleaned Paul's cock, he pulled up his pants and told me to get dressed. I guess he wanted to ensure I didn't try to clean his cum off my bodysuit before he left. He opened the door and walked out. I followed a couple of minutes later.

When I got to my desk, I found a large bottle of sparkling water on the desk.

A few minutes later, I received a text from Him.

"Good job, drink the water, all of it. I'll see you later. Strip before you ring for the outer door. You're decent enough not to get arrested and it's not raining."

The water did its job and, because of the catheter, I had a noticeable bulge in my trousers as I left work. I also didn't know how much of Paul's cum had worked through my trousers - and whether that was visible. By the time I got to His place, the nappy had finally given up and was leaking between my legs.

I walked up to the apartment block, and removed my work clothes, putting them all in my bag. It was clear I'd been leaking because the bodysuit had damp patches running down my inner thighs and around where I had sat on the tube. Someone would be getting a wet backside from the seat I had vacated!

I pressed the intercom button and He buzzed me in. I reached the top of the stairs and knocked on His door. He opened it and I walked in. He motioned that I go to the bedroom and looked at me.

"Excellent," he said, "more for the voters."

He took several photographs and uploaded them.

"Now, let's get you changed."

It was clear I'd be wearing the stained bodysuit again before long - he'd simply put it on the radiator to dry. With the nappy off, I was fastened down in the sling and He went to the `toy; cupboard.

"You didn't ask for permission to suck-off Paul, did you?"

He asked.

"I assumed you'd already given permission because you sent the text message!" I exclaimed.

He turned on the live-stream-camera and then grabbed a paddle and a cane from the cupboard.

"You should have asked before it got to that point."

He proceeded to lay in to my exposed backside. Piss flew in all directions as he paddled me. A couple of times my balls fell into the path of the paddle making me yelp.

He caned me. Twelve welts appeared across my red and sore cheeks. Roughly, he pulled his cock out and fucked me, shooting his load deep into my guts.

The following day was New Year's Eve.

Voting day.

He had invited His friends round for the party. Paul and my cousin's boyfriend had also received invites - while Paul was coming round, my cousin's boyfriend was going to watch the livestream when he could.

We spent all day preparing - food, drinks and, of course, me. My hole was flushed with several enemas to get me cleaned out, I was checked for hair and the TV was going to show the vote result at midnight.

He laid out a new titanium cage, with two locks, side by side. One was a conventional barrel-lock that could be removed with the right key - the other a different type of lock: when it went it and turned, it would break inside the cage making it inescapable.

Through the course of the morning, He kept taking photos and uploading older videos and photo's. From mid-afternoon, he started uploading the entire collection of videos. This time, not masking all of my face. Luckily, he never showed enough to completely identify me.

At around 7PM, I was put in a fresh nappy, and we started receiving guests. I, of course, was given a lot to drink to make sure my nappy filled - and continued filling - throughout the evening.

Then, at 11:30, He started setting up the sling in the living room. He set cameras on each of the corners of the frame and then told me to get on it.

Nervously, I climbed on to it. He put cuffs around my wrists and ankles, then locked me to the frame. He adjusted the cameras and then linked them to his laptop. Some were paying to see the show, apparently, and they got to see all of me and could switch between views, others simply got an overhead view.

The setup took until 11:50, and at that point, he fixed a piss-gag on to me and said, "let's check the setup."

With the cameras streaming out the unseen audience, they all pissed into the funnel at the end of a tube feeding into my piss-gag. There was so much I found it difficult to down it all, and some went over my chest and upper torso. While His friends filled my stomach, he undid my nappy and put a changing pad under the sling.

He paddled me for being messy and told me I'd be licking it all up later. In reality, He just wanted my ass red for the cameras.

Then, He slowly withdrew the catheter. Very slowly. Again, he wanted me to feel every millimetre as it left my body.

He unlocked my cage and removed the ring from behind my balls. It felt weird having nothing over my cock - and it was extremely sensitive. He briskly edged me. Then stopped. Then edged me again. After the third time of being edged, he plunged my cock and balls into a bag containing ice. The sudden shock made my erection disappear instantly.

He applied the ring and new cage. It was much smaller than my old cage, but fit my shrunken cock perfectly.

At exactly midnight, he flicked on the TV and sent the app screen from his mobile to it. The room fell silent. You could feel the atmosphere - it was electric.

"Right," he said, "let's see whether you're becoming Nappyboy permanently shall we?"

With the sounds of Big-Ben chiming midnight came through the HiFi, He swiped his mobile screen and I started at the TV, unable to breathe, the voting figure stared back at me: 182,356 "yes" votes.

Everyone around me in the room cheered and wished everyone else a "Happy New Year".

Then the room fell silent again.

He had picked up the lock that destroyed itself inside the cage. He pushed the cage so it connected to the ring around my balls and inserted the lock. He leant forward to kiss me passionately and with my lips against his, I felt his hands move and heard the lock break.

That's how I became Nappyboy.

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