Becoming Nappyboy

By Mike H

Published on Oct 6, 2017


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I found myself in something of a dilemma: if I gave him my address, then I'd still have to go across town later to get my nappy changed - and, as I was already sporting wet patches in my jeans before Carl had pissed on them, I'd soak a taxi seat. I never give anyone's address out without their permission and I wasn't about to go against that principle now.

"What's the problem?", Carl asked.

"I wasn't going home, but I don't want to give you the address without permission first ..."

"No problem, call then".

I picked up the `phone and dialled His number.

"Hi - I'm wondering what you'd like me to do ..."

He cut me off.

"Yes, I've seen the pictures. You've made my day already! Who's the guy?"

"Carl - my cousin's boyfriend - and he runs the fetish shop we went to the other day"

"Hand him your `phone".

I passed the `phone over.

"He wants to talk to you ..."

The two chatted for a while before agreeing on something.

"Ok, yeah. I'll see you there - I'll only have an hour or so, but that should work"

He hung up and told me to take a shot of my onesie with its pissy line running down the middle, and my soaked crotch.

"While I drive, you can put that online - how many votes have you got now?", he asked as he starts the engine and put the car into gear.

I took the photo' and hit the `upload'.

"202 days in chastity now, no removals, and 41 votes for making permanent".

"Only 41, hmm, I'll post a link on the shop's community page later", he said, "Let's see if we can help you out a bit - being family and all".

Instead of going home, I was being taken somewhere else - I vaguely recognised the streets but this wasn't my area.

"Where are we going?", I asked.

"We're meeting up somewhere where your current condition doesn't matter - in fact it might help you decide on things quicker as we only have a limited amount of time. After all, I have to get back to your parent's place before I'm missed!"

"What will you say to my cousin?", I asked.

"Well, that depends on your behaviour, doesn't it?", Carl asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, your cousin thinks the sun shines out of your ass. I doubt he'll think that when I show him you feeling me up and pissing your pants at your mother's place. If you prefer, I can always send an email to your folks ..."

"No, not that", I said nervously.

"Good, then we have an understanding. This stays between us three for the time being".

He pulled into an alleyway and then turned into a small courtyard.

"Leave the rest of your stuff here - follow me", he said, opening the door.

I opened my door and stood on the concrete. It was cold on my feet. I could feel the wind cooling the piss on my onesie.

He headed to a black door and unlocked it. I could hear him pressing buttons to disarm the alarm system.

"Come on in", he said from the dark interior.

I walked up to the steps and entered the building. He hit the lights and closed the door behind us. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I realised we were in the shop's storage room at the back of the building.

"We thought it better to bring you here - it's closer, and we'll get a chance to test out a couple of things to see if they fit. Without any customers to care about, we can take our time".

He grabbed a large black rubber mat and told me to follow him into the shop. With its shuttered windows, no-one could see inside. He laid down the mat in the middle of the floor and told me to stand on it. Then he got a blindfold, a ball-gag, and a set of handcuffs. He put them on me, again telling me to stay where I was.

By the sound of things, he started bringing out a few items from around the shop.

After a few minutes, I heard a tapping at the back door.

"Aha", Carl said, "about time too!"

I heard Carl go out to the back and open the door.

"Now there's a sight! I see you're already preparing for a sale today!"

Carl laughed, "well, it's going on his credit card you said, so I thought I'd set a few things up and see if they work for you!"

I felt hands on my belt and then a small click as the padlock sprang open. My jeans were unbuttoned and pulled down.

"Step up ... Good ... Now the other leg .... Excellent".

I was now standing just in my nappy and onesie, my arms handcuffed in front of me.

"Do you want to live-stream this on the community page?", asked Carl.

"Why not? Keep the faces out, but stream it - can we link to the voting page so everyone watching can join in?"

I heard a few clicks and things generally moving about as the two chatted.

"Better than that, I can have a running subtitle asking people to vote? I use this all the time on the porn shoots - it works well"

"Go for it - as long as you can do it quickly so we're not inconveniencing you too much"

"Nah man - I'm going to enjoy this!"

I was gently pushed backwards until I felt the edge of something. They lifted my arms up above my head and clipped my handcuff chain onto a metal frame.

"Ok, we're live", said Carl.

I felt the snap fasteners being undone on my soaked onesie. Then it was lifted up to reveal my nappy underneath. I felt it sag as soon as He undid the last fastener on the onesie. I had clearly soaked it.

I heard a few clicks from the camera app before the hands came back and unfastened the tapes on my nappy. If fell to the floor with a thump.

"Look at that catheter - fuck that's hot", said Carl, "here use this".

I heard a package being opened and then felt a pulling on my catheter tube. A few moments later He connected the now extended tube to an inlet hole in my ball-gag. I had just become a piss-recycler.

"Turn around"

I turned as best I could. It must have looked quite a sight: arms above my head, onesie up above my chest, a long tube connecting my ball-gag to the catheter poking through my cage. Finally, as I finished turning, anyone watching would see stripes on my ass from my earlier caning, and a large plug keeping my ass cheeks apart. More photo's.

After a few moments, I jumped as my backside received a swat from what felt like a paddle. The jump forced some piss into my mouth - clearly my bladder had been filling the tube, but this was the first bit of piss that had ended up in my mouth.

More swats on my ass. He laid into to it - each swat causing me to clench down on the plug: I was fucking myself with every swat. I could feel my cheeks starting to burn.

Then a more concentrated swipe. I wasn't sure what was hitting me - but it stung. If I'd have been able to, I would have yelped with each of those. I guessed (and later saw it) that He had switched from a paddle to a riding crop.

"Now its ready", He said.

With that, he roughly pulled the plug out of my ass and rammed himself balls-deep into me. He fucked me for what seemed like an age - I could feel his jeans buttons then his balls - he hadn't even bothered to strip off - he just wanted to fuck me as I was. He kept varying his pitch and angle, then he reached round me and pulled on my nipples before clamping his hands around me and unloading. I could feel pulse after pulse from his cock as he filled me.

As he pulled out, I felt another cock at my hole. While not as long, it was wider and took a second or two to adjust. I wasn't given that luxury as Carl just lunged forward, spearing me on his cock. I could feel his cock moving inside his foreskin as he fucked me. It hadn't been that long since I'd blown him, so it took a long time before he finally thrust and held himself deep inside me, cum spewing out into my gut.

Carl's kept his cock in my until he started going soft. Then I felt a familiar feeling - I realised that he was pissing inside me.

After he finished, he pulled out and to prevent more piss running down my legs, they were going to plug it all in me. Carl, it seemed, had given Him an angled butt-plug, again considerably larger than the one I'd worn all morning.

It took some working in, but eventually, I felt my sphincter give in and the plug slipped inside me, my ass clamping round the narrow base. The plug settled and I could feel it pressing against my prostate. I'd be leaking premium like a tap with this thing in me.

Spent, they unclipped my hands and pushed me down on to the mat. The plug lodged itself further in me as I sat on the floor, the coldness of the mat helping cool the burn.

I was pushed on to my back and then felt a wipe being applied to my crotch, then some powder. A few moments later, my legs were lifted up and I was placed back down on a fresh nappy. After it was fastened up, the tube was disconnected from my gag and simply tucked into the nappy. Then I was told to stand up.

I realised at this point that the nappy must have been well padded or doubled up - it was huge and I couldn't bring my legs together at all. I would waddle rather than walk with this lot on.

My onesie was stretched back over everything and fastened up. They removed the gag, handcuffs and blindfold.

As I grew accustomed to the light, I could see an array of boxes, some already opened. Between us, we cleared up and put everything used (including the frame and my wet jeans) together. That, it appeared, was a present from me to me, for Christmas.

With me in just the pissy onesie over a well padded crotch, we packed everything into the car, and then Carl headed back to my parents.

As we drove home, I looked at the app - I had 600 days, 2 releases, but the count for making me a permanent chaste nappyboy had risen to 106.

Next: Chapter 17

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