Becoming My Roommate's Bitch

By canopalean 13

Published on Jun 5, 2007



The following is a true story about something that happened to me during my first semester of college, in 2003. Please do not read any further if you are under the age of 18.

Meeting my roommates in the dorm was a total surprise. Over the summer before my freshman year, the university had sent me a paper listing the names and phone numbers of my future roommates. I have to say I was a little shocked when I saw four names besides my own on the list, because everything I had read about the school's housing for freshman said that residents were grouped two to a room. Apparently the university was hard up for freshman housing because the dorm they stuck me in was a converted upperclassman dorm, which was styled like an apartment. It had two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen/living room area for everyone to share. Three people were assigned to live in one bedroom, while two people were assigned to the second one. And of course, I was one of the lucky ones chosen to be crammed into the triple bedroom. Anyways, I elected not to call any of the people on my list, figuring we would just work things out during the first week. I guess my roommates all thought something similar, because no one called me either.

By the way, I consider myself an average student, transitioning between high school and college, except that I'm gay. I am about 5'10'', average built white guy, brown hair and green eyes. Throughout high school, I had always known that I was attracted to guys rather than girls, but I had never told anyone for fear of being caught. I am a pretty masculine guy, and most people assume I'm straight unless I tell them otherwise, so I'm not bad at camouflaging myself if I need to.

When move-in day arrived, I was both nervous and excited at the same time. I wondered what my roommates would turn out to be like and whether or not classes would be difficult. My parents helped me transport my stuff to the dorms after I was issued a key and mailbox number. Only one of my roommates had moved in so far, so I did my best to hurry my parents up, thank them, and get rid of them as quickly as possible.

His name was Chris. It turned out that he was one of the two others I'd be sharing a room with. Chris was big and built and played for the football team; he was probably about six foot two and around 220 pounds. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes, and a perpetual cocky look on his face. He seemed easy to get along with and a nice guy. That is, he seemed like he was nice as long as he didn't find out I was gay.

Although Chris seemed cool, I had no intention of revealing anything to him. He didn't seem like the type who would particularly embrace having a gay roommate if you know what I mean. In the meantime though I could always admire him, he was definitely cute, and as an added bonus, his sneaker-clad feet looked to be about a size 12 or 13. I guess I should mention I have a huge foot fetish, and love guys' feet, socks, shoes, etc. I figured at the very least I should have plenty of opportunities to smell Chris's shoes throughout the semester. That wasn't so bad.

I went into my new bedroom for the first time. There were three sets of desks, wardrobes, and beds. One set of bunk beds had a bunk on both the top and the bottom, and the other set had a top bunk and the third desk on the bottom. To my disappointment, Chris had already claimed the only bottom bunk in our bedroom, so I selected the bed above his, mainly because I was afraid if I took the other one, I would be tempted to check him out while he slept and he might catch me.

There wasn't much to do other than unpack and wait for the other three to arrive. Chris and I talked a bit, mainly about our hometowns and high schools and stuff. As we set things up, both of our suitemates from the other bedroom arrived together. Mike was about my height but very skinny, with brown hair and blue eyes, and wasn't very cute. Jim was almost as tall as Chris with an average build, dark hair and eyes. He wasn't cute either, but he had sandals on and I could see that he at least had nice feet. Both of them were on the preppy side, which isn't my type. I was instantly glad I had lucked out with Chris as my roommate.

They seemed nice from the start, but I didn't really take time to get to know them like Chris did. I reasoned that they weren't sharing a bedroom with me, so between class and whatever friends I made, I probably wouldn't interact with them too much.

Formalities aside, Chris and I kicked back in our room and watched a little TV. We were getting hungry, but decided to wait for our other roommate to arrive so that we could invite him to the cafeteria with us.

Eventually he arrived. His name was Julian and I was instantly captivated by him. He stood maybe an inch or two shorter than me, and he was toned. He was 100% Colombian and had short dark hair, brown eyes, and naturally tan skin. This was a big turn on for me as I am really into Latino guys. I also found out later he was a lifelong soccer player and would play for the school team, another big turn on.

"What's up guys? I'm Julian," he told us, and we introduced ourselves. He had an accent and he told us he and his father had just moved here from Colombia. I also found out he had a wife and a baby son back home, somewhat of a shock for me and Chris because all three of us were only 18.

As September passed by and October began, I found myself really drawn to Julian. Although he was a little shy around everyone else who lived in our suite, I made an effort to get to know him (the whole time wishing I could have him) and he loosened up around me. Chris and Julian got along fine, but they didn't really talk much, so I unintentionally got to be kind of the middle man between them I guess.

Once or twice, Julian confided in me that he was sexually frustrated. "I get really horny seeing all these blonde bitches walking around campus. I want to fuck the hell out of a white girl."

I played it cautious. "But don't you have a wife back in Colombia?" I asked him.

He kind of laughed and answered, "Yeah but I want to fuck one of these girls, I'm horny now!"

I got really turned on hearing this from him, and wished desperately that he would use me to relieve his sexual frustration. Of course, I'm pretty sure he had no idea about me, and I was too afraid that if I told him, everyone would find out, despite the trust that we had established with each other. So I didn't say much of anything.

Around this time in the semester, I was pretty sex starved myself. Although a great guy, Chris had turned out to be a total slob, leaving his belongings and dirty laundry all over his part of the floor. This was totally acceptable to me, because I "borrowed" his dirty socks on many occasions to masturbate with them over my nose. After football practice they were always stiff with sweat and smelly. I also tried to get some of Mike or Jim's for variety, but they always kept their bedroom door locked when they went out, so I quickly accepted defeat on that front.

Then there were Julian's. His laundry bag sometimes had something I could use, but often for some reason he left his dirty socks and some clothes in the bag he took to soccer practice. I think he often wore the same socks for two or three days at a stretch, because it was usually an ordeal to actually find a pair among everything else he had dirty. But it was totally worth it; his socks smelled divine. They had this sweaty, salty, raunchy (but manly) odor that I fell in love with upon first whiff. It was stronger than the stink from Chris's socks.

I was also fond of taking a pair of his dirty boxers and enjoying them too. I loved the smell his balls left behind, and I loved to put them in my mouth and suck the scent out of the cotton. Not surprisingly, I started branching out one day when I noticed there was a small yellow stain where a couple of drops of piss must have clung to his cock. I immediately sucked them out, tasting the bitterness of Julian's leftover piss, and fantasizing about me laying on the floor and him standing up with his pants down, pissing on my face and smirking while he did it. I almost came right there, because the image was so vivid. It was then that I knew how much I wanted to be Julian's bitch and to be used and abused by him.

I began deliberately putting myself in positions for Julian to use me. Of the five of us living there, I was the only one with a car on campus, and he knew it. I started offering to give him rides to and from soccer practice (which was on the schools "East Campus," about two miles away from the main one), without even a mention of gas money. After a few days of this going on, he requested that I take him to a bakery in a predominantly Hispanic part of the city we were in so that he could buy some authentic Colombian food. He began to have me drive him all around, to the bakery, to the mall, to the grocery store, wherever he wanted to go. It was a turn on for me, because instead of asking if I would take him at all, he started asking me when was good for me to drive him there. He was taking advantage and loving it.

I began doing other things as well. He complained once that he had so much homework and so many papers to do, and it was interfering with soccer practice and sleep. I told him that College Composition was a breeze for me, and I didn't mind helping him out. So as not to look too suspicious, I did some of his homework for free, but acted like I was gonna charge him for writing some of his papers. I of course charged very low fees and told him to pay me whenever was good for him, and he agreed, and of course never brought up paying me. He would play my PlayStation or talk to his friends on the phone in Spanish while I did his work. I even did his part of the cleaning for room inspection. We all had to decide to clean a certain area when the residents' assistant inspected our rooms, and I cleaned the kitchen for Julian while he was out hanging with friends.

As October inexorably progressed, I noticed how sexually frustrated Julian really was. Chris had no trouble getting different girls to fuck all the time, and he wasn't shy about fucking them in his bed with me on the bed above him and Julian in the other bunk. I began to notice that sometimes Julian only pretended to be asleep when this happened, and he secretly watched them having sex. I could tell he was very jealous of Chris, and wanted to be fucking girls on campus as he told me before.

A few times while I was alone and jerking off with Julian's dirty underwear, I discovered globs of congealed cum inside them. He must have masturbated a lot, especially after seeing all those girls get fucked eight feet away. I was so infatuated with my hot Colombian roommate, that without a second thought, I hungrily licked up all the cum I found in his boxers each time I found it. The fact that he was married and had a kid for some reason made it seem even hotter to me.

But it wasn't Julian's underwear that eventually did me in. It was his socks.

One afternoon I returned to the suite from my class, only to find myself alone. Right away I went to Julian's laundry bag and fished out a pair of crumpled dirty socks. They smelled pretty strongly. I took them up on my bed and lay down with them on my face, inhaling his awesome foot odor and thinking about his perfect size 10 Colombian feet. I heard the outer door open, but ignored it for two reasons: 1) It was routine that Mike came home around that time, and 2) My bedroom door was locked.

Then all of a sudden, my bedroom door sprang open, and Julian walked in. Apparently in my haste to get to his socks, I had carelessly forgotten to lock it. I craned my neck up to look at him and I guess he recognized his own socks on my nose.

"What the fuck are you doing man?" I heard him say in his sexy accent.

I had absolutely no idea what do say or do. I froze, eyes as big as saucers, and stared at him with my mouth open.

Julian got closer and surveyed the situation. "Are you getting off with my dirty fucking socks? That's so fucking disgusting!"

I was still paralyzed with fear and embarrassment. What was he going to do about it? My college life was definitely over, and I was probably going to get beaten to a pulp.

"What you like it or something? Get down here, maricon!" he yelled at me.

I didn't see any choice but to just do it and let the inevitable happen. I climbed down off the bunk bed and stood in front of Julian, expecting to get slugged.

"I was wondering why my socks kept winding up on top of all the other laundry no matter what I put on top of them. I didn't know I lived with a pussy!" He spit in my face and then slapped me hard across the cheek. "If you like my socks so much, why don't you kiss my feet, bitch?" he taunted.

Although I was completely humiliated I was also really turned on, because I had always wanted to kiss his feet. I got down on my knees and kissed the top of his shoes each once.

Julian let out a mean laugh. "Fucking basura!"

I then begged him to please not tell anyone, not to ruin my life. I told him I would do whatever he wanted in exchange for his silence. Julian told me he would consider keeping my secret. In the meantime though, I was to work for it.

From that day on, Julian used me hard. We often had the room to ourselves because Chris was either at football practice or hanging out with friends from the team. Remember how I said how sexually frustrated Julian was? No longer the case. At first he liked to stand up and jerk off with me kneeling in front of him, looking up to see him masturbate. Once in a while, he slapped my face with his hard uncut cock. He stroked it until he came, aiming for my face and ordering me to catch some of it with my mouth. Anything he missed I had to lick off the dusty floor. This lasted for a few days until Julian decided he wasn't completely satisfied just jerking off.

He started using my mouth once or twice a day. Sometimes he made me suck him off slowly, for as long as he could stand. Other times he simply grabbed my head in his hands and shoved me up and down on his dick, fucking my throat raw until he blasted his cum down it. His brown dick was 8'' long, about an inch longer than mine, and thicker.

Taking notice that I had been sniffing his socks when he caught me, took special consideration in using his feet on me. He made me lick the grime off his shoes daily, sometimes when he was out with friends, and sometimes while he was still wearing them. One of those latter times, there was a big wad of old chewing gum he had managed to step in. When my tongue wasn't able to get it off, he had me use my teeth to scrape it off and then made me chew it for a few minutes while he snickered. It had no real flavor and with every chew I felt the dirt gritting around on my teeth. I also got the task of licking the mud off his soccer cleats after games.

He really enjoyed humiliating me and having a white guy beneath his feet. He took special delight in having me remove his shoes so he could walk all over my body with his sweaty socks. Julian loved stepping on my face like that, and grinding my nose down under his foot. Or he would step on my cock and balls with only some of his weight, and make me beg him not to crush them as he gradually increased the pressure. When his socks came off, he always made me bathe his feet with my tongue. I was to clean off every particle of dirt, every piece of sock fuzz, every drop of his sweat, taking special care to get in between his toes. The whole time I did this Julian would degrade me in both English and Spanish. If I missed anything while licking his feet clean, he would kick me hard as punishment.

I found myself being forced to skip class so that I could wait on Julian during the day, and my grades got harder to maintain. His grades on the other hand, improved almost to perfection. He had me doing all his schoolwork during the times he wasn't using me for something directly. I had to keep his share of the room inspections clean, and do other things, like bring him food or chauffeur him around even more.

He got out of practice early one evening, and I didn't receive his text message to come get him. As punishment for not being on time to drive him home, he made me lay on my stomach on the floor, and he stepped on top of me in his full soccer uniform. He trampled me for a few minutes with his cleats while he cursed at me. It really hurt, and I swiftly learned to keep my phone nearby in case he ever needed anything again.

My Latino god of a roommate really got into humiliating me. He purposely stopped showering in the team locker room, and after I brought him back home, he forced me to lick his armpits clean. I guess he was very pleased with the results, because he repeated the same thing with his ass crack the second time, and every time after that.

As for his actual shower, one day he waited until the suite was empty except for the two of us, and he told me to follow him into the bathroom and strip. Once naked, he made me lay on my back inside the bathtub. He then proceeded to turn the shower water on cold while he undressed himself.

"Got to let it warm up, my white shower mat" he told me with a chuckle, as I squirmed around in the cold water. When it got warm, Julian stepped in on top of me, and began to wash himself with soap and a wash cloth. He uncaringly stepped all over me, as all the dirt and sweat from the day washed off of him and over me on its way to the drain. While he was rinsing off and ignoring me, I felt a sudden heat over my face. I looked up to see Julian emptying his bladder and pissing all over me, without once looking down into my face.

Being treated like Julian's slave was the most humiliating thing I've ever done in my life, but it was also extremely hot. Of course if Julian caught me masturbating at any time, he would smack the shit out of me. I was totally helpless and at his mercy, and he knew it.

Julian began thinking of other ways to use and dominate me. One day while stuffing his balls in my mouth, he told me he needed some extra cash. He told some of his soccer teammates about his roommate that wrote essays for cash, and they wanted in on it. He started charging them to have me write their papers. I noticed most of his buddies had Hispanic names, and I knew there were a lot of Colombian guys on the soccer team. I mainly did this on weekends when Julian was out doing other things.

Another time he made me lay on the floor while he sat above me and rested his foot on my face so he could clip his toenails. He of course made sure the clippings went into my mouth and he made me swallow them while he glared down maliciously at me. Then he got the idea to just make me clip them while he watched TV, except I had to use my teeth to do it. Then I had to kiss his sexy feet and thank him for the snack, or else.

One morning after blowing his wad in my mouth, he told me, "I don't wanna get another girl pregnant, and I hate condoms. You make great birth control!" What could I do but humbly swallow my Latino master's load?

Julian continued to use me for the entire rest of the semester. When winter break rolled around, we were preparing to leave for a whole month. "See you in January, you piece of shit!" Julian told me as he rubbed his balls.

I fantasized and relived moments with Julian in my head during the vacation. I couldn't stop thinking about him. For once I was actually revved and eager to go back to school. Until I got there that was.

Julian never came back from break, and ended up transferring to some other school. And by a horrible coincidence, my cell phone (which was the only place I had stored his number) had gotten wet and shorted out over Christmas, so I had no way to reach him. I was really upset that my times with him had come to an end, but I would by lying if I said I wasn't slightly relieved. Relieved to have my secret safe again for the time being.

Although I would very much miss my hot soccer player roommate Julian, and frequently think about him to this day, there were plenty of other opportunities on campus. Like my other roommate, Chris, or the two new guys that moved into the other bedroom when my suitemates dropped out...

This is the first story for nifty that I've written, so it's definitely not the best thing out there. Please feel free to send me any questions, comments, or if you would like to hear about some of my other true experiences on campus. My email is Thanks!

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