Becoming Kurt's Boi

Published on Mar 18, 2003



I couldn't believe what I was doing. Driving to the house of a man I had never even seen face to face. His name was Kurt, he was 28 and I was 17. We meet in a chat room on AOL. We IMed each other for a few months. It quickly got more and more serious until I finally agreed to meet him. So today was the day, it was a Friday and after dinner I got a shower and told my parents I was going to spend the weekend at my friend Chace's house. I got in my car and headed out following the directions Kurt had given me. It was only a 20 minute drive. So I pulled up to Kurts house. It was a townhouse. I knocked on the door and like a minute later there he was.

"Kurt?" I asked.

"Come in Chris" he replied. As I walked in the door I noticed him Eyeing me up and down.

"Your a very cute young man" he told me.

"Thanks" I nervously replied. Kurt was a few inches taller than me with light brown hair and a goatee. He wasted no time in grabbing me right there and kissing me deeply. Once I started kissing him back he grabbed and squeezed my ass. He came out of the kiss and let me out of his arms. He started walking up the stairs.

"Come on up boy" he told me. I nodded nervously and followed him up to his bedroom. His room had a queen size bed, a computer, and a tv with vcr. He turned on the TV and a gay porn came on. He told me to watch it while I wait for him. He left the bedroom. I sat on the bed watching as two skinny young looking men fucked.

A few minutes later Kurt returned. As soon as he walked in he closed the door behind him and then turned off the TV. He stood by the bed and took off his pants and then shirt. His cock was rock hard. He lay on the bed beside me. I reached over and grabbed his cock. It felt nice in my hand it was hard but the skin was soft. I gently jerked it off.

"lick it boy" he tells me. I licked up the shaft. "Good boy, now suck it" I placed the head in my mouth and slid my mouth down it. It felt really good to have a dick in my mouth and I could tell Kurt was enjoying himself. After a while he told me to stop.

"Was I doing a good job?" I asked, fishing for a complement.

"You've never done that before?" he asked.

"No." I told him.

"Well I guess your just a natural cocksucker." he told me. I smiled at that. "Stand up by the bed " he told me. I obeyed. "Strip all your cloths off and hand each piece of clothing to me." I obeyed and as I tossed him each piece of clothing he placed it in a plastic trash bag beside the bed.

"Your not going to throw away my cloths are you sir" I asked.

"No, but your not getting them back until you go home." I smiled at the thought of being naked all weekend. "Lay on your stomach you little boy-slut" he told me. I quickly got on my stomach and looked over my shoulder. I saw Kurt spread my ass apart with his hands. I was a little scared 'cause I thought I was about to get fucked, but instead his face dived between my cheeks. Next thing I know his tongue started to work my ass. At first it felt weird but the when I relaxed I was in Heaven. At that point I was became his. It was indescribable. It actually felt better the having my dick sucked.

"Oh my god daddy, that feels good" I yelled out. He licked my ass for a good five minutes all the while I was rubbing my dick into the bed. I was careful not to rub my dick too much because I didn't want to come yet. Then he stopped licking me and stuck his wet finger into my ass. It hurt a little.

"Just relax boy, and tell me when the pain stops" he told me. After a while, my asshole relaxed and it felt kinda good.

"Im ok now sir" I said.

"Good boy" he told me as he started moving his finger in and out of my ass. Then he stuck a second finger in my ass. It hurt but he kept it in there and let me get use to my new reality. "You ok boy?" he asked.

"Yes daddy" I said.

"That's my good brave boy" he said as he started to move his fingers in and out again. I felt both of the fingers leave my ass. "Lay on your side" he told me I lay on my side and he laid down behind my on his side. He slid one arm under me so it was on my chest. With his other arm he grabbed my leg and lifted it up then as I kept my leg up he moved his dick towards my asshole. I felt the tip pressing gently against my ass when he whispered in my ear. "Im going to take your cherry now boy. This is going to hurt alot at first. If you relax the pain will go away and you will be left with incredible pleasure."

"Im ready sir" Then it went in. This hurt alot more then a couple of fingers. Once it was in he stayed still.

"Relax boy" he told me.

"It hurts really bad sir" I responded.

"Just relax" he told me. He grabbed my dick with his one hand, started to pinch my nipples with the other and started to lick the back of my neck. After a minute or so when he felt my asshole relax he started to slowly move it in and out. Then he began jerking my dick off. The more and more he did it the more and more I started to like it. His cock rubbing against the inside of my ass started to feel incredible. "Your starting to like this aren't you boy?" he asked.

" Yes sir" i told him and I turned over my shoulder and started to lick his face. He had told me in an email this really turned him on. Then he started to kiss me and jerk me off faster. "I think I'm gonna cum soon sir" I told him.

"I want you to cum. I want you to cum with my cock up your ass, boy." He told me. In a few minutes I started to cum. It was shooting all over his bedspread. As I was cuming I heard him say "Thats right, shoot your teen load cuz I'm pumping you full" Then he just started to moan and I felt him start to shoot in my ass. My ass was spazming as if it was trying to milk all that cum out. He started to shoot as I was finishing my load and I think it made my orgasm last a little longer. We just lay there for like a minute untill his softened cock slid out my ass. Without his big rod in my I felt empty. It almost hurt to have it no longer there. "You were great boi" he said ass he patted me on the ass.

"Thanks" was all I had the breath to say.

"I'm going to the bathroom to clean myself off and when I get back you can go do the same." He said as he got up and left. I just laid there thinking about what I had just done. I was a boy-slut now. When he came back I went to the bathroom. I had a bowel movement to get rid of the cum and then took a shower. I was starting to get horny again. When I got back to the room Kurt was sitting on the end of the bed. "Kneel down" he said pointing to the floor right by his feet. I obeyed and Kurt took out a pink dog collar. "You are mine now boi, you have earned the right to call me master." he told me as he put the collar around my neck.

"Thank you master" I said.

"Now come to bed my pet we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." He told me.

I climbed into bed and fell asleep that night in Kurts arms.

End of Part One

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