Becoming Jordan

By Jordan Tales

Published on Nov 25, 2018


Firstly, all the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and it will contain guys working within the porn industry. If either of those offend you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

Finally, this is the first story I've submitted to Nifty so would love to get your feedback. You can get hold of me through my email,, or by messaging or following my Tumblr:

I was so unbelievably embarrassed. I'd just been seen by the entire staff of the office floor leaving, and essentially running from, my new boss's office, with my face covered in his cum. To make matters worse, the majority of the staff had been watching the entire time that Hugo had been fucking my face and throat. They'd seen me being a complete slut for a man. I'd been worried about how many of them would have seen my screentest audition but at least that was a job I was doing for porn and for money: deepthroating Hugo's huge daddy dick was just because I wanted to. No, actually, it was all because he wanted me to. He oozed this commanding aura: when I was with him, I'd have done anything to make him happy. Hell, I'd have even bent over the desk and let him fuck me senseless with the entire staff watching if he had wanted to. But now, away from his intoxicating presence, I just felt shame. The round of applause that I'd received from my audience just made it worse too. Neither he nor they seemed surprised at what had happened: does he do this with all of the new boys? Would I care if he did? Fucking hell, am I feeling jealous about what Hugo is doing after only a little bit of fun with him? I didn't have time to dwell on the fact that I'd just been used by a man who was nearly three times my age as the elevator doors opened. Unfortunately for me, it wasn't at the floor that Hugo had sent me too and two guys stepped in. They gave me a funny look but didn't say anything. They glanced at each other and smiled. A knowing look passed between them - as if there was a private joke that I wasn't in on but I didn't have time to dwell on it as the doors opened again, this time on the correct floor. I stepped through onto the floor and, as the shiny metal doors of the elevator closed behind me, I heard a burst of laughter coming from inside. What had been wrong with those guys? Surely, they couldn't have seen me getting my throat used by Hugo too - was there some kind of broadcasting system here for every time the boss shot a load into one of the porn company twinks?! I didn't have time to worry about it as a man, roughly in his late twenties, approached me with a hand extended towards me. Automatically, I reached out and shook his hand as he introduced himself. His name was Jack and he was going to be directing the shoot today. He was very good-looking with a chiselled jawline which was lightly covered in designer stubble and a pair of piercing blue eyes and I mean really piercing: I felt like I was going to get lost within them and actually had to shake myself free from his gaze. He was taller than me, standing at a little over six foot and definitely looked as if he spent some time at the gym. His shoulders were broad and he had a good amount of well-developed muscle on him. I still hadn't cum after all of that stuff with Hugo and seeing Jack looking at me just made me start to harden up again. Just as he let go of my hand, a strange look crossed over his face. "You've... erm... you've got a little something..." he started to laugh as he pointed at my face. Reaching my hand up, my fingertips touched where Jack was pointing to and were me with a warm wetness. Pulling them away, I realised why the guys in the elevator had been laughing at me: I was still wearing Hugo's cum. "Oh no! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!" I started babbling at Jack who was still chuckling to himself, "It's not... I mean... it is but..." "Relax," he spoke in a firm and deep tone, "I know." "You do?" He laughed again, "Do you think you're the first boy that's forgotten to wipe their face after Hugo has finished with them? It happens more often than you think." There was a small pang in my chest. I guess I had hoped that he'd just done that with me or because he wanted me so badly but it seemed that he made sure to sample all of the new boys he signed to the company - one of the perks of being the boss of a porn studio. "Well, that and the fact that one of the lads in account told me what he was doing to you." "Oh... wow," I blushed deeply though I really don't know why. If Jack is going to be directing the shoot then he's going to be seeing me naked very soon and probably telling me to do all sorts of different things. Hell, if he's anything like Adam then he might even join in! "Listen, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's normal around here - we make videos of guys fucking the hell out of each other so a little cum is nothing." He didn't seem convinced by my response, or lack thereof, so he continued: "I'm a little confused though. You seemed so confident in your screentest and I've seen your online streams too yet, here in person, you seem really shy." There wasn't a question but he waited, just looking at me, as if expecting a response. "I erm..." I began, "I don't know really. I... I've always been quite shy around other people. Growing up, other people have always made me nervous and I'm always really worried about what they think of me. Like now, I don't want you to think badly of me." Jack furrowed his brow for a moment before speaking: "Firstly, I don't think badly of you. Hell, I was in the same position as you ten years ago when I first started out. Hugo gave me my big break and shot more than one load over me so I could never judge you for that." Oh wow! Jack used to make porn too, well he still makes porn as a director but he used to star in the films as well. I guess that isn't that surprising given how sexy he is. He continued: "Second, that explains the shy boy in front of me now but I still don't understand the horny confident twink on the screen." I laughed; I'd thought about this an awful lot, especially recently. "Well, this is Danny - the shy geeky boy who is socially awkward and manages to forget that his new boss just covered his face in spunk." We both shared a laugh then. "But, on the screen, I'm Jordan and that's totally different. I mean, even before the name Jordan Tyler came about, I always pretended to be this other person when I was on cam performing for people." "So, how is Jordan different?" he asked me, seeming genuinely interested in this little duel personality I'd developed. "He's confident, more assertive. He loves sex and especially loves dick. He isn't afraid to be a little naughty and, well, he wouldn't have forgotten about the cum because he'd have scooped every last bit of it from his face and licked it off his fingers." Upon finishing the sentence, I was rock hard in my pants and, from the way that Jack was readjusting, I figured that he was too. "Well," he said after a few moments, "I think it's time to wake Jordan up and get started then. I think that's exactly how we should start today's filming." "What do you mean?" "With you eating all of that cum on your face." Within a few minutes, I was sat on a sofa with a camera pointing directly at me. Jack had told me to change whilst also being very careful not to rub off any of the spunk on my face so I was now dressed in a pair of loose-fitting shorts, no underwear on underneath and a white vest-top. It was very minimal but I guessed I wasn't going to be wearing these things for long anyway. There were three guys in the room with me: Jack, the director, was of course one of them and then there was a camera man and a guy holding up the mic and recording all of the sound from the shoot. "Hey Jordan," Jack said to me. He was stood behind the camera, looking at the monitor so I just looked directly into the camera itself. Something clicked as soon as I knew we were filming and it was like that shy boy Danny just faded into the background and Jordan took over. "Hey," I replied, shooting a big smile at him through the lens. "So, what's that all over your face?" I pretended not to know and used my fingers to scoop some of the cum from my cheek. "Oh this?" I said, putting a fake innocence into my voice, "Just cum." "Where did it come from?" "I was showing the boss just how happy I was that I was going to be working here." "And how did you do that?" Jack was asking each of the questions as if he was genuinely interested and clueless as to the answers. "By deepthroating his big dick." I winked at the camera as I brought my fingers to my mouth. Slowly a opened my lips and slid them inside, making sure that the camera caught me snaking my tongue over them to gather up the cum. Now, Hugo's cum had cooled against my skin and it was definitely not as nice as it would have been just swallowing all of it directly from the source but it was still cum and cum, in my opinion, is delicious. I make sure that this came across on the camera as I collected a bit more and sucked it from my fingers. "How does it taste?" Jack interrupted my soft moans as I lapped down Hugo's spunk but I knew why - the audience would need more. They'd need to hear me say it. "It's delicious!" I giggled, "I love cum!" That wasn't a lie - I honestly can't impress upon you how much I love spunk. "So, we've had lots of questions sent in about you, Jordan." That was a genuine surprise that must have registered on my face as Jack continued: "It looks like our viewers are very interested in our new boy. I thought we'd see how many of the questions you could answer for them" We spent the next 10 minutes just answering a few of the questions, joking and laughing around. At one point, some of the questions transformed into requests and I found myself flashing different parts of my body - my arse, my balls, my feet - and, once I'd removed my shirt, I decided that it would be easier just to leave it off and do the rest of the questions in just the pair of baggy shorts. I was really hard under them, especially as Jack moved on to the really sexual questions from viewers who wanted to know what I'd done before and who I'd been with and what my fantasies were. I didn't know it at the time but Jack told me later that my cockhead was visible up my shorts and the cameraman had ensured that he could see it at all times. It's not like I'd be embarrassed about that anyway. Towards the end of the questions, Jack had me take off the shorts and start playing with my cock - one of the viewers wanted to know how much precum I produced so, of course, I had to demonstrate it and make my cock leak for the camera. It didn't take long and, after a few strokes of my foreskin over the head of my dick, I was already precumming so much that it was leaking down my dick and over my hand. I was sat back on the couch and moaning as I worked my twink cock. I kept looking directly at the camera and biting my lower lip - all the things I would do if I was performing on cam for someone just to what I knew would be a much bigger audience this time. After that question, it all took an interesting turn. "So, lots of the viewers have been asking about your little virgin bum, Jordan. I reckon we need to get to know it a lot better today." Before the words were even out of his mouth, I had already shifted on the couch and, when he finished the sentence, I raised my legs up into the air. "Oh, this little bum?" I asked sweetly while I held my ankles up in the air. This was the first time I'd flashed my hole on camera and Jack was clearly impressed. "Oh fuck!" he exclaimed, "I can't believe that no-one has taken that sexy little hole yet!" I'm a very lucky boy in that my mum made me do gymnastics when I was younger. I stopped years ago but it meant that I built up that flexibility in my muscles at exactly the right time. Holding my legs high up in the air wasn't really much of a challenge but I did start to feel the stretch when I pushed that little bit further and forced both of my ankles behind my head. "Wow!" Jack could just exclaim his shock at what I was doing with my body as my hands moved down and onto my little twink bum. I'd discovered playing with my hole a few years ago and loved doing it ever since. In fact, at one point, I did it every single time I wanked but I've not bothered as much recently. I keep my bum smooth - I mean, I'm naturally pretty smooth but I don't let any hair grow that's not in my armpits or around my dick. I moaned loudly as the index finger of my right left hand slid over my exposed pucker. "So... mmm... what... fuck... what were they asking?" I queried, between the moans that playing with my tight virgin hole was causing. I smiled as I saw Jack readjust himself in his pants; I loved that I was making him so hard with what I was doing. "They erm... fuck you're a hot little twink... they wanted to know if you play with it but I guess you're answering that now." "Oh yes, I love playing with it," I moaned out as I slid my first finger inside of me. It hurt a little, with my hole being so tight, but I didn't show it - I knew Jordan wouldn't let a little pain stop him from feeling pleasure or from teasing the audience. I slid my finger all the way in and out of my little hole, pulling it out so that the camera could see that tight little pucker just winking at them. I was hoping that it was having the same effect on the pervy men watching at home as it was on Jack here. "Fucking hell, you're a nasty boy. Go for two now." There was a clear command in his voice, an expectation that I was going to follow what he was telling me to do and, of course, I did. A second finger slipped inside and I began to really finger-fuck my little virgin arse while my right hand played with my twink dick. After about 30 seconds of this, Jack had had enough. "Fuck it!" he exclaimed, "We can't fuck you but the boss didn't say anything about us not tasting that sexy little cunt of yours!" He moved in front of the camera and up to where I was laid back on the couch. Dropping to his knees, he pulled my fingers out of me, causing me to cry out in a mixture of surprise and pleasure. I wasn't left empty for long though; Jack's tongue soon found its way to my hole. This was new - I'd never had my arse eaten before and Jack wasn't starting off slow. He forced his tongue straight inside me and the sensation was truly spectacular - weird but spectacular. I lost control a bit here and my ankles slipped from behind my head. Jack caught them as they fell down my body, as if he'd exactly that to happen. I didn't even make an attempt to stop them - my hands were far too busy on my dick, one jerking the foreskin back and forth and the other playing with my balls as Jack got as far into my twink hole as tongue would allow. He was moaning in my arse and I was groaning louder than I had before. To be honest, I don't know which sounds were coming from him and which were coming from me. Waves of pleasure were coursing through my body. Each flick of Jack's wet tongue was sending sparks flying through me and they were hitting every pleasure centre on the way. My teen cock was throbbing in my hand and I knew that it wasn't going to be long until what this hunk of a man was doing to me was going to make me spunk. My left hand tightened on my balls, squeezing them slightly as my pleasure levels reached their apex. Jack was buried in as far as he could go and vibrating my hole with his groans. My right hand was moving at lightning speed. It was going to happen: I was going to shoot! Spunk flew out of my dick with a force I'd never known before. The feeling was so intense that I cried out as cum rained down over my body, several shots hitting me right in the face to join Hugo's cum which was now drying against my skin. Every muscle in my body just relaxed in an instant - every fibre of me felt like jelly and it was only made worse by Jack still lapping softly at my hole. As I lay there panting, Jack turned to face the camera directly. "Jordan has one of the most delicious holes I've ever eaten. I don't care who you are - if you see this boy in real life, you have to taste his arse!" Turning back to me, he said: "Right, let's get you cleaned up." Jack had to help me all the way to the showers; it took a while for the full feeling to return to my legs. He didn't seem to mind though. After making sure that all the cum was actually off me this time, I got my stuff together and headed out. It seemed so strange to be walking through the street knowing that I'd just done. Jack had said that it would take a few days for the guys to edit the video and that it'd probably be up before next weekend and that my fee would drop into my account as soon as the video went live. He also told me that, once Hugo had arranged what he wanted to happen for me losing my virginity, he definitely wanted to get a shot at my arse, whether it was on camera or off. On the journey home, with my balls spent and my hole still throbbing with the bouncing of the train, one thing was clear to me: this was absolutely and completely the right decision.

Thank you so much for reading the third chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more; I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at or visit the Tumblr at

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

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