Becoming Jordan

By Jordan Tales

Published on Oct 24, 2018


Firstly, all the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and it will contain guys working within the porn industry. If either of those offend you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

Finally, this is the first story I've submitted to Nifty so would love to get your feedback. You can get hold of me through my email,, or by messaging or following my Tumblr:

'Come on, come on... it's got to be there this time!' I thought to myself as I desperately hit the refresh button on my keyboard. It had been two weeks since I filmed my little screentest for the porn studio and to say that I was on the edge of my seat waiting to hear from them would be understating it. In fact, I'd been watching their main site and checking in on any new uploads from the moment I got home after swallowing Adam's spunk. Roughly 6 days later, and about 50 separate checks of the site, the video of me appeared. I know that some actors say they don't like to watch their own performances, and I'm not comparing what I did to real acting, but I was obsessed! Unfortunately, I didn't actually have paid membership to the site (and I wasn't about to pay for it given the fact that I'd get it for free if they did sign me) so I wasn't able to watch the actual finished and edited video. Instead, I repeatedly watched the little one-minute preview that they had put together in order to encourage people to become members in order to see the full thing. To be honest, they had done a great job and, if I'd just been a regular viewer and not the main boy in the video, I'd probably have signed up just so I could see what happened after the final shot of Adam starting to slide his dick into my throat faded from the screen. It had been a week since the video first went up and I'd tried my best to stop myself from thinking about it but I just couldn't. I went back and forth between thinking that it was the hottest thing I'd ever done (and I'm a little ashamed to say I actually did wank and spunk off over that little preview clip of myself) and it being a truly stupid decision. What if someone I knew saw me? Worse, what if it was someone from college? After much internal discussion, I'd managed to convince myself that that wasn't going to happen - the chances were really quite remote and, if it did, the person viewing the video would probably not want anyone finding out either. I'd decided that, if they wanted to have me, I'd definitely sign up to making lots more videos with the studio. So there I was: refreshing my email client repeatedly, as I had been the last few nights, just hoping that I'd get a message from Adam. Unlike the previous 127 attempts, this refresh brought with it what I'd been waiting for. "Good evening Danny/Jordan," the email read, "As you know, we've been trialling your screentest with the viewship and have decided that we would like to invite you in for a meeting." Fucking yes! Get in there! When I left the screentest, I felt so confident that it had gone well but you know how a couple of weeks away from something can really make you doubt yourself - I needed to trust my instincts more because they were all pointing me in the right direction. Making little clips and, hopefully, bigger movies as well was going to earn me so much more money. I'd be able to take care of my mum's debts and make sure she was alright. There'd be enough left over for me as well if things went the way I hoped they did. The rest of the email just detailed the date, time and location of the meeting and what I should expect from it. It seemed all pretty above board: I was to come down in a few days and speak to the CEO of the company. He was going to take me through the contract and make sure everything was fine - it all sounded great to me. Now that I knew that the screentest had been successful, time seemed to pass very quickly as opposed to the snail's pace it had been crawling at for the last two weeks. The meeting was on a Saturday and I managed to make my excuses to my mum who, as a result of my fantastic story-spinning, believed I was going to be spending the day at a friend's place. I have no idea how she would react if she ever found out the truth about what I'd gotten myself into: I hope that she would understand that I'm doing this for her and be both grateful and proud but I can't imagine her being proud of her son working in the porn industry, especially when I'm two years underage! I was nervous as I approached the building in which I was going to have my meeting - more nervous than I'd been the first time I came from the screentest. I'm not sure why but this time it just felt so much more real than before - I was going to be an actor in adult films. Hopefully, I was going to be a successful one and make lots and lots of different movies with lots and lots of different guys: an idea that both excited and terrified me. I checked in with the receptionist - a cute-looking guy who I guessed had just left his twink years and was starting to become a 'man'. He gave me a cheeky smile as he told me how much he'd enjoyed my screentest and how glad he was that I was back. I just blushed and mumbled a clumsy thank you; he chuckled to himself as he showed me to the waiting area and went back to his desk. That was something I'd not factored in - everyone I met today would definitely have seen me naked and sucking on Adam's cock. They'd have seen me sucking his cum from my fingers and telling the camera how much I loved it. I wasn't sure how I'd handle that given that, in my real life - outside of the webcam modelling and now this porn work, I was actually quite shy. I wasn't waiting long before a tall man dressed in a very sharp looking grey suit approached me. He smiled as he held out his hand and introduced himself as Hugo Johnson, the head of the company. Studying his appearance, I could tell that this guy took care of himself. Not only could you see that he worked out but he obviously had a decent skincare routine and took pride in how he presented himself - his dark hair cut stylishly; clean shaven faces and a bright-white smile. I'd have placed him as in his mid-30s if the lines that were starting to form on his face hadn't betrayed his real age of late 40s. As I stood, I shook his hand, firmly but without squeezing, and we both walked down the corridor and into the lifts. He pressed the button at the top of the selection and the doors closed. I remained quiet, unsure of what to say, but Hugo didn't seem to mind and felt no need to break the silence himself. When we arrived at the top floor, he ushered me out of the doors and into the offices. The place was busier than I expected. I mean, I don't quite know what it was that I was anticipated a successful porn company to look like but there were around two dozen people just working at desks within the offices. Over in the corner of the floor, I could see Adam stood over the shoulder of a younger man on a computer. I guessed that he was editing a recent shoot - he didn't see me anyway. Hugo led me straight through the middle of the floor to his glass fronted office at the far side. As we moved, I looked around at the people at their desks. I wanted to make a good impression and start off friendly towards everyone but, every time I caught someone's eye, they just shot me a sly smile and carried on with what they were doing. What was going on? Was this because they'd all seen the video? "Take a seat," he said to me in a low and gravelly voice as he indicated the chair next to his large wooden desk. As I sat, he settled down on his seat on the opposite side. "So Danny, I have to tell you that your little screentest has been viewed thousands of times in the last week: it seems the audience out there quite like you." I'd be lying if I said that my heart didn't skip a little at hearing that. I wanted all of this to work out and was really keen to come across well to both the company and their audience. "That's great Mr Johnson," I said, "Adam mentioned something about getting feedback from the viewers as well: how did that go?" "Very well," that was all that Hugo said to me and he clearly had no interest in elaborating any further as to what was actually said, "We'd like to offer you a contract. You'd be tied to us for the next 6 months and commit to shooting at least 12 scenes in that time." "Ok..." I said, working out what that would look like, "That sounds perfectly fine. Would we be able to do it mostly at weekends?" I was concerned about how much being at college was going to affect this. "Yes but there shall be some during the week and there are other duties that we would expect you to perform as a member of our team." "What do you mean?" I asked. Hugo smiled as he reviewed the piece of paper he'd picked up: "Just standard stuff - promo events, invitationals, meet and greets - nothing we don't expect from the other boys." "Oh... ok. Well then yeah that sounds good to me." If I'm honest, I had no idea what he was talking about; I thought that this was going to be just filming a few scenes every now and then but if they needed more from me then I guess I had to just do it. I did need the money after all. Hugo gave me a knowing smile. "Good," he said as he slid the piece of paper over the desk towards me, "Sign this." I wish I could tell you that I was really responsible and that I read through every last bit of the contract so that I understood everything that I was signing myself up for. However, if I told you that, I'd be lying. I just signed it in my eagerness to make all of this happen. Hugo seemed pleased though and he called his assistant in and told him to go and make three separate copies of the signed contract. As the assistant closed the door, the stud of a man in front of me rose from his desk and moved towards me. I started to get up but a quick hand on my shoulder pushed me back down to the seat. "Now," Hugo began, "There is just one other matter that needs attending to. You see, your video got me feeling jealous of one of my employees and we can't have that." "What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely unsure as to what he was referring to which I'm not sure whether was down to my own naivety or just how excited I felt at having just signed for a porn studio. Hugo didn't answer me. Instead, he just unbuckled his belt. I got the message just before his suit trousers slid down to reveal that he wasn't wearing any underwear. My new boss's cock was, in a word, stunning. My mouth dropped open as soon as I saw that thick piece of 8-inch uncut meat. I was mesmerised and started moving towards it. Hugo's large hand on my forehead stopped me though. "No," he said plainly, "Get out of that chair and onto your knees where you belong." To be honest, I felt the comment was a little harsh but I was so in awe of him and his beautiful dick that I didn't even register the meaning behind what he was saying - I just got onto my knees. As soon as I was on the floor, Hugo moved around so that I was between him and his desk. I spun around to face him and was shocked to see, through the glass fronts to his office, that people were starting to look in. They were whispering to each other and a couple were even pointing over to us. I started to speak - I know everyone would likely have seen my video but watching my new boss get his dick sucked by me in his office was a little different and I really wasn't feeling comfortable with this. However, opening my mouth to speak was taken as a signal by Hugo and he immediately slid the cock of his head and at least the first couple of inches into my mouth. I knew that he wasn't going to stop as I felt the first touch of skin on my lips and I was right: he continued to push his dick in until I could feel it pulsing against the back of my throat. My lips were already much more stretched than they had been with Adam and I was starting to gag. I tried to pull back but found that my head was wedged between Hugo's monster cock and the solid oak desk behind me - his plan all along, I imagine. My hands flew up to his thighs, trying to push him back so that I could at least get some air before he started to assault my throat but he wasn't having any of it and I certainly wasn't strong enough to make him. He just continued to push and I felt the head pop through my throat. My eyes were watering and saliva was pouring out of the side of my mouth and onto my chin. Inch after inch forced its way down my throat: the feel of it bulging as I struggled to accommodate such a huge piece of dick was intense. Hugo wasn't in the mood to be sucked off - this wasn't some nice blowjob where I took it at my pace - he was in the mood to fuck. "Mmm," he groaned, "I love it when dirty little fags gag on my big dick. Look at you - what a nasty little slut you are with my thick monster down your throat." I'll admit, the way he was treating me was starting to turn me on and I could feel myself getting hard as he continued to call me nasty names and use my throat. Unsatisfied with just working the deeper parts of my throat, Hugo began to take his cock all the way out and then forced me to hold my mouth open while he shoved every inch of it back inside. Sometimes he'd do it fast, at other times, he'd move slowly and make me feel every last bit of it. I'm not going to lie: my face was covered in saliva and tears at this point and I must have looked a terrible state. Hugo pulled back and started to slap my face with his dick. Each hit made a really loud and wet noise but the most embarrassing part was that, as he moved away, I could see that most of the office had gathered around and were now watching as their boss used the new talent. "Open wider," he ordered as he started to thrust his long dick down into my throat again. "No you stupid slut - wider!" I tried my best but soon found him sticking his fingers at either side of my mouth and pulling my lips open. They felt like they were going to stretch as he forced his dick down into my throat: still holding my mouth open with his fingers. A few times, he even pulled his dick all the way out and shoved as many of his fingers into my mouth as he possibly could. "You're such a nasty little faggot - such a filthy whore Jordan." I noticed how he'd switched now to use my porn name instead of my real one. I guess that's what I was now. When I'd walked in, I'd been Danny - the new boy here to sign a contract. Now, I was Jordan - the filthy slut here to get used by men. He carried on abusing my twink throat until, after about 15 minutes, he pulled out completely and started to wank his cock aiming towards my face. "Fucking take it - take it you whore!" With that as the only warning, my face was coated in thick spunk. Spurt after spurt of the stuff flew out of his dick and hit me everywhere: face, cheeks, lips, open mouth, everywhere! Some even went into my eyes and up my nose. I was drowning in the amount of cum this man was shooting. When he finally stopped, he stepped away and went back to his chair. He didn't even bother to pull up his trousers. In fact, he didn't even look at me. "That's all," he said, "Now go to floor 2; there's a crew waiting for you." I wanted to speak but, after his assault on my throat, I just couldn't find my voice. Instead, I stood up and walked straight out of the office. As soon as I opened the door, a loud roar erupted from the entire staff. Each one of them clapped and cheered as I desperately tried to make my way to the elevator as quickly as possible.

Thank you so much for reading the second chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and have a few chapters planned out already but I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at or visit the Tumblr at

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

Next: Chapter 3

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