Becoming Jordan

By Jordan Tales

Published on Oct 21, 2018


Firstly, all the usual warnings apply. This story will contain sex between males and it will contain guys working within the porn industry. If either of those offend you, or you shouldn't be reading about them because of your age, then you really should stop here.

If you're still there then please note that all of these events are fictitious and any resemblance to real life is entirely coincidental. All of the roles in this story are played by experienced actors over the age of 18 so, please, only try what you read about here if you know what you're getting yourself into.

Finally, this is the first story I've submitted to Nifty so would love to get your feedback. You can get hold of me through my email,, or by messaging or following my Tumblr:

"How about Jake?" the handsome man in front of me suggested, trying to be helpful and speed this part of the process along. "Nah," I replied, "There are too many Jakes already online. Plus, do I really look like a Jake to you?" He laughed, showing off a set of perfectly straight, bright-white teeth - they were fake or, at the very least, had been altered cosmetically to create what he'd thought was the perfect smile. "I guess not," he said, "How about..." A long list of names followed although none of them really stood out to me. My real name is Danny and today was my very first day at my brand-new job; a job that I'd never even thought about having let alone aspired to reach. After all, I was actually a couple of years too young to be employed by the studio but then I'd also been a couple of years too young when I'd signed up to the webcam site and started showing off my smooth twink body for as many men as would pay to watch me. It had all started as a result of my stepdad walking out on my mum. My real dad had died when I was really young and, after several years of it being just mum and me, she'd started to date a series of guys. She'd been clever about it and I hadn't met the vast majority of them. However, Gary had been different. They'd been together for around 7 months before I was introduced to him, a few weeks before my 11th birthday. At first, there'd been a little bit of friction, as my mum and Gary had expected, but, after a while, we all relaxed into a steady pattern. When they married, two years later, my mum's new husband had held the stepdad role for a little while and all the marriage did was confirm that in writing. They'd been happy for a while but then Gary had started cheating on my mum: what an unbelievable prick! My mum genuinely is amazing and the idea that he could have been such a twat towards her just made me so frustrated. Of course, what was worse was that the breakdown of the relationship left my mum in a really shitty place. Emotionally, she was all over the place but, financially, she was even worse. She'd been foolish during the marriage and signed a series of loans for him, thinking that they would deal with them together. When he left us, she was burdened with the entirety of the debt and it was more than enough to cripple her. I had just turned 16 when this happened and decided that I needed to get a job in order to help out. I tried all of the usual channels - honestly, I did - but nothing good came of it. Everywhere was either fully staffed, wanted to offer me a zero-hours contract so I'd have nothing consistent or was looking for full time staff. That wasn't an option for me as I was still studying: I'd done well at GCSE and had left my high school behind to move on to the local sixth form college. However, nothing was paying off and I was starting to seriously consider quitting school because I needed to take care of my mum. That was, anyway, until I discovered the money I could make by behaving like a slutty boy online. I kind of fell into it accidentally; I'd been watching gay porn for a year or so, ever since my mum and Gary bought me my own laptop, and had watched other lads perform on webcam but never realised just how much money they were making by doing it. I was mid-wank, watching a cute twink play with is tight little hole on cam, when I realised just how easy it would be for me to do the same. I'd signed up, using a fake ID that stated I was really 18, and began performing within the day. At first, the audience was really small and there wasn't much money coming in but, over time, it started to grow. At the viewers' requests, I started to do private shows with guys who wanted me to do specific fetishes for them on cam: cum on my own face; lick my own feet and a wide variety of other, more unusual, things. The money was beginning to come in. It wasn't loads but it was enough that I could pay a little off my mum's debt and sneak the occasional £20 into her purse. She didn't realise what I was doing - she'd always been quite bad at managing her own money and the emotional state that she was in with Gary leaving just made it easier for me to do all of this without her realising. That's how I received the offer of a paid screentest for a porn studio based in the major city near where I live. At first, I'd ignored it but, when I realised just how much money I could make and how much easier it would be to help my mum whilst still being able to continue with my studies, I messaged the studio back and asked them when they wanted me. So here I am: sat on a couch waiting to film my screentest, which will be used as my first introduction video if they like me, while the director and I try to come up with my new porn name. Finally, one of his suggestions clicked with me. "Jordan!" I cry out, "That's it. I'm going to be Jordan Tyler." He smiles at me, "Why that one?" "It just..." I pause, "it sounds sexy and chavy. I think that's what my porn name should sound like." "Agreed. Now let's get you started." It wasn't long before I was in front of the camera, dressing in a chavy looking pair of black trackies, with a pair of blue boxer-briefs on underneath, and a plain white t-shirt. They gave me a baseball cap to wear, although I don't usually wear one - I guess they thought it would complete the look better. I was wearing my own blue Adidas trainers with a pair of bright white trainer socks over my feet. The director, who was around his late 30s and I later learnt was called Adam, indicated to me that we were starting to film and begun to introduce me. "Welcome back guys, we have a huge treat for you today. We've been out searching for the next superstar of the screen and look what we've come up with." I smiled and gave a little nod towards the camera. "Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?" Ok... here goes... this is no different to when I'm on my webcam. Sure, thousands more people will see it and it'll be of a much clearer quality so every last flaw that I have will definitely be visible for all to see but, yeah, it's basically the same. "Hey everyone," I started strong, my voice holding steady, "I'm Jordan Tyler (a lie) and I'm 18 (another lie, but not as far as the studio knew). I'm from Yorkshire and am currently a student." That, at least, was true: I did live in the Yorkshire county and I was a student, albeit it at college and not university. Adam seemed happy with my answer and proceeded to ask me further questions. We explored my interests outside of sex as well as my particular turn-ons and fetishes during sex. This is where I think I shocked him. "Actually, I don't really know what does it for me the most. I'm kind of hoping to find out through doing this because, well, I'm still a virgin." Adam actually stopped the camera: "Really? Is that true?" "Yeah," I replied, "I'm very interested in sex and you've seen my webcam streams so you know I'm not shy with my body but I've never actually had sex with someone else." A sly smile crept onto his face as he told the cameraman to turn it back on: "You heard it straight from Jordan's mouth, guys. He's an honest to goodness virgin - I wonder which of our lucky guys will get the chance to take him for the first time. Right, I think it's time we lost some of those clothes, don't you Jordan?" Making sure to move slowly, and trying accent as many of the movements as sensual as possible, I removed my clothes while chatting with Adam. He made loads of comments about my body from how toned my torso looked to remarking that the hair on my head is more of a darker blond than the hair on my arms and legs. I made a point of wiggling my toes when I removed the trainer socks - something Adam picked up on later. He told me that the foot fetish audience would really love me because I had nice feet and was quite expressive with them - quite how you are expressive with feet, I'm not sure but it seemed to work for him. Soon, I was left just in my boxers. "Now guys, I've had the pleasure of seeing exactly what Jordan is smuggling down in his boxers and I'm sure you'll be pleased. Let's show the guys what they want to see." I lifted my bum from the couch and slowly lowered down my boxer-briefs. I was as hard as rock and had already teased the audience by outlining both the length and the thickness of my teenage cock. In truth, it wasn't huge, especially not in porn terms, coming in at 7 inches long but it was quite girthy and looked even bigger on my small frame. "See what I mean! Look at that massive twink dick!" Adam sounded quite excited; I just laughed and slowly started to stroke my foreskin over the exposed head. "That's not even the best part though - turn around for us Jordan." I stood up and turned to face the camera. Leaning forward, I placed my knees on the couch and pushed my arse back towards the camera. My bum is definitely one of my best features and the guys on webcam always went a bit crazy for it. It's peachy and bubble but not too big, totally smooth and I've the tightest little hole just nestled inside my cheeks. "That is a fucking prize for whoever gets to take your virginity. Hell, I'm tempted to do it right now," Adam admitted and I could tell, as I turned back around to face the camera, that he was as hard as rock within his own shorts. "Well, you can't have my virginity but maybe we could do something about the problem you seem to be having," I said, confident in how much this guy was into me physically. "What do you have in mind?" he asked, starting to really pull at the front of his shorts. In response, I stood up and got down onto my knees in front of the couch. I opened my mouth and made a point of sticking out my tongue. Adam didn't even debate it for a second - his shorts came straight down and he reached over to take hold of the camera from the cameraman. "Go on then, Jordan. Let's see just how good you are." Shifting forward slightly, I stared straight into the lense of the camera as I took the head of Adam's cock between my lips. He was a decent size - similar to my own - though with a little less foreskin. Determined to do a good job, I swirled my tongue around his exposed glands as my lips formed a tight vacuum around his shaft just below the head. I started to hum softly as I was doing this - I'd watched enough porn to know how much guys like this when being sucked. I hadn't sucked cock before and the feel of it against my lips and tongue was something very interesting to me but everything about it made perfect sense. This sensation of throbbing flesh in my mouth, and the taste of another guy inside me, was absolute perfection and I knew, there and then, that on my knees like this was exactly how I was supposed to be. "Fuck yes!" Adam cried out, "We've got a fucking live one here, guys! He definitely knows how to suck dick." Hearing this just spurred me on more and I changed tactic: my tongue stopped and I started to push down the shaft. I wanted more of his length inside of my body but, being inexperienced, I couldn't help but gag as I tried to fit more and more in. He seemed to love this though and started to push on the back of my head to force it to happen more. Every single time I choked on his dick, he'd grunt and tell the audience how good it felt to feel my throat so tight around his head even though it wasn't all the way into my throat yet. Suddenly, my delicious treat was removed and I was told to turn over on the couch and lay with my head hanging off it. The camera had been turned off while Adam helped me position myself and I was just about ready when he picked it up again and I felt the head of his dick start to push against my lips. In this position, his long shaft fit more easily down my throat - something that Adam was keen to point out and even started using his hands to show far his dick was getting inside of me by pointing out the bulging on my neck. I was gagging with every thrust from him but I was desperate to please him and make a great video. If that was the only way that I could guarantee that I'd get a lot of work from this studio then I'd have let every single man in the building fuck my throat - this money was going to save me and my mum. His thrusts were becoming more and more powerful and I could tell from this, and the grunting above me, that he must have been getting close. Without warning, his beautiful cock was taken from me and I was ordered to get back to my knees. Of course, I did so and started to lick his balls as he wanked his wet, saliva-coated cock. All the time, he kept the camera focused in on my face and the reason became clear a few moments later. With an almighty groan, Adam unleashed rope after rope of his thick white spunk all over my face. I held my mouth open, catching what I could and being forced to wear the rest of it. He thrust his cock through his fingers a few more times just to make sure every droplet of spunk that he could currently produce was definitely coating my cute teenage face and to make sure that the camera didn't miss a single second of it. He moved his dick away and was about to turn off the camera when I reached up, wiped up some of the spunk that was covering my chin and pushed it into my mouth, sucking it off my fingers. It wasn't that Adam tasted great. I mean, he didn't taste bad - a little musky and salty but I could definitely get used to swallowing spunk - but I did it, once again, to engage with the audience. The entire time I was sucking his spunk from my fingers, I was staring right down the lense of the camera. I wanted the audience to want more of me. No, I wanted the audience to demand more of me. From swallowing the cum to me leaving the building wasn't very long. I was given the opportunity to shower and clean up, had a little meeting with Adam during which he told me what would happen next and then I was out the door with £100 more than I'd started with. It wasn't a lot of money but Adam said that that was pretty standard for screentests and that, if the audience liked me, it'd go up as they got me back for further films. He said that the video should be edited and uploaded within the next week and that they would monitor audience reactions the let me know what the bosses decided after a couple of weeks. I guess there was nothing more I could do then wait and hope that it all went over well.

Thank you so much for reading the first chapter of my story. I hope that you enjoyed it and that it entertained or excited you. I'm hoping to write a lot more and have a few chapters planned out already but I'd love to hear from you as to what you thought and any suggestions you might have for further chapters. Remember, you can email me at or visit the Tumblr at

Finally, please remember to donate to Nifty and help keep this site open so little twinks like me can keep writing all these sexy stories for you.

Next: Chapter 2

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