Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Oct 12, 2020


Not suitable for under 18's Support Nifty ********************** Totally serious boy, modification will make you better, make you more dedicated. Now I'm away `till Friday. Get the hair chopped, keep the strap and jock on and I'll see you Friday about 6pm".

I nodded. Slightly stunned, I took my boots and gloves off. Put my T-shirt, jeans etc back on and left. My face covered in my dry spit and went home. **********************

Part 6: 1,2,3!

For the second time in two days I left Jeff's feeling incredible, nasty, filthy. Again I rubbed myself through my jeans on the bus feeling my leather pouch. Looking at my left wrist with the strap on it. Knowing what it signified to certain people.

Once home I booked my hair cut. I was pretty fucking upset. I loved my hair, I'd always been the guy/kid with the long hair and the curls and colour just made it a great look. I never expected I'd be told to get it cut.

The next day, after classes I went to the salon. Jessica was kind of hot. Despite everything I was up to with Jeff I hadn't lost my eye for beauty when it came to women. "It needs to come off" I said with some sadness in my voice. We went through a few pictures and settled on something pretty short that would be tidy and keep the curls in check. When I returned home my mom and big sister both screamed not quite believing what I'd done.

The following couple of days were a nightmare, I was in heat, I really couldn't quite compute this feeling. Jeff wasn't in contact so I felt rejected. I was basically just feeling shitty, horny, desperate.

But Friday came, end of lessons came, a quick bite to eat and off to Jeff's I went. A message had come from him at noon. `You know the drill, door will be open, boots, gloves'.

As I walked up the steps to his house I was in a daze once again. The boots always took a couple of minutes to get on and laced. A double check of myself in the mirror and into the living room I went.

Jeff sat on the sofa in leather jeans, boots, cap and gloves. "Glad you could make it boy" a line making me feel on the back foot. Eventually he looked up at me "now, that's a good hair cut. You win a prize". He went to a table and tossed me a leather baseball cap. "Put it on, both ways, peak front and back, look at yourself"

"Shit, oh my god, I look nasty" was my reply. "Proper filthy slut nasty". I rubbed my jock, turned on at how I looked.

"That's right, that's why your hair had to go boy" came Jeff in a matter of fact way. "You're mine now, you're a pig, you're nasty"

His verbal was straight forward. He seemed in a mood. Looking at him in the leather jeans I realised that there was no easy access to that leather jock. Like I was being denied it today.

"Get over here and bend over the arm of the couch. It's time to explore you a bit boy"

I walked over, nervously and Jeff stood up eventually grabbing my head, pushing it down, causing my ass to stick up a bit from the arm of the sofa. "Fuck, that was a bit..."

I didn't finish before a slap landed into my left ass cheek "shut up slut" came the growl as both my ass cheeks were felt, scrunched and spanked a couple more times.

"You ever put a finger up here boy? Ever explored your own hole?" came the matter of fact question as Jeff ran a finger along my crack.

"Nnnooo Sir, never" was my answer, my body shaking slightly as he teased my crack.

"Well don't worry, after this you'll be doing it all the time" there was a popping sound of a finger, from Jeff's mouth, then a tickling around my ass hole. There was a light pressure "nice and easy boy, give it to me" there was the sound of drool being dripped and the warmth hitting my ass "nice and easy, deep breaths".

For whatever reason my tight as fuck ass wasn't giving up easily. Either it was too fucking tight or my state of mind just wasn't right. Jeff got up, went to a table grabbing a small bottle and shook it and came back. Once again his finger explored my crack, pressed "deep breaths" the bottle came to my left nostril "deep breath and hold it".

That's all it took. Suddenly a small popping sound, suddenly a feeling of violation as the finger went in, a moment of pain, then a moment of actual fucking crazy pleasure.

"Breath out boy, ride it, ride the rush"

Now, if you've never had poppers pushed into your face before it's quite something, especially if the person that had them is pushing their finger up your ass. That extreme moment of relaxation, of some level of inhibition dropping away. For some it would be too much, for others, it's addictive.

Jeff started to slide the finger in and out now. "Fuck you're so fucking tight boy, fuck, so tight". There was delight in his voice "it's fucking incredible, so TIGHT!"

He reached away from me for another bottle now a squeeze of something indicating it was lube he was going for "don't want to break you totally" he said with a chuckle. Now two fingers were pushing at my hole. The lube easing everything up. A quick blast of poppers again and my ass gave way. "Fuck boy, yes, two fingers boy, I've got two fingers up you" he said with joy in his voice. He slowly fucked them in and out. Twisting them around. Hearing my groans of pleasure and my occasional yelps of pain.

Then the pressure increased, he was going big. Going for the third. A couple of huffs of poppers did nothing, no amount of telling me to relax helped. The third wasn't going in.

"All fours boy" was Jeff's bark, hoping the change of position would help. I slid down, behind the couch. The large full length mirror to my right. Again Jeff pressed, again I huffed, but nothing, my tight fucking ass wasn't giving way that easily.

However, Jeff wasn't giving in that easily. "Drop your head into the floor boy, keep your ass up high" I did it, rapidly, head hitting the floor, turning to see myself in the mirror, together with the moment when everything gave way naturally and Jeff's third finger sank into my tight ass!

He whooped, like some sports guy that's had scored a winning goal or touchdown. My ass felt full. "That's it slut, that's it you tight nasty slut, fuck Sam, I've got three fingers up your ass, I OWN YOU"

He relentlessly pumped his fingers in and out for a few minutes, me watching in the mirror before he got up. "Fuck off boy, see you next week"

I was left suddenly feeling empty, rejected, violated, used and totally horny.

**************** Always love feedback:

Next: Chapter 7

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