Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Mar 12, 2023


Gift to Nifty Not suitable for under 18's Love the comments:

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Part 50: David

I was totally stunned by what had just happened. How I'd not recognised the guy getting out of my bed, how I'd lost hours of my life. It was all so fucking weird.

As I was trying to remember what on earth I was actually meant to be doing today I got a message from Jeff telling me he'd be at the Uni gay night and he wanted to introduce me to someone.

My brain scrambled by everything I messaged Amy, apologising for running off but got nothing back. Then I knocked on Shaun's door but he wasn't in either. I missed lectures just because I wasn't focussed, Stupifyed by something.

As the evening came I tried to decide what to wear. Full leather wasn't an option really. All I had was my indie gear which I threw on. Did my hair, even a bit of eye liner just because. With that all done I went off to the bar at around 9pm.

Whenever Jeff was at this night he held court. There was always a group of guys around him. He bought drinks, sometimes made out with guys, but was totally the centre of attention.

There that evening though was a new guy I'd not seen before. He stood next to Jeff and seemed to be moderately uncomfortable with being there. I walked over to say hi and Jeff introduced me to him.

His name was David. At 6'5" he towered over me. But then there was his pumped body. That gym addicted, protein shake on tap, almost plastic look. It was obvious why guys buzzed around him. "Look this isn't really my deal mate. Maybe I could see you tomorrow at 5 Wilton Hill? Around 10am It'll be fun". He said to me, nodded and walked off.

Jeff winked at me and walked over. "So you know where you need to go tomorrow?" I nodded and grabbed a beer.

It was 9.55am that I rang the bell of 5 Wilton Hill. In T-shirt and long shorts David answered the door. He looked like he'd just come from a work out. Smelt like it too. "Hey, come in man" was his invitation.

I walked into a pretty normal, conventional family home. There were kids books and toys, family photos etc. I wasn't quite sure why I was there. "So Jeff said maybe you could help provide me with some relief?"

I nodded "well yeah, but looks like you've got a family and your wife is hot, why do you need some relief with me?" was my searching question.

He looked at the floor. "You're right, she's hot, but after our second kid she went frigid and I've got needs". There was pain in what he said. Pain that weirdly motivated me.

I slipped up to him, leaning up to whisper into his ear "and you want a filthy little slut to meet them?"

He gripped me by the loop on the collar now and pulled me up the stairs and into the bedroom. The marital bedroom. He dumped me on the floor, ripped off his T-shirt and dropped his shorts pulling out a big cock that was cut and hard.

Smear, marked would best describe what now took place as he aggressively dragged my head around his cock and balls. There was no chance to clamp down and suck.

"That's it you dumb himbo slut. Take it. Let's get you stinking of me". He uttered. He eventually grabbed my hair "open wide".

His cock sunk down my throat "oh you nasty slut. You're like a hoover, you nasty nasty whore" he shouted almost in surprise at my skills.

That not showered, gym pumped body and cock tasted phenomenal. He was absolutely smooth. No pubes even. He started a relentless pumping of my face.

"That's it, you nasty little slut". The coughs and gags bursting from my mouth. Drool spilling down my chin.

"Eat my balls" came the next instruction giving me no time to think before I was at them, tasting them, fuck did they taste so fucking good.

"You're a dirty fucking whore aren't you" was his growl now but I glanced up. He wasn't looking at me, but looking at himself in the mirror, flexing his pumped muscles. It was as if I was being used not as a person, more as an object for his jerking off.

When he eventually picked me up to fuck me there was aggression and power in every move. His hands large and powerful almost felt like they were pulling flesh off me. He stood behind me pushed my head forward so my hands were on my knees balancing myself.

Then came the rip of a condom packet, the snap as he pulled it on and smeared lube on. As always I'd prepared myself, but he was fucking huge and I wailed a bit "shut up you skank" came the growl before he forcefully spanked my ass.

Then, he mixed up gripping my hips and flexing, never taking his eyes off himself in the mirror. "That's it, that's it you shameless himbo slut, milk me out".

I was noisy, not verbal noisy, just crying out noisy.

But then the bedroom door opened. She, his wife stood there. She didn't look shocked, angry, pissed off but also not turned on or loving it. "I'll let you two finish off" she matter of fact said before walking out.

David's verbal now totally stopped; however, his assault on my ass carried on relentlessly. Then there was a tightened squeeze on my hips and him whispering "fuck yes" as he obviously unloaded in me.

He pushed me forward, me almost collapsing, I turned and looked, he was still staring and flexing, just a rock hard cock and a loaded condom on him.

I dressed quickly, he seemed in `the zone' and ran down the stairs determined this was a one off.

"Excuse me, can I have a word?" His wife stood blocking my exit and walked into the kitchen "coffee?" She said totally normally and I nodded. "Take a seat".

With the coffee in front of me, the taste of him all over my face and my ass loose I was speechless as to what to say. She was an attractive woman no doubt.

"What's your name? Student I assume". I nodded and told her. "Well I assumed there had to be someone else with him. He was always randy and to be honest I've lost interest. I'm just surprised it's a guy he's gone for".

I swigged some coffee, gulped it looked up "oh don't worry he won't come down until he knows you've gone, so come on, tell me".

I wasn't quite sure what to say but tried some weird psychology "well my experience with straight guys is they don't see me as a person, I'm just a kind of tool to jerk off with". It wasn't a bad answer to be fair.

"Was he violent or too aggressive" she asked.

"No more than I've been used too or enjoy" I said trying not to grin.

"Good, if he is, tell me". She now wrote out her phone number on a scrap of paper and passed it to me. "Oh and I'll make sure I'm out if you're meeting him".

With that I was dismissed and went back to my room.

As a little after note the couple in question David and Alice did after some therapy a few years later repair their sex life. I, as you'll see though remained a stop gap. They remain friends of mine.

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