Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Mar 8, 2023


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Part 49: Collard

It's not a word really stupifyed'. But it's a state. A state I'd been placed in. If Ultra' was organic and driven by me `stupifyed' was the high salt, high sugar, loaded with additives version I'd been fed.

As I emerged from my session under the floor I genuinely guy felt totally different. It wasn't `Ultra' where I just had a hunger and need to fuck. No, in this moment I genuinely felt dumb, stupid, vapid. The pods popped from my ears I could feel myself grinning like an idiot. "Who is Sam?". Came Jeff's question. I licked my hand.

"Sam, Sam is `SlutFag'" came my filthy voiced reply.

"That's right, that's right. You're not Sam anymore are you SlutFag?" Shaun was gazing in some level of disbelief.

"How, how do we take him back to normal life?". Shaun muttered. He seemed almost concerned for my welfare in that moment.

"Oh that's easy, SlutFag here will be fine in normal company. But his horn will be high. I'm also expecting his academic performance might fall a bit" he said with a wink. "Thing is we might need to make it more obvious what he is!"

Jeff came up behind me now and collard me with a 1.5" thick black leather collar. On the back was a buckle and a padlock that locked it into place, on the front was a loop, allowing a leash to be added.

"Oi SlutFag" came Jeff in a firm voice. "You wear this all the time right? Shaun here will have a key if you need to be released for washing and sometimes sleeping. I've also put back all your floppy jeans, hoodies and T-shirts. I think they'll match the look. Oh, obviously don't forget your wrist straps"

I nodded, dumb, honestly in some type of daze.

A few hours later I was back in my room in my old indie look. It was fair to say that the leather straps around my wrists looked totally cool with it. But the collar, the collar really added something that I was unable to truly understand or quantify in my brain.

Feeling understandably strange when I looked over my lecture and essay schedule I laughed and threw it into the bin. I licked the palm of my hand and decided to go for a beer.

I left the campus walking down to the Cafe Bar I really liked. But up the hill walked Amy. She who'd ridden my face like a toy pre Christmas. She was dressed in a denim jacket with scarfs of bright colours around her neck. Her jeans tight on her chunky thighs and brown boots on. Her hair cascaded to just below her shoulder. She saw me and instantly grinned. "Well hello stranger. A new look I see" she said and slipped a finger through the hoop on the collar. "Tell you what it's all about the shiny tracksuits and tight leather gloves with you. But, yeah, I kind of dig the Indie Slave lad. Where you headed?"

I explained I was a off for a beer and sort of invited her along, inadvertently. I can't remember if it was beer number three or four that I started to spill the whole story. Jeff, Jay, my first time in the glory holes at Sling, Mr Anjou, the DILF guys in Sling, Aidy, Dean, the guy in the laundrette, Shaun, Dillon, the random skin head, Mr Anjou's two masked guys, Eddie, Santa, Mr Hunter, Thomas and Uri. "So 18 she gasped and in the glory holes" I just shrugged "and women" I held up four fingers. . She leaned back and drank some beer. "Sam, you really are a Slut aren't you?"

I obviously blushed and dropped my head nodding slightly. "I may have forgotten one or two as well".

There was a weird sense of concern on her face. Like what I'd just told her was really weird. Which of course it absolutely was.

"I think you're crazy, but it's not like I'm going to complain, that face of yours is epic to ride".

I looked up a grinned!

"Oh my god! You even grin like a dumb slut!!" Came her rather loud exclamation. A few people looked "I'm sure you're a bit hungry aren't you?" She now asked me nodding in reply. "Well, looks like I've got you in just the right frame of mind!"

Amy now stood, finished her her beer. "Well let's go then".

We walked out and down to her house. Now Amy must have cleared to Uni. She wasn't in halls like most first years but in a house. Student houses always a mixed bag of really shit ones and some, not many, nice ones. This was a nice one. Far from perfect, but it didn't smell damp, or at least the powerful smell of insense sticks covered it all up.

Once inside Amy led me up to her room. It had a double bed and was decorated how she dressed really. A blend of colours, scarfs, posters etc.

I was feeling a bit out of place to be honest. Not sure what to do next. She slipped her arms around my waist, tossed her hair back, looked up at me and smiled. How many guys in this moment would feel a million dollars to have a girl like her in their arms.

But I pulled back. "No, I'm sorry. I uh, I need cock" was all I said before darting out of the house.

What happened next remains a bit of a mystery.

It was obviously the following day and I woke up in my own bed, there was obviously someone else there. You always know in a single bed. Then they slipped out and I rolled over. Sliding out of my bed was a guy. Thin, tall 6'1", short hair, wearing a pair of very short, very shiny football shorts in navy blue. His hand dropped below the waistband and scratched his ass as he walked to the toilet.

When he returned I honestly didn't recognise him. He was smooth, very subtly toned, and spoke with a very very strong local accent "look umm, cheers mate, last night was great". Is always said as he pulled on some clothes. "See you around". With that the stranger left and I was left confused as fuck.

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