Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Feb 14, 2023


Gift to Nifty Not suitable for under 18's Love the comments:

I'm not on Kik anymore. If you'd like to see me back let me know and I'll consider it.

Part 48: Restraint

Two weeks into the winter term I was rushing to catch up academically. All the action with Jeff, Dean, Mr Anjou etc in the first term had caused me to fall dramatically behind on my assignments and essays. There were comments from lecturers that I needed to buck up my ideas. So I'd become a bit monk like. Getting up early, reading, working hard, going to lectures. Doing anything but sinking to my knees and sucking cock. It was pretty hellish if I'm honest. Totally unnatural.

Then the third Wednesday of term popped up. At 1pm Jeff messaged me. `I'll be visiting The Cottage later. I'll let you know when I'm close. Bring Shaun, there's gear for him in your gear bag under your bed'.

Now being informed that Jeff was on his way was fine. However, adding in my corridor mate, leather gear etc was pushing me. Shaun, despite our drunken session before Christmas remained tentative with me. How I could spring this on him was tough to judge. I considered just knocking on his door immediately. However, that seemed too desperate or direct or something anyway.

Knowing Jeff would probably arrive in the early hours I decided to go for the leaving it late approach and texted him around 9pm that Jeff was visiting and was he interested in joining us. The enthusiasm of his reply caught me off guard as he almost instantly knocked on my door. As normal dressed in black. Roll necked sweater, black jeans and black boots. His cute looks got the better of me plus at 6'3" his height too and I grabbed and made out with him. Fuck he tasted sensational.

"That's quite a welcome" he said with a small grin.

"Yeah well, I couldn't resist to be honest" was my reply "there's a condition on you for meeting Jeff dude. You need to be dressed". I threw him the pile of leather gear that Jeff had left. A not unsurprising combination of chaps, harness, jock, boots and gloves. He looked through it sort of amazed by what he saw in his hands. "Wow, I've seen this sort of stuff in porn before, but, well, I've never worn anything like it before". There was his characteristic nervousness in his voice again.

I went and turned the lock on my door "just strip down, I'll help you put it on, then you can see how you feel". He nodded, pulling off his jumper.

It was an insanely intimate few minutes dressing him up. There was messing with zips on the inside of his chaps, tightening the strings on the back, adjusting his harness and finally in the smallish mirror in my room. He gasped at how he looked. Not quite believing it "you look sensational Shaun".

I started to look back in the bag for my gear but before I reached it I pulled out an ankle length leather coat marked for Shaun "seems you get this too" I said with a wink.

I dressed too now. Shaun's eyes nearly popping out as I did. The make out session we then had was kind of wild too, filled and driven with lust, it soon got messy. "When will Jeff be here?" Shaun asked but I told him we'd do well to watch a film, just to pass the time.

At 2am the message came that he was outside. Shaun at first seemed unsure to leave dressed in gear but I just started to leave and so he followed out to the car. We both got into the back. Jeff in that normal leather jacket, polo, chino look he wore often. He looked at us and grinned "you two look good, ready to get nasty". We both nodded as he started to drive.

A while later as we pulled up to the cottage there was still a very obvious nervous energy surrounding Shaun. Like he didn't quite understand how he'd got here. Jeff stepped out of the car but Shaun stayed "I honestly don't know what's happening, I think, I think I've got over excited" he said to me.

I stroked his pale face, kissed his slightly pouting lips. "Look, no one will make you do anything you don't want too, if all that happens is you have a few beers, that's ok. If you just watch, that's ok, if you get more deeply involved, that's ok". I said trying to reassure him.

In the darkness I could see Jeff had gone into the house and turned on lights. "Come on". I said and we both got out of the car and walked into the house and into the living room.

In the centre of the room, cigar in one hand, whiskey in the other stood Jeff. Naked. Except gloves and calf high lacer boots. His cock was absolutely solid, raging, pulsing. I flung off my collarless leather jacket, sunk to my knees and took him into my mouth.

Now dear story, early on in this tale I told you all about the smells and tastes of your man, or of all the men you remember. How they're distinctive, unique. I'm not sure why, but in this moment I fucking craved Jeff. Everything. That smell, taste. How I knew which parts of his cock got the best reactions. I was so hungry for it. He couldn't take my head in his hands as he puffed cigar smoke and drank his whiskey looking down "god, you are hungry tonight aren't you?". I'd totally forgotten that Shaun was in the same room as us.

Then, smacking me from my blind cock sucking conciseness came a clink of glasses and a proper look up. Shaun stood, with his own drink, but no cigar for him. He'd removed the coat but nothing else and looked down smiling at me. I pulled off, drool spilling out, Jeff's big cock. "Can I get one of those please?" I said nodding at their drinks.

The reply was swift, uncompromising. Shaun grabbed my head and shoved it back onto Jeff's cock "oh, you thought you'd come here to be social Sam? No, you're here to suck cock, now, do it bitch" was Shaun's dark reply.

"Nice one Shaun" Jeff now chuckled. "It's very true that Sam does get cocky, over confident sometimes. To be honest, I like that, means bringing him back down to earth is so much more amusing isn't it?" I wasn't capable of a reply, I was to be honest deep in a cock sucking zone. Jeff though was being annoying and somehow controlling his brain, stopping himself from being over stimulated. "Oh Shaun, the contractor has finished the work by the way" Jeff said giving no indication as to what that meant.

My eyes flashed up "oh that got Sam's attention" came a line from Shaun, he spat into his gloved hand now and smeared my face. "Do you think Sam is capable of it Jeff?" He asked, totally challenging me to say `yes'.

"Shall we see?" Jeff replied and then instructed me to stand up and follow them into another room. It was the one I'd been taken after my `Ultra' moment in the house and yard, the place I'd been taken to calm down. Now Jeff stood and pulled back a rug and lifted a hatch. The space it revealed was small, tight. I don't want to define it like this but coffin sized. "Now Sam is loads of things Shaun. But extreme bondage, extreme confinement, well this hasn't been him. Question is, will he want to do it?"

I gulped, looking into the space. It was about three feet under the floor boards. It was rubber cushion lined with a small piece extra for the head. "What will it involve Sir?" My voice slightly stuttering.

"Well we'll place in there a restraint sack. Then we'll gas mask you, strip you, place you in the sack and restrain you for a while. Not a vast period of time. But long enough to stupify you a bit more". As ever he was so matter of fact. Almost sounding like this was a normal thing to do.

I nodded, hesitantly. "Looks like we're good to go" Shaun said and he swiftly placed some earbud head phones into my ears.

Now, dear reader, I could try and make up some type of description of the experience from my perspective. What it felt like, the loss of sensations etc. However, my descriptions would be totally limited. It got tight and dark.

What actually happened and I've seen the video is Jeff and Shaun once the hypno pumping ear buds went in carefully undressing me, putting the black rubber gas mask over my face. They slowly placed me into the hole, buckled me in tight. With a tube attached to the gas mask they recovered the hole with the hatch. They then spent two hours stupifying me. The hypno in my ears, the restraints around my body and the poppers they fed down the gas mask.

By the time I was released I was a drooling, dumb wreck. Exactly what Jeff wanted!

************************* Love the comments:

I'm not on Kik anymore. If you'd like to see me back let me know and I'll consider it. ****************************

Next: Chapter 49

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