Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Jan 6, 2021


Gift to Nifty Not suitable for under 18s ********************** Mr Anjou smiled "so proper drinks and dinner boys, then some more" he pointed towards the door and Dean and I slut walked out, me a bit sore! **********************

Part 39: They need it

Dean and I walked through the grand reception of the hotel. Slut walking, one foot in front of the other. I could feel Dean was a little nervous, he'd been with Mr Anjou before but let's say watching me had somehow smashed into him of what the reality actually looked like of being impaled on that man.

Mr Anjou had clearly been caught in reception by someone he knew and we turned back "go to the cocktail bar, Martinis all round again" he said waving us off.

Dean and I arrived in the modern cocktail bar both slipping up onto bar stools. "Three Martinis, Mr Anjou's account" I said to the barman.

Dean looked nervous "fuck man, that was quite a fucking he just gave you" he looked at the barman "two large vodkas, quick". The barman didn't question just rapidly poured the vodkas, watched Dean and I sink them and cleared the glasses. "You ok bro?" He asked rubbing my leg.

I knew I grinned back, couldn't help it "I feel fucking incredible. Who wouldn't?"

Mr Anjou walked into the bar and up to us "three more Martinis" he demanded as he sunk the one in front of him, indicating that we should as well. He had his arms around our shoulders. In between us. "How's my boys, or to be more honest, how are my brainless bimbos?"

This was a moment, a moment to realise how we had to behave. I knew what to do, but would Dean?

I needn't have worried. Both of us instinctively turned and dropped our heads with a little giggle and said "fine" flirtatiously. Dean even poked his tongue out at me, a sign that Mr Anjou clearly noted due to his grin.

"Now you two, last time I was in a place like this with Sam here, he just played with a green salad. But I'm not too harsh. Eat what you like". That sure was a challenge. I could feel it. There was something obviously suspicious about `eat what you like'. Something that was testing us out a bit. "More martinis" he ordered again.

That extra round of Martinis gone we went to the restaurant. The food looked fabulous. The smells as we walked across the room wonderful. We sat at a circular table, Mr Anjou sitting between myself and Dean allowing himself to grope our legs. Wine was swiftly ordered but then came the moment of ordering the food. Mr Anjou went first, but, then it was Dean, a wicked smile and tongue poke aimed at me he then said "just a green salad" and then to really land it "no dressing".

As soon as he'd done that I had no option but to order exactly the same and he knew it. Mr Anjou got up to speak to someone else he clearly knew across the room "you dumb bimbo" I said poking my own tongue at him.

"Well, it was clearly a challenge wasn't it?" Dean replied. Then on a silver platter two pairs of shiny, tight latex gloves arrived.

"Mr Anjou requests you wear these" said the waiter.

We both pulled them on "that feel good man?" I asked Dean. He nodded as Mr Anjou arrived back at the table.

"Oh Moses, I love my gloves" I said with a wink, licking along the palm, looking into his eyes. I'd never called him Moses before but something told me to do it. His smile was wide.

"Bimbo needs to suck his thumb doesn't he?" He said with a nod, pushing my hand up to my face. My right thumb slipped in and stayed there as Mr Anjou ate his starter, more wine was poured. As his plate was cleared he pulled my hand slowly away, I deliberately drooled more so a string of it came, he grinned "who's a nasty bimbo".

I did the coy looking down and too the side. "Me daddy".

His main course arrived. A duck dish with a rich velvety looking sauce. Fuck it looked tasty. As it arrived so did the green salads. Damn, it was a matter of sheer competitive perfection, watching how Dean and myself held our forks, played with leaves and only occasionally ate anything. We grinned, giggled, bit our bottom lips, licked our lips at anything Mr Anjou said. Both trying to be as cheeky as possible. The smile on his face showing that we clearly were doing the right thing.

I'd expected Mr Anjou to order dessert, coffee, brandy, you name it. However, as the plates were cleared he simply said "Suite 3 and send four bottles of Bollinger there immediately with three glasses". It was noticeable how Mr Anjou seemed to rarely use `please and thank you' just issuing the next order. For the youngish, 20ish, busboy being given the order it must have been scary. You could see he rarely took orders and rushed quickly to inform the manager.

Mr Anjou stood and with Dean and I leading we left the restaurant. That slut walk all in, no nonsense. People watching, stunned. Once again he was stopped and people spoke to him, clearly a well connected man.

We arrived back at the room to find an immensely cute waitress standing by the champagne no doubt waiting to both open it and get her tip. Her mouth did drop slightly as we came through the door. "My dear, my dear, apologies if we've delayed you? Yes please, open a bottle". For some reason she did get a please from Mr Anjou.

Mr Anjou had also now grabbed Dean, making out with him, Dean's leg hitched up.

I smiled at the waitress who seemed distracted by it and nodded for her to open and pour. As the fizz hit the glasses Mr Anjou and Dean broke.

"Thank you my dear. I apologise for these bimbos. They're typical white boys, all nasty and no brain". She blushed, looked slightly to the side. "Would you like to see them in action my dear" he now offered us up.

She ever so slightly grinned. "I'm not sure that is right Sir, I shouldn't really disturb you gentlemen". Her voice was quiet, ever so slightly timid.

Mr Anjou pulled out some cash and handed her the tip "well, thank you, good evening".

As he turned back around he was hissing "you" pointing at me "get your head on the edge of the couch. Time you ate my ass boy".

I sunk down leaning my head back. Mr Anjou had whispered into Dean's ear and he undid the zip exposing his ass and junk. Mr Anjou started to finger lube into his ass, Dean yelped a little, grinning at me.

When Mr Anjou finally walked over he just hissed at me, lowering his ass onto my face. I parted his cheeks and went at his ass, licking! It wasn't shower fresh to be honest. Muffled I heard "filthy white boy eats the black mans ass".

I didn't really see Dean walk up, but fuck, oh my did I hear the noise as Mr Anjou's cock drove into his boy cunt. Dean wailed. "That's it white boy, take your punishment, feel me own you, fuck yes, feel me take reparations from these two bimbos". There was something an about the way he spoke that seemed somehow strange and as I was slid out from under his ass totally made sense. We were being filmed.

Mr Anjou's ass I started to suck on his balls. He pointed at the camera "you see this? You see how easy these white bimbos are, how they want their rectums expanded, how they want to be sodomised?"

I leant up and flipped over, pulling Mr Anjou's big black cock out of Dean's ass and sucking it. "How they clean each other's rectum juices off my cock?"

In the film, it exists I believe, Dean is wide eyed, mouth open and so fantastically hard. But I aimed Mr Anjou's cock back at his ass. He moaned deep now. I stood up.

Now I looked at Dean in the face and slapped him "get off him you little bitch, it's my go".

"How these dirty white boys beg for it".

Next something happened. I slapped Dean's face and begged again. Three fingers from my left hand are seen in the video in my cunt.

"Take him" is clearly heard by Mr Anjou and two men remove me.

What's missing is what happened. It wasn't clear to anyone I'd flown into Ultra yet again. The two men wore black Lycra/spandex masks and dragged me off to the bedroom where they proceeded to fuck me like crazy. I'm not claiming this as forced or lacking consent. I will say I needed it though, I'd hit that point yet again. As Dean and I met up in the bedroom some time later we both looked broken. Literally drooling animals. Then Jeff walked into the suite and looked at us. Disgust in his face!

************************ Love comments:

Next: Chapter 40

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