Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Jan 5, 2021


Support Nifty Not Suitable for under 18's Love your feedback: ********************** Well now I've concluded that it's fair to say Sam is at fault. No self control! I'm disappointed. Dean you were wrong to push him but Sam you should have refused"

"You'll be punished properly tomorrow but now, sleep" **********************

Part 37: Building Up

There was a sense of foreboding as the three of us went off to bed. Jeff's mentions of being properly punished gave me images of being flogged in a paddock outside in the rain or something. He pointed Dean and myself towards different rooms. "They'll be warm, Sam, take whatever it is you've got on and throw it in the bin".

I looked down at myself realising I was still in Dillon's wife's slutty underwear. I stank of piss too, well that's what happens when you literally piss yourself.

"There's clean towels and showers in your rooms. Get washed, sleep and I'll leave you some clothes for the morning".

Dean walked off to his room obviously a bit pissed off. His questioning from Jeff had clearly got to him. At this stage Dean, like any cocky young guy had tried to prove himself and found himself playing with fire. He'd taken the risk he could handle an `Ultra' state me only to find that other guys reactions to it unnerved him and he was left feeling powerless.

When I woke up the next morning, showered again, I looked for the `clothes' in the dresser in the room I was in. One thing a black jock. Nothing else. Just an average black jock not even in leather or rubber or Lycra. Totally dull. I pulled it on, looked at myself in the mirror and went downstairs to the main room. In it I found Dean, dressed identically with a coffee in hand. Jeff walked in cheerily wearing a black polo shirt and leather jeans. "Sam, coffee?" I nodded. "Thank you daddy".

When I looked over at Dean he turned his face, the line of his long neck elongating his body. Dean's body was similar to me. Thin, slightly more toned, but unlike hairy me he was smooth as anything. His skin wasn't quite so pale and his small nipples were a deep brown offsetting against his skin.

"Fuck I'd let you do me over that table right now man" I said. All the seductive, slut boy in me pouring out.

It took a second, like he was wanting me to really wait for this then his face broke into a grin and his head turned and slightly biting his bottom lip "oh I absolutely guarantee I'd ruin you right now given the chance".

We were obviously staring at each other as Jeff walked in with my mug of coffee. He smiled "well there's no doubting you two are insatiable is there?"

I looked back "doesn't take much effort" I said taking my coffee and drinking some.

"Well yes, now punishing you too, I think that's today's business isn't it?" Suddenly there was a nervous energy in the room. "I've decided that anything like flogging is a bit over the top. What I will say is this though. Dean, you're fucking lucky, like Sam. But I've identified you as having the brain to follow sensible instructions. As and when Sam is in an `Ultra' state again it's something we explore together. You lost control and let that skinhead go at him. Fortunately nothing terrible happened. And Sam.."

I'd been enjoying Dean's telling off but suddenly I got pulled back to reality.

"What's the greatest weapon in your arsenal boy? Jeff asked

"The ability to say no, to say I'm not interested, you taught me that in Sling"

"That's absolutely correct, when Dean started pushing you to not follow my instructions to relax for a bit you should have declined" Jeff looked serious.

The pair of us nodded our heads, chastised.

"Now you two got a little job"

Dean and I looked at each other.

"It seems Mr Anjou would like to take you both out to dinner tonight. You'll need to tidy up your hair and douche obviously. There will be an outfit arriving and instructions" Jeff turned and walked off. Dean's mouth was wide open, nervous almost.

"It'll be a blast dude" I said with a grin.

The rest of the day followed without even. We both cut each other's hair ensuring the back and sides were shaved in tight. Dean shaved his junk smooth whilst I trimmed my pubes a bit.

At 4pm a car arrived, a handsome guy brought a bag with what we were to wear. Identical outfits consisting of black Versace silk shirt, latex skin tight pants and ankle boots. There was no underwear demonstrating we'd be commando. I dressed first and was sitting in the main room with Jeff when Dean stomped in. Jeff and I both laughed "Dean, you've seriously got to learn how to walk in pants like these" I said. Dean looked confused.

I got up and stood next to him. "Now, hold up your head and look at the object you're walking too, keep your hands by your side but about 3" away from your hips, now, first step with your right foot, then swing your left leg around so your left foot is directly in front of your right foot and repeat, rotate your ass"

Dean looked at me "you mean walk like a stripper?" I nodded

"Dean dressed like this we only have one option and that's to own this look, the only way we own it is by walking like common whores, we want to be looked at"

Dean nodded and started to walk, fuck, he instantly owned it!! Jeff clapped "brilliant Dean, you look stunning". Dean went slightly red and grinned at me.

Jeff then pulled out a sheet of paper "right you two you're off to the Rochester. Suite 3. It's likely you'll be identified and taken straight there. You'll have dinner with Mr Anjou. You'll follow his lead on what to eat. It'll just be the three of you. He's specified that's he's expecting slutty, flirtatious behaviour especially in public and you'll both stay the night. Car will be here in 30minutes"

Dean looked like he had a thousand questions but seemed to hold them back. I saw his obvious nerves "follow the instructions bro and it could be a total blast".

26 minutes later a large Mercedes pulled up outside the house. A black guy, probably in his mid 20s got out and waited. Seconds later Dean and I left the house, slut walk on. The guy opened the back doors closing them behind us. It was clear that along with his grey suit he was wearing a pair of tight black leather gloves. The sight of them making my brain go crazy.

"The Rochester" he asked politely in a smooth voice "for Mr Anjou" I nodded "you know him" he asked us and I replied that we did and then pushed by asking if he did these runs much "oh for Mr Anjou? Occasionally, he has particular tastes" a smiled crossed his face "he likes slutty white boys he can sodomise".

With that, one hand on the wheel he turned and shoved three fingers down my throat. Relentlessly pumping. I didn't seem to refuse. Just took it. The drool on his gloved hand though was smeared onto Dean's face as I'd pulled Dean across.

"You two are just the type. A couple of hours later we arrived".

As we stepped from the car the doorman called "for Mr Anjou!". There was a litany of calls as we were moved up to the fifth floor and too Suite 3. When Mr Anjou answered the door he was wearing perfectly shined black shoes, black chinos and his own Versace silk shirt but in white. It was half unbuttoned revealing his moderately sculpted chest. His typical "very nice" and invitation in.

The suite like the one I'd been in before was huge. Mr Anjou virtually prowled across it "Enrico, Martinis for me and my guests" he snapped his fingers at the private bar in the corner of the room.

Wanting to obviously shock the poor youngish Latino barman Mr Anjou whispered "Dean, pull the zip around on your pants and let Sam eat your asshole". Dean glanced at me and I nodded. Getting between Dean's legs, parting his cheeks, spitting on his hole and diving in to munch!!"

"Enrico, when you've done those Martinis grab yourself a Bourbon and join us". I could see Mr Anjou starting to make out with Dean hungrily. Dean was growling at the work I was giving his ass.

Enrico arrived with the tray of drinks. Mr Anjou had me stand up and had Dean do up his zip. He seemed a little embarrassed by what had just happened. "Enrico, given a choice who'd you prefer to fuck?" Mr Anjou asked in a totally normal way.

"Well, umm, I'm straight, fiancé sir" was his reply.

Mr Anjou grinned "yes but, if I was to give you a couple of dildos, get these two on their knees, would you be up for making them gag?" His smile was was always sadistic, always full of venom "don't answer, just do it".

I stood next to Dean and signalled him to drop to his knees. Mr Anjou walked over with two identical black dildos. "Go on, have fun"

Holding the dildos Enrico looked out of place, nervous, tentative. I flung my head back and opened my mouth dropping my tongue out. Dean followed. Enrico took a deep breath, looked nervous, everything wasn't right...then.

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Next: Chapter 38

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