Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Jan 3, 2021


Gift to Nifty Not Suitable for under 18's **********************

A fan of the story sent me a message saying: "Really interesting how Sam can pass off being rough, intimidating, bi and is also a cock slut"

Maybe this chapter and the following ones will help explain it a bit.

Part 34: Pushed to More

I woke the next morning, the dried up taste of Shaun's cum on my lips. My cock rock hard and then the realisation of yesterday: 1: I'd been fucked like a slut; 2: I'd become Shaun's dirty little secret; and 3: I'd become Rebecca's bit of rough.

Under my door was the now normal brown envelope. All the note said was "Jeff wants to see you. Txt ASAP"

I did, exactly that. Five minutes later Dean almost beat my door in as he banged so hard "don't say anything" slightly grabbing me and pulling me out of my room before I could lock my door.

He marched me to the car and drove me out to the cottage. I tried a couple of times to start a conversation but Dean blanked me totally.

We arrived at the cottage, in the daylight I got a proper sense of the building now. Double bayed, two stories high with windows in the attic. There was a dilapidated barn made up of an old iron structure over which a wrote iron roof had been put. It was nearly as high as the house. The landscape was bleak, flat, but the sea visible about two miles away. There were dry stone wall paddocks but no livestock visible or any sign of arable use. It honestly looked like this place hadn't been farmed in years.

"Well, get yourself in bitch" Dean spat, pointing at the house. I walked in and straight to my right. The house felt warmer today but there had been smoke coming from the chimney stack. There, in the main room stood Jeff in his leather gear. A fire burning in the grate behind him and a pot of coffee on the table. He poured and passed me a mug. "So you've been completing you tasks have you Sam?" I nodded "and then, then you had a little extra curricular activity too?"

I went red, nodded "yes daddy, sorry daddy". I said more with sadness less with embarrassment.

Dean walked up to Jeff and stood next to him. "Do we mind this Dean?" Jeff asked. Dean, with an evil grin shook his head "and why don't we mind this?"

Dean actually licked his lips "it shows how our Sam is a total little whore. He'll get fucked by me, do challenges for me and then act as some girls `bit of rough'. It's all the talk of some on campus Sam, what a phenomenal fuck you are".

"Did he make her cum" Jeff asked Dean, whilst looking at me in the eyes.

Dean said nothing and just held up three fingers. Before adding "it's the real talk of campus Jeff. The lad in the black wet look tracksuit and the leather gloves who fucks like a combination of passionate lover and total animal"

"Three times ey?" Jeff replied, close to me now, stroking my chin "and did you cum Sam?"

My head dropped in shame and nodded "yes daddy, I did daddy".

For all you reading to this point you'll have realised that my orgasms weren't things that happened, ever. I may have leaked out a bit but even my cock appearing was pretty rare. Jeff had no interest in it really. He had complimented me on my cock, it's a veiny looker, but he had no interest really in me emptying it except that time when he'd milked me `till I'd begged him to stop.

My total focus was always on getting Jeff and any other guy I was with to cum. My own gratification was irrelevant.

Dean of course didn't know all of this. He had some idea but Jeff now taking a big slurp of coffee and wiping his mouth said "Dean you need to understand that what's standing in front of us isn't just some normal over sexed lad, no, what's standing in front of us is a total Fuck Animal. That girl, Rebecca didn't just get that forbidden bit of rough, she got a totally conditioned animal, conditioned to ensure she came before he ever thought of unloading his useless seed. That's why she came three times. Little Sam here was doing what he's conditioned to do".

I wasn't quite sure how I felt about this. `What I was conditioned to do'?

I was clearly in a world of my own when Jeff barked "Sam, get our cocks in your mouth you filthy slut, now!"

I didn't question, didn't think really, just sank to my knees, looking into middle distance with two cocks in my face and started to suck.

"Look Dean" I vaguely heard Jeff say "look how he doesn't touch his own junk. That's a thoroughbred fuck animal, total focus on others, not on himself".

I was bobbing between the pair of them, the taste somehow bland today, but that unimportant. The action mattered so much more. My eyes lifted to see them both looking at me, smiling.

The time I was down there also didn't seem to exist, somehow I had no sense of it but then the taste of cum hit me first from Dean and then Jeff. Then like being awoken from a trance I came around smearing cum across my face and sweating.

Jeff had kicked back in a leather arm chair. "Dean, this scally look, I want to adapt it a little. I created a leather slut and you seem to be over scallying him"

Dean look concerned, like somehow Jeff's taking of control of my look threatened his status. "Bu, but it's a look that's getting the reaction".

"That may be, but Sam's brain is like a sponge, he'll soak it up quickly and identify totally as it. I'm adding something to keep his little leather brain active" Jeff went to a bag pulled out a leather harness. It was an "H" harnesses. Simple, yet effective. He threw it at me. "All the time boy". I nodded like a good dog took off my trakkie top and put the harness on.

In the middle of this another man appeared through the door. Dean waved a greeting towards him. Jeff called out "Dillon, good to see you, this is Sam".

I turned to see Dillon. I was instantly cautious. Something that it seemed rare for me to be. He reminded me of Aidy who'd `used' me over the kitchen counter.

Dillon was short 5'7", very thin, short hair that was clipped closer at the sides, he had a moustache as well. He was the type of guy that I avoided at Skin, for some reason they always got overly physical, aggressive, nasty and I'd much prefer degradation from a fatty who appreciated my skills. Guys that looked like Dillon never seemed too!

He was dressed in jeans, black bomber jacket and army boots over the top of his jeans.

Dean walked over and kissed him, feeling his crotch, teasing me. Then hot breath whispered into my ear, Jeff, down close to me "you hate that don't you, hate a new guy arriving and you not being the centre of attention with him don't you?".

I was nodding, whispering "yes". Trying to stay in control.

Jeff spoke up "Dillon, if you take either to the barn I suggest this one" he said ruffling my head "he's an absolute slut".

Dillon walked over and Jeff got me to stand "that right boy? You an absolute slut?". There was a smell of stale cigarettes all over him.

I nodded, nervously. "Yes sir, I am sir, I'm a fuck animal sir".

Dillon took hold of the harness through the trakkie top and pulled me out of the house and towards the barn bending me over an old, rusty piece of farm machinery. He pulled my bottoms down and buried his face into my ass eating me. Rough fingers invaded my hole too, but I felt myself get hard, fuck I was enjoying this, I think.

"You're a filthy slut ain't you, a nasty little whore right?" He'd stood up, was pressing against my ass. "Give it up you dumb whore, I've not got all day, give this cunt up"

I wasn't replying, rare for me, that likes being verbal, but he seemed to be in the moment and any good slut boy knows that sometimes that the guy fucking you isn't fucking you, no, he's fucking someone else but using your body.

"That's it, that's it you nasty skank, fuck, fuck thought you'd be tight, but fuck no, you're already owned aren't you? You fucking Steve again you little whore, oh I bet you are." His pounding was relentless, spit flowed with his words, I later found out his wife had had an affair with a guy called Steve and he could only deal with it by fucking lads in the ass.

"That's right, that's right you stupid brainless whore, that's it I'm knocking you up, dumb slut".

There was something so rapid about how he finished. How I was still panting, bent over this rusty piece of metal, cum dripping out of me. He'd pulled out, marched off, started the engine and driven off before I'd almost released whatever I was gripping.

"Well, well, well" I heard behind me "looks like he's only gone and whored his dumb ass again" Jeff said. "Sam, you're a legend, total slut".

I turned around now starring at both Jeff and Dean, my voice low, gravelly "more, I need fucking more".

************************* Love the feedback-

Next: Chapter 35

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