Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Jan 2, 2021


Gift to Nifty No under 18's Love *********************** Part 33: Working Overtime

It was 9am Thursday morning. Dean was in my room, his bottoms just below his groin, me facing the other way my bottoms just below my ass. He had his left hand on my hip and his right gloved hand over my face. He was pumping relentlessly at my ass. He wasn't a noisy fucker. Actions spoke louder to him and fucking me, curtains open, lights on was somehow way more fun. I'm not sure if anyone could see but that wasn't the point. He was fucking me hard. As he got close he threw me off his cock and pumped a load over my face and smeared it in. My face stinking of his load was something he couldn't resist.

As we left my room, with the smell of his cum, thick in the air and on my face, my next door neighbour Shaun came out of his room. A dark haired, cute, 6' tall, slightly spotty lad with a nose piercing and obviously gay. He was a bit red faced, obviously recognising the smell. Dean wasn't in the least bit embarrassed "hey dude". He said before Shaun shot off. "Cute lad isn't he Sam?" He asked me.

"Yeah he's pretty nice but showing no interest in me to be honest" I replied

"Well that's as maybe but got a challenge. Get a load of his cum inside your body today. Be a real slut and beg if needed". Dean tapped my ass and went off.

I'd met Shaun on day one. He was nervous, quiet but non the less still a nice guy. I was pretty sure he wasn't into me. However, sometimes that was easier to sus and sometimes it was tough. I'd naturally gone from geeky quiet lad to confident and outward looking. I'd also developed, mainly due to nights in Sling' that sense that is often so useful. A female friend and I discussed it once as "knowing when a man wants you". It was a useful sense to have in Sling'. It got me ready to reject any unwelcome advances and yes I got those, there's always those that don't tick the boxes. Sometimes it's a constant and others just a `not tonight fella'.

However, in my few weeks at at Uni, living next to Shaun, I'd not once got the feeling that he wanted me. It was cool, I wasn't offended or anything, no, no, fuck that I was offended, come on, surely I was hot enough for him?

I'd gone to the Library to get a few books, whilst sitting at a desk I got a text from Jeff `Sounds like Dean is keeping you busy boy, good work, loving hearing about you two nasty scally boys. Now, if you manage to get that load from your neighbour all's forgiven, you'll get your leathers back when I see you. Now, go get him tiger!!'

I went a bit red as the girl at my table in the library asked if I was alright? I told her all was good, obviously grinning a bit as she gave me a million dollar, cute, girl next door kind of smile. All matched with just below shoulder length curly brown hair, subtle makeup, just bigger than a handful tits and light brown eyes.

Dear tale of my life, I don't know what happened but less than two minutes later we were in one of the back stairwells going at each other like wild animals. To be honest I know exactly what happened. I was 19yo, in heat, totally open to experiences with women as well as men. She seemed driven by how my face smelt which was hilarious considering it stank of another guys cum. Her name was Rebecca, she later told me, especially as she became one of my best mates at Uni, that I looked like a `bit of rough' and she couldn't resist. That wet look tracksuit and leather glove combination had a lot to answer for.

I was strutting a bit afterwards, always a bit lethal but I needed to get my brain in gear on seducing Shaun, my primary task for the day. I opted for the straight up approach, no point messing around on this one.

An afternoon working and reading. A second shower, fresh clothes and I was ready the only problem was other people! I went to the shared kitchen to make some food and fortunately Shaun walked in, tentatively. Smiling. "Hey how's you?" I asked cheerfully.

"I'm alright thank you" he answered in a passive, dry way. He started making himself a tea.

I deliberately let something drop on my thumb that caused me to suck it and suck it for way longer than was needed causing Shaun to see me staring at him, going bright, bright red and blurt out a "what?".

I noisily pulled my thumb out of my mouth, winked "oh, well I was just imagining what your cum tasted like".

Shaun's mouth dropped open, like he'd just seen something shocking "wha, wha, what do you mean?" He stammered out somehow confused by what was a pretty basic concept to get.

I sucked my other thumb quickly. "Oh you know Shaun, give me a knock if you want to give me a taste".

I walked off down the corridor to my room. As far as I could work out it was the best approach, direct, throw it into his court and let him decide.

I waited nearly two hours for the knock. Hearing him make a few excuses on why he wasn't going out that night. When the knock came it was pretty light, hardly beating the door in. He stood in his normal black roll neck jumper, black jeans, looking nervous even innocent. I took his hand, lightly pulled him into the room before kissing him. Damn, my brain clicked this was the third person I'd made out with that day.

His hands seemed static, like he was nervous to touch me. "You can touch me man, I don't mind".

He smiled slightly, looking down "I've got a boyfriend, back home, I'm not sure what I'm doing here" he said looking embarrassed as fuck.

I had to be sensible in the moment, considerate to his situation. "It's ok, you, you don't have to do anything you don't want to" I whispered into his ear.

He hadn't left, which in my mind meant he still wanted something.

"Look, jump on my bed and just jerk with me, don't even need to touch each other" I said stroking his face with my leather hand.

His face, leaned, into my touch.

"Be a bad boy Shaun, fuck my slut face" I whispered now.

Oh did that do it, did that unleash him. Jeans down, head pushed down. An average, smooth cock, with a foreskin tight, not letting his head escape. His balls hanging low. He clearly didn't trim his pubes as a thick black pubes stuck out.

As my tongue tasted his cock I heard an "ohhhh fuck" flow from his mouth. His right hand delicately holding my head. My left hand was up. Slipping under his jumper feeling his flat chest. My right hand jerking his cock. I pushed my head on, gagging a little, he stayed pretty quiet, just the occasional noise when I hit a spot.

I pulled my cock from his mouth and licked up the underside looking up "oh my god I've wanted this Sam, but you're so intimidating" he half yelped

I beat his cock on my tongue "you mean I'm a slut" I said grinning back.

I glanced back, his low ball sack tightening up "fuck, oh, fuck, I'm goi"

He didn't finish before unloading on me. It was that watery, not crazily awesome kind of cum. But that was irrelevant. I got him.

He was panting, I was licking my gloves clean. "Fuck, well, my boyfriend never swallows" he said breathlessly back.

"Well, I always do! I never refuse a load".

Shaun half limped off, guiltily. I grabbed my phone and texted Dean `watery, not v tasty, overwhelming bf guilt'.

A while later Dean messaged back `good work u slut. Will be in touch'.

With that I stripped off and went to sleep. ************************

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