Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Oct 11, 2020


Not suitable for under 18's ********************* He undid his jeans, slipped my hand inside to feel his bulge. But his underwear was slippery, tight, then I realised, it was leather. My head shot up to look at his "that's right, leather jock boy; this is where your journey into being my leather slut begins" **********************

Part 2: The Dressing

That feeling of that jock was incredible. It felt so full, so stretched. In the moment I almost took a firm grip but then Jeff barked "knees" and in a slightly stupefied state I just sank to them looking up at him.

He pulled his black polo shirt off and kicked off his shoes and jeans leaving him in nothing but this leather jock. Now, considering his age his body was in great shape. He wasn't a ripped 20 something or even a buff 40 something. But there remained definition on his body, tight pecs, a pretty flat stomach and chunky arms. His legs were thick, powerful. I knew that he still went to the gym, the boxing club and ran to stay in shape. His body was also dark, still obviously white but against my bright pale white skin it looked almost tanned.

My own body at this stage in life was a little unremarkable. At 5'10" I remained very, very thin. But nothing was defined. All my sporting ambitions were crushed at various points. I ran a bit to stay kind of in shape. My only moderately defining feature was my hairy body. In an age of seemingly every guy needing to be smooth in adverts, on TV, even in porn I took pride in being different. My chest hair, thick leg and arm hair all were things that I liked. I kept my pubes in shape but nothing more, there was always a bush and my ass from cheeks to crack was furry too.

In this moment, naked, in front of Jeff having just felt that jock I was exceptionally turned on. My cock wasn't giving it away but a sudden bite of my bottom lip did as he brushed his thumb over my mouth and whispered "nice". He walked around me now, examining me. It wasn't a full scale orifice exam, more just a look over. As he got back to facing me he wiped his hand over his face, a squelching sound happening as he licked his hand and then rubbed his jock. "Do you know what I admire about you Sam?" He said, causing me to shake my head "you're natural, there's no stupid abs that you've wasted hours on, there's no stupid waxing or shaving of your body. It's all just natural"

In a state of nervous excitement I burst back "well, it's not something I'd ever do: waxing that sort of thing; just brush my teeth; wash my hair; have a shower.

"Oh your hair" he said suddenly playing with it. "That's so your mom's. These dark red curls, cascading to your shoulders." His right hand brushed over my pale left shoulder. The contrast of my hair colour and my skin tone was so defined, dark red, pale white, all offset by my rich, deep emerald green eyes.

My eyes though had slipped from his gaze, down towards that packed leather jock. He saw me looking and said "it's ok to gaze, to be honest you're going to be gazing a lot more from now on. But here's your moment to go, to get dressed and run, that is, if you want to?"

It was less a question, more a challenge, had I already been drawn in so deep into this that escape was impossible?

"I'm going to leave you for a few minutes, if I hear the door I get it, I'll still help you out, be cool and we can say nothing ever happened. If you're still here, well, get ready for the start"

He walked, purposefully from the room. I stood there for a few minutes before flopping back onto the couch, my skin sinking into the leather and it causing me to jerk slightly. I hardly questioned myself about going, I knew I was staying. When 15 minutes later he reappeared I did cough, slightly in shock.

He stood in the doorway, less the normal average guy that I knew. Now here he was the total fucking leather God. Over his jock he'd put on a pair of assless chaps. He had knee high boots on over his chaps. He wore a standard, retro leather biker jacket and a pair of black leather gloves. He carried a small bag.

"Still here, no surprise to be honest, I can smell the freak on you, stand boy, it's time to get some basic items on you."

He pulled from the bag some boots, lacers, they went half way up my calf and could be tied real tight, then came the leather jock, tight against my junk and finally the gloves, cut off at the knuckles half way up the fingers.

"Do you know why you have gloves like that?" I shook my head "it's so you don't touch with totally bare skin but you can always smell your fingers after"

He took me to a full length mirror in the hallway. "Well look at us!" He licked up one side of my face. "Now, gloves off, boots off and get dressed and go home. I'll message you when I want to see you again. You just need to be wearing that jock"

It seemed so sudden, so quick, like he'd crashed me deep into the hole only for him to throw me back into the real world. But as I discovered quickly he was a skilled conditioner, a skilled mind fucker.

He knew as I got the bus, that when I sat down for Sunday dinner with my siblings and family that he was fucking my brain. All it took was the jock I had on to be totally melting my brain and making me eager.

Cheers for the initial comments everyone. Yes it'll be a slow burner but that's fun.

Any further comments too:

Next: Chapter 3

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