Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Oct 14, 2020


Not suitable for under 18's If you can gift to Nifty ********************* Pulling his cock out of my mouth he smacked my face with his right hand "happy birthday you stupid slut" and he walked out of the room leaving me slumped on the floor, cum dripping from both holes, drool from my mouth. I glanced at the mirror and winked at myself. *********************

Part 12: Jay (1)

I could take you through my clean up, my shower, my ride home, my three additional visits to see Jeff that week. Even the fourth visit when we were doing some complex Further Maths and I begged him to fuck me but he refused as I was there to do my maths.

But no matter how steamy, no matter how epic, they followed a pattern of leather gear on, suck, fuck, breed, ass to mouth.

I know, I know. The not playing safe, the ass to mouthing was all on a pretty crazy scale but Jeff told me I should never refuse a load and guys expected ass to mouth. My job was to eat healthy, douche when needed and just be a slut.

The following Sunday I was going over to do some work on population patterns and density. Normally for that I'd remain in my normal clothes. Plus I rarely, if ever went on a Sunday as Jeff liked to watch a game and despite my encyclopaedic knowledge of the rules of Football, Soccer, Baseball, Tennis, both codes of Rugby and thanks to a friend, Cricket I had no interest in sport beyond lusting over the guys playing it. I was also and remain a tactical bore. When a team should blitz, the advantage of three centre backs and a wing back set up etc. You get the picture. I'd invariably watch a game/match and point out tactical anomalies and bore the shit out of people.

As I left church because frankly I had to go I got a message from Jeff: 1pm: door open; gear on.

My immediate thought was why?'. I was off to do work that wasn't due in for weeks cos that's what Jeff told me I was going to do. Yeah, you got that right. Jeff controlled my homework schedule; kept me on track. It's why my parents never questioned my visits. They saw my results and knew that Jeff was pushing me hard to achieve.

As I arrived at Jeff I heard a game on in the living room. It was Football from the commentary I heard. I pulled on my gear, chaps, boots, vest, harness, gloves and jacket. I picked up my leather baseball cap and put it on back to front. I'd quickly learnt that sluts needed the peak at the back so they could get in deep with their head.

Fuck, I loved the cap. The chaps, the jacket, the boots everything was ace, incredible. But there was something about the cap that made me feel like a total whore.

I grinned at myself and walked into the living room getting a bit of a shock. There was a second guy there.

"Howdy Sam, meet Jay" said Jeff in a totally relaxed, this isn't a big deal way.

Jay must have been well into his 40s, black, well built, very attractive. He was wearing an all in one leather, assless chap suit that went to his elbows on his arms and just above his knees on his legs. He had 40hole lacer boots that finished just below his knee. The suit clearly did up from the back as his chest wasn't on display at all.

"Hey Sam, how are you doing, been hearing so much about you". Jay's voice was cultured, well spoken. It suggested some type of top University, maybe a serious profession.

His all in one suit didn't cover the bulge in a jock he had on.

Jeff piped up. "Jay, Sam is achieving in so many ways at the moment, first class brain, eager to learn. He's committed across a range of fields and as you can see has got an enormous crush on himself"

Jay let out a deep rumble of laughter holding up his left arm to high five Jeff "oh man you have to adore them when they fancy themselves. Those are the special ones".

I was in this moment a bit stunned. I was being spoken about. It was almost like I wasn't there. I was so tempted to turn, change and go home. But then again I hadn't really snapped my gaze off Jay.

Then something happened. One of those involuntary actions dirty sluts do. Sometimes it's biting your lip or licking them. But no, in this moment my brain switched me to be provocative and bring my left hand to my mouth and cause me to lick along the leather clad palm slowly!

"Damn, you're right Jeff, fuck, what a little whore you've got. Oi, Sam, come and sit on the floor in between us" said Jay, pointing at the exact spot I was to put myself

I drifted rather than walked. In a total daze. I was turning to face the TV but Jeff barked "no facing us boy. Cross your legs, put your head down, put your hands behind your back".

I kept questioning myself. `Why am I doing this? I seem to have lost my mind'. As I sat and crossed my legs, my hands behind my back like a kid at school I took a first step on another road. If I was on multiple journeys I'd just added to the list in that action.

********************* Feedback always welcome:

Next: Chapter 13

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