Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Oct 14, 2020


No under 18's please Donate to nifty ***************** As I turned we were both panting, both drooling, both ready! *****************

Part 11: Rut

Jeff turned to leave the room. "Come on, go upstairs, I'll be up in a minute" he said smiling.

I didn't question, I just went, I'd known the layout of his house longer than I'd care to say. His room was tastefully decorated in white. Some dark wood furniture to offset it. I walked around, catching glimpses of myself in yet another mirror, stopping to admire myself, not quite believing it. How I looked, how fucking hot I looked.

It was less than a minute before Jeff was standing leaning against his door frame. Now totally naked, just thicker leather straps around his wrists. "Fuck you fancy yourself don't you Sam?" I turned going red, not quite sure what to say. "Yeah that's right, you've really got the hots on yourself, you get better and better boy"

"Why's that such a good thing? I asked, puzzled by the question.

"Means you'll be competitive with yourself. Means you'll be even nastier just to impress yourself you stupid slut" he started to walk towards me now. Taking me into his arms and intensely kissing me again. His right hand slipped around to my ass, playing with the plug, twisting and pulling at it, causing me to groan, moan, Yelp a bit.

Then his left hand sunk to my ass as well. Fingers either side of the plug pressing in, helping to release it. It started, slowly to ease out of my ass, I started to feel it slip slightly out. About a third of it I think was out when one pull caused the whole fucking thing to release and slide out.

I knew the feeling, the sensation, I'd had to do it myself in the previous days. But then I'd buried my head into the pillow to hide the noise, now, now that wasn't possible and animal noise that burst from my mouth was so fucking incredible.

I stumbled back slightly, recovering myself to stand up straight again. Here we were, face to face. We, in so many ways couldn't be any more different. 39 years between each other. My body still youthful, his, whilst still good not the best it had been. His black hair shot with grey everywhere. His beard the same. And yet, and yet here we were. Both ready, ready to rut like a couple of wild fucking animals.

It was strange Jeff being naked apart from the straps on his wrists. There was a significance I'd come to understand one day. Despite his being a total leather guy this was a moment he needed to explore naked. Strangely enough it was making sure I wasn't a one dimensional slut that only got off on him being in leather.

"Get up on the bed boy, put your head down into the mattress and that ass up in the sky".

I did, immediately as I was told, almost too fast, scrambling up onto the bed. Jeff stepped forward playing with my hole, teasing it. He leant down for something and squeezed it into my hole "I don't believe in breaking anyone, too much" as lube flowed out of my ass. My head was slightly turned towards yet another mirror. Fuck I was learning why he loved them. "Hands behind your back boy" this made me slightly unbalanced but he grabbed my wrists together with his left hand and with his right took his cock and aimed at my ass.

I could tell you it slipped in like silk, that I felt an overwhelming rush of pleasure, that there was no pain at all. However, like the fingers in my ass that would be bull shit. The butt plug had certainly stretched me, certainly opened me up but this was still going to be a battle.

He pushed forward, his cock head slowly slipping into me. I groaned, moaned. Bit my lips "oh fuck, Sir, fuck" was all I seemed to stammer out. He squirted more lube onto his cock and pushed forward "oh fuck, jese, oh, shit, ouch". There was a sharp stab of pain. Fuck.

"No pain, no gain boy" was I'm his frankly sadistic reply. If I wanted this I just had to take. "You're doing well slut, gobbling this in, last bit".

That last drive into my ass made me squeal, buckle, even made one of my legs spasm.

"Easy boy, easy, breath, you've got me. Relax. Just accept it now, get used to it"

Accepting/getting used too seemed odd terms, like I strangely had no choice, which I suppose I did. My ass was burning, the pain kind of numb now but easing. But then..

I realised my eyes were closed, I opened them as I felt a change in pressure behind me. Like a fucking Tiger Jeff jumped up onto the bed, both feet. He could have stayed behind me and slipped in and out but no. He was mounting me, mounting to rut me. The change in his position totally changed the shape of his body. It looked supremely athletic, powerful. I meanwhile looked like a crumpled animal. One that had been hunted and was the prey of the superior animal over it.

"Get ready boy"

It started slow, long thrusts, deep, breaking me down, causing me to be breathless for moments. In and out easing me into it. "That's it you filthy slut, you grip that big cock with your tight ass"

Then the pace picked up, still deep thrusts but not slow, quicker, driving at my ass. Something happened. Something I can't explain or have never been able to fully comprehend. I saw myself in the mirror and I grinned. I grinned big, nasty, filthy. Then out of my mouth spewed "that's it daddy, fuck this nasty slut".

Even Jeff for half a second of stroke seemed taken aback. Even he turned his head to the mirror, glared. `Did he really just say that?'

He gripped my wrists tighter now. "Who's your daddy slut?" He barked at me.

"You Sir, you're my fucking daddy" came my desperate, degraded reply.

This caused Jeff to roar like a lion!! Initially I didn't realise I'd sent him over the edge and he was cumming up my ass on the basis of my nasty verbal.

He'd barely finished exploding in my ass before he pulled out. A thick stream of cum dripping from his cock. He grabbed my head and shoved it straight onto his cock. A mixture of lube, ass and cum flooding my mouth. My eyes looked up to him but his head was facing the roof, his arms flexed like he was showing off his muscles.

Pulling his cock out of my mouth he smacked my face with his right hand "happy birthday you stupid slut" and he walked out of the room leaving me slumped on the floor, cum dripping from both holes, drool from my mouth. I glanced at the mirror and winked at myself.

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Next: Chapter 12

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