Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Oct 13, 2020


Not suitable for under 18's Gift to Nifty

********************** I took the plug out at 5pm. Wiped it down. Stored it in my sock drawer. Some TV, dinner, then bed, then at 11.23pm Jeff messaged me again: `See you tomorrow birthday boy x' **********************

Part 10: The 18th

It had been about three weeks since Jeff and I had started to get it on. From sniffing his leather jock, to sucking his cock, to sending him pictures of my face as he worked my ass virtually.

Now with the right to vote, drink legally, fuck even watch porn I was in the eyes of the world totally different. Of course the reality was I was still me the geeky lad. But in another reality my descent into a totally new life was moving rapidly. Being 18 everyone's first reaction is to go out. However, I was at least five months older than my friends so that wasn't going to happen.

My mom and dad in the evening would be at their three hour bible study group and my sister and brothers had their own lives. Hence me going to Jeff's was hardly a weird option. Still, pancakes, sausage and syrup for my breakfast wasn't a bad start.

My presents were decent. Even some flying lessons from my grandmother. I rocked up and did my classes, rocked home, slid a medium sized butt plug into my ass and went off to see a beloved family friend. Totally normal.

I'd expected a message about door being open from Jeff but nothing came. At 6pm I arrived, rang the bell and waited.

He answered wearing black slacks, boots of some description on under and a black shirt. Not, what I was expecting, or hoped for. "Damn it's the birthday boy!! Get in here Sam!" I walked in and he grabbed me and sunk his tongue into my mouth, kissing me with a blend of aggression and passion. Fuck, he tasted good!

After a few minutes he pulled away. "Fuck Sir, that's some birthday welcome" I said with a little grin.

"Well you're my boy and you deserve it. How's your plug feeling? Good?"

I nodded! "Yes Sir, very good, very umm"

He looked serious "very ummm what boy? Very like you feel like a slut?"

I licked my lips, dropped my head. "Yeah that's it, like a slut that's ridden his plug on the bus".

His serious face didn't break "oh I see, you mean then like a stupid slut?"

I nodded, going red.

Now this was the first time Jeff called me `stupid' questioned my intelligence. But it was far from the last. It was a weapon he was ready to deploy, knowing what it did to me.

As normal in this moment I was in a T-shirt, jeans etc. Wrist strap, leather jock on under. "Let's see you properly dressed for this house boy". I stripped down. As ever, battled with my boots, trying to get them on in one go was a nightmare. The gloves, cap on, with the peak backwards. Jeff looked over me. "Mmm let's do presents"

We walked into the living room. On the coffee table were a number of perfectly wrapped gifts. Some small, some larger.

The first one was handed to me. It felt like clothing. Considering the neatness of the wrapping I was careful. Out of the paper came something in leather, a vest!! Shit!! "Fuck Jeff, thank you, wow!" I held it up

"Try it on!! I think I got your measurements correct" I pulled it over my head. It was tight, not too tight, but just tight enough. "No looking in the mirror Sam. Just weight" A second, smaller package, this time containing a chest harness and a second wrist strap. "Those on too Sam"

Jeff walked over, assisting with the wrist strap, helping put the harness over my head. "It's too much Sir, wow there's more?" I said still realising.

The next package was larger, still obviously clothing. As I held them up to look at them I gasped. "Assless chaps?! You got me these? Oh my god I love you" I blurted

There was a chuckle. "That's damn right. I certainly am your new god boy, loosen your boots at bit"

Now getting chaps on first time, any time is an operation. But in this moment there were zips on the inside of my leg to deal with, tucking the lower portion inside my boots, re-tying them. Doing the seven popper waist buckle and then Jeff adapting the laces at the back. It took a few minutes but every second felt more incredible.

Finely the last present was thrown to me. I carefully unwrapped it. I was a leather jacket. It was not a classic biker one but something all together more modern. The leather was buffed to be very shiny, there was a single zip and on the outside of the arm two yellow stripes. I slid it on and Jeff stood back. "Perfection, do you want to see?"

I nodded enthusiastically. A bit like a dumb dog, slightly drooling. I walked towards the mirror and saw my image "damn, that's umm. Fuck. Wow." My hands slipped down the outer part of my chaps. "I can't thank you enough"

I did sound pathetic in the moment. A bit lost. Overwhelmed. To be honest I was dealing with how incredible I looked.

"Your thanks can be easily sorted boy" Jeff said as he rubbed up the crack of my ass and teased the plug. I bit my lip, groaned. "But you see boy, I need to hear you say it first, I need to hear you admit what you want".

He was expertly working my brain over. He wasn't going to take me, no, I had to admit, I had to beg. Fuck. "I need you to fuck me Sir. I need you to fuck me like the stupid little slut I am and have always been. I need you to take me, own me, fucking drop me to a new lower level. I need you to plow my ass for every cheeky smile, every suggestive comment I've ever made. I need you to fuck my brains out, fuck every ounce of innocence away, fuck me to places I never realised existed"

As I turned we were both panting, both drooling, both ready! ********************* All feedback welcomed:

Next: Chapter 11

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