Becoming Jeffs Leather Slut

By Sam Will

Published on Oct 10, 2020


As always not suitable for under 18's.

This is the start of a journey. A journey of discovery, of intense feelings and unforgettable moments.

I'd been bought up in a fairly conservative way, church on a Sunday, strict moral guidelines and clear expectations on what I should achieve. Like every teenager I'd strayed a bit. I'd discovered alcohol, I'd even discovered the joys of dates with girls and making out with them. However, non of this prepared me for what was to come.

Aged 17 I was slightly "off the rails". I was putting my life back together after some bad exam results and things were beginning to turn around for the better.

It's at this point it's only fair to introduce Jeff, my parents oldest friend, a 57 year old man who I knew was gay. I'd always known, it had never been hidden from me or my siblings. In the process of turning my life around he'd become more important. The term "like an uncle" seems crass but that's sort of how it was. He'd retired early and after classes and at weekends I'd often go to his place to hang out. He'd help me with my work, even set tasks to keep me up to speed and achieving better results.

Three weeks before my 18th our relationship totally changed. I'd had a row with my sister and stormed out of the house and over to Jeff's. He wasn't expecting me to visit and seemed slightly flustered at my unannounced arrival but as always invited me in. I'd slumped on his leather couch and was bitching about my sister as he cracked a couple of beers.

As he handed them over I caught a whiff of his distinctive scent; sweaty but not overpowering; totally masculine; totally all man. He'd smiled, ruffled my shaggy, curly deep red hair. "Have a drink Sam, relax lad".

I'd downed about half my beer, grinned and apologised for my bitching. "What are you smiling at man" I asked Jeff as he stood over me, all 6'5" of still pretty in shape man that he was.

"Oh, you just go kind of bright red when you're angry Sam, it's cute" he said looking me up and down in a way he'd never had before.

At that moment he landed next to me on the couch, taken hold of the inside of my left leg and squeezed it. "You need some relief matey" he said. Not saying anything more other than to put my left hand on his thigh.

"Oh, wow, umm, seriously Jeff, I'm really not sure this is me". I said nervously, not quite sure what to do, the inside of his leg was warm, thick, tight.

"We don't have to do anything that you don't want to" he whispered quietly, closely into my ear, causing me to let out an involuntary groan. He the stood up and looked me over again, rubbing his hand over his thick beard, nodding slightly. "Yeah, I could work with you"

My eyes locked into his "work with me? What exactly do you mean work with me?"

In that moment, that simple, silly moment everything changed. He looked back down. Eyes slightly angry now. "Oh, you know boy, you know exactly what I mean, let's face it, your flirting is insatiable"

It was true, for months I'd casually flirted, hoping that in some way he'd give way but he never had. He'd always kept me focused on my economics or maths or geography. But suddenly, in this moment he changed.

He reached down within his jeans and rubbed his hand around, looking at me and then wiped it across my face, the smell, the taste was intense and the fact that I accepted it only drove him on.

"Are you ready to realise your total, full potential Sam? Everything? Not just academic but everything you can offer" he said with force. I must have nodded as he exclaimed approval. Grinning down at me. "I think it's time I saw you naked boy"

`Boy' Had he really called me that? I was stunned as I stood and pulled my T-shirt off and dropped my jeans and slid my trainers off.

"Nice, you're commando" he said looking at the fact I had no underwear on. My own, uncut, veiny, thick cock was semi hard and my balls hung low. My body hairy, as were my legs and arms. I looked up as he brushed his hand over my chest. "You need calming boy, you need to use the oldest relaxant there is to calm you"

To be honest in that moment I'd kind of lost my mind. I was stunned I'd actually stripped, stunned that the aroma of his junk had made me groan.

"For boys like you, the best relaxant is to suck some cock, it'll chill you right down" he said taking my right hand and letting me feel the bulge he had. "I also need to condition you a bit too" he said with no menace of what that really could mean for me.

He undid his jeans, slipped my hand inside to feel his bulge. But his underwear was slippery, tight, then I realised, it was leather. My head shot up to look at his "that's right, leather jock boy; this is where your journey into being my leather slut begins"

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Next: Chapter 2

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