Becoming His Property

By Kinky DEV

Published on Apr 7, 2023


Hi guys,

I'm sorry it took this long for me to finish another chapter. A lot has happened in the meantime. The most important thing is that I'm back!

If you have comments, suggestions, fantasies or idea's, please mail them to ""

Now on with the story....

Becoming his property

Chapter 9: Blackmailed

When I entered the lobby, I was relieved that the secretary was not at her front desk. I relaxed a bit and went on to the bathroom. Just when I thought I could get there unseen, I heard someone clear his throat. I turned around and saw one of my employers clients sit in the lobby. He had seen it all! He had seen me kneel and kiss my Masters boots in public! I felt my face turn red and rushed into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and was appalled at what I saw. My face was still wet with my Masters piss and yellow stains were visible in my shirt. Why was I doing all this stuff? Was I insane? While these thoughts crossed my mind, my cock was still rock hard and I was still very excited about the public humiliation I got today.

I quickly washed my face and tried to wipe off the stains in my shirt as much as possible. When I was about to leave the bathroom, the door opened and the client from the lobby, who I knew was named Carl, came in. He was dressed in an impeccable business suit, was nicely masculine and looked at me in contempt. My face turned red again and I tried to leave but just as I wanted to pass him, he grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. He looked me right in the face and simply said "If you don't want your boss to find out what I saw today, be at this address at 8 pm tonight" and handed me a piece of paper. As he did, I saw a small smile on his face. He turned around and walked out without saying another word. I quickly left the bathroom and went to my office.

I finished the afternoon work as quickly as possible and rushed home. Early in the afternoon I had decided to send my Master a message and explain what happened. When I got home, I still did not have an answer so I had to figure out what to do now on my own. I decided to go and try to talk some sense into Carl. I tried to calm down, had some dinner, cleaned myself up and drove to the specified address. Traffic was very busy and it was already 8:10 pm when I rang the doorbell.

When the door opened, my jaw almost dropped to the floor. In front of me was the same guy I saw earlier today but he was now dressed very differently. On his broad shoulders, a leather harness made his muscular chest stand out which was covered with a small amount of fuzzy hair. On his six pack, a small treasure trail led down to his crotch which was covered by a very tight, black leather codpiece jeans and fitted with a big uniform belt. He was wearing knee-high Wesco boots, tight leather cop gloves and leather bands on his upper arms that showed off his biceps very well. Sticking out of his right boot, the handle of a vicious looking riding whip was visible. His eyes looked at me from the shade provided by a muir cap that he was wearing to finish his outfit. He had a stern look on his face which was accentuated by his square jawline and his short, neatly trimmed beard.

While I was looking at him, he just said "you're late, get your ass inside". I followed him in and started speaking to him. "I wanted to talk to you about what you saw this afterno.." but before I could complete the sentence he barked at me "shut up and follow me, fuck-face." I had not expected to be insulted and cut off so I abruptly, so I followed him. We went into what I assumed to be the living room where he sat down in a very big and heavy looking wooden chair with black leather cushions. Actually, the chair looked more like a throne since it was placed on a big, raised wooden platform and had comfortable, leather cushioned arm rests. His boots were resting on big, slightly raised supports, similar to a bootblacks chair. I felt like an idiot in front of this quite sexy leather guy sitting on his throne-like chair.

"Here is what is going to happen" he said. "Tonight you will do what I tell you to do. If you disobey, I will tell your boss what I saw this afternoon and I will make sure you will lose your job because of that." He looked at me coldly while waiting for my answer. His expression told me he knew that the blackmail setup he came up with was very effective. Still, I did not want to give up that easily so I tried to reason with him. "Carl, I can't do that because I." Before I even finished the sentence he grabbed his mobile phone and showed me the screen. On it was a picture of me kneeling on the pavement besides my Master on his bike, while on a leash and kissing his boots. When I looked up from the screen I saw a wicked smile on his face. He knew he had me. I looked up at him in defeat and just said "Okay".

"Smart choice", he said with a smirk on his face, followed by the order "strip." I slowly started removing my clothes in front of him. Apparently I was to slow because he barked at me "hurry up, fuck-face!" and placed his gloved hand on the handle of the riding whip in his boot. I was quickly naked except for my chastity belt and slave collar. When he saw the chastity belt and my tattoo's he started laughing at me and said "fuck, you are totally owned, aren't you?" While still amused by my status as owned slave, he continued "I saw you kiss boots this afternoon, now get down on your knees and kiss mine!" I did not like where this was going but Carl had all the information needed to ruin my career so I decided that for now it was best to do what he wanted.

I knelt in front of him and kissed both his boots. "Good" he said "now keep kissing them." I started to kiss the boots all over which seemed to please him. He looked down on me like a king on his throne and had a big grin on his face. It was obvious that he really enjoyed the power he had over me. He got himself a cigar from a table next to the chair and started to smoke as I continued to kiss his boots. He blew a big cloud of smoke in my direction and said "now lick my boots." I was getting turned on by the dominant arrogance of this quite sexy looking leather guy and started to lick his boots with enthusiasm. He noticed my change in behaviour and said "that's it fuck-face, worship those boots" while he obviously got off on the power he had over me.

After licking his boots for a long time, he flipped open a part of the leather cushion on the arm rest to reveal a number of buttons. He pressed one and a small panel on the side of the platform that the chair was sitting on opened up automatically. Behind it was a big bottle of boot polish and several rags. I did not need any further instructions and started applying layer after layer of polish to his boots. All this time Carl sat there quietly smoking and looking down on me. I hoped that by making his boots shine as much as possible, he would be pleased and not tell my boss about my double life. After a long time of polishing, his boots were so shiny that I could see my own reflection in them. I looked up at him expectantly. He inspected every inch of his boots for imperfections but could not find any, which seemed to please him.

Carl ordered me to kneel in front of the platform and pressed another button on the arm rest. Part of the top of the platform opened up and I could look into a coffin shaped wooden box. Inside, black leather cushions covered the sides and bottom and I saw several thick leather straps in the shape of a body. The box extended under the chair with the head of the body shaped strap collection ending directly beneath the chair. He looked at me and ordered "get in there, fuck-face". I was scared at what was to come but also curious to the other hidden options his throne-chair may have.

I laid down in the box and placed my arms, legs and head inside the appropriate leather straps. The leather cushioning made it feel comfortable but he pressed a button and the straps automatically tightened until I could not move a muscle, even my head was totally fixed in place! Carl pressed a button again and the top of the platform closed. I was now sealed in complete darkness inside a box beneath a chair in Carl's house. After half an hour or so of complete silence and darkness, I started wondering what had I gotten myself into? I started to panic!

Just when I wanted to shout out to him, I heard the whirring sound of an electric motor and a door opened in front of my face. A bit of light got in past his leather covered ass. Another motor sprang into action and I felt my upper body being lifted so that my face got closer to his ass. I could see his ass getting closer and the lifting only stopped when my nose and lips were firmly pressed in the crack of his leather ass. I noticed a concealed zipper that ran down his ass crack. Since I could not move my head I was forced to inhale the smell of his leathers which made me horny and for the second time this evening, my cock started to get hard inside the chastity belt.

Carl raised his ass a bit, opened the zipper and sat down again. I could smell a mix of leather, sweat and his musky hole. My mouth was now directly pressed against his asshole and I was completely unable to do anything about it. "Kiss it, fuck-face" he barked. I had never done anything like this before and I did not like the idea at all so I did no obey. I heard him laugh and then he said "we're already past the point where you even have a choice." I heard him press a button and my face was pressed even deeper into his ass by the electric motors. I couldn't breathe anymore! He laughed again and then he said "you will kiss my ass, whether you like it or not." After a short time I needed fresh air badly so I quickly kissed his ass. He pressed a button and my head was slightly lowered again so that I could breathe. "Let's do that again" he said with excitement in his voice. Carl repeated the sequence several times, extending the time he let me suffocate in his ass-crack every time.

"Now worship my hole with your tongue like you worshipped my boots!" he ordered. I knew that he could force me if he needed to so I started to do as he wanted. I felt humiliated but utterly controlled and dominated at the same time. Thinking about my situation caused me to get horny and hard again. I started to enjoy being controlled by this leather guy and l proceeded to lick his ass enthusiastically. "Aah, that's it fuck-face" he moaned "keep licking that ass." He sat relaxing on his throne-like chair with me tied up inside, forced to lick his ass. I heard him light up another cigar and pour himself a drink. He switched on the TV and started watching a porn movie. Judging from the sound of it, it was a heavy BDSM movie as I heard a lot of whipping and screaming.

While my tongue was still deeply in his ass, I heard him unsnap the cod piece from his pants. I could not see it but I knew he was stroking his cock and when the screaming in the porn movie increased, so did the speed at which he jerked off. Carl was clearly a sadist. "Yeah, fuck-face, push your tongue in my hole" he barked. His constant name calling only reinforced my new role in life as a fully owned slave, trained to obey and give pleasure to other men. The whipping in the porn movie quickened once more and so did the twitching of his asshole. I could tell he was getting close to orgasm. He pressed a button again and my face was pushed deeper into his ass. Unable to breathe, I kept licking his ass to pleasure him. "Yeah fuck-face, suffocate on that ass" he shouted. I felt his ass twitch on my tongue at the moment he shot his load.

He was breathing heavily, something I desperately wanted to do but could not. He pressed a button and my upper body was lowered down. The straps that kept me down loosened and the lid of the box I was in opened up. "Get out, fuck-face" he ordered. He was still sitting on his chair with a cigar in his mouth and a still hard cock standing up from his leather cod-piece jeans. His pressed a button again and the top of the platform below the chair closed again, completely hiding the box I was in. Carl pointed a gloved finger to the floor between his boots and just said "kneel, fuck-face". I did as he ordered and instinctively put my hands on my back. My face was now only inches away from his cum-dripping and still hard cock. "Clean it" he ordered while arrogantly looking down on me. Again, his dominance turned me on and I enthusiastically did as I was told and licked his cock and balls completely clean. "Now kiss both of my boots, then get out of my house, fuck-face!" he barked. After kissing his boots, I quickly picked up my clothing and rushed out.

I drove home feeling used and humiliated but also horny at the same time. My cock was still hard in its metal prison. When I arrived home l showered to cool down and cleaned myself up. I was preparing myself for bed when I received an e-mail with a video-attachment. It read: "Fuck-face, while you were tied up, I copied the content of your phone. I know everything about you now. Also, I made a nice video for you. We will meet again."

I then watched the short movie which was obviously taken with a hidden camera in Carl's living room. I was seen kneeling in front of him while I clearly enjoyed licking his cum from his cock with my hands on my back. From the viewpoint of the camera, I was very recognizable but Carl's face was shielded from view by the shade of his muir cap. He now had even more effective blackmail material on me! My cock instantly became hard again.

Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy and as such contains activities you should not attempt to do in real life. In the real world, diseases like AIDS do exist so always use protection and play safe and sane. Many of the activities described in this story can be hazardous to your health and I'm in no way whatsoever responsible for any damage/hurt a reader might feel when he re-enacts any of the activities. Furthermore, if you are offended by man-to-man sexual activities you should ask yourself the question why you downloaded this story in the first place :-)

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