Becoming His Property

By Kinky DEV

Published on Sep 10, 2010


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Becoming his property

Chapter 4: Locked

I awoke with a feeling of complete happiness when I found my Master was already awake and smiling to me. "Did you sleep well, slave?" he asked. I answered him that I did. I saw a twinkle in his eyes when he said "I have big plans for you today, slave". Knowing my Master, I started to be worried but somehow my dick was already hard in anticipation of what my Master had planned for me.

My Master ordered me to get him coffee and prepare breakfast while he lazily watched some TV from bed. When I returned with the breakfast he ordered me on my knees beside the bed and told me to hold the plate while he ate. He took his time so my knees started to hurt after some time. I shifted my weight around a bit to relieve my knees but one stern look from my Master and I knew I should sit quietly without movement. When he finally finished his breakfast he padded me on my head and told me to do the dishes and eat something in the kitchen while he took a shower.

When I was finished with the dishes and some quick breakfast, my Master was already dressed in a full leather uniform complete with cuffs on his belt. He grabbed me by my slave-collar, cuffed my hands behind my back and pulled me to the bathroom. He put an enema hose in my ass and filled my ass with water until I begged him to stop. He ignored my pleas for mercy and filled my ass until I could not take any more. "Slave, squat on the toilet and empty yourself!" he barked at me. I happily obeyed him. He repeated the procedure but this time he made me hold the water for 5 minutes. The cramps were terrible but somehow I managed to do as I was told. After two more fillings, the water was completely clean and my Master was satisfied. He then pushed an anatomically shaped butt plug in my ass and told me it would stay in my ass for quite some time. By now, I liked the feeling of my ass being invaded so my dick was hard instantly. With each movement, the plug massaged my prostate to make me even harder and hornier. He released my hands and then handed me a very tight pair of old and torn jeans, a white t-shirt and some old army boots to get dressed in. The jeans were so tight that it caused the plug to be pushed even deeper into my ass. I put on the t-shirt and the boots and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked quite sleazy, a bit like a hustler.

I did not have long to admire myself since my Master cuffed my hands behind my back again and then put two ear plugs in my ears. He looked at me with a very ominous look and then showed me a leather hood which he proceeded to put on my head. I felt the smooth leather getting tighter around my head every time he pulled the lacing together until it could not be tightened any more. Then he closed the built-in collar very tightly and locked it in place with a padlock. He then forced a rubber gag in my mouth and fastened it to the hood with a leather belt. A leather belt was inserted though loops under my chin and then strapped over the top of my head so I no longer could open my mouth. Lastly, a leather blindfold covered my eyes. My head was now completely enclosed in smooth leather and the only opening to the outside world was via the nose-holes. I could not even hear.

My master then squeezed my nipples very hard with his gloved hands but all I could do was make some grunting sounds. Apparently pleased with this, he squeezed even harder but again, all I could do was make grunting noises. He then grabbed me by the slave chain and started pulling me forward. Walking with my hands cuffed behind my back and wearing a leather hood was very disorienting. He kept pulling the slave chain and I felt we left his house. I was pushed into a car and I felt we started to drive. With each bump in the road, the plug in my ass stimulated my prostate and caused me to get a hard dick so I started to feel incredibly horny.

After what seemed like a very long drive, I felt the car stop. I was roughly pulled out of the car and guided into a house. Once inside, I was uncuffed, stripped and then cuffed again to something above my head. I felt my body being touched everywhere and measurements being taken. I heard some faint laughter and then nothing so I guessed I was left alone. All I could do was stand there and wait. I don't know how long I stood there but it felt like forever.

Suddenly I felt something cold, slippery and soft slide over my dick and balls. It quickly adjusted to my body temperature and when it did it felt very comfortable and my balls and dick were completely encased. I did not get much time to get accustomed to the feeling because something cold and hard was placed over my hips, ass and groin. It felt very tight, much like spandex underwear but rigid and hard. The buttplug was somehow attached to it since it moved in my ass when I moved my hips. After some final adjustments my hands were released and cuffed behind my back. The leather hood was removed and I could finally see what I was fitted with. What I saw scared the hell out of me...

My hips, ass and groin were completely encased in shiny and smooth steel, much like underpants. I had seen pictures of this on the internet and knew this was a chastity belt made by Latowski, one of the most secure belts in existence. I could not see a single spot of flesh in the area of my dick and balls and without the belt being removed touching my dick was out of the question. The thought I could no longer touch my dick whenever I liked made my dick grow hard inside its new metal prison. My Master now controlled the most essential part of my sexuality and with this act he made me his slave even more. When I looked up I saw my Master in his leather outfit looking and grinning at me. He told me that from now on I would no longer be allowed to cum unless I had permission, which would not be very often. From now on, an orgasm was a privilege that I had to earn by serving my Master.

When he finished speaking he pointed at his leather covered crotch and I needed no more motivation to start licking it thoroughly. I felt my Masters dick get hard and I wished for nothing more then my Master to be happy so that I would earn permission to cum. He opened the zipper of his leather pants and got his hard dick out. He looked at me and just said "suck". With my hands still cuffed behind my back I sucked the Master that controlled me until I felt his cum shoot in my mouth in large volleys. I greedily swallowed this precious salty liquid and looked up at my Master. He had a grin on his face that told me that much worse was still to cum. He locked the leather mask and gag on my head again and brought me back to the car. Instead of allowing me to get into the passenger seat he put me in the trunk. We drove for several hours and when we stopped I was roughly pulled out of the trunk. He ordered me to kneel down and then removed the handcuffs as well as the padlock that kept the mask on my head. I heard the car doors slam shut and then he drove off. I panicked and tried to call out for him but the gag only allowed me to make some grunts. With my hands now free I managed to remove the mask and discovered that I was in front of my own house. Next to me was a garbage bag that contained my clothes, my wallet and my keys. I hurried into my house before the neighbours spotted me naked on the pavement.

It was now Sunday evening and in just one short weekend my entire life was turned upside down. I was locked in a chastity belt, plugged, wore a slave collar around my neck and had no way to remove them. I turned my computer on but my Master was not online. I checked my mail and received a message from him:

"slave, you now belong to me. Tomorrow you will go to work as usual. I suggest you do not eat any solid food since you are still plugged. A package will be delivered at your work. Do not open the package at work. After your work you will go straight to your home and follow the instructions in the package."

I really did not like the idea of having to go to work still wearing all this gear hidden under my clothes but I had no choice so I decided to get to bed early and try to get some rest.

Next: Chapter 5

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